Weißkirchen in Styria – Wikipedia


market community

Weißkirchen in Styria

coat of arms Austrian map
Weißkirchen in Steiermark (Österreich)
Will be base data
Stands: Austria
Federal State: Styria
Political district: Murtal
License Plate: MT (AB 1.7.2012; Alt: Ju)
Surface: 149,62 km²
Coordinates: 47 ° 9 ′ N , 14 ° 44 ′ O
Height: 689 m ü. A.
Resident: 4.847 (1st excitement 2022)
Population density: 32 inhabitants per km²
Postal code: 8741
Phone prefix: 03577
Community index: 6 20 48
Address of the
Community square 1
8741 Weißkirchen in Styria
Website: Weisskirchen-Steermmark.GV.at
Mayor: Ewald Peer (ÖVP)
City council: (Election year: 2020)
(21 members)
Location of Weißkirchen in Styria in the Murtal district
Fohnsdorf Gaal Lobmingtal Hohentauern Judenburg Knittelfeld Kobenz Maria Buch-Feistritz Obdach Pöls-Oberkurzheim Pölstal Pusterwald Sankt Georgen ob Judenburg Sankt Marein-Feistritz Sankt Margarethen bei Knittelfeld Sankt Peter ob Judenburg Seckau Spielberg Unzmarkt-Frauenburg Weißkirchen in Steiermark Zeltweg Steiermark

Lage der Gemeinde Weißkirchen in Steiermark im Bezirk Murtal (anklickbare Karte)

Über dieses Bild

Template: InfoBox municipality in Austria/maintenance/location plan ImageMap

Those: Municipal dates With statistics Austria

Weißkirchen in Styria is a market town with 4847 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2022) in the Murtal district in Styria.

Weißkirchen in Styria is about 6½ km east of the municipality of Judenburg. The highest surveys in the municipal area are the Ameringkogel ( 2187 m ü. A. ) and the Rappoldkogel ( 1928 m ).

Parish [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

On January 1, 2015, the municipalities of Eppenstein, Maria Buch-Feisstritz and Reisstrasse were incorporated as part of the Styrian community structure reform. [first]

The municipal area is divided into 21 localities (in brackets inhabitants as of January 1, 2022 [2] ):

  • Allersdorf (310)
  • Baierdorf (347)
  • Baumkirchen (34)
  • Eppenstein (284)
  • Fisching (208)
  • Größenberg (37)
  • Großfeistritz (127)
  • Kathal (193)
  • Kothgraben (30)
  • Maria Buch (303)
  • Möbersdorf (353)
  • Möbersdorfsiedlung (237)
  • Mühldorf (119)
  • Murdorf (16)
  • Pichling (226)
  • Reisstrasse (126)
  • Schoberegg (299)
  • Schwarzenbach am Größing (199)
  • Thann (55)
  • Weißkirchen in Styria (1271)
  • Wöllmerdorf (73)

The municipality consists of ten catastral communities (area: as of December 31, 2020 [3] ):

  • Allersdorf (445,28 ha)
  • Feistritz (840.14 ha)
  • FISHING (707.46 HA)
  • Kothgraben (3.807,71 ha)
  • Maria Buch (857.94 ha)
  • Mühldorf (1,382.94 ha)
  • Reisstrasse (2,421.60 ha)
  • Schobegg (2265.35 ha)
  • Schwarzenbach (2.107,48 ha)
  • Weißkirchen (126,81 ha)

The municipality is located in the Judenburg court.

Neighboring communities [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

One of the six neighboring communities is located in the Voitsberg district (VO).

The place Weißkirchen from East

View of Maria Buch and Weißkirchen from Liechtensteinberg

The earliest folding is from 1066 and is “Wizrechiricha”. The name goes in Old High German wiz (white) Back and denotes a parcel with a church made of white stone. [4]

The village is located at the intersection of Gaberl Straße B 77 and Obdacher Straße B 78 in the center of the Murboden on a floral cone of the Granitzenbach. It was created between the estates and mills of the surrounding rulers Eppenstein, Thann and Liechtenstein. The market survey took place in 1453. The political municipality of Weißkirchen was built in 1849/50 [5] In 1951 the name was on Weißkirchen in Styria changed.

The townscape is well preserved. The mostly two -storey houses are usually with the eaves to the street. Through floods and fires, parts of the market were destroyed several times. Therefore, many of the facades come from the 19th century.

Population development [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

There were thirteen agricultural and forestry companies (five of them in the main acquisition), which together managed 604 hectares (as of 1999).

There were 61 companies with 752 employees in the secondary economic sector. Almost 500 of them were busy producing goods, over a hundred in construction and seventy in mining. In 206 companies, the service sector employed 561 people, about a third of them in retail and a quarter in social and public services (as of 2011). [6] [7]

Mining [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The talk -like mineral Leukophyllit, which was obtained in the mining in Kleinfeistritz in the Catastral community of Reisstraße, is processed by Imerys in Weißkirchen. [8]

Traffic [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • Train: Weißkirchen is located on the Lavanttalbahn. Passenger transport between Zeltweg and Bad St. Leonhard was discontinued in 2010. [9]
  • Straße: For the Obdacher Straße B 78 between Zeltweg and Homdach, which was previously leading through the town, bypass roads were built, which were completed in 2004 with the Zeltweg bypass.


Municipal council [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The local council has 21 members.

mayor [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 1945–1946 Franz Uitz
  • 1946-1980 Josef Trattnig
  • 1980–1992 Gerhard Pilz
  • Ewald Peer (ÖVP) since 1992 [twelfth]

coat of arms [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Because of the community together, the municipal coat of arms lost its official validity on January 1, 2015. Three of the four fusion communities had their own coat of arms by the end of 2014. The new ceremony of the municipal coat of arms by the Styrian state government has not yet been made (as of Dec. 2021!).

Honorary citizens of the community [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 1909: Abbot Severin Kalcher (St. Lambrecht Abbey)
  • 1909: Eligius Semelrock (Mayor of Weißkirchen 1889–1897, 1904–1910)
  • 1937: Anton Frewein (municipal council)
  • 1938: Bartholomäus Mayer (Mayor of Allersdorf 1898-1938)
  • 1950: Johann Apfelknab (community secretary)
  • 1950: Franz Pristeutz (community functionary)
  • 1950: Anton Telsnigg (community functionary)
  • 1950: Wilhelm Dobnig (folk school director in Weißkirchen 1924–1938, 1945–1950)
  • 1953: Josef Anderle (community functionary)
  • 1953: Franz Uitz (Mayor of Weißkirchen 1945–1946)
  • 1954: Konrad Eigler (doctor)
  • 1954: Fritz Matzner (State Councilor)
  • 1956: Ernst Klepsch-Kirchner
  • 1960: Eduard Maauschek (fire brigade captain)
  • 1960: Engelbert Nothdorfer
  • 1968: Johann Bammer (Landesrat)
  • 1980: Josef Trattnig (Mayor of Weißkirchen 1946-1980)
  • 1983: Josef Kufner (industrialist)
  • 1983: Georg Kufner (industrialist)
  • 1984: Josef Krainer (Governor)
  • 1993: Gerhard Pilz (Mayor of Weißkirchen 1980–1992)
  • 1999: Dominik Kufner (industrialist)
  • 2003: Waltraud Klasnic (Governor)
  • 2003: Franz Tropper (pastor of Weißkirchen 1965-2003)
  • 2015: Rupert Enzinger (Mayor of Maria Buch-Feisstritz 1995–2014)

Sons and daughters of the community [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

People related to the community [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • Willi Denifl (* 1980), Nordic combiner, lives in Weißkirchen
  • Renate Götschl (* 1975), ski racer and multiple world champion, comes from Schwarzenbach
  • Puschnig: History of the Weißkirchen market in Styria . Weißkirchen 1981 (2nd edition)
  1. Provisions of the Styrian state government of September 12, 2013 on the association of the market town of Weißkirchen in Styria and the municipalities of Eppenstein, Maria Buch-Feisstritz and Reisstraße, all political district Murtal. Styrian State Law Gazette of October 14, 2013, No. 95, 28th piece, p. 553.
  2. Austrian statistics: Population on January 1, 2022 after towns (area status 1.1.2022) (ODS)
  3. Regionalinformation , bev.gv.at (1,273 KB); accessed on January 10, 2021.
  4. Fritz Frhr. Lochner von Hüttenbach: To the name good of the early Middle Ages in Styria (= Journal of the Historical Association for Styria . Band 99 ). Böhlau Verlag, Vienna 2008, S. 56 ( Historischerverein-STMK.AT [PDF; 16.9 MB ]).
  5. General State Law and Government Gazette for Kronland Styria, 21st piece, October 7, 1850, No. 378.
  6. Statistics Austria, a look at the municipality of Weißkirchen, workplaces. Retrieved on December 6, 2019 .
  7. Statistics Austria, a look at the municipality of Weißkirchen. Retrieved on December 6, 2019 .
  8. The company – Imerys Talc Austria. Retrieved on December 6, 2019 .
  9. Dr. Michael Alexander peoples Lavanttalbahn Zeltweg shelter Wolfsberg St. Paul Lavamünd Unterdrauburg Dravograd Wöllern Velence Cilli Celje Railway. 10. June 2018, Retrieved on December 6, 2019 .
  10. Election result in 2015 in Weißkirchen in Styria. State of Styria, March 22, 2015, accessed on July 2, 2020 .
  11. Election result municipal council election 2020 in Weißkirchen in Styria. State of Styria, June 28, 2020, accessed on July 2, 2020 .
  12. “We recognized the signs of the times”. Meinbezirk.at, Retrieved on November 24, 2021 .
