Domaine de Vert-Mont-Wikipedia


The Domaine de Vert-Mont is a property including a castle of XIX It is And XX It is centuries located in the town of Rueil-Malmaison in the Hauts-de-Seine department and the Île-de-France region.


Originally built for the Hellenist and ethnologist Gustave d’Eichthal (1804-1886) and rebuilt for the American financier and philanthropist Edward Tuck (1842-1938), it now houses the Tuck Foundation, linked to IFP New energy.

The property known originally under the name of “Domaine des Fossés” was made up between 1855 and 1858 by Gustave d’Eichthal (1804-1886), Hellenist and ethnologist, son-in-law of Bois-Préau, Édouard Rodrigues-Henriques, from Plots detached from the Bois-Préau and surrounding land, bought from peasants. The whole forms an area of ​​12 hectares in the immediate vicinity of the Bois-Préau and Malmaison castles. He retained from the consular time a terrace due to the architect and awarded landscaper of Empress Joséphine, Louis-Martin Berthault.

A first home was built around 1858, on a single floor and roof on the terrace, which was strongly damaged by fire in 1870.

The American financier and philanthropist Edward Tuck (1842-1938) was definitively fixed in Paris around 1890 and bought the estate in 1898 to make it his residence. It is he who gives him the current name of Vert-Mont. Around 1900, he built the current castle, of neo-Louis XVI style, on the basis of the old building whose ground floor retains the trace. The two upper floors have an ornamentation with triangular pediments, different from that of the ground floor, highlighting the two construction stages. The main main building is embellished with a winter garden, known as “greenery”, added before 1910. The bathroom is entirely decorated with plant patterns on Venice earthenware. The landscaped park is redesigned by Edward Tuck himself and includes different buildings raised in a regionalist style: stables, greenhouses, orangery and an electric factory, currently transformed into a goalkeeper pavilion.

In 1924, Edward Tuck gave the estate to his niece Dorothy Morgan Hall, while keeping the usufruct until his death. During the war the estate was occupied by the Germans, then by the Americans and finally the British (RAF). According to an expert report, it is the latter that does the most damage, their share of degradation is estimated at 72%, the Germans 25% [ first ] . In 1954, M me Hall sells the property to the Civil Real Estate Company Rueil Ver-Mont [ 2 ] , represented by Madeleine Eristov Gengis-Khan, born Schmid, under condition that a program is carried out in accordance with the ideals defended by Edward Tuck.

Several projects followed one another in the years 1960 to 1980, including an “International Intellectual Cooperation Center”, a reception center for foreign scholars and researchers, intended to promote exchanges with their French colleagues, which occupies the field from 1958 to 1973 But finds it difficult to install its activities [ 3 ] . Ultimately, M me Eristov and SCI Rueil Vert-Mont decide to bring the estate to a foundation. The Tuck Foundation was created in 1990 with the French Petroleum Institute (now IFP Energies). Its initial endowment is made up of the domain, now reduced to 6 hectares, and funds provided by the French Institute for Petroleum and the National School of Oil and Movements which depends on it.


The Tuck Foundation is a recognized foundation of public utility [ 4 ] Created in 1990 with the aim of “developing international cooperation and in particular Franco-American in teaching and research in the fields of hydrocarbons, petrochemicals, engines, activities that are linked to them, as well as their effects on the environment ” [ 5 ] .

The Foundation acts by providing aid to students and young researchers, by funding research, laboratories, equipment and educational tools, the reception in France of foreign teachers, chairs of the National School of Petroleum and Motors (ENSPM , become IFP School ), the organization of international seminars and conferences and realization of publications. Its statutes allow it to receive donations by benefiting from the tax regime for patronage.

The Foundation is administered by a board of directors of twelve members:

  • Three under the college of the founders: a representative of the donors of the property of Vert-Mont, the chairman of the board of directors of IFP Energies Nouvelles, the director of IFP School;
  • Three under the college of law members representatives of the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry responsible for the Economy and Finance and the Ministry responsible for Industry;
  • Six under the College of Qualified Personalities chosen for their ability to help the Foundation in its objectives and co -opted by the other members of the Board of Directors.

The Green-Mont Domaine Park has been registered under the Historic Monuments since the [ 6 ] . It is also labeled “heritage of XX It is century “.

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The Château de Vert-Mont, from Edward Tuck to Madeleine Eristov , 1999
  • Vert-Mont, an area in the heart of history in Rueil-Malmaison, 1853-1992 , Arnaud Berthonnet & Sylvie Gousset, Tuck Foundation, 2012.

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  1. Expert report of August 22-23, 1949 quoted by Arnaud Berthonnet and Sylvie Gousset, Vert-Mont, A domain …, p. 136.
  2. whose shares of shares are Madeleine Eristov Gengis-Khan, professor at the Sorbonne, Georges Matoré, director of French civilization courses of the Sorbonne, and Jean-Marie Petiet, civil engineer of the mines
  3. Jacques Baumel, deputy mayor of Rueil-Malmaison, challenges the Minister of Culture François Léotard on the situation of degradation of the domain in the National Assembly : “In front of the Malmaison castle there is another castle, the Château de Vermont, which was built by the Grand Mécène de la Malmaison – Mr. Tuck – An American comparable to Mr. Rockefeller. This castle, after many avatars – it was, in particular, inhabited as a foreign property under the occupation – finally expired a small group of teachers from the Sorbonne gathered in a sort of real estate civil society whose last member is a charming professor of the Sorbonne responding to the rather particular name of M me Eristov-Gengis-Khan. This person, whose dedication and disinterestedness I salute, “holds” all alone for fifteen years this castle which has become the castle of Sleeping Beauty because it was devastated by all the “Marlous” of the suburbs. We torn off the doors, the chimneys, the windows, and it became a ruin that breaks down before our eyes. Its restoration requires sums which are well above the means of the municipality, the department, the region and probably superior to what you can do yourself. M me Eristov-Gengis-Khan takes shelter behind the Foundation of France, which can not give it anything, and, in ten or fifteen years, there will be no more Vermont castle. »»
  4. Decree of (published at Official newspaper of )
  5. article first is statutes
  6. Notice n O  PA00133015 , Base Mérimée, French Ministry of Culture

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