78th Infantry Division (Germany) – Wikipedia


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The 78 It is infantry division (in German : 78. Infantry-Division or 78. ID ) become 78 It is assault division (in German : 78. Sturm-Division ) is one of the German army infantry divisions (Wehrmacht) during the first and Second World War.

The 78 It is infantry division is formed the in Stuttgart in the Wehrkreis V as an element of the 2. Wave ( 2 It is Mobilization wave) by incorporating reservists from Baden-Wurtemberg.

Of To , she is confined to Germany in reserve on the Rhine in Bretten and must wait To see the action.

Of At , she participates in the yellow plan and the Battle of France in the 9 It is Army and fight in Luxembourg, Belgium and north of Reims in the Epernay region.

Of To , the division being planned to participate in the Seelöwe operation, it remains stationed in the north of France.


From April to , she parked in Poland, then until , she participates in the Barbarossa operation in the Center armies (Heeresgrupe Mitte) with the 4 It is Armues there Condibat À BIALYSTOK, MOGUILEV it Rowlavl. En , she fights at the battle of Smolensk. In , she participates in the fights of Ielnia and in the battle of the Viazma-Briansk pocket. From October to , the Division is progressing and arrives in Rouza located about 100 kilometers from Moscow. She undergoes heavy losses during the Russian winter counter-offensive and fights at RSCHEW and CHOLM. She receives the Infantry-Regiment 14 from 5 It is Infantry division in to replace the Infantry-Regiment 238 destroy.

In 1942, she was fighting in the Heeresgrupe Mitte with the 9 It is army corps of the 4. Panzerarmee, then 3 It is Panzer Army on the Gjat river from January to May, then with the 9. Armed in the forty six It is corps, then the 39 It is Army corps in Rshew. In , during the Soviet offensive, she defends Ioukhnov and Gshatsk. From September to , she participates in the battles of Rjev, around Moscow, and in operation Mars.

The 78 It is infantry division is renowned and reorganized in 78. Sturm-Division the After the heavy losses suffered (there are only 1,500 soldiers left).
His coat of arms is clinging to the iron fist.

The designation of Sturm (Assaut) allows it to be equipped with the latest military technologies and weapons:

From February to , she fights in Orel.

Then, until , she fights in Britansk, Ielnia and Orcha during Operation Zitadelle and the second battle of Smolensk.

In , it is destroyed after the fights of Minsk and Tscherwen during the operation Bagration . The survivors are paid to the 543rd Volksgrenadier-Division

She is reconstructed in Münsingen the as 78. Grenadier-Division from the 543 It is Grenadiers division then in training. She is renamed the in 78. Volksgrenadier Division then in in 78. Volks-Sturm Division [ first ] .

Commanders [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Operations officers (generalStabsoffizer (IA)) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Germany :
  • France :
  • Eastern front of the center:
  • Infantry-Regiment 195
  • Infantry-Regiment 215
  • Infantry-Regiment 238
  • Artillery-Regiment 178
  • Pioneer battalion 178
  • Tank defense department 178
  • Enlightenment department 178
  • Infantry division-news department 178
  • Division supplements 178
In 1943
  • Sturm-Regiment 14
  • Sturm-Regiment 195
  • Sturm-Regiment 215
  • Garning battalion 5
  • Sturmschütz-Department 189
  • Flak department 293
  • Artillery-Regiment 178
  • Pioneer battalion 178
  • Panzerjäger department 178
  • Sturm division-news department 178
  • Commander of the Division Suppliers 178

Related articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

External link [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. It is indeed Volks-Sturm Division (people’s assault division) and not Volkssturm .
