2012 Intronautique — Wikipedia


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Geographic chronologies

The arrival of the Rover MSL on Mars is the most anticipated spatial event of the year.

This page presents the chronology of events that occurred during the year 2012 in the field of astronautics .

Interplanetary probes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

No launch of space probe was carried out in 2012.

Mars Science Laboratory landed in the Gale crater on the planet Mars And started a mission which should last at least 1 year. Grail lunar probes were orbit around the moon at the beginning of the year and after having a very detailed statement of the gravitational field crashed on the lunar soil at the end of 2012. Dawn completed its mission study of Vesta in August 2012 and left the orbit of the minor planet to head to Ceres where it should arrive in 2015. Messenger completes its nominal mission around the planet Mercury But it was extended by one year. The Russian probe Phobos-Grunt nailed in orbit around the earth was destroyed during its atmospheric return to .

The following probes are on the way to their destination: Rosetta (arrival in view of the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko in ), New Horizons (overview in of Pluto), Juno (orbit in orbit around Jupiter in ).

Scientific satellites [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

NASA has launched a small space telescope x nustar X -rays . The two RBSP satellites responsible for studying the interactions between the sun and the earth as part of the NASA Living With A Star program were put in orbit the .

International space station [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Falcon 9 launcher and the SpaceX Dragon space cargo cargo cargo made the second and last qualification flight as well as a first operational flight (COTS-2 and SpaceX CRS-1) for the supply of the international space station. The second launch was marred by the extinction of an engine on the first floor, but this failure did not prevent the course of the refueling operation of the space station.

Launchers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The European light launcher Vega (2 tonnes in low orbit), after several postpones, made a first qualification flight: it was fired the Since the shot since the Kourou launch base used by Ariane IV. North Korea has managed to put a satellite in its fourth attempt with its UNHA launcher and is now part of a small circle of space nations with launch capacities.

Others [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A mixed Chinese crew carried out At The first inhabited Shenzhou 9 mission aboard the Tiangong 1 space station.

January [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

FEBRUARY [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Mars [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

April [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

May [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

June [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

July [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

August [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

September [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

October [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

November [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

December [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Vols orbitaux [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

By country [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

2012 Launches.svg
North Korea
Nbre launch by country in 2012

By launcher [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

By type of orbit [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Date Space probe Event Noticed
first is January GRAIL B Lunar orbit insertion joined the grail twin probe which has placed in orbit the
Cassini 80 It is Survol of Titan This comes to 2915 km km
Cassini 81 It is Survol of Titan This comes to 331111 km
Cassini 82 It is Survol of Titan This comes to 303 km km
Cassini 17 It is overflow This comes 900 km kmp
Cassini 18 It is overflow This comes to 74 weeks
Cassini 19 It is overflow This comes to 74 weeks
Cassini Flight to Tethys This comes 900 km kmp
Cassini 19 It is overflow This comes to 74 weeks
Cassini 4 It is overview of Dioné This comes 800 km kmp
Cassini Methone overview This comes to 200 kmp
Cassini Télesto overview This comes to 1100 km km km
Cassini 83 It is Survol of Titan This comes to 955.
Cassini 84 It is Survol of Titan This comes to 959
Cassini 85 It is Survol of Titan This comes to 102 km
Mars Science Laboratory Landing on Mars
Dawn Departure of the orbit around Vesta
Cassini eighty six It is Survol of Titan This comes to 956.
Cassini eighty seven It is Survol of Titan This comes to 973k
Cassini 88 It is Survol of Titan This comes to 1014 km
Cassini Rhea overview This Scelit is 2300 km kmk
Chang’e 2 Overview of (4179) Toutatis Distance of 3.2 km. First overview of an asteroid by a Chinese space probe.
GRAIL Impact of the two probes on the moon
  • : Oleg Kononenko and Anton Shkaplerov moved the robotic arm Strela 1 from the PIRS module to the pea module and installed four experiments outside the station (6 hours 15 minutes).
  • : Gennady Padalka and Iouri Malentchenko move the binding point of the remote -controlled arm Strela 2 of the PIRS mooring module at the Zarya module in order to prepare the release of the PIRS module and prepare the arrival of the Naukia laboratory in 2012. They also install protection against The micro -metering on Zvezda, remove two scientific equipment installed outside the PIRS module, install two supports for the dishes scale and deploy two small satellites (5:51).
  • : Sunita Williams and Akihiko Hoshide connect two lines of power between the Russian segment and the American station and replace a connection case (MSBU). Astronauts have difficulty loosening the fixings of the old box and fail to fix the new box definitively. This task should be made as part of a next outing. (8:17 am 3 It is output for duration)
  • : Sunita Williams and Akihiko Hoshide definitely install the new MSBU box. Replace the Candarm2 arm. During this Sunita outing broke the extravagular exit duration record by a woman owned until then by Peggy Whitson (6:28).
  • first is November: Sunita Williams and Akihiko Hoshide isolate the ammonia leak in one of the cooling systems and activate a cooling circuit (Early External Thermal Control System Eetcs), not used to replace the faulty circuit (5:38).
  1. Success of the small European rocket Vega , Le Figaro , February 13, 2012.
  2. Back to earth from the Chinese capsule Shenzhou IX , Le Figaro , June 29, 2012.
  3. An Ariane rocket takes off from Kourou , Le Figaro , September 28, 2012.
  4. SpaceX lance sa capsule Dragon vers l’ISS , Le Figaro , October 8, 2012.
  5. The Soyuz rocket launches two new Galileo satellites , Le Figaro , October 12, 2012.
  6. A Soyuz rocket took off towards the ISS , Le Figaro , October 23, 2012.

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