10-cm k 14 — Wikipedia


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10-cm canons 14
Image illustrative de l'article 10-cm K 14
Model exposed to the butler district
(Nigara-du-lac, Ontario).
Service characteristics
Type Campaign
Design year 1911-1914
Manufacturer Stoming krupr, essen
Copies Products 724
Main Features
Calibre 105,20 mm
Practical scope 11 400
Maximum scope 13 100
Munitions Shells from 16 to 18.75 kg
Feed by the cylinder head
Rise -5 ° to +45 ° [ first ]
Mechanism Hydraulic reversing brake
System. recoil absorption 0.95 to 1.55 m

The 10-cm canons 14 (10-cm K 14) is a heavy campaign cannon used by the German imperial army at the start of the First World War. Initially designed as a siege, it marks a first step in the design of anti -aircraft canons.

The barrel of 100 mm mle 1899 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

At the beginning of 1893, the Royal Prussian Artillery Commission (A.P.K.) proposed to replace the barrel by 120 mm Model 1880, which could not meet the new requirements of campaign artillery, whether from the point of view of the rate of shooting, the precision in elongated shooting or the power of the shells. The new specifications particularly concerned loading speed, unchanged weight shells, modified chassis and higher initial speed [ 2 ] .

To standardize ammunition, we planned to use the same shells as the barrel of 105 mm used in the Imperial navy . The Ministry of War finally decided, with the barrel program of 100 mm Model 99 (10 cm K. 99), to use the fortress barrel of 100 mm For country artillery. It was distinguished from the heavy cannon of 120 mm by a lamented chassis of 2 cm With a box and a modernized lookout, a pendulum as well as an brake of hydraulic decline. Like propergol, R.P. 97 smokeless powder was used. At its weight of 1,280 kg (Including the pendulum) was added that of the vanguard of 1,360 kg ie a total weight of 2,640 kg , thus exceeding that of the heavy campaign belly model 93 of 440 kg . During the multiple tests, this weapon impressed by its high fire rate and its range of 10,200 m , exceeding 2,300 m that of the cannon of 120 mm 1880 model, and 4,150 m That of the 1893 campaign belly [ 2 ] .


The 1904 model [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Meanwhile, Krupp was testing a 150 belly mm ( 15 cm test shaft , V.h. 99) and the EHRHARDT STE Specializing in export experimenting the Another barrel of 100 mm , baptized 10 cm-Ehrhardt model 1902 , on the Kummersdorf pitch. The Düsseldorf exhibition having shown, in 1902, that the weapon was still imperfect, the company released a new model, the 10 cm-Ehrhardt model 1903 of a lesser increase and a range of 10,000 m . But competitor Krupp had already succeeded in the tests of his own barrel of 100 mm in Kummersdorf [ 3 ] , and had six rooms in 1904 for new tests. The recognized quality of the prototype led in 1905 to the serial production of the barrel of 100 mm model 1904. This weapon made deciduous both the 99 model and the barrel of 150 mm Long 92 model [ 4 ] . The latter was however the favorite of the military thanks to the fact that he could be loaded with shrapnels, but the rate of shooting of the barrel of 100 mm 1904 model made the difference [ 5 ] .

Krupp cannons of 100 mm At the Fort Sill Military Museum (Oklahoma).

Before 1911, the German general staff considered heavy artillery as a siege weapon, intended to destroy the sheltered superstructures of a parapet without necessarily having a correct shooting platform; It was simply assumed that the artilleryman could see his target thanks to a slightly raised position [ 6 ] . Thus, in the German army The 1904 model cannon was classified as a close -up weapon (tense shooting weapon), unlike howitzer or mortars with a higher rise. He resumed several of the technical improvements in the 150 campaign belly mm model 1902 (abbreviated “S.F.H. 02”, for Serious Feld-Haubitzer 1902 ). Heavy wooden supports on the lookout, intended to avoid excessive complaints with each shot, we substituted for the two cannons of lighter straw bales [ 4 ] . This barrel, although planned for the goal in white on the front line, was equipped with the same viewed telescope graduated in mils (especially useful in indirect shooting) as the S.F.H. 02: This instrument, thanks to its theodolite, made it possible to quickly reposition the cannon laterally and to target positions below. On the left part of the reticle, the manufacturer had engraved the curve giving the increase according to the range. The increase in adjustment mechanism, made up of the simple gear of a toothed wheel in a solidarity sector of the cannon pivot, was less sophisticated than that of S.F.H. 02. The hydraulic lifting system was also less robust than that of the belly, whose increase in 42 ° increased by 12 ° the maximum increase in the barrel.

The 1914 model [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1911, the Prussian Artillery Commission modified the specifications of the 10 cm cannons (real caliber of 105.20 mm) [ 7 ] ; On which the Ministry of War commanded in Krupp and Ehrhardt-Rheinmetall a prototype. The model developed by Krupp proved to be too massive and it had to be shortened [ 8 ] , and it was not until 1913 that comparative trials were able to be held, arousing a whole series of improvements and the command of two other prototypes. The convincing results observed on a flying target in 1909-10 at the swinemünde shot, on the lagoon of the Vistula, where the barrel of 100 mm Model 1909 was distinguished by its faster loading mechanism and its increase in 65 °, led to extend the use of this anti -aircraft combat. Yet development was still far from its term: the commission addressed the A report asking for new improvements to the Ministry of War, which led to the order of two new prototypes, and in 1914 were additional tests [ 8 ] .

During the declaration of the 1914 war, Krupp finally obtained a first order of 128 cannons, battery on the front line in [ 8 ] . The tube was analogous to that of the 1913 model campaign belly and was maneuvered thanks to a lateral hydraulic pump. In addition, the cannons were adjustable on a complete tower thanks to their platform, and were first used as DCA, until the Flak cannons make them deciduous [ 9 ] . These canons, which gave all satisfaction as a campaign artillery, were again improved in 1916, to evolve towards the cannon of 100 mm 1917 model, with more than 14,000 m .

  1. Website www.passioncomPassion1418.com __ “10cm Kanone 14”, website also found by “Surviving guns” research.
  2. a et b (of) Hermann Schirmer , The device of artillery before, in and after the World War: the device of the heavy artillery , vol. 1, Bonn and Coblence, Bernard & Graefe, ( rompr. 1935-37 and 1943), 157 p. , 2 volumes (DNB  560892187 ) , p. 223 .
  3. Schirmer 1937, p. 228.
  4. a et b Schirmer 1937, p. 229.
  5. Schirmer 1937, p. ?.
  6. (in) Ralph Lovett, Development of German 10cm heavy field guns» , on Lovett Artillery Collection , (consulted the ) .
  7. Site internet www.passioncompassion1418.com
  8. A B and C Schirmer 1937, p. 233.
  9. Schirmer 1937, p. 234.

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