Transport in Nevers – Wikipedia



The Taneo bus network Covers the territory of the city of Nevers and the twelve other municipalities of Nevers Agglomeration, a public establishment for inter -municipal cooperation ensuring the management and financing of this network within the framework of its compulsory skills.

The entire network, with the exception of certain school lines, is operated by public service delegation by Keolis Nevers, renewed for six years in 2014. A first network appeared in 1960 with the Nevers urban service operated by Small cars , and replaced in 1978 by the Stuniv ( Nivernais Urban Transport Society ), which will keep its management until 2007, the year when Keolis resumes the management of the network, which is restructured and takes the name TANEO .

In 2015, the Taneo network was made up of 16 regular lines and by reservation and various additional services carrying 2.6 million travelers per year.

Table of Contents

1945-1976: small cars in the urban service of Nevers [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The first traces of the existence of a public transport service in Nevers dates back to 1945 when Mr. François Petit bought the Nevers-Marzy-Fourchambault-Pougues-les-Eaux coach line to Martin establishments, a company based in Fourchambault and whose line had been abandoned since 1940 and operated with a 25 -seat Renault Yfab coach operating in gasogen [ first ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] .


In 1946, he replaced the rolling stock, which became obsolete, with a 33 -seat Berliet PCK with followed the following year by two APH slippers with 45 places [ 3 ] .

In 1952, the Berliet PCK 7 D was replaced by a 8 R Berliet PCK with 50 places and 10 Strapontines. During the two years that followed, the slippers were replaced by other slippers, APH 521 more comfortable and in 1956 it was around an anh slipper to arrive followed by an APV slipper [ 3 ] .

In 1957, Robert Petit bought the company of Mr. Fleury which provided the Nevers-Marzy-Magny-Cours-Saint-Parize-le-Châtel line with two coaches and changed the schedules to carry out school transport and bought a Renault R 4192 , then joined forces with Jean Mazauric to create the Nivernais Bus Society which transports workers from the ACMA factory located in this same municipality, transport will be provided until 1960 [ first ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] . In 1960, the first urban service in Nevers was created by Small cars , in association with Robert Petit [ first ] , [ 2 ] . This company becomes Small cars & C ie . In 1965 and disappeared in 1987 following its acquisition by a carrier, the Mercury Cars, based in Château-Chinon [ first ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] . The exploitation of the urban network remained in the fold of small cars until 1976 [ 3 ] .

1978 to 2007: Stuniv [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Registered in the Trade and Companies Register and struck off the , the Nivernais Urban Transport Society (Stuniv) was for almost 30 years the operator of public transport of the agglomeration of Nevers [ 4 ] .

The city center shuttle “Coursinelle” is created in and operated using a mg 36 craf [ 5 ] .

At , the Nevers Agglomeration Community is created and resumes, within the framework of its compulsory skills, the management of the network to the SIVOM of the agglomeration of Nevers which disappears on this occasion. The service of the municipality of Saint-Eloi is arrested due to the non-integration of the municipality into the new intercommunality.

In , line 9 is created between the city center, Nevers station and the Pierre Bérégovoy hospital, opened that year. The line is used using minibus [ 6 ] .

In 2004, the decoration of the buses changed: the old white livery with the blue flag with a gradient ranging from blue to the front to white at the back gives way, on the most recent vehicles, to a white livery with a Red band using the colors of the group Reunite to which the Stuniv is a member, and the agglomeration logo appears. The 4 Vehixel City One in GNV are delivered that year and equip among others the “Coursinelle” shuttle [ 7 ] .

The network was, in its ultimate configuration, composed of the following lines [ 8 ] :

Regular lines:

Line Route Material Operating days
first Windmill ↔ Great pasture (Anifop to certain services ) Standards L, on, with, J, v, s
2A Jacques Duclos ↔ Jules Renard via Molière Standards L, on, with, J, v, s
2B Jacques Duclos ↔ Le Ver-Vert via the eduens Standards L, on, with, J, v, s
4A Salvador Allende ↔ Coulanges-lès-Nevers-André Malraux Standards L, on, with, J, v, s
4D Sermoise-sur-Loire-Le Port ↔ Cemetery Jean Gautherin Standards L, on, with, J, v, s
5A Saint-Fiacre ↔ Jules Renard via Chaméane Standards L, on, with, J, v, s
6 Varennes -Vauzelles – Place de l’Eglise ↔ Great pasture Standards L, on, with, J, v, s
7 Varennes -Vauzelles – Place de l’Eglise ↔ Jacques Duclos Standards L, on, with, J, v, s
8 Fourchambault – Loire front ↔ city center via gare sncf Standards L, on, with, J, v, s
9 (Circular) SNCF station via downtown and Pierre Bérégovoy hospital Midibus L, on, with, J, v, s
ten Carnot – Barbusse (Jules Renard to certain services ) ↔ Z.I. Saint-Éloi (C.E.S. COURLIS to certain services ) Standards L, on, with, J, v, s
11 Garchizy ↔ Nevers – City Center Via Varennes-Vauzelles Minibus L, on, with, J, v, s

Dominical lines:

Shuttle Buses :

Line Route Material Operating days
Emerald Jean Gautherin cemetery ↔ city center via Chaméane and prefecture Minibus L, on, with, J, v, s
Coursinelle (Circular) Ravelin ↔ city center via rue Saint-Martin Minibus L, on, with, J, v, s

2007 to 2014: Taneo and Keolis Nevers, first delegation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , and following a call for tenders launched in 2006, the Keolis group, via its subsidiary Keolis Nevers , was appointed as the operator of the public transport network of the Nevers Agglomeration Community by Public Service Delegation for a period of 7 years, after a previous call for tenders in 2005 which was declared unsuccessful [ 9 ] . Three competitors were in the running: Keolis, Transdev and the outgoing, the Stuniv [ ten ] . Keolis Nevers replaces it Nivernais Urban Transport Society (Stuniv), member of the group Reunite , who was the historic operator of the network , the day after the end of the previous delegation, and the agglomeration became the new owner of the rolling stock [ ten ] , [ 11 ] .

The new bus station, or “multimodal pole”, from Nevers station is inaugurated the After work that lasted from 2005 to end-2006, but the buses have served it since the end of 2006 [ twelfth ] .

The , the old Stuniv network gives way to the Taneo network made up of [ 9 ] , [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] , [ 15 ] :

Eleven regular lines, designated by a digital index and a precious stone, as well as the renewal of the free downtown shuttle “Coursinelle”:

Line Pierre Route Stops Operating days Correspondance STUNIV/Taneo
first Ruby Great pasture ↔ Jules Renard 27 L, on, with, J, v, s replaces line 1 largely
2 Sapphire Large pasture ↔ Varennes -Vauzelles – Place de l’Eglise 42 L, ma, me, j, v, s, d replaces lines 2A, 9 and 4D in part
3 Diamond Varennes -Vauzelles – Place de l’Eglise / Cemetery Jean Gautherin via Coulanges-lès-Nevers ↔ Jacques Duclos 45 /40 L, ma, me, j, v, s, d replaces lines 1, 7 and 4D in part
4 Aquamarine Monte Cassino ↔ Coulanges-lès-Nevers-André Malraux 35 L, on, with, J, v, s replaces lines 4A and 9 in part
5 Amethyst Z.A. of the great fields ↔ Jacques Duclos 38 L, ma, me, j, v, s, d replaces lines 2A, 2b, 4a, 9 and 1 in part
6 Emerald Ver-verse ↔ Jacques duclos via Z.I. Nevers-Saint-Éloi 36 L, on, with, J, v, s replaces lines 2B, 5A and 10 in part
7 Citrine Garchizy – Riolles ↔ Resistance Via Fourchambault thirty first L, on, with, J, v, s replaces lines 8 and 11 in part
8 Opal Pierre Bérégovoy ↔ Jean Gautherin cemetery via Jules Renard 19 L, on, with, J, v, s Replaces line 2A in part
9 Exit Pierre Bérégovoy ↔ Pougues-les-Eaux-Town Hall Via Varennes-Vauzelles 29 L, on, with, J, v, s Replace line 11
ten Topaz Sermoise-sur-Loire-The port ↔ Resistance via challuy 21 L, on, with, J, v, s Replaces the 4D line
11 Turquoise Pierre Bérégovoy Hospital ↔ Varennes -Vauzelles – Town Hall Via Vauzelles SNCF 22 L, ma, me, j, v replaces lines 9, 6 and 7 in part
Coursinelle (Circular) Carnot – Saint -Martin ↔ Via Parking du Ravelin ten L, on, with, J, v, s unchanged

The old dominic lines A C are taken up by regular lines 2, 3 (except branch of Varennes-Vauzelles) and 5 and the “hole” in the service between twelfth h And 14 h , local particularity, disappears [ 16 ] .

Two shuttles traveling from Monday to Friday evening, serving the lines of lines 2, 3 and 5:

Three transportation services at the request from Monday to Friday in the municipalities of Germigny-sur-Loire, Saincaize-Meauce and Sermoise-sur-Loire [ 9 ] :

Line Route Stops Operating days
Then Fourchambault station ↔ Z.I. exchanger 9 L, ma, me, j, v
Then Germigny-sur-Loire ↔ Fourchambault station 5 L, ma, me, j, v
Then Saincaize-Meauce ↔ Sermoise-sur-Loire-Le Port 4 L, ma, me, j, v

A dozen school lines open to all travelers from the :

  • Lines of lines 5 and 7
  • A line between Nevers station and Victor Hugo college
  • The circuit serving the Challuy high schools
  • Circuits 26 and 27 between Garchizy and the Paul-Langevin college
  • Circuit 28 between Pougues-les-Eaux, Henri-Wallon college and Saint-Just school
  • Circuit 29 between Germigny-sur-Loire and Fourchambault
  • The 186 circuit between Sermoise-sur-Loire-The Tuileries and the college A. Billaut
  • Circuit 262 between the Chamonds, the Henri-Wallon college and the Banlay
  • Circuit 382 between Saint-Fiacre, Banlay and Henri Wallon college
  • The 402 circuit between Coulanges-lès-Nevers and the André Malraux and Henri Wallon colleges

A dozen school lines reserved for students:

  • Circuits 258 to 261 for the service of the Bourg de Varennes school
  • Circuit 306 for Garchizy schools
  • Circuit 381 between Fontaine-d’Argent and Jules-Ferry
  • The circuits 439-1 and 439-2 for the services of the schools of Challuy and Sermoise-sur-Loire
  • Circuit 569 between Foncelin, Henri-Wallon college and Jules-Renard high school
  • The deposit circuit between the Angelard depot and the Henri-Wallon college

The new bus deposit of Keolis Nevers , located route de Marzy next to the headquarters of the Community Council of the Agglomeration, is inaugurated the and its location saves nearly 45,000 km per year of “high foot” journeys (route out of sales service) [ 17 ] . Adjustments to the timetables of certain lines were made the In order to take into account the remarks issued on the new network [ 17 ] .

In 2008, the network acquired the “INIMO” SMS traffic info system and the service equivalent by calling for a vocal server, “Timeo”. After a year of service, attendance increased by 8% and the traveler satisfaction rate was 87% [ 18 ] .

In , the regular network is modified:

And the school network is completely revised:

  • Circuit D4: A. billaut
  • Circuit D5 : A. Colas
  • Circuit D7 : Claire Fontaine
  • D7 circuit: white coast
  • Circuit D7 : Germigny
  • Circuit D7: Nevers
  • D7 circuit: Jules Renard
  • D7 circuit: Lep Bérégovoy
  • Circuit D7 : Saint-Joseph
  • Circuit D8: Victor Hugo
  • D9 circuit: Henri Wallon
  • Circuit D9 : Jules Renard
  • D10 circuit: Jules Renard and A. Billaut
  • D10 circuit: LPA and LEGTA (the only one not to be open to all travelers)
  • Circuit D12: Henri Wallon

The , the network undergoes new adaptations [ 19 ] :

  • Opening of the D10 school circuit: Gimouille, following the integration of the town of Gimouille into the agglomeration at [ 20 ] ;
  • The station shuttle becomes “health station” and no longer obliges travelers to go to the station to get on board, the buses also serving the “Bérégovoy” stop;
  • Transport on demand is restructured and takes the name “Tibus” and now works from Monday to Saturday with a predefined route and the following four lines:
  • Creation of “tick’r” transport titles for people in financial difficulty, prices are reduced by 50% compared to their conventional equivalents.

The , lines 4, 6, 8 and 9 are restructured and school dubbing 8 and 12 are deleted, while the Sunday service of lines 2, 3 and 5 is replaced by the two lines “dimenso” [ 21 ] , [ 22 ] :

The names of precious stones are also abandoned and line 11 sees its color pass from turquoise to brown. Finally, shelters are gradually replaced or renovated, and signage to stops is reviewed [ 22 ] .

In , the network has a new website.

At , the stations shutters have become “noctibus” and circulate in both directions and more only in the direction of the peripheries and the D5 dubbing is deleted [ 23 ] , [ 24 ] .

The , creation of line 13 between Fourchambault and Nevers via Marzy, commune incorporating the agglomeration community of Nevers in , and Tibus 13 on the same route [ 25 ] .

The , opening of three school circuits, made up of the integration of existing services:

  • D13 Jules Renard: Jules Renard ↔ Pames
  • D13: Langevin Busesolles
  • D13 Langevin-Conflans: Corcelles ↔ College Paul Langevin

In addition, the coach lines 1, 45 and 64 of the coach network of the General Council of Nièvre are now accessible with a Taneo ticket inside the Nivernaise agglomeration [ 26 ] .

Since 2014: Taneo and Keolis Nevers, second delegation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The society Keolis Nevers has been repeated as operating the For a period of six years following a call for tenders where she was in competition with RATP DEV and Veolia Transdev [ 27 ] . The , the network sets up the “Mobibus” service, a transport service at the request of a person with reduced mobility responsible for overcoming the lack of accessibility of certain buses or stops of the [ 28 ] . The , a rental bicycle service called “Cycl’Agglo” is set up [ 29 ] . At , of the three dubbing D13, only the Langevin-Conflans dubbing is maintained, the others being taken up by line 13 now extended to certain services in the center of Nevers, and an experiment is carried out on line 10 in Challuy and Sermoise-sur-Loire , on the principle of a common trunk served permanently and stops served by reservation, in order to optimize journeys and save money [ 30 ] , [ thirty first ] .

From , the network is equipped with Traveler operating and information assistance system (SAEIV), a system allowing travelers to obtain timetables in real time and drivers to be able to know precisely the possible delays and deviations. This system, installed gradually since by the Society Businfo (formerly Gorba France) , will be officially inaugurated in With the new network [ 30 ] , [ 32 ] .

On the eve of the restructuring of the network , the network was made up of the following regular lines [ 33 ] , [ 34 ] :

Line Route Stops Operating days Assignments Frequency
first Great pasture ↔ Jules Renard 27 L, on, with, J, v, s Standards 20 min
2 Large pasture ↔ Varennes -Vauzelles – Place de l’Eglise 40 L, on, with, J, v, s Standards 20 min
3 Jean Gautherin ↔ Jacques Duclos via Coulanges-lès-Nevers 40 L, on, with, J, v, s Standards 30 min
4 Nevers Agglomeration ↔ Coulanges-lès-Nevers-André Malraux 37 L, on, with, J, v, s Standards / Midibus 40 min
5 Large fields ↔ Jacques Duclos 39 L, on, with, J, v, s Standards 50 min
6 Ver-Vert ↔ Z.I. Nevers-Est Est 27 (29) L, on, with, J, v, s Standards / Midibus 60 min or +
7 Garchizy – Les Riolles ↔ Desveaux – Resistance Via Fourchambault 34 L, on, with, J, v, s Standards 40 min
8 (Circular) Nevers station via Victor Hugo, cultural center and carnot – Barbusse 22 L, on, with, J, v, s Midibus 30 min
9 Pierre Bérégovoy ↔ Pougues-les-Eaux-Parc Saint-Léger Via Varennes-Vauzelles 34 L, on, with, J, v, s Standards 60 min or +
ten Sermoise -sur -Loire – Le Port ↔ Desveaux – Resistance via challuy 19 /24 L, on, with, J, v, s Standards 60 min or +
11 Pierre Bérégovoy Hospital ↔ Varennes -Vauzelles – Town Hall (Pablo Neruda) Via Vauzelles SNCF 23 (33) L, ma, me, j, v Midibus 60 min or +
twelfth Varennes -Vauzelles – Church ↔ Jacques Duclos 45 L, on, with, J, v, s Standards 30 min
13 Fourchambault – Rue Gambetta ↔ Nevers Agglomeration (Nevers Gare / Jules Renard) 14 (28) L, on, with, J, v, s Minibus 60 min or +
Coursinelle (Circular) Carnot – Martin Via Tourist Office (Markets courses on Saturday morning) 10 (7) L, on, with, J, v, s Minibus 15 min
DimEO 1 Coulanges-lès-Nevers-André Malraux ↔ Jacques Duclos 36 D ? ?
DimEO 2 Varennes-Vauzelles-Place de l’Eglise ↔ Garchizy-Loire Front ( The morning ) / Pierre Bérégovoy Hospital ( The afternoon ) 51/44 D ? ?

And transport lines on the following request [ 35 ] :

Line Route Stops Operating days Assignments
Tibus garchizy Z.I. Interchange ↔ Carnot – Bérégovoy 9 L, on, with, J, v, s Minibus
Tibus Germigny Small Varennes ↔ Carnot – Bérégovoy 9 L, on, with, J, v, s Minibus
Tibus varennes-Vauzelles PIGNELIN ↔ ​​Varennes-Vauzelles-Town Hall 3 L, on, with, J, v, s Minibus
Tibus Saincaize-Gimouille Saincaize-Meauce-Bourg ↔ Carnot-Bérégovoy 9 L, on, with, J, v, s Minibus
Tibus 13 Fourchambault – rue Gambetta ↔ Carnot – Bérégovoy 27 L, on, with, J, v, s Minibus

Since the implementation of the new network, modifications have been made:

  • On September 28, line T1 saw its service on the side of terminus A. Colas modified as a result of delays and is now made in the form of a loop, the bus arriving at the terminus by the old journey and leaving in the other direction without redoing the detour to reach the hospital [ 36 ] ;
  • On November 9, hourly adjustments were made on lines 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14 and Presto 9 to overcome the delays noted on these lines [ 37 ] ;
  • From , the “Coursinelle” shuttle saw its frequency go back to 15 minutes and its route adapted to the suite of work [ 38 ] .

High level of service bus [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A high -level bus bus is also envisaged by 2016 or 2017 in the center of Nevers with a line with a frequency of a bus every six to seven minutes between Nevers station and a new exchange center in the Banlay district, crossing the city center, and equipped with a priority for lights at the crossroads [ 27 ] , [ 32 ] , [ 39 ] , [ 40 ] . But the abandonment of the ecotax in 2014, first caused the suspension of this project, then finally received a subsidy at the end of the year as part of the 3 It is call for projects [ 40 ] . This line, whose forecast budget is 8,622,679 € € and which must be subsidized up to 1,600,000 € € by the state within the framework of 3 It is Call for Project Transports E and Sustainable Mobility [ 41 ] , is part of a network to reorganize the network around three structuring lines whose main lines have been kept for the restructuring of the [ 40 ] And who sees the T1 and T2 lines take this route with a frequency of 15 minutes each, a frequency of 7 minutes 30 in all on this section [ 42 ] .

From September 2020:

Improvement of service in the Faidherbe, Montin and Mouesse districts.

Commissioning of a 3rd line on Sunday and holiday which will serve Garchizy Fourchambault and Marzy.

Presentation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , the network is restructured around 10 hierarchical regular lines, a commercially called “Taneo changes tempo!” »» [ 27 ] , [ 32 ] , [ 39 ] . The presentation of the new network to the population during public meetings took place during the months of April and May [ 43 ] . This restructuring, the most important since that of 2007 which saw the creation of the name TANEO , is justified by the evolution of the inhabitants of the Nivernaise agglomeration and the overhaul of the traffic plan in the city center of Nevers [ 42 ] . The definition of this new network was made, in accordance between the organizing authority and the delegate, following the carrying out of several studies, including that of attendance, and according to the results of the Origin-Destination surveys carried out with population [ 42 ] . INSEE data, such as the motorization rate (number of vehicles compared to the population) or the age age group have been used and merchants and associations were consulted [ 42 ] .

The new network was inaugurated on , accompanied by animations at the Square of the Resistance and a Flash Mob [ 44 ] . The arrangements of new stops cost 250,000 € € to the agglomeration community of Nevers and consists in most cases in moving the existing urban furniture to set up it to new locations, supplemented by the purchase of shelters and new posts [ 45 ] .

The network serves the thirteen municipalities of the agglomeration community of Nevers: Challuy, Coulanges-lès-Nevers, Fourchambault, Garchizy, Germigny-sur-Loire, Gimouille, Marzy, Nevers, Parigny-les-Vaux Pougues-les-Eaux, Saincaize-Meauce, Sermoise-sur-Loire and Varennes-Vauzelles, or almost 69,000 inhabitants [ 33 ] , [ 34 ] .

Structuring lines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The two structuring lines “tempo” forming the network frame, with frequencies of 15 minutes each and on the common trunk between the two lines, a frequency of 7 minutes 30 between two buses between Nevers station and the Banlay district and a service provided Monday to Saturday with identical schedules throughout the day and the year [ forty six ] . These two lines, ensure the service of the west of Nevers and the Pierre Bérégovoy hospital, the Courlis district and the town of Varennes-Vauzelles [ 42 ] , [ 47 ] .

The two ends of the common trunk, the “Nevers stations” and “Banlay” stops constitute the two network correspondence centers. The first is in correspondence with the intercités, TER and the regional coaches and the second, which will see a bus station later, makes it possible to simplify the correspondences between the different lines of the [ forty six ] .

Line Route Stops Daily frequency Old/new network correspondence Affectation
T1 Alain Colas ↔ Varennes-Vauzelles-Church 36 15 min Largely replaces lines 1 and 2. Standard
T2 Banlay ↔ Jacques Duclos 25 15 min Replaces the common trunk of lines 3 and 12. Standard

Additional lines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The three additional lines completing the network’s network, with frequencies of 30 minutes each serving Varennes-Vauzelles, Coulanges-lès-Nevers, Fourchambault and Garchizy, as well as less dense districts of Nevers and a guaranteed service, like the “tempo” lines, Monday to Saturday with identical hours throughout the day and the year [ forty six ] , [ 42 ] , [ 47 ] .

Peripheral lines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

To serve the peripheral municipalities of the agglomeration and link them to Nevers, five regular peripheral lines serve them (Marzy, Sermoise-sur-Loire …), at the rate of 3 to 10 round trips per day with a regular operation at rush hours.

At the hours when attendance is the lowest the service is ensured, with the exception of line 11 operating only in the point, by the transport service on demand “Tibus” [ forty six ] , [ 48 ] , [ 42 ] , [ 49 ] , [ 47 ] .

Line Route Stops Frequency in peak hours Old/new network correspondence Affectation
ten Banlay ↔ Sermoise Port 21 to 30 9 round trips/feedback Currently extended line 10 at the banish and serving the port of Nevers by reservation. Standard/Midibus
11 Bérégovoy Hospital ↔ Banlay thirty first 3 round trips Line 11 current extended in Banlay with a new trip to Varennes-Vauzelles and to the hospital. Midibus
twelfth Pougues — Casino ↔ Banlay 21 to 27 7 round trips Replaces line 9 with a terminus postponed to the banlay and service to the Pougues center by reservation. Standard/Midibus
13 Emile Martin ↔ Banlay via Fourchambault and Marzy 42 9 round trips/feedback Line 13 current extended in Fourchambault and Banlay by the western part of the old line 8. Standard/Midibus
14 Alain blas ↔ esat 30 to 32 10 round trips/feedback Largely replaces line 5 and line 6 in the Zi Nevers-Est. Midibus

On -demand transport [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Two types of transport on demand exist:

The first is the “reservation service”, applied to line 10 since , descent on request to the driver and climb by prior telephone reservation half a day in advance, is extended to other municipalities and lines. The extension of this service has been planned to deal with budgetary restrictions, which causes dissatisfaction on the part of network users, notably criticizing the lack of flexibility imposed on the reservation to get on the bus to the stops concerned by these measures [ 42 ] , [ 50 ] .

The sectors concerned by this service [ 47 ] :

The second is “Tibus”, which provides the service on lines 10, 12, 13 and 14 in off -peak week, on Saturday, during school holidays and during a period from July 14 to August 15. The service operates according to predefined schedules that can be reserved for at least two hours in advance [ forty six ] , [ 48 ] , [ 42 ] , [ 49 ] , [ 47 ] .

For the most rural municipalities and areas, three peripheral lines by reservation serve Germigny-sur-Loire, Gimouille and Saincaize-Meauce and are ensured exclusively in the form of transport on demand “Tibus”, these lines are developments in the old lines “Tibus” before [ 48 ] , [ 42 ] , [ 47 ] .

As of January 1, 2017, Nevers Agglomeration welcomed a 13th municipality: Parigny-les-Vaux. In this context, a new line of transport on demand is created on the same principle as line 16, with a reduction at Pougues-les-Eaux station

Line Route Stops Daily frequency Old/new network correspondence
18 Maupertuis ↔ Pougues station via Parigny-les-vaux 11 On -demand transport Line created on January 1, 2017

Downtown [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the city center of Nevers, the overhaul of the traffic plan, marked by the double-sens of rue Henri Barbusse and avenue Marceau, as well as the transformation of the Carnot square into a roundabout, lead to the ‘Abandonment of buses passage in avenue Pierre Bérégovoy [ 42 ] , [ 51 ] . The downtown service, in particular Place Saint-Sébastien, previously produced by lines 3, 5 and 12, is entrusted to the Coursinelle shuttle, which sees its frequency go from 15 to 20 minutes and which has stops served on request, this change of operation would save 100,000 € € per year compared to the addition of a second vehicle [ 51 ] . The new line to the Courlis district, the T2, bypasses the city center by the banks of the Loire and the Maison de la Culture de Nevers [ 42 ] .

The new route, still in a loop in time, is as follows [ 52 ] : The line serves Place de l’Europe, the prefecture of Nièvre, rue Saint-Étienne, Place Guy Coquille, rue Jean Desveaux then abandons the service of the Ravelin car parks and the Field of Foire to then resume its old route Towards Place Mancini and this until the tourist office where it follows the route of the “market course” on Saturday morning by the Saint-Laurent market and reach rue Saint-Martin.

From , the line saw its operating modified with a return to a frequency of 15 minutes, a shortened service to the east by now serving the “Carnot” stop and a change of journey to rue Saint-Étienne following the work in progress [ 38 ] .

Line Route Stops Daily frequency Old/new network correspondence
Coursinelle (Circular) Service in downtown Nevers. 6 15 min Line Coursine with a REDURDED WORK.

On December 4, 2018, Tanéo announced a new journey for Coursinelle. The line serves rue St Martin, rue de la Nièvre, the St Pierre judgment, the prefecture of Nièvre, rue Saint -Étienne returns to St Pierre stop, the resistance stop in correspondence with the T1 lines – T2 – 4 and returns to avenue Pierre Bérégovoy.

Sunday [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

On Sundays and holidays, the “Sunday and public holidays” service is now ensured by the new T1, T2 and L5 lines that work from 9 h 20 To 20 h and from 8:50 a.m. to 8 p.m. for the L5.

Taneo Primo [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A new reservation service, “Taneo Primo”, is offered early in the morning from Monday to Friday before taking service from the regular network, at the rate of two departures at 6 h And 6 h 30 , The Coulanges-lès-Nevers, Nevers and Varennes-Vauzelles dessert service in connection with the Place Carnot de Nevers, Nevers station and Pierre Bérégovoy Hospital departing from all the Noctibus stops [ 53 ] . The reservation must be made at the latest the day before [ 53 ] .

Nights [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the evening, the “Noctibus” service still composed of the western and is only works on Fridays and Saturday evenings (instead Monday to Friday evening and a service extension of old lines 2, 3 and 5 on Saturday evening) [ 49 ] . The service operates around the common trunk of the T1 and T2 lines between Nevers station and the Banlay: the bus serving the western area starts from the banlay, serves all the stops of the common trunk then serves the stops in the area while for the area Is the bus makes the opposite and starts from the station and serves the judgments of the common trunk in the other direction [ 54 ] . The service operates from Monday to Saturday to a departure every 20 minutes between 20 h And 21 h And, on Fridays and Saturdays, a departure every 40 minutes until 23 h [ 54 ] .

Sector Desert Material Operating days Operator
East sector shuttle Service for the western stops of Nevers and Coulanges-lès-Nevers. Minibus L, on, with, J, v, s Keolis Nevers
West sector shuttle Service from the eastern stops of Nevers and VARENNES-VAUZELLES. Minibus L, on, with, J, v, s Keolis Nevers

School lines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The school network for the 2022/2023 school year is made up of two types of lines [ 55 ] :

  • The “Taneo Presto” lines p1 to P14, open to all travelers and intended for the service of colleges and high schools;
  • The SP9 special school lines, reserved only for students in primary schools.

LIGNES SOON [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

With the exception of the transformation of the old D9 Boulorges – Jules Renard circuit into a school special and the abolition of D4 Adam Billaut circuits, and D7 Nevers, all the lines were reinomed and modified.

Line Opening date Route Stops Operating days Operator Old/new network correspondence
P1 René Marlin ↔ Lycée Saint-Joseph 7 L, ma, me, j, v Keolis Nevers D4 circuit Alain Colas – Saint -Joseph Renumoté and modified
P2 White coast ↔ Paul Langevin college 11 L, ma, me, j, v These nièvre Renumerated and modified white coast circuit
P3 The Reveriens ↔ CFA Marzy 13 L, ma, me, j, v Keolis Nevers Circuit D7 Claire Fontaine Renameroté and modified
P4 Crossing ↔ Paul Langevin college 19 L, ma, me, j, v These nièvre D7 GERMIGNY CIRCUIT RENURATED AND MODIFIED
P5 White coast ↔ Banlay 17 L, ma, me, j, v These nièvre D7 jules renumoté and modified circuit
P6 Fourchambault-Route de Vauzelles ↔ Lycée Saint-Joseph 40 L, ma, me, j, v Keolis Nevers D7 circuit Alain Colas – Saint -Joseph renumoté and modified
P7 Magny ↔ College Paul Langevin 16-18 L, ma, me, j, v These nièvre Circuit D13 Langevin – Renamerized and modified Conflans
P9 Pougues Medici ↔ Banlay 8 L, ma, me, j, v These nièvre D9 Henri Wallon circuit – Jules Renumot Renumoté and Modified


Gimouille / Challuy / Saincaize ↔ Adam Billaut college 15 L, ma, me, j, v Keolis VS D10 Gimouille circuit renumerated and modified
September 2018 Gare de Nevers ↔ LPA/legta 4 L, ma, me, j, v Keolis Nevers Circuit D10 LPA/legta
P12 Tuileries ↔ Adam Billaut college ten L, ma, me, j, v These nièvre Circuit D10 Jules Renard – Adam Billaut renumoté and modified

Line P11 and deleted and the P10bis line and creates.

The P8 line is deleted.

Special services [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

With the exception of the removal of the Spoats – Jules Renard and SP Loire as well as the Bourg de Varrenne line ↔ PIGNELIN (SP7), these lines are not or little modified.

Line Opening date Route Stops Operating days Operator Old/new network correspondence
SP 1 Service of Challuy and Sermoise-sur-Loire schools 7 L, ma, j, in These nièvre Unchanged
SP 2 Service of Challuy and Sermoise-sur-Loire schools 4 L, ma, j, in These nièvre Unchanged
SP 3 Serve the schools of Gimouille and Saincaize-Meauce 4 L, ma, j, in KVS SP GIMOUILLE – SAINCAIZE Renuméroté
SP 4 White Coast ↔ Service of schools Guy Moquet and Paul Éluard de Garchizy 11 L, ma, me, j, v These nièvre SP Moquet – Eleuard renumoté
SP 6 Boulorges ↔ Banlay 6 L, ma, me, j, v TAXI Replaces the old D9 Boulorges circuit – Jules Renard
SP 8 Dufaud village ↔ Primary school 5 L, ma, j, in These nièvre SP Marzy renumerated and modified
SP 9 September 2017 Mauprtuis today ↔ Parigny Bourg 9 L, ma, j, in These nièvre New line

Event lines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The network provides two event shuttles, both free:

The “Cultur’Bus” shuttles serving the Maison de la Culture de Nevers and Nièvre, or other partner places, during a show or a concert with an arrival a quarter of an hour before the start of the ‘event ; A special bus ticket is available on board vehicles [ 56 ] .

The shuttle ensures the connection between Nevers and the pre Fleuri stadium in Sermoise-sur-Loire where the Uson Rugby, the Rugby Club in Nevers evolves, evolves in Nevers [ 57 ] . The service, created in , ensures the delivery of spectators at the rate of a bus every ten minutes and the return to an hour after the end of the match [ 57 ] , [ 58 ] . The shuttle starts from the parking lot of the fairground, passes in front of the MCNN, takes the Loire bridge then follows the route of line 10 to the stadium [ 57 ] .

Mobs [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The “Mobibus” service is a transport service on request provided by Keolis Nevers from Monday to Saturday by prior reservation no later than half a day in advance by phone or “Espace Taneo”, the Commercial Agency Located avenue Pierre Bérégovoy in the center of Nevers [ 59 ] .

The service works between any network stops and makes it possible to compensate for the lack of accessibility of certain stops or vehicles of the network. The service works using minibus or arranged [ 59 ] . It allows the network to respect the law for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of people with disabilities of the disabled which provides for the existence of a substitution service in the event of non-accessibility of a stop or vehicle [ 60 ] .

Launched in 2014, the service remains unknown with only two calls in two years [ sixty one ] . It evolves experimentally between September 2016 and March 2017 with support along the lines and according to the service amplitudes of the classic network, the objective being to increase its use [ sixty one ] .

Bicycle rental service “Cycl’Agglo” [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Cycle’Agglo service is a long -term bicycle rental service allowing any resident over 14 years old in Nevers Agglomeration and within the limits of the area of ​​the agglomeration to rent a bicycle for a period of 1, 3, 6 or 12 months renewable [ 62 ] . Reduced prices are offered to people subscribed to the bus network [ 62 ] .

The bikes offered are of Decathlon B’twin brand and two models are offered: a classic model and an electric assistance model; An anti -theft is provided with each bike [ 62 ] . The registration in the service and the withdrawal of the bike is made at the Taneo space. Each bike costs 300 € € in Nevers Agglomeration, owner of bikes, for maintenance such as tires or batteries [ 29 ] . Small maintenance, such as replacing a little delicious, is the responsibility of the user [ 29 ] . Launched With 10 bikes on the occasion of European Sustainable Development Week, the service quickly victim of its success, was completed by 20 other electric bikes in the following month, which did not prevent the List of complete reservations for several months [ 29 ] , [ 30 ] . In , the service has 50 bikes but the number of registered on the waiting list does not decrease and a price increase is announced for , and which should continue until 2019 [ 63 ] .

Intermodality [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Nivernaise agglomeration is served by a dozen rail stations and by several coach lines. Price agreements make it possible to use these transport methods with a TANEO transport title.

With regional cars [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Regular lines 501, 502 and 503 Mobigo are accessible with a Taneo transport title inside the perimeter of the Nivernaise agglomeration [ sixty four ] .

With regional trains [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It is the same for the TER Bourgogne-Franche-Comté between the different stations of the agglomeration [ sixty four ] :

On the following connections [ sixty four ] :

Note: In the event of a common trunk, the data concerns the entire trunk and is not given line by line.

Presentation [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

On October 19, 2020, part of the network was restructured around the 9 regular hierarchical lines, an operation commercially called “We see … lines that evolve!” »» [ 27 ] , [ 32 ] , [ 39 ] . The presentation of the new network to the population during public meetings took place during the months of September and October. This restructuring, the most important since that of 2015, is justified by the evolution of the inhabitants of the Nivernaise agglomeration and the overhaul of the traffic plan in the city center of Nevers [ 42 ] . The definition of this new network was made, in accordance between the organizing authority and the delegate, following the carrying out of several studies, including that of attendance, and according to the results of the Origin-Destination surveys carried out with population [ 42 ] . INSEE data, such as the motorization rate (number of vehicles compared to the population) or the age age group have been used and merchants and associations were consulted [ 42 ] . The new network was inaugurated on September 19, 2020 for public transport day.

The network always serves the thirteen municipalities of the Nevers agglomeration community: Challuy, Coulanges-lès-Nevers, Fourchambault, Garchizy, Germigny-sur-Loire, Gimouille, Marzy, Nevers, Parigny-les-Vaux Pougues-les-Eaux , Saincaize-Meauce, Sermoise-sur-Loire and Varennes-Vauzelles, or almost 75,000 inhabitants [ 33 ] , [ 34 ] .

Structuring lines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The two structuring lines “tempo” forming the network frame, with frequencies of 15 minutes each and on the common trunk between the two lines, a frequency of 7 minutes 30 between two buses between Nevers station and the Banlay district and a service provided Monday to Sunday with identical schedules throughout the day and the year [ forty six ] . These two lines, ensure the service of the west of Nevers and the Pierre Bérégovoy hospital, the Courlis district and the town of Varennes-Vauzelles [ 42 ] , [ 47 ] .

The two ends of the common trunk, the “Nevers stations” and “Banlay” stops constitute the two network correspondence centers. The first is in correspondence with the intercités, TER and the regional coaches and the second, which will see a bus station later, makes it possible to simplify the correspondences between the different lines of the [ forty six ] .

Line Route Stops Daily frequency Old/new network correspondence Affectation
T1 Alain Colas ↔ Varennes-Vauzelles-Church 36 15 min Circulates on Sunday Standard
T2 Banlay ↔ Jacques Duclos 25 15 min Circulates on Sunday Standard

Additional lines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The three complementary lines completing the network’s mesh, with frequencies of 30 to 60 minutes each serving Varennes-Vauzelles, Coulanges-lès-Nevers, Fourchambault and Garchizy, as well as less dense districts of Nevers and a guaranteed service, Set “tempo” lines, from Monday to Saturday with identical schedules throughout the day and the year [ forty six ] , [ 42 ] , [ 47 ] .

Line Route Stops Daily frequency Old/new network correspondence Affectation
3 Varennes-Vauzelles-Church ↔ Nevers stations 39 30 min / 60 min No change excluding schedule. Standard
4 Bérégovoy Hospital ↔ Banlay via Coulanges-lès-Nevers 33 or 36 30 min New route between the station and the hospital with a passage by rue de la Raie or the Montapins district Standard/Midibus
5 Garchizy – Town Hall ↔ Nevers Gares Via Fourchambault 40 or 28 30 min Simplification of the line with a terminus at the Rveriens or Emile Martin. Improvement of the service of the Montôts district and connection with the Marzy road. Circulates on Sunday. Standard

Peripheral lines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

To serve the peripheral municipalities of the agglomeration and link them to Nevers, five regular peripheral lines serve them (Marzy, Sermoise-sur-Loire …), at the rate of 3 to 10 round trips per day with a regular operation at rush hours.

At the hours when attendance is the lowest the service is ensured, with the exception of line 11 operating only in the point, by the transport service on demand “Tibus” [ forty six ] , [ 48 ] , [ 42 ] , [ 49 ] , [ 47 ] .

Line Route Stops Frequency in peak hours Old/new network correspondence Affectation
ten Banlay ↔ Saincaize 19 to 30 or 27 to 36 8 round trips and 9 returns Line 10 and 17 merge in a single line 10 Sermoise-Challuy-Gimouille-Saincaize Standard/Midibus
P11 Bérégovoy Hospital ↔ Banlay thirty first 3 round trips Line 11 becomes P11 because the line is only used by schoolchildren. Car
twelfth Pougues — Casino ↔ Banlay 21 to 27 8 round trips and 9 returns No change excluding schedule. Standard/Midibus
13 Loire front ↔ Nevers stations via Fourchambault and Marzy 36 10 round trips/feedback The terminus is moved to Nevers station and the other terminus takes up the 3 least frequented stops on line 5 Standard/Midibus
14 Banlay ↔ you are 30 to 32 75 min Replaces the Nevers station in Banlay on line 13 and no longer serves the Montapins district. Midibus

On -demand transport [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Two types of transport on demand exist:

The first is the “reservation service”, applied to line 10 since , descent on request to the driver and climb by prior telephone reservation half a day in advance, is extended to other municipalities and lines. The extension of this service has been planned to deal with budgetary restrictions, which causes dissatisfaction on the part of network users, notably criticizing the lack of flexibility imposed on the reservation to get on the bus to the stops concerned by these measures [ 42 ] , [ 50 ] .

The sectors concerned by this service [ 47 ] :

The second is “Tibus”, which provides the service on lines 10, 12, 13 and 14 in off -peak week, on Saturday, during school holidays and during a period from July 14 to August 15. The service operates according to predefined schedules that can be reserved for at least two hours in advance [ forty six ] , [ 48 ] , [ 42 ] , [ 49 ] , [ 47 ] .

For the most rural municipalities and areas, three peripheral lines by reservation serve Germigny-sur-Loire, Gimouille and Saincaize-Meauce and are ensured exclusively in the form of transport on demand “Tibus”, these lines are developments in the old lines “Tibus” before [ 48 ] , [ 42 ] , [ 47 ] .

As of January 1, 2017, Nevers Agglomeration welcomed a 13th municipality: Parigny-les-Vaux. In this context, a new line of transport on demand is created on the same principle as line 16, with a reduction at Pougues-les-Eaux station

Line Route Stops Daily frequency Old/new network correspondence
18 Maupertuis ↔ Pougues station via Parigny-les-vaux 11 On -demand transport Line created on January 1, 2017

Downtown [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the city center of Nevers, the overhaul of the traffic plan, marked by the double-sens of rue Henri Barbusse and avenue Marceau, as well as the transformation of the Carnot square into a roundabout, lead to the ‘Abandonment of buses passage in avenue Pierre Bérégovoy [ 42 ] , [ 51 ] . The downtown service, in particular Place Saint-Sébastien, previously produced by lines 3, 5 and 12, is entrusted to the Coursinelle shuttle, which sees its frequency go from 15 to 20 minutes and which has stops served on request, this change of operation would save 100,000 € € per year compared to the addition of a second vehicle [ 51 ] . The new line to the Courlis district, the T2, bypasses the city center by the banks of the Loire and the Maison de la Culture de Nevers [ 42 ] .

The new route, still in a loop in time, is as follows [ 52 ] : The line serves Place de l’Europe, the prefecture of Nièvre, rue Saint-Étienne, Place Guy Coquille, rue Jean Desveaux then abandons the service of the Ravelin car parks and the Field of Foire to then resume its old route Towards Place Mancini and this until the tourist office where it follows the route of the “market course” on Saturday morning by the Saint-Laurent market and reach rue Saint-Martin.

From , the line saw its operating modified with a return to a frequency of 15 minutes, a shortened service to the east by now serving the “Carnot” stop and a change of journey to rue Saint-Étienne following the work in progress [ 38 ] .

Line Route Stops Daily frequency Old/new network correspondence
Coursinelle (Circular) Service in downtown Nevers. 11 15 min No change

Taneo Primo [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

A new reservation service, “Taneo Primo”, is offered early in the morning from Monday to Friday before taking service from the regular network, at the rate of two departures at 6 h And 6 h 30 , The Coulanges-lès-Nevers, Nevers and Varennes-Vauzelles dessert service in connection with the Place Carnot de Nevers, Nevers station and Pierre Bérégovoy Hospital departing from all the Noctibus stops [ 53 ] . The reservation must be made at the latest the day before [ 53 ] .

Nights [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the evening, the “Noctibus” service still composed of the western and is only works on Fridays and Saturday evenings (instead Monday to Friday evening and a service extension of old lines 2, 3 and 5 on Saturday evening) [ 49 ] . The service operates around the common trunk of the T1 and T2 lines between Nevers station and the Banlay: the bus serving the western area starts from the banlay, serves all the stops of the common trunk then serves the stops in the area while for the area Is the bus makes the opposite and starts from the station and serves the judgments of the common trunk in the other direction [ 54 ] . The service operates from Monday to Saturday to a departure every 20 minutes between 20 h And 21 h And, on Fridays and Saturdays, a departure every 40 minutes until 23 h [ 54 ] .

School lines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The school network for the 2015/2016 school year is made up of two types of lines [ 55 ] :

  • The “Taneo Presto” lines p1 to P14, open to all travelers and intended for the service of colleges and high schools;
  • The “Special School” lines SP1 to SP4 and SP6 to SP8, reserved only for students in primary schools.

LIGNES SOON [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

With the exception of lines P11, P13 and P14 which have been created, the journeys will now be made by coach.

Line Opening date Route Stops Operating days Operator Old/new network correspondence
P1 René Marlin ↔ Lycée Saint-Joseph 7 L, ma, me, j, v Keolis Nevers No change
P2 White coast ↔ Paul Langevin college 11 L, ma, me, j, v These nièvre No change
P3 The Reveriens ↔ CFA Marzy 13 L, ma, me, j, v Keolis Nevers No change
P4 Crossing ↔ Paul Langevin college 19 L, ma, me, j, v These nièvre No change
P5 White coast ↔ Banlay 17 L, ma, me, j, v These nièvre No change
P6 Fourchambault-Route de Vauzelles ↔ Lycée Saint-Joseph 40 L, ma, me, j, v Keolis Nevers No change
P7 Magny ↔ College Paul Langevin 16-18 L, ma, me, j, v These nièvre No change
P9 Pougues Medici ↔ Banlay 8 L, ma, me, j, v These nièvre No change


Gimouille / Challuy / Saincaize ↔ Adam Billaut college 15 L, ma, me, j, v Keolis VS No change
September 2018 Gare de Nevers ↔ LPA/legta 4 L, ma, me, j, v Keolis Nevers No change
P11 Bérégovoy Hospital ↔ Banlay thirty first L, ma, me, j, v Car Replace line 11
P12 Tuileries ↔ Adam Billaut college ten L, ma, me, j, v These nièvre No change
P13 Front the Loire ↔ Banlay 44 L, ma, me, j, v Car Complete line 13.
P14 Esat ↔ Alain Colas 22 L, ma, me, j, v Car Complete line 14.

Special services [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

No change is to be deplored.

Line Opening date Route Stops Operating days Operator Old/new network correspondence
SP 1 Service of Challuy and Sermoise-sur-Loire schools 7 L, ma, j, in These nièvre No change
SP 2 Service of Challuy and Sermoise-sur-Loire schools 4 L, ma, j, in These nièvre No change
SP 3 Serve the schools of Gimouille and Saincaize-Meauce 4 L, ma, j, in KVS No change
SP 4 White Coast ↔ Service of schools Guy Moquet and Paul Éluard de Garchizy 11 L, ma, me, j, v These nièvre No change
SP 6 Boulorges ↔ Banlay 6 L, ma, me, j, v TAXI No change
SP 8 Dufaud village ↔ Primary school 5 L, ma, j, in These nièvre No change
SP 9 September 2017 Mauprtuis today ↔ Parigny Bourg 9 L, ma, j, in These nièvre No change

Event lines [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The network provides two event shuttles, both free:

The “Cultur’Bus” shuttles serving the Maison de la Culture de Nevers and Nièvre, or other partner places, during a show or a concert with an arrival a quarter of an hour before the start of the ‘event ; A special bus ticket is available on board vehicles [ 56 ] .

The shuttle ensures the connection between Nevers and the pre Fleuri stadium in Sermoise-sur-Loire where the Uson Rugby, the Rugby Club in Nevers evolves, evolves in Nevers [ 57 ] . The service, created in , ensures the delivery of spectators at the rate of a bus every ten minutes and the return to an hour after the end of the match [ 57 ] , [ 58 ] . The shuttle starts from the parking lot of the fairground, passes in front of the MCNN, takes the Loire bridge then follows the route of line 10 to the stadium [ 57 ] .

Mobs [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The “Mobibus” service is a transport service on request provided by Keolis Nevers from Monday to Saturday by prior reservation no later than half a day in advance by phone or “Espace Taneo”, the Commercial Agency Located avenue Pierre Bérégovoy in the center of Nevers [ 59 ] .

The service works between any network stops and makes it possible to compensate for the lack of accessibility of certain stops or vehicles of the network. The service works using minibus or arranged [ 59 ] . It allows the network to respect the law for equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship of people with disabilities of the disabled which provides for the existence of a substitution service in the event of non-accessibility of a stop or vehicle [ 60 ] .

Launched in 2014, the service remains unknown with only two calls in two years [ sixty one ] . It evolves experimentally between September 2016 and March 2017 with support along the lines and according to the service amplitudes of the classic network, the objective being to increase its use [ sixty one ] .

Bicycle rental service “Cycl’Agglo” [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Cycle’Agglo service is a long -term bicycle rental service allowing any resident over 14 years old in Nevers Agglomeration and within the limits of the area of ​​the agglomeration to rent a bicycle for a period of 1, 3, 6 or 12 months renewable [ 62 ] . Reduced prices are offered to people subscribed to the bus network [ 62 ] .

The bikes offered are of Decathlon B’twin brand and two models are offered: a classic model and an electric assistance model; An anti -theft is provided with each bike [ 62 ] . The registration in the service and the withdrawal of the bike is made at the Taneo space. Each bike costs 300 € € in Nevers Agglomeration, owner of bikes, for maintenance such as tires or batteries [ 29 ] . Small maintenance, such as replacing a little delicious, is the responsibility of the user [ 29 ] . Launched With 10 bikes on the occasion of European Sustainable Development Week, the service quickly victim of its success, was completed by 20 other electric bikes in the following month, which did not prevent the List of complete reservations for several months [ 29 ] , [ 30 ] . In , the service has 50 bikes but the number of registered on the waiting list does not decrease and a price increase is announced for , and which should continue until 2019 [ 63 ] .

Intermodality [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The Nivernaise agglomeration is served by a dozen rail stations and by several coach lines. Price agreements make it possible to use these transport methods with a TANEO transport title.

With regional cars [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Regular lines 501, 502 and 503 Mobigo are accessible with a Taneo transport title inside the perimeter of the Nivernaise agglomeration [ sixty four ] .

With regional trains [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It is the same for the TER Bourgogne-Franche-Comté between the different stations of the agglomeration [ sixty four ] :

On the following connections [ sixty four ] :

Note: In the event of a common trunk, the data concerns the entire trunk and is not given line by line.

Stops [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The network has 489 bus stop including 141 equipped with bus shelters, with an average of 400 meters between two stops [ 33 ] ; 66 of them were brought up to standards for access to people with reduced mobility between 2011 and 2013 [ 60 ] , [ 65 ] . In 2009, an audit made on 100 stops had shown that 41% of the stops were accessible and that 36% could become after work [ 66 ] .

Visual identity [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Logos [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Delivered vehicles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The network has, over the eras, known to many livery:

  • The first livery of the Stuniv was based on white decorated with a light green band under the windows, it disappeared towards the mid -1980s [ sixty seven ] ;
  • The second, having existed in the second part of the 1980s consisted of white, purple at the level of the rocker, and black around the windows, as well as a purple clover, symbol of the Stuniv [ sixty seven ] ;
  • The third, which appeared during the 1990s and existed until 2004, but survived many vehicles until 2007, was based on white and matt checkout, with on the part below the windows ‘A blue banner with a gradient towards the very light blue towards the back of the vehicle, the flag starting at the level of an oblique bar of the same color at the front door. The MG 36 Grux commissioned on the “Coursinelle” shuttle had a blue livery with yellow points, and the line logo (a ladybug) [ 68 ] ;
  • The fourth, which appeared in 2004, was based on white with a thin red band and a sort of frieze towards the back of the vehicle, taking up the colors of the group of independent carriers Reunite , to which the Stuniv was a member [ 68 ] . The Moovy Irisbus had a specific delivered based on gray and red;
  • The fifth delivered, which appeared with the creation of the Taneo logo in 2007, consists of the presence, on a white body, of the logos TANEO Taking all the height of the vehicles (with variations depending on the model) on the sides, and of classic size logos at the front and the rear, in the company of those of Keolis Nevers and the agglomeration community of Nevers [ 68 ] . The vehicles of the “Coursinnelle” shuttle have a variant, with yellow points and a logo on the side faces which is that of the line (always a ladybug, but restyized).
  • The sixth delivered, concomitant to the restructuring of , is made up of various colors (blue, green, yellow, red) and various geometric shapes (round, triangles, squares …) adhesive on white buses and will be gradually applied to the entire park, the first vehicle having received it on the occasion of the inauguration of the network is the Iveco Bus Urbanway 12 n O 48 [ 69 ] .

Rolling stock [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The A4 sheet displaying the line number, here on the Renault R312 n O 32.

According to the official website, the network has 42 vehicles including 4 natural gas minibuses for vehicles, all properties of the Nevers Agglomeration Community. In addition to the weather vane, an A4 format sheet is affixed vertically in the windshield on which the line number is written. Before the creation of the Taneo network in 2007, the vehicles were owned by the Stuniv, except some, such as the Irisbus Moovy, were owned by the Siyategie company, a coach company today disappeared and integrated into Sti Nièvre in 2013.

In 2013, 74% of the park was accessible to people with reduced mobility (against 11% total and 58% incomplete in 2009 [ 66 ] and, in 2010, 50% total and 8% during the development [ 70 ] ) and, according to the accessibility master plan voted By the organizing authority, the agglomeration community of Nevers, only 3 will remain non-accessible in 2015 [ 70 ] , [ 60 ] . In fact, only the Renault V.I. R312 and PR 112 are not accessible. The average age of network vehicles is eight and a half, more than 14 vehicles have been replaced since 2007 [ 71 ] .

To this must be added to that nearly 25 coaches and taxis coming from carriers providing dubbing and school services [ 72 ] .

The Stuniv did not appear park numbers. Two Renault SC 10 R dating from 1983 and 1987 were saved by the Association for the safeguard of Nevers and Burgundian urban transport (Astaneb), association created in [ seventy three ] .

Deposit [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Network vehicles are stored in the Keolis Nevers bus deposit located 112 rue de Marzy (RD 131) in Nevers (46 ° 59 ′ 17 ″ N, 3 ° 07 ′ 08 ″ E), right next to the headquarters of the Nevers agglomeration community, located in the field west of the deposit. The deposit also aims to ensure preventive and curative maintenance of equipment. Curative or corrective maintenance takes place when a breakdown or dysfunction is indicated by a driver. The deposit is equipped with a non-covered reminder, a workshop, a washing and diesel pump station and GNV pumps [ 74 ] , [ 71 ] . The bus deposit is served by line 13 at the “Nevers Agglomeration” stop.

The former Stuniv deposit was located in the industrial area Nevers-Saint-Éloi Route de Coulanges at the corner with the Chaluzy road in Saint-Éloi (46 ° 59 ′ 58 ″ N, 3 ° 12 ′ 01 ″ E ); The site, which has been abandoned for a few years, has been occupied since 2011 by the company “Nièvre Hydraulique” and only the brand “Stuniv – Siéde” and the portico of buses have disappeared. The closest stop to the site is the “Eurosit” stop on line 14.

Accidents [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bus accidents have always remained particularly rare, their often spectacular appearance by making a subject of choice for the press. One of the most notable is the one who involved in 2011 an Irisbus Citelis 12 bus from the Taneo network which struck an Irisbus Crossway coach from the company Siyategia Pattered in the Nevers station station following a poorly negotiated turn which damaged the bus on its right side and the bus, which then went to hit another vehicle under the force of the shock parked right in front [ 75 ] . Although impressive, only a light injured one was to be deplored, a bus passenger who was touched by glass bursts, several windows of the bus exploded in this accident [ 75 ] .

Security [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The network sometimes experiences security problems, such as vehicle pebbles (such as the one that occurred in 2013 rue Gustave Flaubert) [ 76 ] or assaults, most often verbal, towards drivers [ 77 ] .

Operating staff [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The operator Keolis Nevers has 88 employees including 68 drivers [ 33 ] , [ 71 ] , responsible for both driving vehicles and selling transport titles. The network also has three regulators, responsible for managing the network and adapting it in the event of accidents or deviations, and to manage the absences of the staff [ 71 ] . Finally, the network has four mechanics responsible for ensuring the maintenance of vehicles [ 71 ] .

Travelers information [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From , LCD screens embedded inside vehicles and speakers arranged inside and outside vehicles inform travelers in real time. The screen displays the latest stop served as well as the next four. The sound announcements allow the visually impaired to have the information [ 27 ] , [ 32 ] . Some stops are equipped with screens indicating the next passages.

The network has a website to find network plan and schedules, prices, network info-trafic and an itinerary calculator based on “Mobigo”, the intermodal travel power plant in the Burgundy region [ 78 ] . A newsletter and a traffic alert service by SMS and e-mail, “Inimo”, are also offered [ 79 ] . Finally, a free app for smartphone running Android and iOS, “Businfo Nevers”, has been available since early 2015 [ 80 ] .

Pricing and financing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tickets and subscriptions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The pricing is identical throughout the network and, out of the twelve municipalities of the agglomeration, opens access to Mobigo lines and the regional trains TER Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. It is defined by the agglomeration community of Nevers. The financing of the operation of the lines (maintenance, equipment and personnel charges) is provided by Keolis Nevers. However, the prices of tickets and subscriptions, the amount of which is limited by political decision do not cover the real costs of transport, users paying only 20% of the real cost, the rest being borne by the organizing authority [ thirty first ] . The shortfall is compensated by the organizing authority, Nevers Agglomeration, chaired since 2010 by the mayor of Nevers and made up of local elected officials. It defines the general operating conditions as well as the duration and frequency of services. The financial balance of operation is ensured by an annual global allocation to Keolis Nevers thanks to the transport payment paid by companies and contributions from public authorities [ 74 ] . In 2013, the Transport Budget of Nevers Agglomeration was 7.4 million euros (compared to 8.5 million in 2009 [ 66 ] ) and the transport payment revenues was estimated at 3.2 million euros [ 74 ] . Since , the subscription cards must be presented to the driver, the climb by the front door being compulsory, the obliteers being reserved for tickets [ 30 ] .

The prices are regularly reassessed, as in 2012 when the VAT rate applied to transport securities increased from 5.5 to 7%, resulting in an additional cost of 18,000 € € For the operator, and passed on in April by increases of 1.5 to 4.5% of most titles, or that of 2013 having seen this rate pass to 10% [ 81 ] , [ thirty first ] .

At , network pricing is composed as follows (the network is free for children under the age of 4):


A unit ticket, sold at a price of 1.20 € € , allows within the limits of one hour after the date of first validation to move for a first way, the correspondences being authorized [ 82 ] . This ticket is also sold in a book of 10 at a price of 10.60 € € , or 1.06 € € by ticket, in the Taneo space and in the same methods of use [ 82 ] . 1,400 tickets are sold every day aboard buses [ 71 ] .

Since , three new tickets joined the price range [ 83 ] : The “duo ticket”, sold at a price of 2.30 € € , is the equivalent of two unit tickets that can be used by one or two travelers, the “easy city ticket”, which is sold at the price of 2.40 € € , is a ticket allowing up to four people to travel on Saturday only according to the conditions of a unit ticket and finally the “day ticket”, which sold at 3.60 € € , is a ticket allowing you to move for one day on the whole network. These titles are, with the exception of the day ticket sold at Espace Taneo, sold after the driver and, with the exception of the unit ticket, sold at the network’s partners of the network.

As part of the public transport day, the network of which has participated since 2007, a ticket cost 1 € € is available and is valid throughout the day [ 84 ] .

Price evolution of tickets between 2008 and 2015 [ 66 ]
Ticket 2008 [ 85 ] 2009 [ 66 ] 2012 [ eighty six ] two thousand and thirteen [ eighty seven ] 2014 [ 82 ] , [ 83 ] 2015 [ 82 ] , [ 83 ]
Unit 1.10 € € 1.10 € € 1.15 € € 1.15 € € 1.20 € € 1.20 € €
“Tick’r” unit 0.57 € € 0.57 € € 0.60 € € 0.60 € €
In 10 card 8 € € 9 € € ten € € ten € € 10.30 € € 10.60 € €
And Carnet the 10 «Tick’r» 5 € € 5 € € 5.15 € € 5.30 € €
Duo 2.30 € € 2.40 € €
Easy city 2.40 € € 2.40 € €
Daytime 3.60 € € 3.60 € €

The establishment of the Taneo subscriber card, valid for 5 years, is done at Espace Taneo and costs 4.50 € € For monthly subscribers (2.25 € € For tick’r subscribers) and is free for annual subscribers [ 88 ] , [ 89 ] . The subscriptions are sold at the Taneo or correspondence space [ 88 ] , [ 89 ] .

Since , the cutting of monthly and annual subscriptions in age group has evolved: the old “junior” slices (kindergarten and primary students), “of younger” (11 to 17 years) “18/25” (18 to 25 years), “active” (from 26 to 60 years old), “golden age” (from 60 years old) changed their name and have evolved for some: 4-10 years, 11-17 years old, 18-25 years, 26-64 years and 65 years and over [ 88 ] , [ 89 ] . At , slices 11-17 and 18-25 years are merged into a single slice 11-25 years [ 88 ] , [ 89 ] .

The prices for annual subscriptions range from 112.50 € € at 283.80 € € According to the age group [ 89 ] , while the prices for monthly subscriptions range from 11.25 € € at 25.80 € € According to the age group [ 88 ] .

Price evolution of subscriptions between 2008 and 2015
Coupon 2008 [ 85 ] 2009 [ 66 ] 2012 [ eighty six ] two thousand and thirteen [ eighty seven ] Subscription (age group) 2014 [ 88 ] , [ 89 ] 2015 [ 88 ] , [ 89 ] 2016 [ 88 ] , [ 89 ]
Monthly Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual
Coupon « Junior » 13.50 € € 9 € € 10.15 € € 101.50 € € 10.65 € € 106.50 € € 4-10 years 10.95 € € 109.50 € € 11.25 € € 112.50 € € 11,55 € 115.50 €
“Jewish” coupon 11.50 € € 12.30 € € 123 € € 14.25 € € 142.50 € € 15.05 € € 150.50 € € 11-17 years old 16 € € 160 € € 17 € € 170 € € 17,80 € 178 €
Coupon « 18/25 » 15 € € 15.80 € € 17.75 € € 177.50 € € 18.50 € € 185 € € 18-25 years 18 € € 180 € €
“Active” coupon 20 € € 21.40 € € 235.40 € € 23.10 € € 254,10 € € 23.80 € € 261.80 € € 26-64 years old 24.80 € € 272.80 € € 25.80 € € 283.80 € € 26.80 € 294.80 €
“Golden Age” coupon 8 € € 8 € € 99 € € 11.95 € € 131.45 € € 12.05 € € 138.05 € € 65 years old and + 13.05 € € 143.55 € € 13.55 € € 149.05 € € 14.05 € 149.05 € €
Coupon « Tick’R » 11.55 € € 10.55 € € Monthly “tick’r” 12.40 € € 12.90 € € 13.40 €
“Specio” coupon (annual) Free
Map (Creation cost) 2008 [ 85 ] 2009 [ 66 ] 2012 [ eighty six ] two thousand and thirteen [ eighty seven ] Map (Creation cost) 2014 [ 88 ] , [ 89 ] 2015 [ 88 ] , [ 89 ] 2016 [ 88 ] , [ 89 ]
“Junior” card 3 € € Monthly subscriber 4 € € 4.50 € € 4.50 € €
“Jewish” card 3 € € Monthly “tick’r” 2 € € 2.25 € € 2.25 € €
“18/25” card 3 € € Annual subscriber Free Free Free
“Active” card 3 € €
“Golden Age” card 3 € €
Annual “school” card 80 € €

For people beneficiaries of complementary universal health coverage or with a handicap greater than 80%, “tick’r” tickets are sold to the Taneo space: per unit at 0.60 € € and in a table of ten at a price of 5.30 € € [ 82 ] . A monthly subscription is also available at a price of 12.90 € € [ 88 ] .


In the case of the bicycle rental service “Cycl’Agglo”, the rental rates are based on the duration (1, 3, 6 or 12 months) with prices ranging from 22 to 152 € € [ 62 ] . For subscribers to the Taneo network, the prices are reduced and range from 15 to 122 € € [ 62 ] . In , the prices will increase, the monthly rate will increase to 29 € € and the annual rate at 200 € € , these increases will continue until 2019 when the prices will then have doubled compared to the situation in 2014, at 44 and 304 respectively € € [ 63 ] .

Points of sale [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The main point of sale is the Taneo space located 31 avenue Pierre Bérégovoy in Nevers (46 ° 59 ′ 21 ″ n, 3 ° 09 ′ 27 ″ e), open from Monday to Saturday [ 90 ] . It is completed by twelve partner points of sale in certain municipalities (bar-tabac, bus station, tourism offices …) [ 90 ] : Nevers (six points of sale), Varennes-Vauzelles (two points of sale), Coulanges-lès-Nevers, Garchizy, Pougues-les-Eaux and Fourchambault (one point of sale each).

Traffic [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The network attendance has increased significantly following the implementation of the Taneo network at the start of the 2007 school year.

In 2009, attendance was 9,562 trips per day on weekdays and 5119 trips per day on Saturday [ 20 ] .

In 2010, attendance was 9,491 trips per day on weekdays, 5153 trips per day on Saturday and 430 trips per day on Sunday [ 92 ] .

In culture [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Provenance of data [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The line opening dates and rolling stock come from the gathering of information from specialized forums and websites, as well as press items. The duration of the course and the number of stops are calculated from the Tables , as well as the days of operation, the moments of the day (day, evening, night, parties) and the particularities.

Explanation of a few [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The number of stops is, in the tables, the sum of the stops with different denominations, whether they are served in one or both directions of traffic.

THE Time amplitudes are given according to the following principle: when the time sheet displays the schedules of passing to important stops, it goes from the departure time of the first bus of the earliest line, all departure stops combined, at the time of Arrival of the last bus to the latest terminus, all terminus combined. When the hourly sheet shows only the first and last departures as well as the frequencies, it goes from the departure time of the first earliest bus, all departure stops combined, at the time of departure of the last bus most Late, all departure stops combined. The schedules communicated are rounded to the near 5 minutes. The time amplitudes are based on winter schedules unless otherwise stated.

  1. A B C and D History of Small Cars » , on (consulted the ) .
  2. A B C and D Company presentation » , on (consulted the ) .
  3. a b c d e and f Michel Lacour, From 1945 to 1987, the legend of small cars » , on , (consulted the ) .
  4. To Stuniv » , on (consulted the ) .
  5. [PDF] Nevers that kicks me! n ° 136 » , on , (consulted the ) , p. 5.
  6. [PDF] Nevers that kicks me! N ° 100 » , on , (consulted the ) , p. 4.
  7. [PDF] Nevers that kicks me! N ° 115 » , on , (consulted the ) , p. 2.
  8. “Urban Transports – Tables” , on (version of May 12, 2007 on Internet Archive ) .
  9. A B and C Number 7 DNA Magazine – July 2007 » , on (consulted the ) .
  10. a et b [PDF] Nevers that kicks me! N ° 140 » , on , (consulted the ) , p. 3.
  11. News: April 2007 » , on , (consulted the ) .
  12. [PDF] Nevers that kicks me! N ° 141 » , on , (consulted the ) , p. 11.
  13. Prising Prising du AMRUAA Tene’s E en 2007 » , on (consulted the ) .
  14. “TAD hours at first is October 2007 ” , on (version of November 14, 2008 on Internet Archive ) .
  15. “Premier Softwind Hours Gare in 2007” , on (version of November 13, 2008 on Internet Archive ) .
  16. [PDF] Nevers that kicks me! N ° 142 » , on , (consulted the ) , p. 3.
  17. a et b Number 8 DNA Magazine – December 2007 » , on (consulted the ) .
  18. Number 9 DNA Magazine – July 2008 » , on (consulted the ) .
  19. Number 14 DNA Magazine – September 2010 » , on (consulted the ) .
  20. a et b Number 12 DNA Magazine – December 2009 » , on (consulted the ) .
  21. Gwénola Champalaune, New for the start of the school network » , on , (consulted the ) .
  22. a et b Number 17 DNA Magazine – September 2011 » , on (consulted the ) .
  23. Jenny Pierre, The Tanéo network is experiencing changes for the start of the school year » , on , (consulted the ) .
  24. Change in Taneo public transport for the start of the school year » , on , (consulted the ) .
  25. Eve Pousson, The Taneo network will serve Marzy from January 2 » , on , (consulted the ) .
  26. Alexandre Chazeau, Nevers Agglo and the General Council pool their means for new services » , on , (consulted the ) .
  27. A B C D and E A vocal and visual information system will be installed in September on the buses » , on , (consulted the ) .
  28. Mobibus launch for people in wheelchairs » , on , (consulted the ) .
  29. a b c d e f and g Denis Chaumereuil, Pollution: the benefits of two wheels in the agglo » , on , (consulted the ) .
  30. A B C D and E Number 28 DNA Magazine – September 2014 » , on (consulted the ) .
  31. A B and C Aude Borel, The Taneo network innovates for the start of the school year » , on , (consulted the ) .
  32. A B C D and E Sylvie Robert, Nevers Taneo buses and its agglo equipped for disabled people » , on , (consulted the ) .
  33. A B C D and E Taneo in Chiffres » , on (consulted the ) .
  34. A B and C The network » , on (consulted the ) .
  35. Tibus » , on (consulted the ) .
  36. Modification of the T1 line from Monday September 28, 2015 » , on (consulted the ) .
  37. Timetable changes from November 9, 2015 » , on (consulted the ) .
  38. A B and C La Coursinelle, your city center shuttle » , on (consulted the ) .
  39. A B and C Keo’ N°1402 » , on , (consulted the ) .
  40. A B and C Valérie Mazerolle, Innovative bus suspended for lack of ecotax » , on , (consulted the ) .
  41. [PDF] Call for project Transport and Sustainable Mobility – Projects selected » , on , (consulted the ) .
  42. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V ET W Benjamin Berthollet, New bus network in Nevers, instructions for use! » , on , (consulted the ) .
  43. New Taneo network: public meetings in the municipalities » , on (consulted the ) .
  44. La Flash Mob ‘Taneo! » , on (consulted the ) .
  45. Benjamin Berthollet, The new bus network is being set up in the Neversian agglomeration » , on , (consulted the ) .
  46. A b c d e f g h i and j The + of the new network » , on (consulted the ) .
  47. A b c d e f g h i j k and l [PDF] Network plan from July 6, 2015 » , on (consulted the ) .
  48. a b c d e and f New bus lines for Pougues-les-Eaux and Germigny-sur-Loire » , on , (consulted the ) .
  49. a b c d e and f The new bus lines presented » , on , (consulted the ) .
  50. a et b Benjamin Berthollet, Line 4 of Taneo buses: users criticize the modifications » , on , (consulted the ) .
  51. A B C and D Dominique Romeyer, Traffic changes are provided to “facilitate access to Nevers” » , on , (consulted the ) .
  52. a et b [PDF] Coursinelle plan from July 6, 2015 » , on (consulted the ) .
  53. A B C and D [PDF] Taneo Primo schedules at July 6, 2015 » , on (consulted the ) .
  54. A B C and D [PDF] Noctibus hours at July 6, 2015 » , on (consulted the ) .
  55. a et b [PDF] 2015/2016 Presto and Special School lines plan » , on (consulted the ) .
  56. a et b Cultur’bus » , on (consulted the ) .
  57. a b c d e and f Free Uson Rugby Plus shuttles » , on (consulted the ) .
  58. a et b Free shuttles to attend the Uson matches » , on , (consulted the ) .
  59. A B C and D Mobs » , on (consulted the ) .
  60. A B C and D [PDF] Launch of the “Mobibus” service » , on (consulted the ) .
  61. A B C and D Jean-Mathias Joly, A transport service, intended for the disabled, for testing on the Tanéo lines of the Agglo of Nevers » , on , (consulted the ) .
  62. a b c d e f g and h Cycl’Agglo » , on (consulted the ) .
  63. A B and C Alain Gavriloff, Bikes, waste: ecology in debate at the Agglo of Nevers council » , on , (consulted the ) .
  64. a b c d e and f Unique pricing » , on (consulted the ) .
  65. 2013 Agglomeration of the Nevers Agglomeration 2013 » , on (consulted the ) , p. 17.
  66. a b c d e f and g Number 11 DNA Magazine – July 2009 » , on (consulted the ) .
  67. a et b Old photos delivered » , on , (consulted the ) .
  68. A B and C Taneo network sheet on Trans’Bus » , on (consulted the ) .
  69. The new bus network inaugurated » , on , (consulted the ) .
  70. a et b Number 15 DNA Magazine – January 2011 » , on (consulted the ) .
  71. a b c d e and f Number 25 DNA Magazine – 2013 » , on (consulted the ) .
  72. a et b Prices – Key figures » , on .
  73. Website Internet by Astuneb » , on (consulted the ) .
  74. A B and C Number 23 DNA Magazine – 2013 » , on (consulted the ) .
  75. a et b A bus strikes a car parking at the bus station » , on , (consulted the ) .
  76. A minor arrested after a bus shell » , on , (consulted the ) .
  77. Jean-Michel Dobet, Urban transport: a referent police officer intervenes in front of the drivers » , on , (consulted the ) .
  78. Route search » , on (consulted the ) .
  79. Interact: Service D’Information Par SMS + Mail » , on (consulted the ) .
  80. Discover the Businfo Nevers application! » , on (consulted the ) .
  81. Jean-Michel Dobet, The increase in intermediate VAT causes that of the tariffs of the Taneo network » , on , (consulted the ) .
  82. A B C D and E Tickets » , on (consulted the ) .
  83. A B and C New tickets » , on (consulted the ) .
  84. Alexandre Chazeau, A day at 1 € on the entire Nivernais public transport network » , on , (consulted the ) .
  85. A B and C “Transport and prices (2008)” , on (version of November 13, 2008 on Internet Archive ) .
  86. A B and C “Tickets and subscriptions (2012)” , on (version of September 1, 2012 on Internet Archive ) .
  87. A B and C “Tickets and subscriptions (2013)” , on (version of November 4, 2013 on Internet Archive ) .
  88. A b c d e f g h i j k and l Monthly subscriptions » , on (consulted the ) .
  89. A b c d e f g h i j and k Annual subscriptions » , on (consulted the ) .
  90. a et b List of sales points » , on (consulted the ) .
  91. A B and C [PDF] Nevers that kicks me! N ° 151 » , on , (consulted the ) , p. 4.
  92. Number 16 DNA Magazine – May 2011 » , on (consulted the ) .

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