Vichy public transport – Wikipedia


THE Vichy public transport , and more generally of the community of Agglomeration Vichy Community, are organized in several modes: urban (MobiVie bus network), interurban (networks managed by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region), rail (Vichy stations and, on the periphery , from Saint-Germain-des-Fossés), airport (Vichy-Charmeil airport) and river (shuttle connecting the two banks of the Allier).


As an organizing authority for mobility, Vichy Community automatically exercises the “organization of mobility” competence under the development of the community space [ Note 1 ] .

Public transport is ensured by the community of Agglomeration Vichy Community over the entire perimeter, as a compulsory basis for urban public transport and optional for transport on demand [ VC 1 ] .

There are two intermodal exchanges in the agglomeration:

  • Around the Vichy station, inaugurated the With the end of the work of the station and its forecourt, then in 2014 with the entry into force of a bicycle rental service; It allows correspondence between the train, the interurban coaches now managed by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, taxis and bikes;
  • in the center of Cusset, inaugurated the .

The public transport offer in the agglomeration is made up, among others:

Image illustrative de l’article Transports en commun de Vichy
Bolloré BlueBus SE (Line A) and Mercedes-Benz Sprinter City (line E), at the Cusset Center terminus.

Situation Drapeau de la France France
(Abrest, Bellerive-sur-Allier, Creuzier-le-Vieux, Cusset, Hauterive and Vichy)
Type Bus
Entry into service Under the trade name:
Operated by Transdev:
Lines 8
Attendance 1 281 850 (2014) [ VC 5 ]
Owner Vichy community of agglomeration community
Operator Transdev Vichy (Transdev)
Site Internet
Slogan Move more, move bus
Network lines A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I
Related networks Rail network:

Interurban networks:

The urban network Mobivie serves six municipalities: Abrest, Bellerive-sur-Allier, Creuzier-le-Vieux, Cusset, Hauterive and Vichy. Its exploitation has been entrusted to Transdev from the [ 2 ] .


It is supplemented by a on -demand transport service, Custom Mobivie , as well as two other community services covering the entire agglomeration community: Mobival And Mobil’hand .

Table of Contents

History [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The tram (1895-1927) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1895, a compressed air tram service (Mékarski system) was proposed connecting Vichy to Cusset. This service only lasted 32 years: in 1927, the electrification was refused which led to a replacement by a bus service.

The Bus Inter network (1984-2010) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Intercommunal Transport Syndicate of the Vichy Agglomeration (SITCAV) managed the Inter Bus network, which extended in five municipalities (Vichy, Abrest, Bellerive-sur-Allier, Creuzier-le-Vieux and Cusset) [ 3 ] .

The Sivom Vichy-Cuss-Bellerive delegated the operation of the Inter Bus network in 1984. The contract is renewed every twelve years. It replaces the inter -municipal public transport union of the Vichyssis agglomeration (SitCAV) by prefectural decree of the , which renewed the delegation to the company bus inter le [ 4 ] . The union is competent on the transport of people in the municipalities of Bellerive-sur-Allier, Creuzier-le-Vieux, Cusset and Vichy. Abrest joins the four municipalities by prefectural decree of with effect at .

The sitcav is dissolved the for the benefit of the agglomeration community which acquires transport competence. The transport payment, hitherto applicable in the five aforementioned municipalities, extends to all the municipalities of the agglomeration community since the .

From 1984 to 1994 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The first modern urban network was created in 1984 under the name Bus Inter . It then consisted of four lines numbered from 1 to 4 and served the municipalities of Abrest, Bellerive-sur-Allier, Creuzier-le-Vieux, Cusset and Vichy [ H 1 ] .

Bus network bus lines from 1984 to 1994
Line Journey Frequency
first (Creuzier-le-Vieux)-Chantegrelet-Charles de Gaulle Post-Social Security-(Abrest) 30 min
2 (Bouton)-Jules-Ferry College-SNCF station-Côte Saint-Amand 20 min
3 Charles de Gaulle Post – Les Graves – Cusset – Tax Center 30 min
4 Bellerive/Chantemerle town hall – Charles de Gaulle Post – Cusset Jean Moulin 30 min
From 1994 to 2001 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The network was moderately developed between 1984 and 1994. A new line was created in 1994 but the service of Abrest is deleted [ H 2 ] . The visual identity evolves at the same time and remains identical until 2006.

Bus network bus lines from 1994 to 2001
Line Journey Frequency
first (Creuzier-le-Vieux/La Viala)-Chantegrelet-Charles de Gaulle Post-Les Bourins-(Croix Saint-Martin/Côte Saint-Amand) 30 min
2 (Bouton)-Jules Ferry college-SNCF station-Côte Saint-Amand 20 min
3 Super Bellerive – Bellerive town hall – Charles de Gaulle Bellerive first h
4 Bellerive town hall – Charles de Gaulle Post – Cusset Meunière 30 min
5 LES GRAVES – Charles de Gaulle Post – Champcourt/Goutbel 30 min
From 2001 to 2006: an ineffective network [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The network continues to develop until counting nine indicated lines from 1 to 9 and serves the municipalities of Abrest, Bellerive-sur-Allier, Creuzier-le-Vieux, Cusset and Vichy as when it was created [ H 3 ] .

Bus bus lines from 2001 to 2001
Line Journey Frequency
first (Creuzier-le-Vieux/La Viala)-Chantegrelet-Charles de Gaulle Post-Les Bourins-(Croix Saint-Martin/Côte Saint-Amand) 30 min
2 (Bouton)-Jules Ferry college-SNCF station-Côte Saint-Amand 20 min
3 Super Bellerive – Bellerive town hall – Charles de Gaulle Bellerive first h
4 Bellerive town hall – Charles de Gaulle Post – Cusset Meunière 30 min
5 Les Graves – Charles de Gaulle Post – Champcourt 30 min
6 SNCF station – Abrest town hall 8 A/R
7 SNCF station – Charles de Gaulle Post – La Tour d’Abrest 5 A/R
8 Cusset Center – Crepin Communal House 4 A/R Tuesdays and Saturdays
9 Victory Library – Cusset Center – Les Peupliers/Les Boursee N.C.

Compared to networks of less than 100,000 inhabitants, the 2001 Inter -Inter -Bus network had several drawbacks, such as insufficient mileage offer, with an average of 13.7 km per inhabitant (against 18.1 km ), a low attendance (26 trips per capita against 45), a network that is difficult to read due to the complexity of the lines, or a low commercial speed [ 3 ] .

According to a 2007 document from the Auvergne Regional Chamber of Accounts, the network, 49 kilometers long, was the shortest in Auvergne [ 4 ] . The company operating the network had 44 employees, including 34 drivers [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] .

The network recorded two million trips and the buses have traveled 768,000 km [ 8 ] .

2006: an improved network [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A study on the reorganization of the Inter bus network ordered by the agglomeration community has ended in . Its purpose is to make the network more consistent for better readability of the network and to improve the speed of the service [ 3 ] . This reorganization has, on this basis, been voted by the Community Assembly the And provides for several improvements in terms of attractiveness and supply: increase in commercial speed and frequency, removal of line 8 and passage of line 3 in Vichy [ 4 ] .

The new network is put into service the . The visual identity of the network was redesigned at the same time, with the creation of a new logo. The network then has seven lines (numbered from 1 to 7), traveling from Monday to Saturday, as well as Sunday and celebrations service taking up the two lines route [ H 4 ] , [ H 5 ] . The network has been modified as follows:

  • Line 1 takes up the service of line 6 which disappears and abandons the service of Viala and Côte Saint-Amand, the frequency remains identical.
  • Line 2 is extended from Boutiron to Vichy-Rhue and on the other side resumes the stops from 1 to Côte Saint-Amand, the frequency remains identical.
  • Line 3 is modified to serve the Omnisports and Vichy center and becomes circular, the frequency remains identical.
  • Line 4 keeps the same frequency and is not very modified, the Bellerive-sur-Allier service is now done in both directions via a new journey, by the avenue de Russia.
  • Line 5 keeps the same frequency but its terminus is brought back Graves to the SNCF train station .
  • Line 6 of the old network having been absorbed by the 1, this index is reused for a new line connecting the Vichy station to the center of Cusset by the Graves, taking up the journey of lines 5 and 9 with a frequency of 50 minutes.
  • Line 7 keeps the same frequency and is extended to The Tower of Abrest To Hauterive Plein Soleil .
  • Line 8 is purely and simply deleted.
  • Line 9 is replaced by lines 5 and 6 with the exception of the service of the Chassignol district which is no longer guaranteed.

For reasons of low attendance, certain districts are no longer served by a bus line, such as the Chassignol district, in the heights of Cusset, or other districts of Creuzier-le-Vieux (Crépin, La Viala), or partially like the Graves district.

In addition to the overhaul of this network (all the lines served the Vichy station), the agglomeration community has made a change in urban furniture, with new arrest posts and set up some bus stops for people with reduced mobility.

This network will have a short existence because it will be restructured in 2010 again, more deeply.

Bus bus lines At
Line Journey Frequency
first (Les Arloings) – Chantegrelet – Charles de Gaulle Post – Les Bourins – (Les Biernets) 30 min [ H 6 ] , [ H 7 ]
2 (Vichy Rhue)-Jules Ferry college-Charles de Gaulle Post-Côte Saint-Amand (or via Poincaré) 20 min [ H 8 ] , [ H 9 ]
3 Bellerive town hall – Super Bellerive – Charles de Gaulle Post – Chantemerle – (Monzière) – Bellerive town hall first h [ H 10 ] , [ H 11 ]
4 Bellerive town hall – Charles de Gaulle Post – Cusset Meunière 30 min [ H 12 ] , [ H 13 ]
5 Charles de Gaulle Post – Cusset Champcourt 30 min [ H 14 ] , [ H 15 ]
6 Charles de Gaulle Post – Cusset Center 50 min [ H 16 ]
7 SNCF station – Hauterive Plein Soleil 5 A/R [ H 17 ]
Morning Collège Jules Ferry → Charles de Gaulle Post → Côte Saint-Amand → Charles de Gaulle Post → Bellerive town hall → Charles de Gaulle Post → Cusset Meunière → SNCF station → Jules Ferry College 2 passages [ H 18 ]
Afternoon Jules Ferry college-SNCF station-Côte Saint-Amand (line 2)
Bellerive town hall – Charles de Gaulle Post – Cusset Meunière (line 4)
5 a/r for
each journey [ H 19 ]

In 2010, vehicles traveled 785,000 km (eight months of inter -and -four -month bus operations) [ VC 6 ] .

MOBIVIE network (since 2010) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Operated by Keolis Vichy (2010-2018) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
Logo du réseau MobiVie de 2010 à 2018

MOBIVIE logo from 2010 to 2018.
Irisbus Agora Line revêtant la livrée MobiVie

Details of the MOBIVIE livery on a bus near the covered market in November 2010.

In 2010, the agglomeration community decided to restructure the network [ 9 ] , under the trade name Mobivian [ ten ] . A website is created in July 2010 [ 11 ] .

The Mobivie network is launched the August 30, 2010 ; According to the operator Keolis, he wants to be “Optimized, more attractive, better hierarchical” With a strong line, a redefinition of the pricing grid and a night offer, as well as the acquisition of less capacity rolling stock [ twelfth ] . It is then made up of eight regular lines indicated from A to H and additional services, such as transport on demand Custom Mobivie . The perimeter of Mobivie is unchanged from Inter Bus.

The 2014 activity report reported 47 members of the company’s staff, including 38 drivers, six in the administrative and commercial sector, as well as two controllers [ VC 5 ] . At December 31, 2010 , its turnover amounted to 2,976,500 € € [ 13 ] .

When it was launched, the network revolved around the following lines:

  • line A, “Network spine” , connects Jules-Ferry college to the Cusset center [ 14 ] . Its frequency, of 15 minutes , exceeds those of old lines 2 and 4 combined (respectively 20 and 30 minutes );
  • Line B, connecting Bellerive-sur-Allier to the Jacques-Lacarin hospital center and the Saint-Amand coast, with a service of the aquatic stadium on Sundays and holidays [ 14 ] . Formed from old lines 2 and 4, its frequency, of 30 minutes , remains identical to line 4 but decreases compared to the old line 2;
  • line C, connecting the aquatic stadium to the center of Cusset [ 14 ] . Formed from line 5 on the Cusset side, its frequency goes from 30 to 40 minutes;
  • line D, strictly taking up the layout of line 1, but to the detriment of attendance which goes from 30 to 40 minutes ;
  • Line E, formed from line 6 to the center of Cusset and line 4 to Meunière, as well as line 3 between rotunda stops and Bellerive center (with a new terminus at the church) was then ” a novelty ” by serving the Vichy parks and the thermal district [ 14 ] ;
  • Line F, departing from the SNCF station, provided, at the rate of two departures per day, a link to the industrial zone of Vichy Rhue with possibility for an employee a removal at the door of his company [ 14 ] ;
  • Line G, which strictly resumed the layout of line 7, with an extension to the bioparc activity zone, hitherto not served. The frequency is five back and forth per day;
  • The H line, internal to Cusset, designed for the service of high schools in the town, in harmony with the opening hours of these schools. Operating only in school period, this line connects the Champcourt district to the Normandy bus stop at the law of the Lycée de Presles (today Lycée Albert-Londres).

The Sunday service takes up the route of lines A and B all day, instead of having different specific lines depending on the time of the day.

The network was officially inaugurated the January 8, 2011 [ 15 ] . 45% of the car fleet has been renewed (3 new Midibus and 6 new minibuses complete the 11 existing vehicles).

The September 5, 2011 , the network has been changed to better serve the town of Bellerive-sur-Allier and the Vichy-Rhue activity area. If lines A, B, G and H remain unchanged [ MV 1 ] , others have seen their reinforced service, and a new line has been created:

  • On line C, a departure from the aquatic stadium is added in the morning. The intermittent service of the CREPS, the Guinea Streck subdivision, the Chabannes-Basses Chemin and the Chemin de la Montée, these last two streets being no longer served by a regular line from the August 30, 2010 , is also taken up by this line;
  • On line D, the schedules are reinforced at noon and at the end of the afternoon, without change of route;
  • On line E, the schedules are reinforced at noon and the service of the Bellerive church is lost for the benefit of that of the Meunière district in Cusset;
  • The route of line F is reduced to a shuttle role between the Jules-Ferry college (terminus of line A) and the Vichy-Rhue activity zone, with alignment of schedules with those of line A;
  • A new line is created in Bellerive-sur-Allier: line I, circulating Monday to Saturday between the town hall and the Navarre activity zone via The Chantemerle district where service is restored.

Consequently, the perimeter of transport on demand is reduced: it is deleted in Chantemerle, in sechauds and Meunières following the return of regular lines in these districts.

Parking Relais derrière l'arrêt de bus Stade Aquatique

Relay parking behind the aquatic stadium bus stop.

New changes to the network have occurred for the 2013-2014 service. Thus, since September 2, 2013 , lines B and C are used with a frequency of twenty minutes. This increase in supply “Bases on the overall travel policy” Voted by the old agglomeration community of Vichy Val d’Allier at the end of 2012, and makes it possible to reduce the time of correspondence according to the operator [ 16 ] . Furthermore, the layout of these two lines is changed: line B recovers the service of the Navarre ZA (barn stops in the grain) to the detriment of line C which also loses the service of the Chabannes-Basses and the climbing paths .

In order to settle “The problem of parking” According to the deputy director of the Pôle Development and Development in Vichy Val d’Allier, a seven -space relay car park is created behind the aquatic stadium bus stop [ 16 ] .

Bus lines of the Mobivie network of August 30, 2010 At August 31, 2018
Line Journey Frequency in 2017 Attendance [ VC 5 ]
A Jules Ferry college Cusset Center 15 min 593 371 I go
B Jean Rostand college or Bellay or Aquatic stadium (Sundays and holidays) – Côte Saint-Amand 20 min 267 489 I go
C ARLOING COURSE Aquatic stadium 20 min 190 303 I go
D Arloings The Biernets 50 min excluding reinforcements 82 139 I go
AND Cusset Meunière or Cusset Center CREPS irregular 76 354 I go
F Jules Ferry college Vichy Rhue 6 A/R 375 I go
G SNCF train station Biopark 5 A/R 1 010 I go
H Champcourt Normandy 1 to 2 a/r during school period 8 452 I go
I Bellerive town hall Grain barn 8 A/R ? 3 200 I go
  • The number of trips per year is defined in 2014, expressed according to the number of validations on each line [ VC 5 ] .

The , an electrical bus from the manufacturer Heuliez bus is tested in the agglomeration [ VC 7 ] .

Operated by Transdev (since 2018) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since , Transdev operates the urban network for a period of 7 years and 11 months [ 17 ] . This exploitation by a competitor authorizes the agglomeration community to become the owner of its bus deposit, the former deposit, owner of Keolis, prevented opening up to competition, according to the president of Vichy Community, Frédéric Aguilera [ 2 ] .

One of the major new features of the network, now operated by Transdev, concerns rolling stock: an entire line operated with electric buses.

Few changes have occurred between the old network operated by Keolis and that by Transdev:

  • Line E is limited to the wings and no longer crosses the bridge of Europe;
  • line I is extended from the Bellerive town hall on the wings, via Jean-Rostand college and aquatic stadium;
  • Line F, which served the Vichy-Rhue activity area in Creuzier-le-Vieux is deleted.

In 2019, the Agglomeration Community adapted the layout of line A by serving the Presles district by the Mesdames alley and the rue du Moulin-de-Presle created as part of the Urban Requalification of the district, in Cusset [ VC 8 ] , on the other hand, the frequency goes from 15 to 20 minutes; The arlooing service (in Creuzier-le-Vieux) and Biernets (in Abrest) for line D, and Meunière (at Cusset) for line E, has been reinforced [ VC 9 ] .

In 2019, Transdev Vichy employed 49 employees [ VC 9 ] .

Network characteristics [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Accessibility [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Arrêt de bus Centre Hospitalier, aménagé pour les personnes à mobilité réduite, en 2015

Bus stop Hospital Center , furnished for people with reduced mobility in 2015.

No line is officially accessible on the MOBIVIE network; Indeed, not all buses and stops are.

The 2005 law provided for the total accessibility of public transport for 2015; As part of the application of the law, the agglomeration community and the municipalities participate in the accessibility of the network. An accessibility master plan has been established in so that the main network’s stops are accessible to people with reduced mobility. After the renovation of the Albert- square I is In Vichy, the network is considered accessible [ VC 10 ] .

The sound and visual announcements on the buses are operational on the entire network.

All buses are low -floor and more than half have a palette for wheelchair users.

Regular lines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The “duration” column data corresponds to an average of the two traffic directions and come from time sheets from the network’s website.
  • Column data “nb. Stops »correspond to the number of stops served (terminus included) by direction of traffic.
  • Last update : .
Line Features
A Cusset (Cusset Center) Creuzier-le-Vieux (Jules Ferry college)
Open close
/ –
7 km
24 min
Nb. stop
Operating days
L, ma, me, j, v, s, d
Day / evening / night / parties
O / N / N / O
Go. / an
552 555 [ VC 9 ]
Transdev Vichy
Desert : Cusset (Cusset Center, avenue de l’Europe, district of Presles), Vichy (SNCF station, Charles de Gaulle Post (Cusset direction only) , Quatre-Chemins shopping center, large market, republic, wings) and Creuzier-le-Vieux (Jules-Ferry college).
Other :

  • The line is ensured (except incident) with electric buses; It operates, during school periods, from Monday to Saturday, to 6 h 30 To 19 h 54 , at the rate of a bus every twenty minutes except Saturday morning ( 30 min ), and in summer, at the rate of a bus every thirty minutes.
  • The large market is no longer served after 13 h towards Creuzier-le-Vieux (Jules Ferry college).
B Vichy (Saint-Amand coast) Bellerive-sur-Allier (Jean Rostand / du Bellay college / Aquatic stadium)
Open close
/ –
24 min
Nb. stop
Operating days
L, ma, me, j, v, s, d
Day / evening / night / parties
O / N / N / O
Go. / an
259 230 [ VC 9 ]
Transdev Vichy
Desert : Vichy (Côte Saint-Amand, district of Gares, hospital center, SNCF station, post) and Bellerive-sur-Allier (bridge, intermittent source (until 9 h ), Za de Navarre (from 9 h ), Burlot school, town hall, Cité Clair Matin, Jean-Rostand college / Château du Bost, du Bellay).
Other :

  • The line operates, during school periods, from Monday to Friday, to 6 h 20 To 19 h 33 , at the rate of a bus every twenty minutes; Saturday, from 7 h ten To 19 h 35 , at the rate of a bus every thirty minutes; During summer, Monday to Saturday to a bus every 45 minutes.
  • On Sunday, the line is extended to the aquatic stadium by the Jean-Rostand college, the Bellay terminus is not served today.
C Cusset (ARLOING COURSE) Bellerive-sur-Allier (aquatic stadium)
Open close
/ –
25 min
Nb. stop
Operating days
L, on, with, J, v, s
Day / evening / night / parties
O / N / N / N
Go. / an
211 340 [ VC 9 ]
Transdev Vichy
Desert : Cusset (Cours Arloing, downtown, Lycées Valery-Larbaud (ARLOING COURSE direction) and Albert-Londres), Vichy (hospital center, SNCF station, post) and Bellerive-sur-Allier (bridge, intermittent source, small meadows and aquatic stadium).
Other :

  • The line operates, during school periods, from Monday to Friday, to 6 h 40 To 19 h 56 , at the rate of a bus every twenty minutes; During the school period, on Saturday, 7 h 0 To 19 h 56 , at the rate of a bus every thirty minutes; During summer, Monday to Saturday to a bus every 45 minutes.
D Creuzier-le-Vieux (Arloings) ABREST RIVE RIGHT (Les Biernets)
Open close
/ –
9.5 km
27 (first) min
Nb. stop
Operating days
L, on, with, J, v, s
Day / evening / night / parties
O / N / N / N
Go. / an
68 688 [ VC 9 ]
Transdev Vichy
Desert : Creuzier-le-Vieux (Town Hall, Arloings, Guinards), Cusset (Chantegrelet), Vichy (cemetery, Bartins, Jeanne d’Arc church, covered market, SNCF station, Charles de Gaulle Post, Valery-Larbaud media library, Bourins) and Abrest (campsite, stadium, castle, town hall and Biernets district).
Other :

  • The line works, from Monday to Saturday, to 6 h 55 To 19 h forty six . It serves the ends during peak hours: in Creuzier-le-Vieux, 14 A/R For guards (including 4 A/R extended to arlooings), and to Abrest, 6.5 A/R For biernets.
  • The day of All Saints’ Day, line D circulates exceptionally between the Charles de Gaulle post and Chantegrelet stops to serve the Vichy cemetery.
  • (first) terminus average at terminus; In off -peak hours, the service is limited to Chantegrelet ↔ Les Bourins, with an average duration of journey of 15 min .
AND Cusset (Disatten Gravel) Vichy (wings)
Open close
/ –
35 (first) min
Nb. stop
Operating days
L, on, with, J, v, s
Day / evening / night / parties
O / N / N / N
Go. / an
75 491 [ VC 9 ]
Transdev Vichy
Desert : Cusset (Quartier de Meunière, Jean-Moulin Stade, Cours Arloing, downtown, Darcins district, Carrefour shopping center) and Vichy (Graves district, large market, SNCF station, post or town hall, Lardy university center, parks , Rotonde, Louis-Darragon stadium and wing district).
Other :

  • Works, from Monday to Saturday, to 6 h 45 To 19 h 8 .
  • Serve, during peak hours, from the Meunière district to Cusset (the majority of races are terminated at Cusset Center).
  • (first) thirty first min Between the furniture and the wings; 25 min Between Cusset Center and the Wings.
G Vichy (SNCF station) HAUTERIVE (Bioparc)
Open close
/ –
7.7 km
17 min
Nb. stop
December 14
Operating days
L, ma, me, j, v
Day / evening / night / parties
O / N / N / N
Go. / an
4 097 [ VC 9 ]
Transdev Vichy
Desert : Vichy (SNCF station, post), Bellerive-sur-Allier (Pont, avenue Charles-de-Gaulle), Abrest (Rive Gauche, ZA de la Tour) and Hauterive (full sun, bioparc).
Other :

  • Five back and forth per day are insured.
  • The line only circulates in peak hours. In off -peak hours and on Saturday, the on -demand transport service takes over.
H Cusset (Champcourt) Cusset (Normandy) via Millstone
Open close
/ –
7.3 km
21/24 min
Nb. stop
Operating days
L, on, with, J, v, s
Day / evening / night / parties
O / N / N / N
Go. / an
8 989 [ VC 9 ]
Transdev Vichy
Desert : Cusset (Lycées Albert-Londres and Valery-Larbaud, downtown, Arloing courses, Meunière and Champcourt districts).
Other : Line H only circulates in school period, at the time of entry and exit of high schools, at the rate of two round trips in the Champcourt direction → Normandy Monday to Saturday, and in the direction of Normandy → Champcourt, of two returns Les Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and a return on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
I Vichy (wings) Bellerive-sur-Allier (Intermittent source or gran barn)
Open close
/ –
25/23 min
Nb. stop
Operating days
L, on, with, J, v, s
Day / evening / night / parties
O / N / N / N
Go. / an
8 864 [ VC 9 ]
Transdev Vichy
Desert : Vichy (district of Ailes), Bellerive-sur-Allier (Omnisports center, Building Center, CREPS, Aquatic Stadium, Jean-Rostand College, Town Hall, Burlot School, Chantemerle district, Za de Navarre).
Other :

  • Works from Monday to Saturday from 7 h 5 To twelfth h and of 13 h 5 To 20 h , at the rate of a bus every hour.
  • The Navarre activity area is only served from 9 h ; of 7 h To 9 h , the bus ends at the intermittent source.

School lines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The service of school lines is organized by the agglomeration community within its perimeter (links between the home and the schools) [ VC 11 ] , as well as the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region from the For the rest of the Allier department [ 18 ] .

Infrastructures et superstructures [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Urban furniture [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bus stops do not have the same shelter model according to the municipalities.

The stop posts are normally deployed throughout the network.

Clean sites and intermodal poles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Vue de l'intersection entre le boulevard Charles de Gaulle et l'avenue du Drapeau avec un bus arrêté

Cusset intermodal intermodal exchange center.

The rare bus corridors exist at the law of the SNCF station, on avenue Doumer and Place Charles-de-Gaulle in Vichy. That of rue de Paris was removed in 2010 as part of its redevelopment [ 19 ] .

The new network takes into account the two intermodal poles of the agglomeration:

  • the intermodal exchange center at Vichy station;
  • The secondary Cusset (Cusset Center) secondary exchange.

Following the move of the Mobivie kiosk on , the agglomeration community has launched a bicycle rental service. A secure outdoor parking has been created with 40 parking spaces. This made it possible to strengthen the role of the railway station as an intermodal exchange center [ 20 ] .

During his first year of service, Vivélo recorded 530 bicycle rentals [ VC 5 ] .

The use of bikes, for rent varying from half a day to the year, requires payment of a deposit.

Deposit [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Vichy Community agglomeration community has built a new 900 bus deposit m 2 to accommodate new electric vehicles. The deposit is built on the old Manurhin des Graves site, boulevard d’Alsace-Lorraine, in Cusset. The cost of 2.3 million euros [ 2 ] excluding taxes will be “Headed by relocation” According to Jean-Marc Germanangue, vice-president of the agglomeration community responsible for mobility and transport [ 17 ] . The first stone was laid the December 21, 2017 By this elected official, in the presence of Jean-Sébastien Laloy, mayor of Cusset, and Frédéric Aguilera, president of Vichy Community [ 21 ] .

Exploitation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Rolling stock [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the past, the network has owned Renault SC10R, Renault PR 100.2, Renault Pr 112 of Van Hool A320 and Newa320, as well as a Van Hool A508 (party at Keolis Plate and used on the Roanne network), Heuliez GX 117 and an MG36 Gruau among others, as well as minibus on second generation Iveco Daily chassis. The network has also temporarily owned three Cytios 30 from the network R’bus de Rochefort while waiting for the delivery of the current minibuses.

One of the old buses having circulated in Vichy, a Renault Pr 100.2 n O 234, put into service in early 1993, was transferred to the Châteauroux network and then saved by a Toulouse association [ 22 ] .

At , the average age of the park was 9.77 years [ VC 6 ] . This went to 4.5 years in 2012 [ VC 12 ] With the commissioning of recent vehicles and the reform (or departure) of old buses in early 2011.

From the time when the network was operated by Keolis Vichy, the Mobivie network had:

Four Bluebus electric buses, from the Breton Bolloré manufacturer, will be put into service from November 2018 . The acquisition of these vehicles is part of electromobility; Vichy Community will be the first French agglomeration to operate electric buses seven days a week [ 23 ] .

Following the change of delegate, the network renewed its park. He had seventeen buss at the start of the 2018 school year [ 24 ] :

Pricing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The MOBIVIE network has a wide price range covering all categories of the population.

System in force from 2010 to 2018 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

When it was launched in 2010, the unit ticket was sold 1 € € full price (down compared to the old network, where its cost was 1.25 € € [ VC 13 ] ) or 0.80 € € reduced price. These tickets were on cardboard support [ MV 2 ] . It was also possible to buy these tickets in the 10 notebook at the Mobivie kiosk and from the depositaries at a price of 8.60 € € full price, at 7.80 € € in reduced rate [ MV 2 ] .

The transport offer was improved in 2011 with the creation of the day ticket (2.80 € € ) [ VC 13 ] .

The subscriptions were used to be made via a personal “Pass bus” card accompanied by a coupon valid for a month, now replaced by the smart card. There are two types of monthly subscription: all audiences at 26.30 € € and young people at the reduced rate of 19 € € ; These subscriptions are available at the kiosk, the station and the depositaries [ MV 2 ] .

In addition to these subscriptions, we find subscriptions at reduced or free (monthly or half -yearly) price for the elderly, war invalids, job seekers [ MV 2 ] . A specific subscription for people over the age of 70 has also been offered since [ VC 13 ] .

In 2011, the network has recalled its pricing. Since [ MV 3 ] , the paper coupon subscriptions have been replaced by a smart card, on sale from the [ MV 4 ] , taking up all subscriptions on one medium. This card makes it possible to load several subscriptions on a single support and has a lifespan of several years.

The , new titles have been made available to network users [ MV 1 ] , including the day ticket: valid 24 hours after the first validation, it is profitable from the third trip.

New subscriptions have been put up for sale [ MV 1 ] Like the annual young and all public subscription, equivalent respectively nine and eleven monthly subscriptions. Intermodal and ter monthly subscriptions for people with a TER SNCF subscription (15 € € For young people and 21 € € in all public formula) [ VC 13 ] , as well as a Senior Monthly Subscription Reduced tariff and a counting card is also offered.

System in force since 2018 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Since 2018 and the exploitation of the network by Transdev, the offer is almost unchanged: unit, day, monthly (all public, school, senior, intermodal) and annual (all public, school) subscriptions.

Evolution of pricing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Each year, the urban network increases the price of tickets and subscriptions, especially due to the increase in VAT.

Pricing [ Note 2 ]
Titreannée 2010 2011 2012 two thousand and thirteen [ VC 5 ] 2014 [ VC 5 ] 2015 2018 2019 [ MV 5 ] , [ VC 9 ]
Ticket Unit first € € first € € 1.10 € € 1.10 € € 1.15 € € 1.15 € € 1.15 € € 1.25 € €
Ten trips 8.60 € € 8.80 € € 9.10 € € 9.20 € € 9.40 € € 9.70 € € ten € € ten € €
Day ticket 2.80 € € 3 € € 3.05 € € 3.15 € € 3.25 € € 3.40 € € 3.40 € €

Network attendance [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2011, the frequentation figure counting method was modified; It is made from the ticketing.

Network attendance (in millions of trips)
Year 2010 2011 [ VC 14 ] 2012 [ VC 12 ] two thousand and thirteen [ VC 5 ] 2014 [ VC 5 ] 2018 [ VC 9 ] 2019 [ VC 9 ]
Old method 1.601 1.644
New method 1,093 1,112 1,188 1,282 1,205 1.172

In 2019, the network recorded 1,171,995 trips, against 1,172,097 in 2018; This last figure does not include dubbing by school lines which were exploited by the same operator (1 205,902 trips), which is no longer the case with Transdev [ VC 9 ] .

In addition to the urban network, Vichy Community also offers on -demand transport services available to residents.

Custom Mobivie [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Created in 2010 with the overhaul of the urban network, Custom Mobivie is a service on demand offered in addition to regular bus lines, open to the inhabitants of Abrest, Creuzier-le-Vieux and Hauterive, as well as for certain districts with low attendance of Cusset and Bellerive-sur-Allier. The service operates from Monday to Saturday and requires a reservation [ MV 6 ] .

In addition to the classic demand service, tailor -made MobiVie is completed by two evening services: from the SNCF station from Monday to Friday at two predefined times and for the aquatic stadium on Tuesdays and Fridays at three times, at destination de Bellerive-sur-Allier (two stops), Vichy (six stops) or Cusset (three stops) [ MV 6 ] .

A third service complementary to line G works on Saturday for the inhabitants of Hauterive and the left bank of Abrest [ MV 6 ] .

In 2019, Mobivie tailor recorded 6,216 races and transported 7,444 customers [ VC 9 ] .

Mobival et Mobil’hand [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Logo du service Mobival
Arrêt Mobival « Gare SNCF » devant le kiosque, près de la gare

Mobival stop “SNCF station”.

Apart from tailor-made Mobivie, all the municipalities of the old agglomeration community of Vichy Vallelier (as well as the municipality of Saint-Pont) are covered by the service Mobival . It is made up of ten lines [ VC 3 ] :

  • Brugheas – Vichy ;
  • Serbannes – Vichy ;
  • Cognat-Lyonne-Espinasse-Vozelle-Vichy;
  • Saint-Rémy-en-Rollat-Vichy;
  • Saint-Pont – sells – Charmeil – Vichy;
  • Billy-Saint-Germain-des-Fossés-Vichy;
  • Bost – Vichy ;
  • Le Vernet – Vichy;
  • Mariol – Buset – Vichy.

Membership of the service is free and compulsory. A trip costs two euros regardless of the distance. This pricing is more advantageous than a taxi. Mobival had 1,004 members and recorded more than 3,600 trips in 2010 [ VC 6 ] .

Mobil’hand [ VC 4 ] Covers all the municipalities of Vichy Val d’Allier (more holy pont) but it is reserved for disabled people requiring the use of a wheelchair, a minimum disability rate of 80% or for mal- seer accompanied or not by a dog.

In some cases, access to this service is authorized for people who do not have enough autonomy to use Mobivie or Mobival networks.

It works from 6 h 30 To 20 h , 7 days on 7 , including holidays; Membership is free as for Mobival.

Bourbonnaise mountain tad [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The fifteen municipalities of the old community of communes of the Bourbonnaise mountain have their own transportation service on demand [ VC 2 ] .

Under the competence of Vichy Community [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Line F (Mayet-de-Montagne-Vichy) was transferred to the Vichy Community agglomeration community [ VC 2 ] .

Under the jurisdiction of the region [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Un autocar de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes garé près de la gare routière de Vichy

A coach from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region at Vichy bus station.

Three lines of the interurban network Cars region Allier, managed by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region since the [ 25 ] , serve Vichy [ 26 ] :

  • Line B02: Montluçon – Vichy;
  • Line B05: BELLENAVES – Chantelle – Vichy;
  • Line B06: Dungeon – Lapalisse – Vichy.

There are also two lines of the interurban network Cars Region Puy-de-Dôme, already managed by the region from the [ 27 ] :

  • Line P28: Joze – Maringgues – Vichy;
  • Line P55: Puy-Guillaume-Châteldon-Vichy.

These lines serve the Vichy SNCF station.

Community territory is also served by two stations:

To this list, we must add the other six stations existing on the old perimeter of Vichy Val d’Allier (Billy, Cusset, Hauterive, Magnet, Saint-Rémy-en-Rollat ​​and Saint-Yorre) [ VC 15 ] .

Vichy-Charmeil airport is located at 295 km south of Paris-Orly as the crow flies [ 28 ] and five kilometers in the north-northwest of Vichy, in the communal territory of Charmeil [ 29 ] , although the land belongs to the city of Vichy [ VC 16 ] . It hosts private flights [ 29 ] .

The airport is not served by urban transport as well as the whole of the town of Charmeil.

Fluvial links between the Rotonde (right bank, Vichy commune) and the marina (left bank of the Allier, commune of Bellerive-sur-Allier) have been operational since 1963, the year of the development of the banks of the Allier (with the demolition of the racing gateway and the creation of the Pont de l’Europe) [ 30 ] . The crossing was provided by:

  • “The swan” (from 1963 to 1986): it was the first shuttle in service, which can transport 40 to 50 people [ thirty first ] ;
  • “La Mouette” (from 1986 to 2009): this shuttle was the victim of a degradation of the polyester following a thunderstorm that occurred [ thirty first ] ;
  • ” The Seagull II ” (since ): Built by a Saône-et-Loire company, it replaces the old shuttle which could not be repaired by the city due to too much cost of repair [ thirty first ] . The boat is accessible to people with reduced mobility, strollers and bikes. In 2016, “La Mouette II “Transported more than 35,000 passengers [ 32 ] .

The shuttle operates mainly during the summer period. Another connection is ensured on race days at the racetrack, with the shuttle “the mirage II », Connecting the rotunda to a new entrance to the racetrack [ 33 ] .

These shuttles are not integrated into the urban transport network.

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Annex n O 3 of the prefectural decree pronouncing the merger of the Agglomeration Community of Vichy Val d’Allier and the Community of Communes of the Bourbonnaise Mountain: “The community of agglomeration exerts automatically, throughout its territory, […] in terms of the development of community space: […] Organization of mobility in the sense of the title III book II of the first part of the transport code [ first ] . »
  2. The prices are mainly from Mobivie guides and activity reports.

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Agglomeration community [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Missions and skills » (consulted the ) .
  2. A B C and D Bourbonnaise mountain transport » (consulted the ) .
  3. a et b Transport on demand: Mobival » (consulted the ) .
  4. a et b Transport on demand: Mobil’Hand » (consulted the ) .
  5. a b c d e f g h and 1 Deliberations of the Community Council of June 18, 2015 » , Deliberations of the Community Council (consulted the ) , n O 23 “Urban transport – Delegatory activity report – 2014 exercise” (Old version of the site).
  6. A B and C 2010 activity report of the delegate of public urban transportation service, following the deliberation of the community council of the agglomeration community of June 30, 2011 , annex to n O 38 (old version of the site).
  7. A 100% electric vehicle in testing on the MOBIVIE network of the agglomeration » , (consulted the ) .
  8. Inauguration Public spaces from Presles to Cusset – Regional Urban Development Program – Press Folder » [PDF] , (consulted the ) .
  9. A b c d e f g h i j k l m n and o Deliberation of the Community Council of , annex to n O 42 “Urban transport – delegate activity report – 2019 exercise” [PDF] (consulted the ) .
  10. 2019 activity report , Vichy community, ( read online ) , p. 68 .
  11. School transportation » (consulted the ) .
  12. a et b 2012 activity report of the public urban transport delegate delegate, following the deliberation of community councils of the agglomeration community of June 27, 2013 , annex to n O 25 (old version of the site).
  13. A B C and D VVA – Urban transport ,
  14. 2011 activity report of the delegate of public urban transportation service, following the deliberation of community councils of the agglomeration community of June 28 and July 2, 2012 , annex to n O 38 (old version of the site).
  15. Scot VVA 2012, “3.3. Relations to other territories “,” 3.3.2. Road and rail links with the outside (existing and projects) ”, p. 122 .
  16. [Scot vva 2012] Territorial coherence scheme Vichy Val d’Allier 2030: for an open, united and decarbon territory. Presentation report » [PDF] , (consulted the ) .
    “3. Vichy Val d’Allier, an open territory?” ” /” 3.2. What structuring equipment today on the agglomeration? ” /” 3.2.3. Other structuring equipment that raises questions today ”, p. 120 .

Mobivie site or references to the guide [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Image hosts [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Other sources [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. Arrete n O 3188/2016 bearing the urban community “Vichy Val d’Allier” and the community of communes of the “Bourbonnaise Mountain” » [PDF] , Collection of administrative acts n O 03-2016-050 , Allier prefecture, (consulted the ) , p. 42-54.
  2. A B and C Matthieu Perrinaud, ” Mobility makes its “revolution” », The mountain , ( read online ) .
  3. A B and C Vichy agglomeration community project [PDF] , on the site of the Prefecture of Allier, 2006, p. 49 and following.
  4. A B and C 5. The public traveler transport service » [PDF] , Regional chamber of Auvergne accounts, , p. 19 and following.
  5. This is the “Infrastructure of urban networks at 01.01.2005” , In Economic tables of Auvergne 2007-2008 , 19.2 Infrastructures, p. 209 ( Online version p. 55 [PDF] ).
  6. This is the “Trafficking in regional urban networks” , In Economic tables of Auvergne 2007-2008 , 19.3 Travelers transport, p. 211 ( Online version p. 57 [PDF] ).
  7. Urban transport: simpler, faster, more often », It’s in Vichy , n O 47, , p. 8 ( read online [PDF] ) .
  8. Franck Charvais « Vichy Val d’Allier treats its line », The mountain , , p. twelfth .
  9. Jean-Michel War ( you. ), « MOBIVIE: your urban transport network from August 30 », VVA Magazine , n O 15, , p. 6-7 .
  10. Vichy: a website for the Agglo bus network » , on Allier week , .
  11. Keolis renewed in Vichy » , on , (consulted the ) .
  12. Keolis Vichy sheet on (Accessed November 11, 2011).
  13. A B C D and E Close -up on the new Vichy Val d’Allier bus network » , on , (consulted the ) , article thereof The mountain .
  14. Jean Pierre Ducros « New buses launched on Monday », The mountain , , p. 8 (Vichy edition).
  15. a et b Denis Lorut , After line A, the frequency of passing buses will be reinforced on lines B and C » , on , (consulted the ) .
  16. a et b Matthieu Perrinaud, ” Transports – Vichy Community decided to build its own deposit and retained a new delegate: new era for the bus in the agglo », The mountain , , p. 8 ( read online , consulted the ) .
  17. Combine » , School transportation , on , Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Council (consulted the ) .
  18. Rue de Paris in the last straight line » , on , (consulted the ) . Original source The mountain .
  19. Denis Lorut, « The bicycle, logical continuation of the train and the bus », The mountain , Vichy,‎ .
  20. On this stone, they will build the deposit », The mountain , , p. 8 ( read online ) (Vichy edition) Inscription nécessaire.
  21. Renault PR100.2 n°9334 (ex Vichy n°234) » , on , Association for the safeguarding of the heritage of Toulouse urban and inter-urban transport (consulted the ) .
  22. Vichy Community and Transdev opt for electromobility » , on Purchasing decision , (consulted the ) .
  23. Olivier Meyer, Transdev begins the operation of the Vichy network » , on TRANS’BUS , (consulted the ) .
  24. Combine » , Interurban transport: Cars Region , on , Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Council (consulted the ) .
  25. Interurban transport in the Allier , on , Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Council (consulted the ) .
  26. Interurban transport in Puy-de-Dôme , on , Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Council (consulted the ) .
  27. “Air transport”, Quid 2007, p. 1813.
  28. a et b Airports: come by plane to Vichy » , on , City of Vichy (consulted the ) .
  29. Aurélie Albert, Mouette 2, the shuttle that sails according to the Allier in Vichy » , on France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes , (consulted the ) .
  30. A B and C Yann Terrat, Do you know the story of the La Mouette river shuttle IIin Vichy? » , The mountain , (consulted the ) .
  31. Press release: the seagull II Season 8 » [PDF] , on , City of Vichy, (consulted the ) .
  32. By boat in Vichy » , on , City of Vichy (consulted the ) .

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