Uwritten of the Arabic script – Wikipedia


The Railway of the Arabic script serves to transfer Arabic characters to other writing systems, especially to Latin (English romanization ).

Purpose [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The purposes of the transcription can be, for example, in the philological, library, administrative, general public or commercial area.

While in the philological area, depending on the context, different transcript variants can be desirable (e.g. either in a pausal form or with I’rab ), [first] There is an increased need for uniformity within the framework of library or documentary retrieval systems. [2] In the civil status, reporting, ID or passing, where it is about personal names, existing documents from the home state are decisive, but also the personal use and the personal right of the person concerned. [3] In the general journalistic area (press, encyclopedia), where, in addition to people, the names of countries and organizations also play a major role; Usually a designation established in the target language is preferred compared to the transcription.

variants [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The following transcript variants exist for the Arabic script, which is mostly consonant script (exception: Turk languages ​​in China):

After starting point The inscription can be distinguished

  • The inscription alone because of present spelling . Such a transcription is reversible. Examples: ISO 233 (2.1, Method A/B); Icao Doc 9303-3 (in the machine -readable area of ​​a travel document).
  • the vocalized inscription Due to standardized sound or complementary writing (most common variant). For this purpose, for example, the Dictionary by Hans Wehr can [4] be used. With regard to the vocal endings and the nunation ( I’rab ) there is the possibility of complete implementation or the removal to a certain extent. [5]
Some vocalized transcripts also make modifications due to loud or grammatical conditions. For example, this affects the Arabic article al- [6] or that Its’ Marbut . [7]
  • the Indirect inscription by means of or due to another common font. Examples from DIN 31635: Upper Ottoman-Turkish by modern Turkish or the Turk languages ​​of the former Soviet Union due to the Cyrillic spelling.

After the used Target can be distinguished (as with other writings)

  • the inscription with an independent characting stock (freely chosen or determined by tradition). [8] In combination with the present spelling as the sole starting point, it enables a real transliteration in which each sign of the source font is reproduced by exactly a sign of the magazine.
  • The inscription with adapted characters (on technical conditions [9] Or a specific target language [ten] ).

In practice, this results in this Three main types :

  • real transliteration
  • vocalized inscription with an independent charging supply
  • Vocalized inscription with target language -specific characters.

Languages [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Recycling systems for different languages ​​with Arabic script:

The alphabet of the Arabic language consists of 28 letters that represent consonants (consonant writing); There are also other diacritical characters (Taschkīl).

Consonant sign [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

ISO 233
( 1908 )
( 1935 )
ISO/R 233
From 31635
ISO 233-2
( 2012 )
(2004 ff.)
A (Today) ʾ first first
B (BB) b b b
To t t t
W th th
C (CJ) ǧ ǧ j dsch
H h
Kh Customer ch
of the (د د) d d d
Thing Dh Dh
High (R. R) r r r
Far With With s With
All (All right) s s s
Sh with with sh sch
P (P.S.) im im s
Against d
Then (Turn on) The Best The Best t
Appearance s With
A. (A) ʿ ʿ ʻ ʿ
G ghost ghost a ghost gh gh
Five (F -F) f f f
AH q q k q
K (KK) k k k
to (For l) l l 2 l l 2
M (M m) m m m
N The nose) n n n
H (E ـ h) h h h
And (ـ ـ ـ ـ and) In In first In first
Y. (Y) and j first and first j first and first

no longer

first is omitted as a Hamzrärt; For combination with vowels, see below

Sign [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

/ Depending on the context no longer

first ISO 233:1984 No. 2 note 1a ( Human Him ° Zaẗ with a carrier ): ISO 5426: 1983 characters 2/8 or Unicode 02B9 modifier letter prime ; Alternative: ˈ 02C8 modifier letter vertical line ; inferior Hamza ( ٕ 0655/ a 0625) is apparently not distinguished
2 ISO 233:1984 No. 2 note 1b ( Human Him ° Zaẗ without a carrier ): ISO 5426: 1983 characters 5/10 or Unicode 0329 combining vertical line below ; Alternative: ˌ 02CC modifier letter low vertical line
3 ISO 233: 1984 No. 35 ( The glow of the connection Ham ° Zaẗu ʾ̄ l ° Waṣ ° Li): ISO 5426: 1983 characters 3/1 & 4/5 or Unicode 02BE modifier letter right half ring & 0304 combining macron are difficult to represent together; Alternative: ʾ̵ 02BE & 0335 combining short stroke overlay

Vocal sign and vocalization [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

ISO 233
( 1908 )
( 1935 )
ISO/R 233
From 31635
ISO 233-2
( 2012 )
(2004 ff.)
ـَ a a a /(ᵃ) a a

and au
and au and au
and au a and au
and au Ah (ạ/ǟ) Ā (to and au on a and au
Come ʾA ʾ challenge accepted a and ‘Mani
ـُ in in in / (ᵘ) in in
ُو your you your you your you your
ُوّ hair UWW ūW (UWW) UWW/(ū) ūW (UWW) UWW ūw UWW ūW (UWW)
ـِ i i i / (ⁱ / Ü) i /(ⁱ ⁱ) i i
ِي iy / i i/iy / i
ِيّ IJJ [11] īyi / (iyy) the Ih / (ī) īyi / (iyy) iyy īy/ī IJJ īyi / (iyy)
َو W At W At W At At (AW)
َوّ ̄ wady ? Auw (AWW) aww Auw (AWW) aww wady Auw (AWW)
َي Ay Who Ay Who Ay Who Who (Ay)
َيّ aij ? aiy (ayy) Ayy aiy (ayy) Ayy aij aiy (ayy)
(and / ᵃⁿ / Aⁿ)




an and au


ـٌ ú (one/ᵘⁿ) (ᵘⁿ) /and
ـٍ in (in/ⁱⁿ/iⁿ) (ⁱⁿ/iⁿ) /in
ـْ °

/ Depending on the context () optional no longer

If the length or brevity of a vowel do not agree with plenary or defective description, the DMG and DIN follow the sound, [twelfth] ISO and ALA-LC of writing. [13]

Text examples [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

As text examples are mentioned here

System Original/inscription/translation Note
Arabic Battle Wlamman Sihindi [first] Wasla, special case Allah, translated alif
ISO 233 Bis ° M Aim Chinan Looo Mråsheam Mr ° Canad – What I ‘lrkooi – (Sign 30a at ـَـٰـ probably not clear)
DMG BI-Smi ‘L-Lah’ R-R-RAḥMNI ‘R-R- III.3 (hyphen), III.4 (Apoostroph),
III.2 (Assimilation), III.1 (I’rāb)
Bi-Sm Al-Lah AR-RAḥmān AR-RAḥīm
Notes 5 (hyphen), 9/11 (Wasla),
4 (assimilation), 7/10, 12 (endings)
From 31635 bi-sm Allāh ar-raḥmān ar-raḥīm 3K (hyphen), 2 (article/Allah),
3i (nominalendung)
Ala-LC Bismillāh Al-RAḥmān al-RAḥīm Rules 20 (hyphen), 17 (article),
23 (Allāh), 14 (nominal movement)
German In the name of the Merciful (and)
merciful God
The couple: attributiv [14]
System Original/inscription/translation Note
Arabic Human in this life and in the hereafter Alif Maqsura, its’ Marbuta, Madda
ISO 233 LHM ʾlbš Fy ʾlḥyʾẗ ʾLDNYʾ WFY ʾlʾâẖrẗ 2.1 b: only those characters appearing in
the text are transliterated
DMG La-Humu ‘The Bušrạ̄ fī’ the ḥayāti ‘the dunyā wa-fī’ the ḫiratⁱ II.1 (Alif Maqsura), III.5 (its’ Marbuta),
I.1 (Hamza)
ISO/R 233 La-Humᵘ ăl-Bušrà Fī ăl-ḥayāᵗⁱ ăd-Dunyā Wa-Fī ăl -āẖiraᵗⁱ
La-Hum al-Bušrà fī ăl-ḥayāᵗ ad-dunyā wa-fī ăl-āẖiraʰ
No. 30 (Alif Maqsur), Notes 8/13 (so ‘
Marbūta), no. 2A (Madda)
From 31635 La-hum al-bušrā fi ‘l-ḥayāt ad-dunyā wa-fi’ l-āḫira 3G (Alif Maqsur), 3L (its’ Marbut),
3f (Madda)
Ala-LC la-hum al-bushrá fī al-ḥayāt al-Dunyā wa-fī al-ākhirah Rules 6 (Alif Maqsura), 7 (its’ Marbut),
10 (source)
German literally: For them (is) the good news in life
the world and in the hereafter.
Bobzin: A good news is intended for you
In life here on earth and in the hereafter.

The alphabet of the Persian language consists of 32 letters (consonant writing).

Consonant sign [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

( 1908 )
( 1935 )
From 31635
ISO 233-3
( 1999 )
( 2012 )
(2004 ff.)
A (Today)
B (BB) b b
Put down p p
To t t
W s
C (CJ) ǧ j dsch
what C ch Tsch
H h
Kh Customer ch
of the (د د) d d
d d
Thing ẕ / ḏ s With
High (R. R) r r
Far With s With
in Ž zh sch Ž
All (All right) s s
Sh with sh sch
P (P.S.) im s (is) im s
Against z/ḍ z d With
Then (Turn on) The Best t (ṭ) The Best t
Appearance s With
A. (A) ʿ ʻ ʿ
G ghost gh gh
Five (F -F) f f
AH q gh gh
Which (KK) k k
Bags g g
to (For l) l l
M (M m) m m
N The nose) n n
And (ـ ـ ـ ـ and) In v/ᵛ/ᵥ In in In/
H (E ـ h) h/ h h/
O (1 Ta) j and j and

/ Depending on the context () optional no longer

Sign [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

/ Depending on the context () optional no longer

Vocal sign and vocalization [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

( 1908 )
( 1935 )
From 31635
ISO 233-3
( 1999 )
( 2012 )
(2004 ff.)
ـَ a a / ä
a a a /and the
and au â and au a and au
and au AL (ạ) and au â on a and au
Come ʾ â challenge accepted a and ‘Mani
ـُ in in / O
in O in O in / O
ُو arrows / your arrows / uv/ov
Compare / uv
arrows / your ov ? arrows / uv in/ ow in/ Your/OW
arrows / your
ُوّ UWW UVV UWW [8.2 5] Ov̲v̲ ? ūv UWW UWW
ـِ i i / It is
i It is i It is i
ِي are lucky iy are lucky iy/ey
fat / iy
are lucky iy ey ? are lucky iy i/ not i/ iy
are lucky iy
ِيّ IJJ iyy īy/ī [8.2 6] eyy ? ity IJJ iyy
َو At or
At of W [2C] At or
َوّ aww ? wady aww aww [8.2 5] AV̲V̲ lawyer [2C] wady aww
َي Who spoon
Who Ay Who ey
َيّ ajj ? aij Ayy aiy [8.2 6] ay̲y̲ Ayy aij Ayy
(and / ᵃⁿ / Aⁿ)


an ʺ /an
ـٌ (one/ᵘⁿ) /and
ـٍ (in/ⁱⁿ/iⁿ) /in

/ Depending on the context () optional no longer

Text example [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

System Original/inscription/translation Note
Persian [15] It was previously reported that on the night of the event of Hilal Shah Janet Makkan, Sultan Haidar Mirza […] […] The acts of Ansar and the Ansar stopped in the interior of the Government , Ezafe, ending H , Composite/zwnj, diphthonge, preposition In , Labialization But
DMG [16] Sābeq an Site -It is goẕares yaft ke darse ke vāqeʿä -ye Hā’elä-ye first this h -E ǧ t-m Akan Rūy to the bold. Solṭān ḥ spoon Dara in Mirz […] be- soḫan-a cenranān […] ʿAmal nämudäniʿvān vä anṣār birun goẕaštä ḫḫ d 2 where ends-e d or day t-ḫ āNä Tavaguff Nämūd. III.3 (Ezafe, composite, preposition), I. Note 9 ( But )
FROM S sal samt -i Guḏar Yaft Ki Dar Shabi ki vāqiʿa -i hayila-i this h -i ǧanna t-m akān rūy namud sulṭān ḥ Who Dara in Mirz […] with a- suḫan-i zanān […] ʿamal namūda aʿwān wa anṣār bīrūn guḏāšta ḫ This D Give walk-i d At latḫana tavaqquf namud 8.2 No. 4 (Ezafe), 15/16 ( H ), 21 (composite), 20 ( In ), 11 ( But )
Ala-LC S sal samt -i guẕẕrish YWEFT to h DAR ShaABī Kih vāqiʻah -I Hāaudhu Tʹm akān rūy namud sulṭān ḥ Ay Dara in Mirz […] with a sukhan-i zanān […] ʻAmal namudah aʻvān va anṣār birun guẕashtah Khvu D Give walk-i d W latkhana tavaqquf namud Rules 8 (Ezafe), 10 (KOOPOSITA), 9A ( In ), 2A ( But )
English [17] As I have previously stated, on the night of Shah Tahmasp’s death Sultan Ḥeydar Mīrzā […] on the advice of […] women […] dismissed his supporters and retainers and sent them outside the palace, while he himself remained within.
first for هدي ; actually well Hyyyeä ä
2 Here with UNICODE 1DFF ( combining right arrowhead and down arrowhead below ); possible also 1abf ( combining latin small letter w below ); actually combining latin small letter v below , see. JTC1/SC2/WG2 N2160 (2000)
  1. See about DMG- Memorandum or ISO/R 233
  2. See about DIN 31635: 2011, for personal names supplemented by RAK-WB Appendix 20.1 (RAK-ISL) , oder ALA-LC romanization
  3. To civil status No. A 4.2 Pstg-speak (2010): Priority of public documents from the home state, helpful ISO, alternatively phonetic inscription; From the case law ECLI: EU: C: 1993: 115 (Constantinidis instead of Konstadinidis or Kónstantinidés; Greek Constantinidis ); according to passport no. Passvwv (2019)
  4. Hans Wehr: Arabic dictionary for the written language of the present  – Internet Archive
  5. Rather philological Aligned systems allow both; please refer DMG thinking (III.1.) oder ISO/R 233 (notes 7–9 on transliteration with i’rab , notes 10–15 on transliteration without i’rab ). That more librarian Oriented system from DIN 31635 places in Arabic nouns and adjectives with the exception of the accusation -an The pausal form (without I’rab ) on the basis (section 6.1.3 i), but requires the setting of the end vowels (section 6.1.3 j) for verbs, personnel pronouns and suffixes as well as prepositions (with the exception of the connection of two prepositions); see also ALA-LC romanization Arabic , rules 13–16.
  6. Elision of a after vowel (Din 31635, 6.1.2 D; DMG thinking , III.4.) And possibly reducing that vowels (DIN 31635, 6.1.2 e); Assimilation of the l on solar letters (DIN 31635, 6.1.2 b; DMG thinking , III.2.; ISO 233/R, note 4)
  7. From 31635, 6.1.3 L; DMG thinking , III.5.; ISO 233/R, notes 8, 13; ALA-LC romanization Arabic , rule 7
  8. vgl. ISO 233: „stringent conversion“
  9. vgl. ISO 233: „simplified conversion“
  10. See ISO 233: “Popular Conversion”. Example of the German: Duden transcription of January 25, 1964, printed, etc. in Duden: sentence and correction instructions , 4th edition 1980, S. 186 ; Example of Russian: Instructions for transferring the geographical names of the Arab countries on the maps , 1966.
  11. PI 1908, Bsp. 7 (S. 112)
  12. DMG thinking , II.3.; From 31635, 6.1.1
  13. ISO/R 233, Table 2, Sign 30–32; ISO 233-2, Table 2, Sign 30–32 and preliminary remark 4.1.6; ALA-LC romanization Arabic , Table and examples at Rule 15
  14. Rudi is prepared; The Koran: Comment and Concordance , S. 11
  15. Alexander Big Turkman (Secretary) : The history of the Abbasids , Bd. 1 (1971), S. 208
  16. DMG thinking , Textprobe II.2.
  17. Sake em. Jehovah serves serve (Dübs.): to raffrem, History of Shah ʻAbbas the Great , Bd. 1 (1978), S. 283
