603 — Wikipedia


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NK 603 is the name of a “Transformation event” Patented by the Monsanto company which gives tolerance to glyphosate (active material of herbicides and in particular from Roundup) to modified plants (GMOs).

By abuse of language, we have called the varieties of corn genetically modified by this event “corn nk603”, or “corn mon-Øø6ø3-6″ but, in reality, there are other varieties of corn bearing this event, sold under the range of range ” Round up Ready Corn 2 » [ first ] .

Plants carrying NK 603 or “Roundup Ready” (mainly corn and soybeans) are authorized in several countries, especially in the United States, where they have been cultivated since 2000, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina, Argentina In Japan, the Philippines, South Africa.

In the European Union, the NK603 is authorized for import and transformation as well as animal consumption, since 2004, and human, since 2005, but not to culture.

In 2011, herbicide tolerant corn was cultivated on 7.7 million hectares worldwide. In addition 37.5 million hectares were devoted to the cultivation of GMO corn with combined features, a large part of which included the NK603 event [ 2 ] .


Corn NK603 has two copies of the gene CP4 EPSPS , coming from the C4 strain of a soil bacteria, Agrobacterium tumefaciens , Coding 5-ÉnolpyRuvylshate-3-Phosphate Synthase (EPSPS), which gives glyphosate tolerance by modifying an amino acid [ 3 ] .

The modification method used is the bombing of vegetable cells by purified (biolistic) DNA microparticles.

NK603 corn has been hybridized with other genetically modified varieties to combine glyphosate tolerance with in particular insect resistance, thus variety 1570 x NK603 also authorizes insect resistance of the order of lepidoptera.

The objective of the bearing varieties of the CP4 transgene is to fight more effectively against weeds, that is to say “weeds”, by giving the farmer the means to spread glyphosate over the culture of corn already During development, and to carry out complete weeding with a single herbicide with a low persistence in the ground (initially, the Monsanto Roundup); Indeed, the use of selective herbicides after lifting does not always eliminate all the weeding plants likely to compete with the culture.

Roundup herbicide has also been created and patented and sold by the Monsanto company, but the Roundup certificate fell into the public domain in 2000. Since then, many farmers have used other glyphosate formulation, cheaper and manufactured in China under other marks names.

In , the American review Food and Chemical Toxicology Publishes a study led by French professor Gilles-Éric Séralini, Criigen activist and funded by multinationals in the Large Distribution Carrefour and Auchan and by Senator Grosdidier [ 4 ] , demonstrating according to the authors the danger of genetically modified corn NK 603 on rats fed for two years with the latter. Groups of ten rats have received either low doses with very strong roundups, or variable doses of GMO corn in their diet or both. Researchers observe faster and more mortalities in groups of rats studied.

This study has a strong media impact and relaunches the debate on GMOs [ 5 ] . But these results are quickly rejected by a large part of the French and international scientific community at the sight of the gaps presented by the study [ 6 ] . Statistical analysis shows that the mortality and morbidity of rats groups exposed to GMOs and/or Roundup is not outside the limit of natural variation in this rat strain. [Ref. necessary] The study causes a double debate, on the relevance of scientific studies on GMOs but also on the mode of communication of scientific information to audiences.
