1748 in science — wikipedia


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Piazza del Popolo, detail of the New plant in Rome by gambattista nolls.
  • Maria Gaetana Agnesi: Analytical institutions [ 9 ] .
  • Denis Diderot: Memoirs on different mathematics subjects .
  • Leonhard Euler : Introduction to infinitesimal analysis or Introduction to analysis . The Swiss mathematician laid the foundations for mathematical analysis and establishes the formula
  • John Fothergill : An account of the sore Throat attended with Ulcers , London, Davis, 1748. First description of the diphtheria.
  • Benoît de Maillet: Telliamed or interviews of an Indian philosopher with a French missionary on the decrease in the sea, the formation of the earth, the origin of man , Amsterdam, posthumous and anonymous. He develops a materialist “earth theory”, entirely foreign to Genesis [ 11 ] .
  • Julien offer de la Metrie: The Machine Man , Leyde.
  • Antonio de Ulloa, Jorge Juan: Historical relationship of the viage to the américa southern , Madrid. First mention of the platinum.
  • March 10: John Playfair (died in 1819), Scientific Scientist.
  • April 11: Louis Monge (died in 1827), French mathematician.
  • April 12: Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu (died in 1836), French botanist.
  • April 13: Joseph Bramah (died in 1814), mechanic and English inventor.
  • April 19: Charles d’Amondans de Tinseau (died in 1822), French officer and mathematician.
  • May 24: Christian Ehrenfried Weigel (died in 1831), German chemist and naturalist.
  • June 29: Pietro Cossali (died in 1815), Italian mathematician.
  • June 30: Jean-Dominique Cassini (died in 1845), French astronomer.
  • August 8: Johann Friedrich Gmelin (died in 1804), a naturalist and German chemist.
  • August 18: Pierre Sonnerat (died in 1814), naturalist and French explorer.
  • August 31: Jean-Baptiste Courtois, French chemist and salpêtrier [ twelfth ] .
  • October 26: Jean-Baptiste Pierre Boudet (died in 1828), French pharmacist and chemist.
  • November 14: Philippe-Frédéric de Dietrich (died in 1793), scholar and Alsatian politician.
  • December 9: Claude Louis Berthollet (died in 1822), French chemist.
  1. Jean Le Rond d ‘Alembert, Research on the precession of equinoxes and on the nuitation of the land axis in the Newtonian system , At David L’Ainé, ( Online presentation )
  2. Pierre Grimal, Italy found , Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, (ISBN  9782402319850 , Online presentation )
  3. History of the Royal Academy of Sciences , Paris, Royal Imprimerie, ( Online presentation )
  4. History of the Royal Academy of Sciences, on. citi , p. 417 .
  5. Journal of the Franklin Institute – Devoted to Science and the Mechanic Arts , vol. 95, Philadelphia, Pergamon Press, ( Online presentation )
  6. Olof von Dalin, Witterhets work-in the bound and unbound writing-species , vol. 2, C. Stolpe, ( Online presentation )
  7. Great City Maps – A historical journey through maps, plans, and paintings , Dorling kindersley ltd, (ISBN  9780241287392 , Online presentation )
  8. Pierre Dubois, History of watchmaking from its origin to the present day , Paris, administration of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ( Online presentation )
  9. Complete original title: EVERY USE USE INSTITUTIONS .
  10. André Deledicq, Mickaël Launay, Mathematical love dictionary , Place of publishers, (ISBN  9782259306225 , Online presentation )
  11. Bruno Beloste, History of modern science: from Renaissance to Enlightenment , Armand Colin, (ISBN  9782200613396 , Online presentation )
  12. Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, Arts and Beautiful Letters of Dijon , ( Online presentation )
