2008 cantonal elections in Sarthe – Wikipedia


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THE cantonal elections took place on the 9 and .

Table of Contents

Outgoing departmental assembly [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Before the elections, the General Council of Sarthe was chaired by Roland du Luart (UMP). It includes 40 general councilors from the 40 cantons of Sarthe. 21 of them are renewable during these elections.

Results in number of seats [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Party Seats involved Elected officials Evolution
UMP 8 8 =
PS 5 8 + 3
DVD 4 4 =
DVG 3 first – 2
MPF first 0 – first

Departmental assembly at the end of the elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Elected by canton [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Balloon canton [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Michel terral* MPF 3 005 43.13 2 408 42.50
Yannick I will receive PS 2 624 37.66 3 258 57.50
Cyrille Froger Eelv 918 13.17
Isaac Radeau FN 421 6.04
Registered 10 329 100.00 10 328 100.00
Abstentions 3 001 29.05 4 447 43.06
Voters 7 328 70.95 5 881 56.94
White and draw 360 4.91 215 3.66
Expressed 6 968 95.09 5 666 96.34


Canton of Bonnétable [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Jean-Pierre Vogel UMP 1 692 49.93 2 066 63.28
Christian Fleury* DVG 884 26.08 1 199 36.72
Maurice Uguen DVG 813 23.99
Registered 4 916 100.00 4 915 100.00
Abstentions 1 391 28.30 1 506 30.64
Voters 3 525 71.70 3 409 69.36
White and draw 144 3.86 220 4.22
Expressed 3 389 96.14 3 265 95.78


Canton of Bouloire [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Michel Paumier DVD 1 834 49.96 1 892 55.89
Sylvère Girault PS 1 599 43.56 1 493 44.11
André Dovillez FN 238 6.48
Registered 5 354 100.00 5 354 100.00
Abstentions 1 821 34.01 1 483 27.70
Voters 3 533 65.99 3 871 72.30
White and draw 200 5.17 148 4.19
Expressed 3 671 94.83 3 385 95.81

Burning canton [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour
Voice %
Fabien Lorne* UMP 2 368 72.84
Patrick Herbelin PS 704 21.65
Claude Vignot FN 179 5.51
Registered 4 676 100.00
Abstentions 1 240 26.52
Voters 3 436 73,48
White and draw 185 5.38
Expressed 3 251 94.62


Canton of Château-du-Loir [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour
Voice %
Béatrice Pavy* UMP 3 020 50.96
Philippe Baumard PS 1 043 17.60
Pierre Besnard With 835 14.09
Jean-Michel Genevaux Eelv 515 8.69
Huguette Hérin FG (PCF) 317 5.35
Gérard Hermet FN 196 3.31
Registered 8 747 100.00
Abstentions 2 609 29.83
Voters 6 138 70.17
White and draw 212 3.45
Expressed 5 926 96.55


Canton of Ecommoy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Bruno Lecomte PS 3 954 31.78 5 590 58.11
Joël Esnault UMP 2 840 22.82
Emmanuel Jacob DVD 2 776 22.31 4 029 41.89
Florence Pain Eelv 1 196 9.61
Jean-Yves Dugast FG (PCF) 1 003 8.06
Joeing Mencerie FN 674 5.42
Registered 19 859 100.00 19 858 100.00
Abstentions 6 804 34.26 9 740 49.05
Voters 13 055 65.74 10 118 50.95
White and draw 612 4.69 220 5,61
Expressed 12 443 95.31 3 704 94.39

Canton of La Ferté-Bernard [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour
Voice %
Charles Somaré* DVD 5 992 75.66
Jean-Pierre Martel FG (PCF) 1 928 24.34
Registered 12 303 100.00
Abstentions 3 990 32.43
Voters 8 313 67.57
White and draw 393 4.73
Expressed 7 920 95.27


Canton of Fresnaye-sur-chédouet [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour
Voice %
André Trottet* UMP 1 243 57.28
Jean has PRG 434 20.00
Regis Moncoq DVG 307 14.15
Gilles Laurent FN 186 8.57
Registered 3 002 100.00
Abstentions 717 23.88
Voters 2 285 76,12
White and draw 115 5.03
Expressed 2 170 94.97


Canton of Fresnay-sur-Sarthe [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour
Voice %
Fabienne Labrette-Ménager* UMP 2 675 62.71
Richard Guillot PS 1 083 25.39
René Bérot FN 294 6.89
Françoise Ferron FG (PCF) 214 5.02
Registered 6 271 100.00
Abstentions 1 799 28.69
Voters 4 472 71.31
White and draw 206 4,61
Expressed 4 266 95.39


Canton of the arrow [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour
Voice %
Guy-Michel Chauveau PS 5 647 57.97
Rémy Bouttier UMP 3 124 32.07
Laurence Lecourt Eelv 717 7.36
Christian Martin FG (PCF) 253 2.60
Registered 15 324 100.00
Abstentions 5 213 34.02
Voters 10 111 65.98
White and draw 370 3.66
Expressed 9 741 96.34

Canton of praise [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour
Voice %
Michel Drouin* UMP 2 606 59.21
Armand Le Foll PS 1 177 26.74
André Véron UDF-MoDem 388 8.82
Guy Le Pennec FN 230 5.23
Registered 6 293 100.00
Abstentions 1 667 26.49
Voters 4 626 73.51
White and draw 225 4.86
Expressed 4 401 95.14


Canton of Le Mans-Nord-Ville [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Jean-Marie Geveaux* UMP 3 440 43.07 3 391 50.76
Claude Jean PS 2 481 31.06 3 290 49.24
Yves Ollivier Eelv 630 7.89
Fabrice Courtin UDF-MoDem 597 7.47
Martin Combe FG (PCF) 490 6.13
Claude Anseaume DVD 349 4.37
Registered 14 474 100.00 14 474 100.00
Abstentions 6 056 41.84 7 645 52.82
Voters 8 418 58.16 6 829 47.18
White and draw 431 5.12 148 2.17
Expressed 7 987 94.88 6 681 97.83


Canton of Le Mans-Ouest [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Nelly Heuzé* PS 2 734 44.43 3 260 70.96
Catherine Pasquier UMP 1 467 23.84 1 334 29.04
François Edom DVG 1 044 16.97
Olivier chable Eelv 617 10.03
Yves Calippe FG (PCF) 291 4.73
Registered 11 843 100.00 11 843 100.00
Abstentions 5 094 43.01 7 022 59.29
Voters 6 749 56.99 4 821 40.71
White and draw 596 8.83 227 4.71
Expressed 6 153 91.17 4 594 95.29


Canton of Leud-Ouest [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
André Langevin* PS 2 657 42.07 3 399 71.53
Alain Ormain DVD 1 072 16.97 1 353 28.47
Claude Picault DVG 895 14.17
Pascale Soulard FG (PCF) 794 12.57
Samuel Gonthier Eelv 569 9.01
Fabrice Hervé FN 329 5.21
Registered 11 659 100.00 11 657 100.00
Abstentions 4 860 41.68 6 628 56.86
Voters 6 799 58.32 5 029 43.14
White and draw 483 7.10 277 5.51
Expressed 6 316 92.90 4 752 94.49


Canton of Le Mans-Ville-Est [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Jacqueline Pédoya* PS 2 869 55.34 2 920 76.16
Aouatef Barber DVD 919 17.73 914 23.84
Catherine Gouhier Eelv 394 7.60
Cory Guen DVG 378 7.29
Annick Vignez FG (PCF) 361 6.96
Jean-DISIS DAVID FN 263 5.07
Registered 11 894 100.00 11 894 100.00
Abstentions 6 080 51.12 7 839 65.91
Voters 5 814 48.88 4 055 34.09
White and draw 630 10.84 221 5.45
Expressed 5 184 89.16 3 834 94.55


Canton of Mayet [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour
Voice %
Michel Royer* DVD 3 301 68.91
Françoise Ferron FG (PCF) 1 167 24.36
René Bérot FN 322 6.72
Registered 7 026 100.00
Abstentions 2 072 29.49
Voters 4 954 70.71
White and draw 164 3.31
Expressed 4 790 96.69


Canton of Montmirail [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour
Voice %
Dominique lead him UMP 1 557 70.33
Gérard Clément DVG 657 29.67
Registered 3 252 100.00
Abstentions 922 28.35
Voters 2 330 71.65
White and draw 116 4.98
Expressed 2 1414 95.02

Canton de Pontvallain [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour
Voice %
Gérard Véron* UMP 3 080 54.49
Bruno Dubois Eelv 1 531 27.09
Dominique Colombel FG (PCF) 637 11.27
Lucienne Maleyrat FN 404 7.15
Registered 8 832 100.00
Abstentions 2 934 33.22
Voters 5 898 66.78
White and draw 246 4.17
Expressed 5 652 95.83


Canton of Sillé-le-Guillaume [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Michel Quillet* PRG 1 737 43.65 1 860 51.18
Gérard Galpin DVD 1 254 31.52 1 774 48.82
Guy Barrier UMP 859 21.59
Jean-François Le Gras FN 129 3.24
Registered 5 752 100.00 5 749 100.00
Abstentions 1 638 28.48 2 006 34.89
Voters 4 114 71.52 3 743 65.11
White and draw 135 3.28 109 2.91
Expressed 3 979 96.72 3 634 97.09


Canton of suze-sur-sarthe [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Gérard Saudubray* PS 4 091 39.22 4 574 51.50
Stéphanie Lemonnier UMP 2 839 27.21 4 307 48.50
Jean-Michel Hervé With 1 855 17.78
Daniel Pineau FG (PCF) 1 131 10.84
François Foucher FN 516 4.95
Registered 16 272 100.00 16 271 100.00
Abstentions 5 259 32.32 6 971 42.84
Voters 11 013 67.68 9 300 57.16
White and draw 581 5.28 419 4.51
Expressed 10 432 94.72 8 881 95.49


Canton of Vibraye [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Jacky  Breton PS 1 588 47.09 1 597 52.12
Patrice Joubert DVD 880 26.10 1 467 47.88
Christian Pottier UMP 798 23.67
Olivier chable Exd 106 3.14
Registered 4 567 100.00 4 565 100.00
Abstentions 1 084 23.74 1 412 30.93
Voters 3 483 76,26 3 153 69.07
White and draw 111 3.19 89 2.82
Expressed 3 372 96.81 3 064 97.18

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

External link [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
