Claire Nouvian – Wikipedia



Claire Nouvian is a French environmental activist, born on In Bordeaux, former journalist, producer, director of animal and scientific documentaries. In 2004, she founded the Bloom association of which she was the president. She is the author of the book Abyss and commissioner of the exhibition of the same name.

In 2018, she co -founded the Place Place Public Party, before leaving it the following year.

Origins and training [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Claire Nouvian was born on March 19, 1974 in Bordeaux [ first ] . She is the granddaughter of Pierre Péricard (May 3, 1920 Civaux, May 13, 2006 Montmorillon), mayor of Civaux in Vienne. He is the instigation of the installation of a nuclear power plant in his town [ 2 ] . She claims to have inherited on the one hand of her temperament and her uncompromising values, especially with regard to the truth [ 3 ] .

In her childhood, she travels by following her parents, her father being an executive at Total [ 4 ] . During the divorce of these, she follows her mother in Hong Kong, who heads a textile company there. In an interview, she evokes her detestation from school during her childhood, her emotional difficulties and her hypersensitivity, linked to an unteashed precocity. At the age of 35, she followed psychoanalysis for seven years [ 3 ] . Polyglot, she speaks six languages ​​of which Russian [ 3 ] . She graduated in history at Paris-Sorbonne University in France [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] .


Journey [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

She is initially a journalist, producer and director in the audiovisual. She works on a series of movies for TV Images Nature. The visit to the Monterey aquarium in California in 2001, and the images of creatures living 4,000 m Under the surface of the ocean, for her constitute a turning point. She focuses on the protection of oceans and the defense of marine fauna [ 7 ] .

She writes two award -winning documentaries, including Expeditions in the abyss , by following a scientific expedition led by the eccentric researcher Craig Smith [ 8 ] . In 2004, Claire Nouvian founded and became director of Bloom, a 1901 law association who campaigned for the protection of marine ecosystems [ 9 ] .

In 2006 the book Abyss , translated into ten languages, is awarded several times [ ten ] . In 2007, she set up the exhibition of the same name at the National Museum of Natural History, with a wide variety of abysmal animals. The exhibition, of which she is a commissioner, travels to several countries [ 11 ] , [ twelfth ] .

Then she became an environmental activist by committing against the exploitation of the oceans. It works to raise public awareness and authorities about the problems posed by the exploitation of vulnerable species and marine environments such as sharks and deep oceans. She is a defender of the oceans and socio-economic balances which depend on it, in particular on artisanal fishing, which she judges left on behalf of public decisions. Its involvement, with a group of NGOs, in the Grenelle de la Mer has led to notable advances for the conservation of the marine environment, such as France’s commitment to protect 20% of its maritime territory by 2020 [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] . It attacks electric fishing and files a complaint against the Netherlands, which are followers for the fish of the seabed [ 15 ] . In January 2018, after strong media coverage, the European Parliament blocked the generalization of this technique in Europe [ 16 ] .

At the end of October 2018, she participated in the Public Place Foundation (PP), a political party “citizen, environmentalist and united”, with the essayist Raphaël Glucksmann [ 17 ] , [ 18 ] . It forms a tandem with the latter to present a list in the 2019 European elections, in which it is only placed [ 19 ] . She therefore engages in political fight [ 20 ] , while refusing to participate in what she calls the struggle “between the oversized egos” which reigns there [ 19 ] .

Guest on May 6, 2019 on the CNews set for the program The time of pros Hosted by Pascal Praud, Claire Nouvian accuses an ambient speech of nature “Climato-skeptic” from the animator and the other guests. She judges “Completely crazy” to question the consequences and causes of global warming [ 21 ] , she treats Élisabeth Lévy, who disagrees, “retrograde” and ” crazy ” [ 22 ] , while Pascal Praud declares that Claire Nouvian gives an image “Hysterical” of his thought [ 23 ] . Claire Nouvian evokes the “misogyny” of the plateau and a “Watch out of climateosceptics” [ 24 ] and recounts his television experience via social networks to denounce and fight the “Climate negationism” and the “Misogyny” [ 25 ] . The CSA receives following a hundred complaints from this program from this program for the treatment reserved for Claire Nouvian, without clearly established the motivations of these complaints [ 26 ] While a forum of Current values denounces an instrumentalization of science [ 27 ] and an article from the Revue des Deux Mondes , an excessive remedy of the CSA which can assimilate censorship [ 28 ] .

At the beginning of summer 2019, she left the Executive Place Place Committee, and cut all contact with the organization, without giving an explanation [ 29 ] . After Thomas Porcher, it is the second departure of a co -founder of the Place Public Party, about a year after its launch [ 30 ] . She explains her party departure in mid-October in the media. She expresses regrets before the failure of this commitment, which she considers totally distorted with regard to the primary idea which constituted it. It denounces the recovery of the movement by professional policies from the Socialist Party and declares that Place Public has failed to keep old processes to rule out internal contradictors. While specifying that elected deputies are “Completely correct” , she notes that political systems in general remain unchanged, condemned to mediocrity and clientelism [ thirty first ] , [ 32 ] . Claire Nouvian announces her renunciation of any political commitment admitting incompatible with “Political drums” In view of his conceptions of honesty and integrity. However, she decides to continue her fight and her commitment to the environment through the Bloom association, which she praises the efficiency [ 33 ] .

Distinctions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Claire Nouvian is one of the six winners (one per continent) of the 2018 Goldman for the Environment Prize, one of the highest distinctions in the environmental field [ 34 ] , for its fight won in 2016 against underwater trawling in the waters of the European Union [ 35 ] .

In 2013, it was received in the national order of merit [ 36 ]

In 2012, she received the Gold Women Trophy, “Gold Woman in the Environment” category [ 37 ] .

Claire Nouvian founded in 2004, Bloom, association law of 1901 which militates for the protection of marine ecosystems [ 9 ] . She is the honorary president. This association originally aimed at relaying its fight, by means of education and awareness of the general public [ twelfth ] . The association fights in particular against fishing in deep waters [ 38 ] .

  • Shipping in the abyss (2004) Author/director, scientific documentary of 52 min (ex Nihilo/Arte/Ifremer/Science Channel), Prize for best adventure documentary at the World Amazonas Adventure Film Festival in Brazil (Manaus, Brazil, November 2005)
  • Oceanautes (2004) Author/director, original design and writing of the 52 min documentary (ex Nihilo/Arte/Ifremer). First prize of the ParisCience Festival (Oct. 2005)
  • Microcean (2003) Author, Panoramic unitary film of 12 min (Nature Prod/Océanopolis), documentary directed by Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, presented by Jacques Perrin in Oceanopolis, Brest
  • Wild nights (2002) Producer, 3 × 52 min animal series (TV Images Nature/France 2), underwater episode “One night under the sea” receives the anchor of silver and the François de Roubaix prize (best film music) At 34 It is Toulon International Maritime Film Festival (Oct. 2002), as well as the bronze palm in 29 It is International Festival de l’Image Submarine d’Antibes (November 2002)
  • Anasazis, a people disappear (2000) Executive producer, 52 min archaeological documentary (TV Images Nature/France 2)
  • Chronicles of the lost jungle (2000) Executive producer, 6 × 52 min animal series (TV Images Nature/France 3)
  • Intruders (1999) Production coordinator/journalist, 12 × 26 min scientific animal series (TV Images Nature/The Fifth)
  • New sanctuaries (1998) Production assistant, Nature Image TV, Filming Management of the 12 × 26 min series (TV Images Nature/The Fifth).

Works [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Abyss , Fayard, , 122 p. (ISBN  978-2-213-62573-7-7 ) , drawn to 150,500 copies (French, German, Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Polish, Korean (upcoming publication), Chinese (simplified and traditional, two editions) and Russian (at Eksmo in 2012)). Four international prices [ ten ] .
  • Illustration of a monograph by the artist Claire Basler, EFE editions, publication April 2, 2008. Bilingual French/English book (ISBN  978-2-915661-15-6 ) .
  • Writing of four educational pages in the book-Disque The underwater symphonies , Ecological musical tale published in 2015 by Éditions des Braques.

Conference [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • “Diving in the abyss”, Conference by Claire Nouvian, The Tuesdays of the Science Space , October 2007

Articles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • (in) Can ecosystem-based deep-sea fishing be sustained? (2011) [ 39 ]
  • (in) Sustainability of deep-sea fish species under the European Union Common Fisheries Policy (2012) [ 40 ]
  • (in) A review of formal objections to Marine Stewardship Council fisheries certifications (two thousand and thirteen) [ 41 ]
  • (in) Survey on shark consumption habits and attitudes in Hong Kong (2015) [ 42 ]
  1. Meeting with remarkable women 4/4 », Telerama , n O 3576, , p. 6-8 ( read online [PDF] ) .
  2. 10 things to know about Claire Nouvian, the activist decorated with the Écolo Nobel » , on L’Obs , (consulted the ) .
  3. A B and C Coralie Schaub, « Claire Nouvian, keeps fishing », Release , ( read online ) .
  4. Claire Nouvian, an eco -friendly immersion in the ps’ abyss » , (consulted the ) .
  5. The Environmentalist Claire Nouvian obtains the Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation 2012 » , on , (consulted the ) .
  6. Sylvia Zappi, Claire Nouvian, an eco -friendly immersion in the ps’ abyss » , on , (consulted the ) .
  7. Martine Valo, « Claire Nouvian, the eco-friendly », The world , ( read online ) .
  8. Shipping in the abyss » , on , (consulted the ) .
  9. a et b Musketeers forced to withdraw an advertisement », Point , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  10. a et b Claire Nouvian Biography » , on (consulted the ) .
  11. [PDF] National Museum of Natural History, ABYSSSE PRESSION PRESS » , National Museum of Natural History, (consulted the ) .
  12. a et b Autissier Isabelle « Deep inspiration », Release , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  13. Association BLOOM, Claire Nouvian » , BLOOM, (consulted the ) .
  14. (in) The Pew Charitable Trusts, Claire Nouvian » , PEW environment, (consulted the )
  15. Electric fishing: complaint against the Netherlands » , on , (consulted the ) .
  16. Philippe Brochen, Electric fishing: What consequences after the non -European Parliament? » , on , (consulted the ) .
  17. Eugénie Bourlet, “Raphaël Glucksmann unveils a new political movement” citizen, environmentalist and united “” , , October 31, 2018.
  18. Euradio , Public square – Claire Nouvian » , (consulted the )
  19. a et b See its declarations on France Culture on Saturday June 8, 2019 Listen to the Podcast of the program .
  20. Corinne Laurent, European elections, Raphaël Glucksmann and Claire Nouvian change in politics » , on , (consulted the ) .
  21. Pascal Praud vs. Claire Nouvian: the video editing that we have not shown you » , on Marianne , (consulted the ) .
  22. Pascal Praud attacks a green activist and the “hysterical” milking » , on (consulted the ) .
  23. Louis Nads, Pascal Praud vs. Claire Nouvian: the video editing that we have not shown you » , on , (consulted the ) .
  24. Claire Nouvian “Folle de Rage” after the “Guet-Apens Climatosceptique” by Pascal Praud » , on L’Obs (consulted the ) .
  25. “Claire Nouvian prefers the democracy of affect to reasoned argument” », Le Figaro , ( read online ) .
  26. A hundred complaints received by the CSA after the humiliation of a green activist by Pascal Praud on CNews » , on , (consulted the ) .
  27. Benoît Rittaud, ” Open letter to the CSA: no to climatic censorship! », Current values , ( read online ) .
  28. Valérie Toranian, ” Clash video, manipulation and global warming: Claire Nouvian flows », Revadesdeuxtestes , ( read online ) .
  29. Ludwig Gallet, Public square: Claire Nouvian has disappeared » , on L’Express , (consulted the ) .
  30. The experience of public places in the deadlock after the departure of Claire Nouvian », L’Opinion , ( read online )
  31. Pierre Lepelletier, Nouvian dezangues public square: “When the disgusted leave, only the disgusting remains” » , on , (consulted the ) .
  32. Claire Nouvian : “Public square has been infiltrated by small mediocre and infrequent arrivals” » , on France Inter , (consulted the ) .
  33. Claire Nouvian slams the Place de Place Publique and overwhelming Glucksmann » , on , (consulted the ) .
  34. Martine Valo, Claire Nouvian, the eco-friendly » , on , (consulted the ) .
  35. Raphaëlle Dormieu, Ocean: Claire Nouvian receives the “Goldman Prize for the Environment » , on , (consulted the ) .
  36. Decree of May 14, 2013 promoting and appointment » , on Legifrance (consulted the ) .
  37. Jessica Gauzi, Women’s winners in 2012 gold » , on , (consulted the ) .
  38. Pascaline Minet, ” The ravages of deep waters », The research , ( read online ) .
  39. (in) Les Watling et al. , Can ecosystem-based deep-sea fishing be sustained? (Conference deeds), University of Maine, , 84 p. ( read online ) .
  40. (in) Sebastian Villasante et al. , Sustainability of deep-sea fish species under the European Union Common Fisheries Policy » , Ocean & Coastal Management , ScienceDirect, vol. 70 « Special issue on the Fisheries Policy Reform in the EU » , , p. 31-37 (DOI  10.1016/J.Ocecoaman. 2012.07.033 , Online presentation , read online [PDF] , consulted the ) .
  41. (in) Claire Christian et al. , A review of formal objections to Marine Stewardship Council fisheries certifications » , Biological Conservation , ScienceDirect, vol. 161, , p. 10-17 (DOI  10.1016/j.biocon.2013.01.002 , Online presentation , read online [PDF] , consulted the ) .
  42. (in) Survey on shark consumption habits and attitudes in Hong Kong , BLOOM, Social Sciences Research Centre of The University of Hong Kong, , 16 p. ( read online [PDF] ) .

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