113rd Congress of the United States-Wikipedia


113 It is United States Congress

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The Capitol of the United States, where the congress meets in September 2013.

January 3, 2013 – January 3, 2015

President Joe Biden
President for the time Patrick Leahy
Members 100 senators
Majority Democratic Party
House of Representatives
President John Boehner
Members 435 representatives
6 members without vote
Majority Republican Party


first re : January 3, 2013 – December 26, 2013
2 It is : January 3, 2014 – December 16, 2014

The 113 It is United States Congress is the American federal legislature which takes place At .

The 435 representatives were elected on November 6, 2012. In the Senate, renewed by thirds every two years, 33 members out of 100 were elected on the same day, the others having been elected in 2010 and 2008.

Democrats have been in the majority in the Senate since 2007, while the Republicans have been in the House of Representatives since 2011.


Patrick Leahy is the president for the time of the Senate. John Boehner exercises the functions of Speaker of the House of Representatives. Kevin McCarthy, Republican representative of California, is the head of majority in the House of Representatives (succeeding Eric Cantor in ), and Nancy Pelosi, Democratic representative of California is the head of the opposition to the House of Representatives.

Senate [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Composition of the Senate at .

Party Total Vacants
Democrats Independent Republicans
Fine you 112 It is Congress 51 2 47 100 0
Beginning ( ) 53 2 45 100 0
52 99 first
forty six 100 0

House of Representatives [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Composition of the House of Representatives at .

Party Total Vacants
Democrats Republicans
Fine you 112 It is Congress 191 240 431 4
Beginning ( ) 200 233 433 2
232 432 3
201 433 2
233 434 first
234 435 0

Senate [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Position Name Election From
President Joe bids (d) Delaware 2009
President Pro Tempore Patrick Leahy (D) Vermont 2012
Head of majority Harry Reid (D) Nevada 2007
Democrat whip Dick Durbin (D) Illinois 2007
Opposition chief Mitch McConnell (R) Kentucky 2007
Republican whip John Cornyn (R) Texas two thousand and thirteen

House of Representatives [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Position Name Election From
Speaker John Boehner (R) Ohio 2011
Head of majority Kevin McCarthy California 2014
Republican whip Steve Scalise Louisiana 2014
Opposition chief Nancy Pelosi (D) California 2011
Democrat whip Hoyer walls Maryland 2011

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • List of senators of 113 It is United States Congress
  • List of representatives of 113 It is United States Congress

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • icône décorative 2010 portal
  • icône décorative Washington portal, D.C.
  • icône décorative Policy portal in the United States
