1996 National Baseball League championship series – Wikipedia


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The 1996 National Baseball League championship series was the final series of the National Baseball League, the outcome of which determined the representative of this League to the 1996 World series, the major major leagues final.

This four seven series started on Wednesday And ended on Saturday October 17 with a victory by the Braves d’Atlanta, four three victories over the Cardinals of Saint-Louis. To win the series, the Braves win the last three games to overthrow a deficit in a three -year victory, and access a second consecutive world series.

Defeit champions of major baseball since their 1995 world series triumph, the Braves of Atlanta won the fifth of a record series of 14 consecutive division championships, while they remove in 1996 the title of the division is with 96 victories and 66 defeats in the regular season. In series of divisions, they triumph over the qualified team as best second in the National League, the Los Angeles Dodgers (90 gains, 72 defeats during the season), in three parts in a row.

The Cardinals of Saint-Louis won the central section championship with a victories-defaits sheet of 88-74. This is their first title in the power station since the redevelopment of divisions, two years earlier. Opposed to the Padres of San Diego, champions of the west division with a file of 91-71, the cards prevail by winning the three games of their series of divisions.

Dating calendar [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Match Date Visitor Host Score
first Cardinals of Saint-Louis Braves d’Atlanta 2 – 4
2 Cardinals of Saint-Louis Braves d’Atlanta 8 – 3
3 Braves d’Atlanta Cardinals of Saint-Louis 2 – 3
4 Braves d’Atlanta Cardinals of Saint-Louis 3 – 4
5 Braves d’Atlanta Cardinals of Saint-Louis 14 – 0
6 Cardinals of Saint-Louis Braves d’Atlanta 1 – 3
7 Cardinals of Saint-Louis Braves d’Atlanta 0 – 15

Match 1 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Wednesday At Fulton County Stadium, Atlanta, Georgia.

Match 2 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

THURSDAY At Fulton County Stadium, Atlanta, Georgia.

Match 3 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

SATURDAY au Busch Memorial Stadium, Saint-Louis, Missouri.

Match 4 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Sunday au Busch Memorial Stadium, Saint-Louis, Missouri.

Match 5 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Monday au Busch Memorial Stadium, Saint-Louis, Missouri.

Match 6 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Wednesday At Fulton County Stadium, Atlanta, Georgia.

Match 7 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

THURSDAY At Fulton County Stadium, Atlanta, Georgia.

The Receiver of the Braves of Atlanta, Javy López, is appointed player par excellence of the 1996 championship series thanks to an impressive production of 13 strokes in 24 presences in the plate, for an average of the stick of, 542. It displays an average power of 1,000 in the seven clashes against Saint-Louis, with five doubles and two circuit strokes. In addition to his eight points scored and six points produced, López steals a goal and support three goals-sur-bullets with opposing launchers. Its average presence on goals during the series rises to, 607 [ first ] . His seven sures of more than one goal are a record for the national league championship series [ 2 ] .
