2011 cantonal elections in Eure-et-Loir-Wikipedia


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THE cantonal elections took place the 20 and [ first ] .

Outgoing departmental assembly [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Before the elections, the General Council of Eure-et-Loir was chaired by Albéric de Montgolfier. It includes 29 general councilors from the 29 cantons of Eure-et-Loir. 14 of them are renewable during these elections.

Composition of the outgoing departmental assembly

Premier tour [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Graph of results of first is  tour

At the end of the first round of the ballot on Sunday , four candidates were elected: Dominique Dousset (canton of Brou, outgoing general councilor member of the minority), Jean-Pierre Jallot (canton of Ferté-Vidame, outgoing general councilor member of the majority), Luc Lamirault (canton of Thiron -Gardais, outgoing general councilor member of the majority) and Albéric de Montgolfier (president of the outgoing general council). With the re-election of three of its members, which are added to the twelve general councilors members of the outgoing majority whose mandate was not renewable in 2011, the elected officials of the group “Winning with Eure-et-Loir” were d ‘Ores already in the majority, holding 15 seats out of 29.

Overall, candidates supported by the departmental majority, in particular those members of the UMP, produce a score significantly higher than the national trend (24.32% in Eure-et-Loir against 16.97% at the national level for the UMP). The same goes for the National Front, which totaled 18.23% of the votes (15.06% at the national level), almost equally with the Socialist Party (18.59% in Eure-et-Loir against 24.94 % on a national level). In several cantons (Châteaudun, Maintenon), the outgoing general councilors of the minority find themselves in uncertain tosh to unfavorable in the second round, while the candidates of the majority on the cantons she has (Illiers-Combray, Janville, Châteauneuf -In-Thymerais) are all at the top of the first round and in favorable tank. It should be noted that the Ministry of the Interior refused to record the Left Front among the “political nuances” during the communication of the results, and that the scores of the left party, the PCF and the PCF and some various left to know the result of political training [ 2 ] . The Left Front in Eure-et-Loir (PG, PCF, alternatives) then totals more than 5,% of the votes (10.38% of the votes at the national level) [ 3 ] .

Ten cantons will experience a second round, including that of Nogent-le-Rotrou, where the outgoing (various left) obtained the majority of the vote, without reaching the 25% threshold of registered voters. No triangular is possible, the duels most often opposing the candidate of the departmental majority “win for Eure-et-Loir (Gael)” to that supported by the minority of the left, with the exception of the canton of Dreux -Sud (socialist candidate opposed to a candidate of the National Front) and that of Châteauneuf-en-Thymerais (candidate of the Democrat-Gael movement opposed to a various right candidate supported by a part of the UMP).

Concerning the positioning of political forces and candidates who cannot maintain themselves in the second round:

  • Europe Ecology The Greens supports socialist, radical and various left candidates, with the exception of Nicolas André, outgoing socialist councilor on the canton of Mainvilliers [ 4 ] ;
  • The Democratic Movement does not give a voting instruction, with the exception of the candidate on the canton of Illiers-Combray, which supports the various left candidate for the second round for the second round for the second round for the second round for the second round for the second round [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] ;
  • The new center calls to vote for the UMP-Gael candidate on the canton of Chartres-Sud-Ouest [ 7 ] ;
  • The UMP candidate not invested by his party in the canton of Châteaudun, calls for voting for the UMP-Gael candidate remaining in the running [ 8 ] ;
  • The candidate of the National Front on the canton of Châteauneuf-en-Thymerais calls not to vote for Christelle Minard (candidate member of the UMP) in the second round [ 9 ] ;
  • The general councilor various outgoing left on the canton of Chartres-Sud-Ouest does not give a voting indication for the second round which will oppose the UMP-Gael candidate for the PS candidate;
  • The UMP candidate on the canton of Dreux-Sud does not give a voting instruction, applying the line stopped by Jean-François Copé at the national level in the second round opposing a candidate of the National Front to that of the Socialist Party [ ten ] .

Results first is  tour [ 11 ]
Nuance Voice Seats
Absolute Relatively
Independent worker party ND 1.78 0
French Communist Party (FG) ND 2.82 0
Left Party (FG) ND 2.16 0
Socialist Party ND 18.59 0
Radical left party ND 4.13 0
Various left ND 12.90 first
Europe Ecology The Greens ND 3.80 0
Divers ND 0.48 0
Democratic movement ND 2.23 0
New center ND 4.63 0
Union for a popular movement ND 24.32 2
Various right ND 3.92 first
Front national ND 18.23 0
Registered ND ND
Abstentions ND 55.98
Voters ND 44.02
White and draw ND ND
Expressed ND ND

Results in number of seats [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Departmental assembly at the end of the elections [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Composition of the departmental assembly at the end of the election

Canton of Brou [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour
Voice %
Dominique Dousset* DVG 2 447 63.96
Franck Poitou NC 568 14.85
Marie-France Garcette FN 526 13.75
Tony delivered THEN 119 3.11
Michel Michelon MoDem 84 2.20
Philippe Sahuc PG 82 2.14
Registered 7 264 100.00
Abstentions 3 373 46.43
Voters 3 891 53.57
White and draw 65 1.67
Expressed 3 826 98.33


Canton of North Chartres [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Christian Gigon* PRG 2 660 45.34 3 614 61.73
Karine Dorange UMP 1 718 29.28 2 241 38.27
Geoffroy Jany FN 901 15.36
Elian Moreau PG 391 6.66
Éric Bernard THEN 197 3.36
Registered 13 694 100.00 13 694 100.00
Abstentions 7 682 56.10 7 523 54.94
Voters 6 012 43.90 6 171 45.06
White and draw 145 2.41 316 5.12
Expressed 5 867 97.59 5 855 94.88


Canton of Chartres-Sud-Ouest [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
FrancoLel UMP 2 747 31.38 4 642 53,62
Christine Lopez-Uroz PS 1 755 20.05 4 016 46.38
Brigitte Santerre* DVG 1 492 17.04
François Debrosse FN 1 466 16.74
Bertrand Massot NC 731 8.35
Jean-François Martin Everything. 564 6.44
Registered 22 232 100.00 22 232 100.00
Abstentions 13 265 59.67 12 874 57.91
Voters 8 967 40.33 9 358 42.09
White and draw 212 2.36 700 7.48
Expressed 8 755 97.64 8 658 92.52


Canton of Châteaudun [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Serge Fauve* PS 2 285 31.59 3 756 55.11
Jean-Yves Panais UMP 1 532 21.18 3 060 44.89
Jean-François Szabo FN 1 324 18.30
Sid-ahmed rouidi DVD 1 153 15.94
Dominique Garcia PCF 419 5.79
Bertrand Arbogast EELV 387 5.35
Gérard Blanchard THEN 134 1.85
Registered 15 769 100.00 15 769 100.00
Abstentions 8 291 52.58 8 428 53.45
Voters 7 478 47.42 7 341 46.55
White and draw 244 3.26 525 7.15
Expressed 7 234 96.74 6 816 92.85


Canton de Châteauteuf-en-Eymeri [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Jean-Pierre Gaboriau* MoDem 1 212 36.18 1 737 57.03
Christelle Minard UMP 846 25.25 1 309 42.97
Sylvia Alves FN 703 20.99
Michel thavard PS 398 11.88
Micheel Ricoupé PCF 113 3.37
José Nicol THEN 78 2.33
Registered 7 255 100.00 7 255 100.00
Abstentions 3 831 52.80 3 909 53.88
Voters 3 424 47.20 3 346 46.12
White and draw 74 2.16 300 8.97
Expressed 3 350 97.84 3 046 91.03


Canton of Dreux-Sud [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Daniel Frard * PS 1 670 39.24 2 975 64.73
Dominique Desrues FN 1 141 26.81 1 621 35.27
Mohamed tabit UMP 728 17.11
Mohamed Bougafer EELV 389 9.14
Gisèle Quérite PCF 187 4.39
Dominique Maillot THEN 141 3.31
Registered 12 502 100.00 12 513 100.00
Abstentions 8 132 65.05 7 600 60.74
Voters 4 370 34.95 4 913 39.26
White and draw 114 2.61 217 6.45
Expressed 4 256 97.39 4 596 93.55


Canton of Illiers-Combray [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Jean-François Manceau* UMP 1 663 47.41 2 073 61.17
Pierre Gigou DVG 849 24.20 1 316 38.83
Sébastien Cerruti FN 573 16.33
Michel Lefrançois MoDem 223 6.36
Michel Quéchon PCF 200 5.70
Registered 7 730 100.00 7 731 100.00
Abstentions 4 138 53.53 4 134 53.47
Voters 3 592 46.47 3 597 46.53
White and draw 84 2.34 208 5.78
Expressed 3 508 97.66 3 389 94.22


Canton de Janville [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Laurent Leclercq NC 1 686 48.25 2 190 65,61
Francis Besnard DVG 827 23.67 1 148 34.39
André Dupin FN 500 14.31
Stéphane Maguet MoDem 227 6.50
Antoine Bruneau CNIP 151 4.32
Catherine Stern PCF 103 2.95
Registered 6 570 100.00 6 569 100.00
Abstentions 2 991 45.53 3 043 46.32
Voters 3 579 54.47 3 526 53.68
White and draw 85 1.37 188 5.33
Expressed 3 494 97.63 3 338 94.67

Canton of Ferté-Vidame [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour
Voice %
Jean-Pierre Jallot* UMP 530 60.92
Christophe Wheel FN 155 17.82
Joffrey Deschamps PS 137 15.75
Dominique Duplan Everything. 34 3.91
Carine DESSET THEN 14 1.61
Registered 1 807 100.00
Abstentions 915 50.64
Voters 892 49.36
White and draw 22 2.47
Expressed 870 97.53


Canton of Maintenon [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Michel Deprez* PS 2 756 32.78 4 561 55.21
Stéphane Lemoine UMP 2 286 27.19 3 700 44.79
Jean-Pierre splashes FN 1 864 22.17
Hears trofleau EELV 1 082 12.87
Frédéric Berbédes FG 420 5.00
Registered 22 450 100.00 22 439 100.00
Abstentions 13 785 61.40 13 548 60.38
Voters 8 665 38.60 8 891 39,62
White and draw 257 2.97 630 7.09
Expressed 8 408 97.03 8 261 92.91


Canton of Mainvilliers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Nicolas André* PS 1 955 36.29 3 138 59.24
Martial Roast UMP 1 360 25.25 2 159 40.76
Laurent Rousseau FN 958 17.78
Gérard Leray EELV 589 10.93
Georges Lemoine THEN 309 5.74
Bernard Totée PCF 216 4.01
Registered 13 592 100.00 13 592 100.00
Abstentions 8 106 59.64 7 992 58.80
Voters 5 486 40.36 5 600 41.20
White and draw 99 1.80 303 5.41
Expressed 5 387 98.20 5 297 94.59


Canton of Nogent-le-Rotrou [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Philippe Ruhlmann * DVG 2 693 54.25 3 396 73.28
André Poux UMP 996 20.06 1 238 26.72
Frédéric Guibert FN 799 16.10
Loïc Morisot PG 356 7.17
Élisabeth Bacle-Asskouk THEN 120 2.42
Registered 10 970 100.00 10 970 100.00
Abstentions 5 874 53.55 6 084 55.46
Voters 5 096 46.45 4 886 44.54
White and draw 132 2.59 252 5.16
Expressed 4 964 97.41 4 634 94.84


Canton of Orgères-en-Beauce [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour
Voice %
Albéric de Montgolfier* UMP 1 257 56.34
Willy Bourgeois PS 461 20.66
Serge not FN 437 19.59
ALBERT HORnez PCF 76 3.41
Registered 3 973 100.00
Abstentions 1 673 42.11
Voters 2 300 57.89
White and draw 69 3.00
Expressed 2 231 97.00


Canton of Thiron-Gardais [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates Label Premier tour
Voice %
Luc Lamirault* DVD 1 223 54.24
René Rousselle PS 556 24.66
Yannick Lecointre FN 396 17.56
Michel Castre PCF 80 3.55
Registered 4 255 100.00
Abstentions 1 955 45.95
Voters 2 300 54.05
White and draw 45 1.96
Expressed 2 255 98.04


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