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Driss Guiga (Arab: Idris Qiya ), born October 21, 1924 in Testour, is a Tunisian politician.

Training and beginnings [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Born of a teacher father in Tesour [ first ] , he enters as a student at Sadiki college in Tunis then joined the Tunisian national movement at the age of fourteen [ first ] ; He thus recounts this episode: “On April 8, 1938, the colonial authorities arrested Ali Belhaouane, our professor, who was responsible for the youth of the Neo-Destour, a nationalist party founded four years earlier. There followed a general strike, and the college remained closed for two months ” [ first ] . Guiga subsequently became a member of a clandestine cell of the party, met Habib Bourguiba and quickly became “Burgundian” [ first ] .

From 1944 to 1947, he pursued studies of law and history at the University of Algiers where he met his future wife, Chacha, a painter [ first ] . He then enrolled in the Faculty of Law of Paris where he obtained a diploma in private law in 1949 [ first ] . Back in Tunis, he joined the law firm of his uncle Bahri Guiga and also became a journalist to Mission , newspaper created by Hédi Nouira [ first ] . He was arrested in 1952 and spent seven months in prison [ first ] .

Politician [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After the independence of Tunisia in 1956, Guiga was successively appointed Secretary General of the National Assembly, director of the regional administration then director general of security at the Ministry of the Interior until the discovery of the President against the President Bourguiba, in 1962, that his services did not see coming [ first ] . He subsequently directed the Tunisian National Tourism Office for seven years before being appointed Minister of Health in 1969 [ first ] , succeeding Hédi Khefacha. On March 17, 1973, he became Minister of National Education [ first ] . On May 31, 1976, he was appointed ambassador to Bonn, a position which, according to Ridha Kéfi, corresponds in fact to a sanction by Prime Minister Nouira for his activism in favor of university decentralization [ first ] . During the latter’s departure, in 1980, he returned to the government first is March as Minister of the Interior [ first ] , replacing Othman Kechrid [ 2 ] .


During the “bread riots”, between December 27, 1983 and January 6, 1984, he called for the government’s resignation [ first ] . Translated to the high court for “high treason”, he is sentenced to ten years in ten years in prison [ first ] , his property is seized and put under judicial receivership on June 16 [ 3 ] . Mohamed Mzali succeeds him at the post of Minister of the Interior on January 7. Guiga then went into exile in London and worked there as an advisor to the Saudi businessman Chamseddine El-Fassi, president of a foundation for the promotion of Sufism [ first ] .

On November 8, 1987, the day after the takeover of Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, he joined Tunis-Carthage International Airport [ first ] . He then spent thirteen days in Civil Prison in Tunis [ first ] . Sentenced on December 13 to five years in suspended prison sentence, so he was released [ first ] .

Retirement [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Living in Hammamet [ first ] , he spends a lot of time reading, even telling that he reads “often two books at a time: one in Arabic and one in French” [ first ] ; He notably read the test We have never read the Koran de youssef seeddik [ first ] . Her son Kaïs is a businessman [ 4 ] .

Distinctions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Commander (1968) [ 5 ] Then Grand Cordon (1971) [ 6 ] of the Tunisian Order of Independence.
  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u et v Ridha Kéfi, Driss Guiga » , on , (consulted the )
  2. Tunisia » [PDF] , on Aan.mmsh.univ-AIX.FR (consulted the )
  3. Notice », Official Journal of the Tunisian Republic , n O 39, , p. 1425 (ISSN  0330-7921 , read online [PDF] )
  4. “Marina Cap 3000” project in Bizerte: the work continues, the sales on plan too … » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) , on ,
  5. Decrees and decrees », Official Journal of the Tunisian Republic , n O 26, , p. 686 (ISSN  0330-7921 , read online [PDF] , consulted the )
  6. Decrees and decrees », Official Journal of the Tunisian Republic , n O 38, , p. 1176 (ISSN  0330-7921 , read online [PDF] , consulted the )
