1R Division Marocaine (1940) — Wikipedia


The first re Moroccan division ( first re DM) , created the , was an infantry division of the African army which participated in the Battle of France (May ) of the Second World War.


The first re DM is illustrated with the battle of Gembloux the Then during the defense of Lille fine .

  • Created . Active division, made up of active regiments of Morocco and focuses on the northeast type when it arrived in mainland France.
  • Dissolved in 1940
  • Commander: General Audet (1939- ), then General Mellier ( ).
  • Chief of staff: Commander Nardin, then Captain Castaing ( ).
  • Commander of the divisional infantry: Colonel Crépin.
  • Commander of Divisional Artillery: Colonel RONIN.
  • 4 It is Corps (General Henri Aymes) of the first re Army

Made up in Meknès, Morocco, the , the division makes movement towards Oran the , arrives in Marseille and parks from Bayonne to Luchon and Toulouse in La Rochelle before winning, by rail, the , The Fresnes-en-Woevre, Vigneulles-lès-Hattonchâtel and Sponville area.

Front of Lorraine [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , is the first re D.I.N.A. in the Elzange sector ( III It is army), with P.C. to Bertrange. THE , the division is in turn noted by the 20 It is D.I. and, after regrouping in the Uckange, hub, Roncourt zone, movement from the , way of land, towards Vitry-le-François and Châlons-en-Champagne. She will stay there for two months. THE first is April, she is transported to the Bavay, Le Quesnoy, Maubeuge, P.C. area in Berlaimont ( first re Army, 5 It is THAT.). On the 4th, she notes the 82 It is D.I.A. In the Hainaut sector, from Wargnies-le-Petit to the Sambre.

Dyle battle [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , the division makes movement, way of land, in the night towards Mons, Havré, Sars-La-Bruyère. On the 11th, still in the night, towards Houdeng, Thieu, Seneffe. 12 and 13, first is And 2 It is R.T.M. are transported in trucks, at night, on the Ernage-Gembloux position and the division will settle on the 14th, on the railway. At the end of the morning, that day, after the withdrawal of the 3 It is D.L.M., confused actions engage in Ernage under the bombing of the Stukas and the enemy artillery. The 15th, Ernage is lost in the morning, the links broken with the first re Motorized infantry division, the position started, fights are engaged on the stop line, then comes the order of withdrawal to the V.F. of Tilly, difficult dropout. On the 16th, occupation of the position of Villers-la-Ville in Marbais, continual fights. The 17th, withdrew behind the Charleroi-Brussels canal, then to Mons. The links are partly broken. On the 18th, elements were grouped southwest of Valenciennes.

Two commemorative plates are affixed to the foot of the bedside of the Saint-Pierre de Noirmont church near Ernage to perpetuate the memory of the fighters of the 110 It is R.I. you of the first re Moroccan division fallen during the fights around Ernage.

The bedside of the Saint-Pierre de Noirmont church and its commemorative plates
Eglise Saint-Pierre de Noirmont - 09.JPG
Eglise Saint-Pierre de Noirmont - 10.JPG
Eglise Saint-Pierre de Noirmont - 12.JPG

Battle of the North [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , with what could have been put back on foot, we install a position against southeast, on the Scheldt, from the Rouvignies bridge to Bouchain. On the 20th, the enemy crossed the Scheldt at the Pont de la Cimmentie, then the position is restored by a counterattack. After grouping in the area of ​​Marchiennes-Campagne, Warlaing, Erre, the division passes north of the Scarpe, the , from Wred to Warlaing. 22 and 23, the 2 It is And 7 It is R.T.M. are reorganized in walking battalions, an artillery regiment has disappeared. On the 24th, on the Deule canal, opposite southwest, from Oignies to Les Baraques. On the 25th, contacts in Mechin and Pont-à-Vendin. On the 26th, crossing the Deule by the enemy at the bridges of Courrières and Cursed, taken from the southern suburb of Carvin. The arrival of elements of the 2 It is D.I.N.A. allows you to restore a Camphin’s front, Provision, the barracks, with the counter-attack of the 3 It is D.L.M .. On the 27th, fights are engaged in Don and Allennes. In the evening, withdraws on the lilies. On the 28th, cut into three sections, the Moroccan division fell back to Lille, fights in Lille-Canteleu the 29 and , then debris join Malo-Terminus, succeed in embarking, undergo losses at sea by air bombings, stay in England from 2 to , are transported to Brest, drafts, the 8 and 9, a reorganization in the Beaumesnil zone. The bar-in-Ouche, find there the regimental trains and the services of the division evacuated from the North before the encirclement.

About 4,000 men remain from the first re Moroccan division, which are on the Risle, at La Ferrière and the new-lyre , put back a first is R.T.M. to 2 battalions and go to the first re North African light division.

Of At , the first re Moroccan division has nearly 700 killed, including nearly 70% of Maghreb soldiers from Morocco and Algeria.

The first re DM was composed in 1940 of around 61% of Moroccan soldiers committed volunteers and 39% of French executives (officers, non-commissioned officers and volunteers) [ 2 ] .

Cavalry [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Infantry [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Artillery [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Battle registration

Battle registration Gembloux 1940 is attributed to the flags of:

  • first is Moroccan riflemen regiment ( first is RTM)
  • 2 It is Moroccan riflemen regiment ( 2 It is RTM)
  • 7 It is Moroccan riflemen regiment ( 7 It is RTM)
  • sixty four It is African artillery regiment ( sixty four It is RAA)
Collective quotes to the order of the army

After the war, the regiments of the first re Moroccan division will obtain the official tribute from the French and Belgian armies for their feats of arms (eight quotes).

“[..] 28, 29, 30 and , by the sacrifice of his last elements, he stopped, by street fighting, in Loos-sous-Lille, the German progression until it was reduced to a few officers and a handful of tirailleurs deprived of ammunition [. ..] ”

– Extract from the 1st quote to the order of the army awarded to 2 It is RTM after the fighting in Lille at the end of May 1940

“North African elite regiment. Showed the best qualities of endurance and combativeness from the first commitments of , in Belgium, under the ardent impulse of his chief, Colonel Seller. Having covered 130 kilometers in three days, suffered, as soon as he arrived in the position of Cortil-Noirmont, very summarily organized, the shock of German armored divisions. Despite the immense fatigue of the skirmishers and the absence of any value obstacle barring the gap of Gembloux, the first is Battalion in Ernage, the 2 It is And 3 It is Battalions in Cortil-Noirmont, succeeded, on 14, 15 and , to stop the attacks of the opposing forces, inflicting them very hard losses in men and material. Held in rear guard after the general withdrawal ordered the , got into an energetically released in the morning of 16, from the Cortil-Noirmont resistance center to bring Tilly a vigorous stop to the enemy, repressing his infantry for several kilometers by a brutal counterattack at the bayonet. »»

– Quote to the order of the French army awarded to 7 It is RTM after the fights in Gembloux

“Elite regiment which, faithful to these legendary traditions, gave all its measure of bravery and spirit of sacrifice during the operations of in Belgium. Hired in haste in the battle of Gembloux with the first re Moroccan division, after having covered 130 kilometers in three days,, as soon as he arrived in the position, suffered the shock of German armored formations. In Cortil-Noirmont and Ernage, the 14 and , succeeded, at the cost of heavy sacrifices, to stop the repeated attacks of the opposing forces. Held in rear guard after the general withdrawal ordered the , the regiment has vigorously cleared the From the Cortil-Noirmont resistance center and led Tilly a brilliant counterattack to the bayonet, repressing the enemy of several kilometers. »»

– Quote to the order of the Belgian army awarded to 7 It is RTM after the fights in Gembloux

Ways bearing the name of first re Moroccan division
  • Rue of the Moroccan First Division in Gembloux in Belgium
