White Sea


The White is a 3498 m ü. A. [first] High mountain in the white ridge of the Ötztal Alps on the border from Tyrol to South Tyrol. The mountain is located at the western end of the blanker. The summit slope, which is relatively flat here, can be reached as a light high tour via glaciers from the Brandenburg House. The only glacier -free climb leads from the Weißkugelhütte in the Langtauferer valley from the south to the Falginjoch and over the west ridge to the summit. To the north, the Weißsees tip breaks off with a 500 m high firn wall to the Weißsee -erer and forms the valley of the Kaunertal. To the south are two smaller grids that Milanzer further and the Falginferners . Since the construction of the Kaunertal Gletscherstraße, the shortest increase from the end of the Falginjoch and the west ridge leads to the summit via the Weißsee Oberer.

The white -sea sake, absorbed from the white ball

In 1997, several large glacier columns opened in the summit area of ​​the Weißsee tip, in which the summit cross sank. [2] These processes are based on mass movements in the paraglios of the north flank, which also affects the glacier. Overall, the slope movement is estimated to be around 5 million m³ of rock and ice, which slid down at the valley at up to 1.2 meters per day. The process is due to the melting of the stabilizing ice cream and increasing the permafrost boundary to higher regions. In this respect, the slope movements of the WeißseeStepitze are the continuation of processes that have already started in earlier warm periods. Since the slides in the winter half years went well to less than 10 cm per day, the winter skiing company below the north flank of the WeißseeStop could be maintained. The slope movement has largely slowed down by 2000. [3] In addition to melting the summit ice cream, the slides also have an impact on the mountain height of the mountain. The Federal Office for Eich and Surveying gives a height of 3498 m after before 3526 m ü. A. [4] an. [first]

Finally, the glacier melted by 0.6 m annually, from 1893 to 2018 its thickness shrank around 40 m. 2021/22, about 10 m of ice, the lowest layer of which is about 6000 years old. The ice cap should be completely melted by around 2030. [5]

The operators of the Glacier Kigebiet in the Kaunertal, the Kaunertal glacier railways plan, to expand the ski area up to the summit of the Weißsee tip by lifts. [6] On May 12, 2004, the Tyrolean State Government decided on a novella of the Tyrolean Nature Conservation Act, which had previously prevented new conclusions such as those in the Kaunertal, and thus opened the possibility of expansion. The amendment is justified with the needs of economic strengthening of weakness in development and regions at risk of migration. [7]

The Austrian Alpine Association criticizes the planned expansion and considers the argument of the Tyrolean state government that neither the Kaunertal nor the Pitztal, where extensions are also planned in glacier regions, is about development -weak regions. The OEAV also fears that the novella will enable further development that are not yet foreseeable in the high mountains protected so far. A representative survey in Austria commissioned by the Alpine Association showed that the majority of the population is also against further development of the glaciers. [8]

  1. a b Austrian Map online 1: 50,000 (ÖK 50) des Bev
  2. Gunther Heißel: Tyrol, the land of moving mountains – mass movements in Tyrol , Lecture of October 15, 1999 at the Geoforum Umhausen
  3. Gunther Heißel, Christian Weber: The mass movements at the white lake tip in 1996-1999 in the Kaunertal/Tyrol glacier area
  4. Walter Klier: Alpine club leader Ötztaler Alpen . Mountain publisher Rudolf Rother. Munich 1993. ISBN 3-7633-1116-5
  5. science ORF at/Agenturen red: The alpine glacier was played for an unprecedented manner. January 25, 2022, accessed on January 25, 2022 .
  6. Expanding the canertal glaciers bikes ( Memento from September 28, 2007 in Internet Archive )
  7. Glacier protection ( Memento from February 17, 2007 in Internet Archive )
  8. http://www.br-online.de/umwelt-gesundheit/artikel/0405/15-gletscher/index.xml ( Memento from August 23, 2004 in Internet Archive )
