Vocational Academy of North Hesse – Wikipedia

The Vocational Academy North Hesse gGmbH Was a private study facility in Bad Wildungen. She was in 1999 as Study Academy for Computer Science (SAI) Founded and was the first vocational academy in Hesse. Due to the expanded course of study, the renaming in the vocational academy of North Hesse was later renamed. The Vocational Academy of North Hesse was already considered a “discontinued model” in 2012 [first] , since due to financial difficulties since 2010 in the technical fields of study and since 2011, no new students have been accepted in the health sector.

The vocational academy of North Hesse gGmbH moved its headquarters to Saarbrücken on June 1, 2015 and has since operated under the name “ISBA- International Student and Vocational Academy gGmbH”. [2] Public sources do not show whether the academy still exists.

The vocational academy was based in Bad Wildungen (North Hesse). Other locations are in Frankenberg (Eder), Bad Hersfeld and in Heppenheim in southern Hesse. The first international location of the vocational academy started its study in Zagreb on November 1, 2005, and on September 8, 2008 the partner academy “Academia Nova” in Schwechat (Austria). At the Northern Hesse vocational academy, 145 students are currently studying (as of January 2006).

In 2008, eight students began the business informatics course in the Schwechat “Academia Nova”. Three graduates ended this in 2011. In the study year 2009, the Systems Engineering course was also offered there. Six students each started the two courses, of which a business informatic and two system engineers completed their studies in 2012. This ends the cooperation of the “Academia Nova” with the Vocational Academy of North Hesse.

The study programs logistics (Bachelor of Arts), Computational Process Engineering and Systems Engineering (Bachelor of Engineering) and computer science, business informatics, and a bachelor in physiotherapy (Bachelor of Science) was also planned.

In Heidelberg, Darmstadt, Lindau, Berlin and Erfurt, together with the F+U group, there was a vocational academy offer in the course of “International Business Administration” in four disciplines (industry and trade, banks and insurance, tax and examination and hotel and tourism management ).

  1. http://www.wlz-fz.de/lokales/waldeck/wildunger-zeitung/ein-ausstieg-ohne-kommentar
  2. New Vocational Academy ISBA in Saarland | Saarland.de. Accessed on December 22, 2018 .