Claude-pierre of DEAY D’Agerier — Wikipedia


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Claude-Pierre the Deil the agards or Dedelay d’Agier or Dédelay d’Agier (born the In Romans, Drôme – Death on In Bourg-de-Péage, Drôme) was a French writer and politician whose activity started during the period of the Revolution and the Empire continued under restoration. He will become count of the Empire and will find, after a small eclipse because of his attitude during the Hundred Days, still his place in French political life under restoration.

Claude-Pierre de Delay d’Agier was a writer specializing in the political field, and mayor of Romans [ first ] When he was elected the deputy deputy of the nobility of the Dauphiné province at the Estates General [ 2 ] .

Estates General and Constituent Assembly [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Delay d’Agier replaced Charles-Emmanuel Gratet de Dolomieu, originally deputy of the clergy of the Dauphiné, died in Versailles the And whose deputy, M. de Monspey, did not sit. He took an active part in the work of the Assembly, where he was closely interested in tax issues. We find, in the biographical notice devoted to it by the Dictionary of deputies (1789-1889) de Delille and Demarçay, trace of many of his interventions. We can cite some in a list which is certainly far from exhaustive:

  • The , he asked for the publication of the list of declarants and sums declared for the patriotic contribution.
  • The vote the The abolition of monastic orders, and claimed, on February 18, the same treatment for all religious.
  • He pronounced the Against the concession project of the patriotic contribution.
  • The , he made a speech against the freedom of trade in salt, and proposed, on the same day, the replacement of the gabelle by a taxation calculated for a third on the land, a third on the capitation, a sixth on the houses of the cities and A sixth on those of the countryside.
  • The , Claude-Pierre de Delay d’Agier was appointed Commissioner for the Alienation of Domains , then secretary of this commission, in the name of which he established a preparatory report to the decree of May 14 on the sale of national domains.
  • The , he approved the decree on the abolition of tithes and on the maintenance of the ministers of worship and proposed to ensure the priests part of their treatment in kind.
  • The He provoked discussion on the right of peace and war.
  • The , he spoke on the civil constitution of the clergy.
  • The , he was appointed secretary of the assembly.
  • The , he dealt with the question of the treatment of bishops, which he brought to 40 000 books for the maximum to those who do not have an abbey, and to 35,000 for those who had it, 10 000 books to all septuagenarian abbots, and 3 000 Books for the abbots of Saint-Ruf and other orders.
  • The , he asked that the district courts were judges of appeal to each other.
  • The , he made a decree made for the acceleration of the sale of national goods.
  • The , he spoke about the treatment of the peace judges, asking “that he was only awarded 300 pounds to the judges of Canton and 800 books to those of cities whose population will be more than ten thousand souls. »»
  • In the session of , he made a discourse on tax in general.
  • The 5 ( On the draft decree of the taxation committee on the land contribution ), 6, 7 and ( On the definition of net taxable income of land ownership ), then again the , he actively took part in the discussion on the tax system and tobacco tax.

During the year 1791, Claude-Pierre de Delay d’Agier will return many times on issues related to taxation and taxation, whether in reports, or in speeches in the gallery. We can cite two extracts from these texts, which reflect our opinion well in the matter:


“Let us hurry to console the inhabitant of the countryside; Let us return this happy energy, the prerogative of the free man ….. You will achieve, gentlemen, to this generous goal of your work, by proportioning and limiting the land contribution only to natural and taxable income of its properties, And never suffering that the entire contribution exceeds both fifths from the mass of direct and indirect taxes. »»

“I think that in the evaluation of a land ownership for the distribution of the tax, one must rule out the whole part of the income which is not the necessary continuation of an ordinary and use exploitation according to the Custom of countries. »»

He will even occasionally reproach his colleagues:

“We must, gentlemen, assign the insufficiency of our results on the tax, that when we have irregular that we have followed …”

The , he proposed that the members of the third legislature cannot be elected to the fourth, and had decreed (September 2) that no deputy could be absent without leave.

Board [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Claude-Pierre de Delay d’Agier was not part of the Convention and returned to Parliament the 25 germinal an IN ( ), as ” deputy ” From Drôme to the Council of Ancients (upper room), elected by 46 votes out of 54 voters. THE , he became the president.

Consulates and empire [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Claude-Pierre Dédelay d'Agier (1750-1827).JPG

The favorable attitude he demonstrated following the coup d’etat of 18 Brumaire brought the conservative Senate to choose it as deputy of Drôme to the new legislative body 4 NIVE Items and VIII ( ). For almost a year, from year VIII to year IX, he was a member of the legislative body, which he even presided for sixteen days, from 7 to . But, it will not stay long in this assembly, since he will be appointed member of the Conservative Senate 28 frimaire year IX ( ).

Restoration [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Although it was created count of the Empire ( ), he was not one of the least eager to vote for the emperor’s forfeiture . The first restoration appointed him peer in France.

But on the return from the island of Elba he accepted, the A seat in the Imperial House of Peers and was therefore excluded by the second restoration of the upper room, where he returned, devoted again to the cause of the Bourbons, the , and where he sat in the monarchist majority until his death .

Claude-Pierre de Delay d’Agier is the inventor du Bois des naix [ 3 ] , wood in which it is buried.

Figure Blazing
Orn ext comte sénateur de l'Empire ComLH.svg

Blason Claude-Pierre Dellay d'Agier (1750-1827).svg
Weapons of Count Dedelay-d’Agier and the Empire

Azure, with a lion crawling with gold, between two pales of the same broaching on the end of the legs and the tail of the lion; In the counts of the Coms-Senators broaching on the PAL in Dextre. [ 6 ]

Orn ext Comte (baron-pair) ComLH.svg

Blason fam fr Dellay-Delay-Dédelay d'Agier.svg
Weapons of Count Dédelay d’Agier, hereditary baron-peer

Azure, with a golden lion, armed and tired of gules, two pals of the same, broaching on the whole. [ 4 ] , [ 7 ]

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Document utilisé pour la rédaction de l’article: document used as a source for writing this article.

To go deeper
  • Wailly, « Dédelay-d’Agier (Claude-Pierre) » , in A. Lievyns, Jean Maurice Verdot, Pierre Bégat, Splendor of the Legion of Honor, biography of all the decorated accompanied by the legislative and regulatory history of the order , vol.  I, [Edition detail] (BNF  37273876 , read online ) , p. 278 read online .
  • Jean Baptiste Pierre Jullien de Courcelles , Genealogical and heraldic history of the peers of France: great dignitaries of the crown, the main noble families of the kingdom and the princely houses of Europe, preceded by the genealogy of the Maison de France , vol. 6, the author, ( read online ) .

Notes and references [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. The mayors » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) .
  2. Database of French deputies since 1789 » , on .
  3. Claude Pierre Dedelay of Agier (1750-1827): military, economist, politician, philanthropic and inventor of the naix bix » , on .
  4. a et b François Velde, Armory of the French Hereditary Peerage (1814-30) » , Lay Peers , on , (consulted the ) .
  5. Cote LH/685/72 » , Base Léonore, French Ministry of Culture .
  6. a et b BB/29/974 page 135. » , Title of count granted to Claude, Pierre DEDELAY D’AGIER. Bayonne ( ). , on , Historical Center for National Archives (France) (consulted the ) .
  7. Jean Baptiste Rewardap , General Armorial , t. first And 2 , Gouda, G.B. Van Goor Zonen, 1884-1887 .

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