Claudio Morgado – Wikipedia, free encyclopedia

CLAUDIO MARCELO MORGADO (August 13, 1959) He is an actor, television driver and Argentine politician. [ 2 ]

He was born on August 13, 1959. His childhood passed in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Villa Luro, in a house with his mother, Nélida Mayolas, his father, Rubén Morgado, and his older brother, Esteban (renowned guitarist). His parents were teachers and supported him in his idea of ​​studying music.

In 1978, he entered the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires, [ 2 ] But he left the race a year later to study music at the Argentine Catholic University and Philosophy and Letters at the University of Buenos Aires. Meanwhile he worked with Enrique Pinti in a coffee-consideration and presented himself with artists such as Antonio Gasalla, Carlos Perciavalle and Cipe Lincovsky. [ 2 ]

Television career [ To edit ]

Between 1991 and 1993 he was part of the cast of The endless needle , from Channel 13, along with Julián Weich, María Eugenia Molinari and Esteban Prol, among others. Together with these last two, he joined the Cablín Children’s Channel screen.

As of 1999, co-cound with Fabián Gianola the humorous program Registered television , which was based on programs of Argentine television programs. In 2004 he left the cycle with his partner Gianola. [ 3 ]

From 2002 to 2004, he was a driver of Anime Series programs: Animax and Digimax (2002).
In 2004, Morgado played Morgui in the series Changüí by channel 7.

In 2005 he participated in a comedy chapter Married with children By Telefe.

Political trajectory [ To edit ]

Then Morgado dedicated himself to politics, adding to the ranks of the Front for Victory that Néstor Kirchner was led. In 2007 he assumed a bench in the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation after the resignation of Rafael Bielsa. [ 4 ] One of its main projects was the creation of a tax at any object that allows the storage, recording and/or reproduction of music and image. [ 5 ]
He has also participated in issues related to disability and media law. [ 6 ]

On December 10, 2009, he finished his term as a deputy and was appointed by President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner as president of the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI) [ 7 ] [ 8 ] To the resignation on June 10, 2011, at the request of President Cristina Fernández, accused of corruption by María Rachid (Vice President of Inadi). [ 9 ] [ ten ]

At the moment [ when? ] He works as associate in the theatrical technical subject at the National University of the Arts, Folklore Area.

References [ To edit ]

  2. a b c, TVR Trip to the Chamber of Deputies
  3. GaceMail – TEA Interview with Diego Gvirtz: TVR returns. Gabriel Schultz and Sebastián Wainraich, their drivers, on Channel 13 screen. To leave censorship behind Archived On October 28, 2010 at Wayback Machine.
  4. “The Morgado comedian assumes a bank in deputies” , article in the newspaper Infobae .
  5. “The private copy project” , article on the La Barbarie website, 2008.
  6. “Claudio Morgado denied his resignation to Kirchnerism” , article in the newspaper Profile . of February 24, 2009.
  7. “Claudio Morgado will replace Lubertino at the head of Inadi” , article in the newspaper Clarion .
  8. “Claudio Morgado assumed at the head of Inadi” (broken link available on the Internet Archive; see the record , the first version and the last ). , article on the Inadi website.
  9. “Rachid resigned from Inadi after the fight with Morgado” , article in the newspaper The nation .
  10. María Rachid ratified a criminal complaint against Claudio Morgado » , article on the website 26 News .

external links [ To edit ]