2009 in Colombia – Wikipedia


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January 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Alvaro Uribe
(January 2008)
  • Tuesday :
    • During a ceremony at the White House, US President George W. Bush presented the presidential medal of freedom to President Álvaro Uibe as well as the former British Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Australian John Howard, greeting in them “extraordinary leaders “, Who are also” three good friends “. He praised “the personal courage and the immense strength of character” exerted by Alvaro Uibe in a country which threatened to become a “narco-state” when he took office.
    • An attack committed by the Farc guerrilla warfare, with the help of gas-dried explosive gas bombings in Roberto Payan (department of Narino, Southwest) caused the death of 5 people, including three children and a woman, and in injury eight others. The FARCs still have, according to the estimates, from 7,000 to 10,000 combatants, active mainly in southern and south-east of Colombia.
  • Wednesday : The director of the human rights organization Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth, mocked US President George W. Bush for having given the highest American civil distinction to the president Álvaro Uribe: “If I understood correctly, the freedom of freedom was granted to Uibe for its promotion of democracy, freedom and human rights. […] Personally, I find it difficult to say which of the two is the most daring, the President Bush who granted this distinction in terms of human rights, or the URIBE President who accepted it […] ni ni Bush or Uibe have a reason to be proud in the field of human rights. »»
  • Wednesday : According to Colombian police, some 16,040 people were victims of homicides in Colombia in 2008, against 17,19 of in 2007 and nearly 29,000 in 2002, the lowest figure for the past 30 years, or 33 violent dead for 100,000 inhabitants. Cali, capital of the department of Valle del Cauca (500 km southwest of Bogota), is the most dangerous city, with a rate of 66 homicides percent thousand inhabitants.
  • Wednesday : an attack on a store led by the Farc guerrillas left two dead and three injured.

February 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Sunday :
    • The guerrilla warfare of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) releases 4 political hostages, 3 police officers and a soldier in southern Colombia. The guerrillas had announced the that she would proceed to the unilateral release of six of her so -called “political” hostages out of 28, returning to her decision not to release hostages without compensation.
    • In the evening, a bomb car attack assigned to the Farc guerrillas left two dead and at least thirty injured, near a police building in the city of Cali, 500 km southwest of Bogota. In August 2008, the neighboring courthouse had already been targeted by a bomb attack which had killed four people.
  • Tuesday :
    • The guerrilla warfare of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) releases the ex-Governor of the META, Alan Jara, kidnapped in 2001 and given to the left senator Piedad Cordoba and to CICR delegates. The former Governor is the fifth of six political hostages that the FARC guerrilla warfare is committed to release. The guerrilla warfare still has 23 political hostages.
    • At least twenty people died in the accident of a bus which fell more than 120 meters in the department of Choco (west).
    • President Álvaro Uibe accuses the correspondent for RFI radio in Colombia, Hollman Morris and another journalist, Jorge Enrique Botero, member of the Commission also made up of CICR representatives to seek hostages, to be “accomplices of terrorism”, the ‘One to have interviewed the hostages of the Farc before their release and the other for having denounced army air operations: Mr. Botero and Mr. Morris take refuge behind their condition of journalists to be permissive accomplices of terrorism . Hollman Morris was able to question just before their release the four political hostages, but did not disseminate their remarks, and Jorge Enrique Botero granted an interview to the Venezuelan channel Telesur in which he denounces the air flights by the Colombian army of the site of the Liberation, believing that it had almost failed this fact [ first ] .
  • Friday : The Farc guerrillas releases its latest political hostage, Sigifredo López, a former deputy retained prisoner for 6 years and 10 months.
  • SATURDAY : The president Álvaro Uibe accuses the Farc of wanting to dive the population, after the unilateral release of six hostages by the guerrilla warfare this week: ” We are not going to let them abuse us. They talk about peace, but flow the blood [… We are not going to leave] The intellectuals of the Farc people with a peace speech which, ultimately, strengthens terrorism ».
  • Sunday : According to José Obudlio Gaviria, one of the President’s closest advisers, Álvaro Uibe will not accept an exchange of hostages from the Farc guerrilla warfare for his fighters incarcerated by the authorities: ” The humanitarian agreement is a case that is treated between states, between belligerent forces. Colombia is not involved in any war against a state and has no prisoners of war with other states ». In the week, the FARC released 6 of their 28 “political” hostages but exchangeable from their point of view against combatants captured by the authorities.
  • Monday : Six soldiers died during an attack on the Marxist guerrillas of the FARC in the locality of Morales (700 km south of Bogota).
    • The indigenous national organization of Colombia (ONIC) – civil and aboriginal authorities – accuses the Farc guerrillas of having murdered the day before, near the locality of Guangarial, ten Indians who fled them after the alleged massacre of several of their own, which would have been perpetrated with stabbing in the municipality of Ricaurte (department of Nariño, south).
    • The Office of the High Commission for the United Nations (UNHCR) in Bogota declares that they have received information according to which men, women and three children were murdered the In the AWA reserve of Tortugaña Telembi.
    • At least three police officers and four civilians are killed in an ambush stretched by an armed group in the department of Santander (northeast). Called on the spot for alleged murders, the police were attacked with the explosive and the light weapon. This is the fourth explosive attack attributed to the Farc guerrillas since the .
  • Wednesday : An intelligence plane for the Colombian air force crashed around the town of the Dorada (northeast) with five or six people on board.

Ingrid Betancourt
(September 2008)
  • Tuesday : Publication of a book entitled “Out of captivity, survive 1,967 days in the Colombian jungle” of three former American hostages of the Farc – Keith Stansell, Marc Gonsalves and Tom Howes – in which they denounce “selfishness, pride and pride and pride The arrogance “of íngrid Betancourt, giving another image of the Franco-Colombian politician who embodied heroism and courage for many. These three Americans led an anti-drug operation on behalf of the US military via the company Northrop Grumman Corp., when their plane crashed in February 2003. They were then taken prisoner. They present her as a woman capable of imposing her will not only on her companions in misfortune, but also to her jailers. They also accuse him of having sent messages to a rebellious chief by calling them agents from the American intelligence agency to request their transfer and of having the guerrillas to search in the affairs of other hostages [ 2 ] .
  • Friday : Ten guerrillas of the FARC are killed and eight others are captured during fighting which took place in a rural area of ​​the departments of Meta and Cundinamarca (center). A soldier also died in combat. According to General Oscar Gonzales, among the prisoners is Bernardo Mosquera Machado, n ° 2 of the Front Antonio Narino des Farc, a structure operating in the center of the country.

Mars 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Monday : At least four soldiers were killed during an attack on the FARC guerrillas in the southwest of the country.
  • Wednesday :
    • The government admits the responsibility of the State in the massacre perpetrated in the northwest of the country by extreme right paramilitaries, who killed 43 people, including three children, in 1990, without ever being convicted. A judgment rendered in 2006 by the Inter -American Court of Human Rights estimated “Colombia did not adopt sufficient preventive measures” to prevent the paramilitaries from reaching to Puerto Bello, the locality where this massacre occurred , not far from the Panamanian border. This public recognition of the Colombian state responsibility has been the second since the start of demobilization of some 30,000 paramilitaries, including United Colombia (AUC, extreme-right), accused of having murdered thousands of civilians since the At the beginning of the 1990s. In September 2008, the government had publicly asked for 342 assassinations committed between 1986 and 1994, in the Trujillo region (southwest).
    • The former emissary of France in Colombia in charge of the íngrid Betancourt file, Noël Saez, calls into question the official version of an Helportee Surprise operation of the Colombian army having led to the release of Ingrid Betancourt and fourteen other hostages [ 3 ] .
    • Former paramilitary chief Jose Ever Veloza, alias “H.H.”, who admitted his involvement in some 3,000 crimes, is extradited to the United States, where he was wanted for drug trafficking. He was one of the largest paramilitary leaders of the United Colombia (AUC, around 30,000 fighters), created in the late 1980s to defend Terrian owners against the Far Gauche Guerillas, before being demobilized As part of a peace negotiation started in 2003 [ 4 ] .
    • According to a Gallup survey, the popularity rate of the president Álvaro Uibe would be 74% among the Colombians, against 75% in .
  • Friday : The police announced having seized 4 tonnes of cocaine and 1.7 tonnes of coca paste in the department of Narino (south), in a laboratory belonging according to the authorities to the paramilitary group “the black eagles” which would be composed in particular of former Demobilized far-right paramilitaries in the context of a peace process started by the government of Álvaro Uibe. The organization, present in particular in the northeast and southwest of the country, in the producing regions of coca or border, would devote itself essentially to drug trafficking.
  • SATURDAY : 5 soldiers are killed and 8 others are injured by an explosion in the department of Meta (center).
    • 2 police officers are killed in Toribío (department of Cauca) (southwest) and another in the department of Guaviare (southwest).
    • Juan Carlos Lecompte, husband of the Franco-Colombian íngrid Betancourt, believes that she was “betrayed” by the former Farc host, after she filed a divorce request, when he had fought for his release.
  • Monday :
    • The police announced having seized 3.5 tonnes of cocaine hidden in a container on the port of Buenaventura. Drugs belonging to the mafia organization of “Rastrojos” was hidden in a container and packaged in 3,500 packets of pure cocaine. The annual world production of cocaine would be 1,000 tonnes.
    • 3 police officers are killed and 8 others were injured during an attack on the mortar carried out by a joint action by the FARC and the ELN in the locality of Santa Rosa (department of Bolivar).
    • 5 soldiers of the seventh Division of the Army died in a mineral sector between the localities of Yarumal and Campamentochamp (Department of Antioquia, North West). The soldiers were precisely sought to clear the ground trapped by the Marxists. For the past week, around twenty soldiers and police have perished in various attacks attributed to guerrilla warfare. According to the authorities, it could seek to commemorate its “black March” ( ) where she lost several of her historic leaders, including her founder Manuel Marulanda.
    • President Álvaro Uibe rejects any dialogue with the Marxist guerrillas of the FARC, believing that he could not discuss with the authors of attacks against civilians: ” What dialogue can there be with these bandits which stand out by placing explosives near schools and on the paths frequented by children? […] We dialogue with democracy, we do not dialogue with terrorists ». He accuses the stuff of not going to combat but “to face the police and soldiers with anti -personnel mines”.
  • Sunday : Farc no longer requires the demilitarization of certain parts of Colombian territory as an essential condition for the release of the hostages which it holds for an exchange of prisoners held by the government.
  • Tuesday : President Álvaro Uibe says he is ready to engage peace talks with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) if this Marxist rebellion decrees a cease-fire that can be controlled as the sine qua non condition of the negotiation process. The day before, the president had publicly dismissed any dialogue with the FARC.

April 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • THURSDAY : According to the leader of the native community Luis Andrade, the Marxist guerrillas of the FARC has tortured eight Indians Awa murdered in the department of Narino (South), going so far as to open the belly of two pregnant women: ” We discovered open bodies suddenly to the stomach, without the fetuses […] All wore traces of torture ». The revolutionary armed forces of Colombia have recognized, the , having executed eight Awas, accused of being informants of the army. The AWAs said that 17 of theirs had disappeared. These executions had led to the flight of some 1,300 natives living in the Tortugal (South) reserve.
  • Monday : The former FARC-host, lawyer Clara Rojas (45), who was the assistant of the former Candidate in the Colombian presidency, criticizes the attitude of the Franco-Colombian íngrid Betancourt during their captivity And the “jealousy” of his family, in an interview with the daily El Tiempo de Bogota, accusing the Betancourt family of having retained life proofs which concerned them “out of excessive jealousy”, so that Ingrid retains the “main role” . Removed with Ingrid Betancourt during the electoral campaign in , the old hostage expresses this bitterness in his book ” Prisoner “, Which traces his six years of detention in the jungle.
  • Wednesday : The most powerful Colombian drug trafficker Daniel Rendon Herrera, aka “Don Mario”, an ex-far-right-down-pramitle, considered by the government as the most powerful narcotrafier in the country, is arrested on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, in the Uraba region (northwest) where the trafficker was established [ 5 ] .
  • THURSDAY : FARCs announce their intention to free up a soldier kidnapped in December 1997, in the department of Putumayo (south), without consideration. The Senator of the Liberal Party, Piedad Cordoba, had already obtained the release of 6 hostages in early February. According to the National Fund for the Defense of Personal Freedom (Fondelibertad), 125 people are held by the FARC and 49 others by criminal bands, but 1,502 other people are still “sought after” after their abduction.
  • Sunday : According to a report published by the National Fund for the Defense of Personal Freedom (Fondelibertad), 87 people, including 9 minors, have been removed in Colombia since the start of the year, of which only ten are still hostages. For the other 77, 50 were released thanks to the intervention of the police, 4 were killed by their captors, 14 were released in exchange for ransoms and nine managed to escape. In 63 cases, the kidnappers belonged to ordinary delinquency, in 16 cases at the guerrilla warfare in the Farcs, in 5 cases at “criminal gangs” and in 3 cases with the Guévariste guerilla of the National Liberation Army (ELN).
  • Wednesday : 10 soldiers are killed during fights with the FARC guerrilla warfare, in the north near the border with Venezuela.

May 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Sunday : First case of H1N1 influenza in Colombia on a man returning from Mexico.
  • Sunday : Seven soldiers are killed and four others injured in an ambush of the FARC in the department of Narino (South).
  • Tuesday : The International Monetary Fund grants Colombia a modular credit line of $ 10.5 billion. This type of loan is reserved for best managed savings and is the third country to obtain it.
  • Wednesday : An important gay radio, Radio Diversity , was forced to close after a year and a half of broadcasts, after its director was forced to leave the country following serious death threats. The 5 speaker team is now forced to live in “clandestinity”: ” We had a 24 -hour programming and debates to promote the right to sexual freedom ». The radio has been moved to new premises kept secret; She will continue to issue on the internet and will emit on the air now an hour per week to her 3,800 usual listeners.
    • A temporary report by the United Nations Anti -Drogue Agency, the surfaces devoted to the cultivation of the coca leaf in Colombia fell 18% in 2008, 81,000 hectares were devoted to the cultivation of coca plants in 2008, against 99,000 ha in 2007. Coca culture decreased in the south (departments of Putamayo and Guaviare) as well as the North West (Department of Antioquia), but recorded an increase in border areas, in particular near Venezuela , Norte del Valle department (+48%) and Ecuador. Colombian cocaine production would be for 2008 around 500 tonnes, compared to 600 tonnes previously, which would have resulted in a sharp increase in the gram price of this drug on the American market, of 97 dollars in January 2007 at 199 dollars in . To compensate for the fall in production, drug traffickers sell a much less pure drug. The Farc would draw some $ 600 million annual drugs [ 6 ] .
    • President Álvaro Uribe considers during a discussion on the presidential election that he would not be “appropriate” that he is a candidate a third time in 2010, because the country has “good leaders” and that it should not be Not “hanging on to power”, saying “I would not like […] that the new generations see me as someone who clings to power”.

June 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Wednesday :
    • President Álvaro Uibe firmly defends the image of his country in Montreal about human rights and calls Canada to ratify a free trade agreement with Colombia, currently blocked in the Canadian Parliament, declaring that at the level of human rights, Colombia has ” Still problems, it’s a fact, but we make great efforts. ” “Colombia has dismantled paramilitary organizations, has weakened the guerrillas but as long as the drug trafficking […] There is a danger […] The results are there: there were 4,000 kidnappings per year in Colombia, last year there were 197. And there was still a significant reduction this year ».
    • According to the annual report of violations of union rights of the International Union Confederation, 49 trade unionists were assassinated because of their actions to defend workers’ rights in 2008 in Colombia, 10 times more than in 2007.
  • SATURDAY , Meta : Four Farc guerrillas were killed during fighting with Colombian soldiers in the center of the country, in Serrania de la Macarena. The rest of the guerrillas group, members of the Farc, fled, abandoning the camp, where the army recovered a dozen rifles and grenades, as well as a laptop.
  • Friday :
    • The Deputy Minister of Defense Sergio Jaramillo is concerned about the rise in surfaces devoted to the culture of Coca fields at its borders, in particular near the equator, as indicated by the report published in Vienna by the Office of the United Nations against drugs and crime (Undoc). The Colombian departments of Narino and Putumayo, on the Ecuadorian border, come to the lead, “in terms of cultivation of the coca leaf”, with 36% of the total. The guerrillas, which have nearly 12,000 fighters, have in places allied with former demobilized far-right paramilitaries to lead this traffic [ 7 ] .
    • The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Executions, Philip Alston, accuses the Colombian army of having systematically executed civilians, and of not admitting “the extent of the problem”, whose importance was revealed to the Fall 2008, leading since the dismissal of more than 40 soldiers, including three generals. The final report on arbitrary executions in Colombia will be published at the latest in five months. According to the NGO, “Colombian commission of lawyers”, at least 1,205 civilians were victims of these crimes, most of them remained unpunished, between the month of and July of 2008 [ 8 ] .
  • Monday , Cauca’s Valley : Six police officers were killed and four others seriously injured in an ambush stretched by the Farc guerrillas in Timba (South). The agents were attacked while they were going to a truck to an area where they protect teams from coca eradication.
  • THURSDAY : The Colombian navy grabbed 1.9 tonnes of cocaine hidden in a fishing boat, beating Colombian pavilion, and sailing in the Caribbean Sea. The boat was arranged by the coast guard off the port of Cartagena. Four sailors were arrested.
  • Tuesday : Coast railing seized 1.9 tonnes of cocaine hidden in an outcm navigating in the Gulf of Uraba in the Caribbean Sea. Continued, the traffickers abandoned their boat on a beach in the Department of Antioquia.

July 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Sunday :
    • The results of the influenza A (H1N1) is six dead for 165 cases that appeared since the .
    • According to the newspaper El Tiempo, the Colombian intelligence services were able to establish that the Colombian Marxist Guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia sought to obtain in About twenty Russian-S24 Russian manufacturing missiles, with a range of 6 km, through contacts in Venezuela. FARCs would still have between 6,000 and 10,000 fighters [ 9 ] .
  • Sunday : the attack on a village by the Farc near Corinto left 3 dead and 18 injured.
  • SATURDAY : The air bombing of a rebel camp from the Revolutionary Armed Forces in Colombia (FARC) we left at least 16 dead by the guerrillas.
  • Monday : Sweden asks for explanations from Venezuela on the way Swedish weapons could have been discovered in Colombia in a Marxist guerrillas camp, including several at4 anti-tank rocket launchers from Saab [ ten ] .

August 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

September 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

October 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

November 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

December 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. The figar.fr , Uibe accuses two journalists
  2. The figar.fr , Betancourt helped his jailers
  3. The figar.fr , Ingrid Betancourt was “ungrateful”
  4. The figar.fr , “HH”, Colombian murderer, extradited
  5. (En-Eu) The Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com , Most-wanted Colombia drug lord caught ‘like a dog’» , on The Washington Times (consulted the )
  6. The figar.fr , Decrease in coca culture
  7. The figar.fr , Coca crops increase
  8. The figar.fr , Extrajudicial executions in Colombia
  9. The figar.fr , Farcs in search of Russian missiles
  10. The figar.fr , Swedish weapons found among the FARC
