Baikal nature reserve – Wikipedia


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The Baikal nature reserve (in Russian : The Baikal Head, Baïkalski Zapovednik ) is a Russian nature reserve with an area of ​​1,657 km 2 , located in the Raïon of Kabansk, in the Russian Republic of Burial in Siberia at 150 km Southeast of Irkutsk. The reserve was created in 1969 on the edge of the southeast shore of Lake Baikal.

Localisation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Baikal nature reserve is 80 km east of Koultouk, the nearest city, and 150 km Southeast of Irkutsk. It covers 46 km length and 45 km maximum width for a total protected area of ​​1,657 km 2 .

Many protected areas surround Lake Baikal: to the west is the largest, the Baikal-Léna nature reserve [ first ] (6 600 km 2 ) created in 1986; In the Burial South the Baikal Nature Reserve (1,657 km 2 ) Created in 1969, in the east the Bargouzine nature reserve (3,740 km 2 ) Created in 1916, and finally to the northeast the Djerguine nature reserve (2,380 km 2 ) created in 1992. To these reservations are added the Zabaïkal national parks [ 2 ] , from Pribaïkal and Tounka created in the second half of XX It is century [ 3 ] .

Hydrography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The reserve is set back from the border of Lake Baikal, due to the passage of the railway and road tracks, which it would along on around 50 km . It is crossed by the Vydrinaïa and Michikha rivers [ 4 ] .

Climate [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The climate on the reserve is of the continental type. The weather readings carried out in Irkutsk, located 150 km To the northwest, are partly applicable to the Baikal reserve:

Irkutsk weather survey
Month jan. feb. mars april May June jui. august sep. oct. nov. dec. year
Average minimum temperature (° C) −23.3 −21,1 −13.8 −3,9 2.4 7.7 11.3 9.7 3.3 −3,8 −12,7 −20 −5,4
Average temperature (° C) −18.3 −15,2 −7,1 2.1 9.7 15.2 17.7 15.5 8.9 1.3 −7,8 −15,2 0.6
Average maximum temperature (° C) −13.1 −8,2 0.2 8.8 17.1 22.6 24.4 22.2 15.9 7.7 −2.3 −10,4 7.1
Precipitation (mm) twelfth 8 twelfth 18 33 71 116 89 53 24 20 16 471

The reserve covers part of the Khamar-Daban mountains.

The first projects for creating the Baikal nature reserve date from 1968 and are the work of Siberian scientists who wish to preserve the Khamar-Daban Monts forest and file a request from the Soviet Republic of Bouriatia. THE , the Burial Council of Ministers adopts a resolution to protect the area which becomes effective on [ 4 ] .

In 2015, a destroyed forest fire 43 000 hectares out of the 75,000 of the nature reserve. Regularly subject to fires due to human negligence, global warming and drought accentuate destruction leading to an ecological, economic and health disaster [ 5 ] .

  1. (in) Baikalo-Lensky Zapovednik On the site of the Center for Russian Nature Conservation.
  2. (in) Zabaikalsky National Park On the site of the Center for Russian Nature Conservation.
  3. Biodiversity and those who preserve it By Agnès Pozzi, L’Harmattan editions, 2011, (ISBN  9782296470705 ) , pp. 71-72 .
  4. a et b Lake Baikal by Laurent Touchart, Éditions l’Harmattan, 1998, (ISBN  9782738464118 ) , p. 107-111 .
  5. Léo vidal-kiraud, “Climate:” From here to Lake Baikal, everything has burned ” , Release , December 12, 2018.
