2011 senatorial elections in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques-Wikipedia


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2011 senatorial elections in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques
Type of election Senatorial elections
Electrical posts 3 senator seats
Transparent - replace this image female on Infobox lightgrey background.svg
Frédérique Espagnac PS
Voice first is tour 641

Voice 2 It is tour 878

Transparent - replace this image male on Infobox lightgrey background.svg
Jean-Jacques Lasserre MoDem
Voice first is tour 617

Voice 2 It is tour 823

Transparent - replace this image male on Infobox lightgrey background.svg
Georges Labazée PS
Voice first is tour 620

Voice 2 It is tour 714

Denise Saint-Pé.jpg Denise Saint-Pé MoDem
Voice first is tour 473

Voice 2 It is tour 655

Transparent - replace this image male on Infobox lightgrey background.svg
Michel Hiriart UMP
Voice first is tour 368

Voice 2 It is tour 528

Transparent - replace this image female on Infobox lightgrey background.svg
Annie Jarraud-Vergnolle PS
Voice first is tour 511

Voice 2 It is tour 412

Transparent - replace this image male on Infobox lightgrey background.svg
Bernard Dupont UMP
Voice first is tour 203

Transparent - replace this image male on Infobox lightgrey background.svg
Pierre Duhart UMP
Voice first is tour 185

Transparent - replace this image male on Infobox lightgrey background.svg
Charles Pélanne NC
Voice first is tour 185

Senators of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques
Outgoing Elected
Auguste Cazalet, Annie Jarraud-Vergnolle and Didier Borotra
UMP, PS and modem
Georges Labazée, Frédérique Espagnac and Jean-Jacques Lasserre
PS: PS and Modem

The senatorial elections in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques take place on Sunday [ first ] . Their purpose is to elect the senators representing the department in the Senate for a term of six years.

During the senatorial elections of September 23, 2001 in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, three senators were elected: Didier Borotra (UDF), Auguste Cazalet (RPR) and André Labarrère (PS).

Since then, all the enrollment of the electoral college of the great voters have been renewed, with the French legislative elections of 2007, the French regional elections of 2010, the cantonal elections of 2008 and 2011 and the French municipal elections of 2008.

Presentation of candidates and alternates [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The new representatives are elected for a legislature of 6 years by indirect universal suffrage by the 1762 major voters of the department. In the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, senators are elected by the majority ballot at 2 laps. Their number remains unchanged, 3 senators are to be elected. They are 17 candidates in the department, each with a substitute [ 2 ] .

2011 election results [ 2 ]
Candidate and political party Premier tour Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Frédérique Espagnac PS 641 38.25 878 50.69
Georges Labazée PS 620 36.99 714 41.22
Jean-Jacques Lasserre MoDem 617 36.81 823 47.52
Annie Jarraud-Vergnolle PS 511 30.49 412 23.79
Denise Saint-Pé MoDem 473 28.22 655 37.82
Michel Hiriart UMP 368 21.96 528 30,48
Bernard Dupont UMP 203 12.11
Pierre Duhart UMP 185 11.04
Charles Pélanne NC 185 11.04
Olivier Dartigolles PCF 166 9.90 129 7.45
Jean Castaings UMP 162 9.67
Savior Bacho EELV 150 8.95 317 18.30
Danièle Iriart EELV 104 6.21
Alice Leiciaguecahar EELV eighty six 5.13
Jean Tellechea EAJ-PNB 50 2.98
Philippe Palengat DIV 27 1.61
Chantal Renou FN 18 1.07
Registered 1 762 100.00 1 762 100.00
Abstentions 54 3.06 11 0.62
Voters 1 708 96.94 1 751 99.38
White and draw 32 1.82 19 1.08
Expressed 1 676 95.12 1 732 98.30

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