René-Aymar de Roquefeuil and Bousquet-Wikipedia


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René-Aymar, viscount of Roquefeuil and Bousquet , born the To Plusvin and Death on in Brest [ first ] , is a French naval officer and aristocrat XVIII It is century. He served in the royal navy and ended his career with the rank of squadron chief of the naval armies.

Origins and family [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It comes from the family of Roquefeuil Blanquefort, an old noble family of Rouergue, of chivalrous extraction whose proven parentage dates back to 1393 [ 2 ] . The family of Roquefeuil Blanquefort gave the kingdom of France several general officers.

His father, Jacques Aymar de Roquefeuil and du Bousquet (1665-1744), illustrated in the naval fights of the Orcades, Lauwick, Bressey Sound, and at the battle of Cap Béveziers. Throughout his career, he sank in combat more than twenty vessels and took fourteen line vessels to the Dutch or English enemy, three of which are approached (in particular: the HMS Hampton Court And HMS Grafton English line vessels of 70 cannons, both took the ) [ 3 ] . He reached the rank of lieutenant general of the naval armies in 1741 and served as vice-admiral in the absence of a holder. In 1744, he commanded in the Channel, a squadron of nineteen vessels, who left Brest, in order to promote the descent of Prince Charles in England, when he died on board his ship The superb , the , at the age of 79, without being able to see the promise made to him by the marshal of France after the campaign. Her mother is Jeanne Louise from the hand of the Aaserrets.

His older brother, Aymar Joseph de Roquefeuil and du Bousquet (1714-1782), will also be illustrated in the king’s navy. He is appointed vice-admiral of the Levant fleet.

Career in the Royal Navy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

René-Aymar de Roquefeuil between young people in the king’s navy. He joined a naval guard company in 1733 in the Department of Brest, at the start of the Poland Succession War. He was appointed Vessel Sign in 1738.


In 1739, he was present aboard L’Atlas during his sinking. Then it serves on the ship The fiery and participate in the second fight fought by the Marquis de l’Estenduère off Cape Finisterre in . The ship on which he is taken by the British and he was taken prisoner after this fight.

In 1752, he was appointed knight of Saint-Louis and one of the first ordinary members of the Marine Academy who had just been created. The following year, in 1753, he participated in his work by writing around thirty words from the Navy Dictionary. From 1754 to 1764, he was the governor of the Prince of Lamballe in Versailles, having been appointed captain in 1757. He commanded The Holy Michel In 1761.

From 1754 to 1764, he was, at the Court of Versailles, the governor of Louis-Alexandre de Bourbon (1747-1768), prince of Lamballe, which he has great difficulty in correcting the licentious inclinations.

In 1764, he received the command of the company of the Admiral Pavilion in Brest which aimed to bring together the elite of the Navy Guards. He retains command until his death. In 1765, he was promoted to brigade naval armies.

During the creation of the Royal Marine Academy in 1769, he became an ordinary member and then, in 1773, honorary member.

In 1769, he transported troops to the colonies at the head of the vessels The solitary , Hippopotamus And The White one . In 1771, he ordered his brother Aymar Joseph the Navy and the port of Brest At and is made squadron chief of the naval armies the .

In 1773, he obtained the command of the vice-admiral division in Brest and was appointed knight of honor and squire of the Princess Bathilde of Orleans, Duchess of Bourbon. René-Aymar de Roquefeuil died in Brest in 1780 at the age of sixty two years [ 4 ] .

From his marriage to Marie-Françoise de Remy de Bauve, he has five children:

  1. Marie-Josèphe who married the Count of Gestas;
  2. Alexandre-Aimable de Roquefeuil, known as “The Knight of Roquefeuil”, a young lieutenant of the royal navy (born in 1757) who experienced a short notoriety with two titles. He was, at 23, the commander of the opinion Shipping , escort building of the frigate The supervisor commanded by M. du Couëdic de Kergoaler during the fight delivered the against HMS Quebec . The fight of the vessels and their escorts, of equivalent power, was of exceptional violence and the Couédic, despite its skill and its courage had great to take over. At the end of the fight, after Roquefeuil severely damaged the HMS Rambler , keeps Quebec , the two advice commanders are suitable for ceasing the fight and bringing assistance to The supervisor , distraught, and to the survivors of the HMS Quebec who had just exploded and sink. After the victory of Mr. du Couédic, the knight of Roquefeuil, having on board all the British prisoners survived by Quebec A you Rambler , towed the frigate The supervisor , very damaged, to the port of Dunkirk. Invited to Versailles to account for the fight (M. du Couédic being dying), he finds there Princess Bathilde of Orleans, Duchess of Bourbon whose father was a knight of honor and becomes her lover. From these loves was born a girl, adelaid-victory, which the princess will keep for a long time and discreetly with her at the Palais de l’Elysée. This illegitimate girl is one of the ancestors of the aviator Georges Guynemer and several families who have survived (ex: Doynel de la Sausserie). Roquefeuil Alexandre Alexandre Knight died a few years after this first meeting with the Princess, drowned in the harbor of Dunkirk the (he was 28 years old).
  3. Marie-Renée, canons, who goes to Portugal during the Revolution, accompanies in Brazil the royal family of Portugal and dies in Rio de Janeiro;
  4. Jacques-Aymar, lieutenant, who served under the admiral count of Grasse during the America campaign;
  5. Jeanne-Louise, twin sister of Jacques-Aymar who marries Viscount Robert François d’Aché, Chouan murdered in Normandy in 1809.
  1. Genealogical statement on Geneanet
  2. Régis Valette, Catalog of the French nobility , 1989, 4 It is edition, p. 170. Roquefeuil de Montpeyroux and Roquefeuil de Cahuzac, Rouergue, chivalrous extraction 1393
  3. Navy Archives
  4. Universal, old and modern biography , Michaud Frères, ( read online )
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