Season 10 of New Star – Wikipedia


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The tenth season of New star , French program of music reality TV, was broadcast on D8 and on Plug RTL between Thursday and Thursday . This is the second season on D8, which bought the rights of the program at M6.

This season has been won by Mathieu Saïkaly.

Among the news:

  • After being reduced in season 9, the number of candidates accessing primes is first announced that returned to 15, to be finally brought to 16 after the theater tests.
  • at the end of the second prime , two candidates were eliminated by the public vote. But during the verdict, the jury had the opportunity to save one candidate among the 4 who received the least votes. This novelty was kept secret until the closing of the votes.
  • since prime of , viewers can assign a color to candidates’ services via the Internet and social networks, to give the public more weight, which thus becomes the fifth juror of the show.
  • From 17 to , a survey was put online on the official website of the show. For each candidate, Internet users were able to choose one song among the three that the candidate interpreted during the selections (castings, line test, last chance test). The candidates who reached the quarter -final sang the one who obtained the most votes.

Presentation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Jury [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Candidates [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The castings take place in four cities: Paris, Lyon, Marseille and Brussels.


At the end of these, 100 candidates are selected for the theater. Following the “line test”, 51 of them are selected for the trios test.

Playoffs [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In total, 32 candidates were selected after the trios test to participate in the third theater test: the test of PBO [What ?] .

The last 22 candidates are decreed on a last test: the last chance test, established in season 9. The candidates must interpret a song of their choice the chapel or accompanied by an instrument (possibly by another candidate).

At the end of this event are eliminated Kelly, Priscille, Clarence, Vincent, Emma and Manon. 16 candidates are therefore selected to participate in first is Prime at the Ark Saint-Germain, and not 15 as initially announced.

The 16 finalists [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Name Age Profession Casting city % of blue votes (jury)
% of blue votes (public)
Elimination date
Mathieu Saïkaly 20 years English student Paris 89% (71/9) 100% (18/0) Winner
YSEULT ONGUET 19 years old real estate student Paris 100% (80/0) 94% (January 17)
Pauline de Tarragon 17 years high school student Marseille 73% (47/17) 100% (14/0)
Alvaro Echánove 21 years old law student Paris 65% (34/18) 64% (April 7)
Dana Ali-Ahmad 25 years osteopath Lyon 75% (October 30) 50% (4/4)
Sirine Betton 18 years old seller Lyon 66% (November 21) 33% (2/4)
Mehdi Dahmane 26 years Paris 88% (March 21) 100% (4/0)
Claudia chu 16 years old high school student Lyon 50% (8/8) 50% (1/1)
Léopoldine Hummel 28 years actress Lyon 67% (April 8) 0% (0/1)
Hugo Chalan-Broch 16 years old high school student Paris 88% (7/1)
Kimberly Kitson 23 years psychology student Paris 88% (7/1)
Julie Dessoude 18 years old History student Paris 75% (January 3)
Chehinaze 21 years old Brussels 100% (4/0)
Ezra van Vliet 20 years audiovisual student Marseille 50% (2/2)
Laura Migné 20 years law student Paris 0% (0/4)
Marc Touati 21 years old real estate student Paris 25% (1/3)

Prime n O 1 – December 12, 2013 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Collective songs
Competition state
  • Qualified : SIRIA • KIM • Pauline • Hugo • Alvaro • Léopoldine • Mathieu • Dana • Claudia • Mehdi • Yseult
  • Eliminated  : Marc, Laura, Ezra et Chehinaze (by the jury) • Julie (by the public)

Prime n O 2 – 19 December 2013 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Collective songs
Competition state
  • Qualified : Léopoldine • Mathieu • Claudia • Dana • Mehdi • Yseult • Pauline • Sirine • Alvaro
  • Eliminated : Hugo • Kim

The four candidates who had the least votes from the public are Hugo, Alvaro, Kim and Sirine. Among these candidates, the jury decided to qualify Sirine. Of the three remaining candidates, it was Alvaro who had the most votes: Hugo and Kim are eliminated.

Prime n O January 3 – 2 January 2014 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Collective songs
Competition state
  • Qualified : Mathieu • Yseult • Mehdi • Sirine • Pauline • Dana • Alvaro • Claudia
  • Eliminated : Leopoldine

Prime n O January 4 – 9, 2014 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Collective songs
Competition state
  • Qualified : Mathieu • Dana • Yseult • Alvaro • Mehdi • Pauline • Sirine
  • Eliminated  : Claudia

Prime n O January 5 – 16, 2014 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Collective songs
Competition state
  • Qualified : Pauline • Mathieu • Yseult • Alvaro • Dana • Sirine
  • Eliminated : Hazrat Mahdi

Prime n O January 6 – 23 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Collective songs
  • MGMT, Kids : The six candidates
Competition state
  • Qualified : Yseult • Pauline • Mathieu • Alvaro • Dana
  • Eliminated : Siren

Prime n O January 7 – 30, 2014 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Collective songs
Competition state
  • Qualified : Yseult • Pauline • Mathieu • Alvaro
  • Eliminated : Days

Prime n O February 8 – February 6, 2014: quarter -final [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

During this prime , each candidate takes up one of the songs he interpreted during the selections phase: Alvaro and Mathieu played respectively Space Oddity And At the Hop During the castings, Yseult sang Reckoning Song to the test of lines, and Pauline interpreted Ain’t No Sunshine during the last chance test. These choices of songs were determined by the public who was able to vote for two weeks on the official website.

Collective songs
Competition state
  • Qualified : Yseult • Mathieu • Pauline
  • Eliminated  : Alvaro

Prime n O February 9 – 13, 2014: semi -final [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Collective songs
Competition state
  • Qualified : Mathieu • Yseult
  • Eliminated  : Pauline

Prime n O February 10 – 20, 2014: final [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Collective songs
Competition state
  • Winner: Mathieu
  • Finalists  : Yseult

Episode Broadcasting date Average audience Reference
Number of viewers PDM
first THURSDAY (Casting Lyon and Brussels) 1 321 000 5.6% [ first ]
2 THURSDAY (Casting Brussels and Marseille) 1 228 000 5.0% [ 2 ]
3 THURSDAY (Casting Marseille and Paris) 1 357 000 5.5% [ 3 ]
4 THURSDAY (Casting Paris and theater day 1) 1 435 000 6.1% [ 4 ]
5 THURSDAY (Theater day 2) 1 448 000 6.3% [ 5 ]
6 THURSDAY (Day 3 Theater) 1 454 000 6.3% [ 6 ]
7 THURSDAY (Prime 1) 1 568 000 7.9% [ 7 ]
8 THURSDAY (Prime 2) 1 346 000 6.4% [ 8 ]
9 THURSDAY (Prime 3) 974 000 4.2% [ 9 ]
ten THURSDAY (Prime 4) 1 084 000 4.7% [ ten ]
11 THURSDAY (Prime 5) 1 005 000 4.9% [ 11 ]
twelfth THURSDAY (Prime 6) 1 060 000 5.0% [ twelfth ]
13 THURSDAY (Prime 7) 1 138 000 5.4% [ 13 ]
14 THURSDAY (Quarterfinal) 1 151 000 5.3% [ 14 ]
15 THURSDAY (Semi final) 1 059 000 4.8% [ 15 ]
16 THURSDAY (Finale) 1 111 000 5.2% [ 16 ]

Legend :

  • The highest audience figures
  • The lowest audience figures

Thursday , the competition was interrupted by a program “Special Christmas”, where several candidates from the previous seasons occurred on the stage of the Arche Saint-Germain.
The program was followed by 980,000 viewers and brought together 3.9% market share [ 17 ] .

  1. Benoît Daragon, Audiences : Crossing Linesfalling, Under the Domestarts very hard, 1.3 million for Nouvelle Star» , on ,
  2. Benoît Daragon, Audiences: TF1 Leader, France 2 and M6 in great shape, W9 Talonne D8 » , on ,
  3. Benoît Daragon, Audiences : No Limitpetit leader, Under the Domedownwards and Nouvelle Startraced back » , on ,
  4. Kevin Boucher, Audiences : No LimitLeader down, Envoyé spécialin shape, Under the DomeAnd Nouvelle Starstables » , on ,
  5. Benoît Daragon, Audiences : No Limitleader stable, Under the Domefinished in shape, new record for Nouvelle Star» , on ,
  6. Benoît Daragon, Audiences : No Limitends up in front Envoyé spécial, Nouvelle Starand TMC in shape ” » , on ,
  7. Benoît Daragon, Audiences : Léo Mattéïleader, new record for Nouvelle Star, NT1 and W9 in good shape » , on ,
  8. Benoît Daragon, Audiences : Section de recherchesSmall leader, M6 powerful on housewives, TitanicAnd Nouvelle Starin shape » , on ,
  9. Benoît Daragon, Audiences : Julie Lescauton your mind, Twilightpowerful, Nouvelle Starat the lowest » , on ,
  10. Benoît Daragon, Audiences : Julie Lescautleader before Bones, W9 bat Nouvelle Star» , on ,
  11. Benoît Daragon, Audiences : Julie Lescautleader, Bonesin shape, Nouvelle Starbeaten by W9 and NT1 » , on ,
  12. Benoît Daragon, Audiences: final at the top for Julie Lescaut, Bonesin shape, Nouvelle Starbeaten by Sister Act 2» , on ,
  13. Benoît Daragon, Audiences : RIS police scientifiquebefore Envoyé spécial, TMC, Nouvelle Starand W9 millionaires » , on ,
  14. Kevin Boucher, Audiences : RIS police scientifiqueon your mind, BonesHomemade leader, w9 ahead of France 3 » , on ,
  15. Benoît Daragon, Audiences : RIS police scientifiqueon your mind, Envoyé spécial, Bonesand W9 in good shape » , on ,
  16. Benoît Daragon, Audiences : RIS police scientifiquefinished in the lead, Rasta Rockettin good shape, final disappointing for Nouvelle Star» , on ,
  17. Kevin Boucher, Audiences : TF1 leader, Maman, j’ai raté l’avionpowerful, w9 and form in shape » , on ,
