Westernach (nobility) – Wikipedia


Westernach is the name of an old Swabian noble family. The family belongs to the Upper Swabian Upper Badge.

Origin [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The gender is mentioned for the first time Hainricus of Westernach in a certificate dated on May 6, 1257. [first] This Heinrich von Westernach Was ministerial in the service of the Augsburg bishop. Westernach, the family’s original headquarters, is now a district of the city of Mindelheim in the Schwäbische district of Unterallgäu in Bavaria. The place is first mentioned in connection with Heinrich von Westernach in 1258. [2] The castle is no longer standing today.

The uninterrupted series of trunk begins with the knight Rüdiger von Westernach , which is called in documents from 1341 to 1399. The gentlemen of Westernach were ministerials of the Counts of Dillingen and have found their ability to donate at all times. [3] [4]

Spread and personalities [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Rüdiger von Westernach (also Rugero ), the gender’s progenitor, married Anna von Hirrlingen in 1370. Her grandson Johann von Westernach took part in the Constance Council in 1414. He was married to Anasthasia from Gravenegg. One of her descendants was Johann Eustach von Westernach (* 1545, † 1627). [4]

Erhard von Westernach (* 1541) received the inheritance marshal of the Augsburg High Stift for the first time in 1574. He married Catharina von Wiesenthau. In 1599 he had the so -called Westernach chaplain house in Schelklingen rebuilt. Also with the heir marshals in the Hochstift Augsburg, Wolf Christoph von Westernach, Prince -Bishops of Augsburg nurse in Zusmarshausen, was also lodged on January 10, 1616.

Bächingen Castle reached the family in the 16th century. From 1531, Bernhard von Westernach and his wife Margaretha von Westernach, born of Knöringen († 1553), had a new water lock built there instead of a previous building. Under whose son Eitelhans, Bächingen, previously Hofmark, loosened by the Duchy of Pfalz-Neuburg and established himself on the imperial knighthood. In 1594 marriage passed the man from the Stain.

Johann Eustachius von Westernach, administrator of Mergentheim, committee of the German order in Kapfenburg and later German champion, received the lend over the same as his nephew Christoph, from Archduke Leopold [3] . Erhard’s great -grandson Johann Leopold Freiherr von Westernach (* 1667) became Kurpfälzischer treasurer and director of the imperial knighthood on the Danube. His son Marquard Eustach Freiherr von Westernach (* 1693) was a tourist treasurer, Privy Councilor, Vogt zu Ellwangen and caretaker in Tannenburg. He married Maria Anna Freiin von Sickingen. His brother Johann Eustach Freiherr von Westernach († 1786) was married twice. In the first marriage with Anna Unlochert from thesehausen and in second marriage to Theresia Freiin von Stotzingen. He left two sons Ignaz Johann and Anton Johann next to three daughters, from whom Theresia Stiftsdame became Lindau. Anton Johann Freiherr von Westernach (* 1779, † 1851), Royal Bavarian major, married Friederike Freiin Spaeth from Zwiefalten in 1847. His brother Ignaz Johann Freiherr von Westernach (* 1777, † 1849) was Royal Bavarian Lieutenant Colonel, District Inspector of the Landwehr and former prince -bishop’s Augsburg Erbmarschall as well as Lord zu Kronburg and Illerbeuren. Theresia Maria (* 1819) came from his marriage to Josephe Maria Gräfin Leutrum von Ertingen (* 1791). In 1844 she married the royal Bavarian treasurer and lieutenant colonel and the knight of honor of the Order of Malta Maximilian von Vequel on Hohenkammer. [4] On June 27, 1852 in Hohenschwangau, he received a royal Bavarian name and coat of arms association with the barons of Westernach, which has now been expired in the man’s tribe Freiherr von Vequel-Westernach ; This family still exists and has the Kronburg Castle. [5]


Already during the 16th and early 17th centuries, the Lords of Westernach were a member of the Reich Knighthood in the Knights’ Canton of Altmühl of the Franconian Kreis. In the 18th century, the Freiherren von Westernach were also enrolled in the Knighting Canton of Hegau of the Swabian Knight Circle. With the Kronburg, acquired in 1619, they belonged to the knight canton of Donau and because of the possession or partial ownership of Bächingen from 1560 to 1576. Members of the family were also enrolled at times in the knight’s canton of Neckar. [6]

Civil surveys [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The brothers Johann Eustach Egolph, Auxiliary Bishop (as Titular Bishop of Dioclea) and later Cathedral Propst of Augsburg, Ferdinand Joseph Johann, canon zu Augsburg and Ellwangen, Maximilian Rudolph, commodity of the German order in Regensburg, and Johann Carl von Westernach on Kronburg and Ottingen, Erbmarschall of the high -thigh Augsburg and Kurfürstlich Pfälzer Kämmerer, on January 26, 1693 in Vienna received the Reichsfreiherstenstand well -born with the salutation. [3]

On September 12, 1814, Ignaz Freiherr von Westernach on Kronburg, Royal Bavarian treasurer and former hereditary marshal of the Augsburg Hochstift, together with his siblings, was registered in the Kingdom of Bavaria at the baron’s class. [3]

Coat of arms [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The coat of arms shows a jumping, crowned, natural wolf in silver. The wolf sitting on the helmet with black and silver helmet ceilings. [3]

Freelherring coat of arms [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The baronial coat of arms, awarded in 1693, is quartered and occupied with a middle shield. This shows a crowned wolf in black. 1 and 4 in red a silver ring, 2 and 3 in black six (3, 2, 1) silver lilies with silver shield head. It is a coat of arms of the Bettendorf (1 and 4) and Brömserschen (2 and 3) coat of arms. [4]

Community coat of arms with the westernach wolf [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Elements and colors from the Westernach family still appear in some Bavarian coat of arms and community coat of arms.

  1. Regatta Empire . V 2, nr. 4062
  2. www.mindelheim.de ( Memento of the Originals from July 7, 2009 in Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/www.mindelheim.de
  3. a b c d It is Genealogical manual of the nobility, Adels lexicon Volume XVI, Volume 137 of the overall series, page 131–132
  4. a b c d New general German Adels-Lexicon Volume 9, page 552–553
  5. Genealogical manual of the nobility, Adels lexicon Volume XV, Volume 134 of the overall series, page 213; C. A. Starke Verlag, Limburg (Lahn) 2004, ISSN  0435-2408
  6. Gerhard Köbler: Historical lexicon of the German countries. The German territories from the Middle Ages to the present. 7th, completely revised edition. C.H. Beck, Munich 2007, ISBN 978-3-406-54986-1. P. 441.
  • Andrian-Werburg, Klaus Freiherr von (1969), Kronburg: A knighthood territory in Swabia and its owners . Kempten, Allgäu: Verlag for Homeland Care (= family history of those of Westernach).
  • Ernst Heinrich Kneschke: New general German Adels-Lexicon . Volume 9, Friedrich Voigt’s Buchhandlung, Leipzig 1870, page 552–553.
  • Genealogical manual of the nobility, Adels lexicon Volume XVI, Volume 137 of the overall series, page 131–132; C. A. Starke Verlag, Limburg (Lahn) 2005, ISSN  0435-2408
