South African Boer — Wikipedia


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The Boer Sud-Africain (Afrikaans: South African Boer Horse ) is a race of modern saddle horses, originally from South Africa. Created and selected by Boers farmers, it has the distinction of often having additional looks, a sort of Amble broken named the slow gait and the rack . It is considered the modern boer, as opposed to the Cape Boer, closer to its original ascendant, the Cape horse.

According to the writer Giacomo Giammatteo, the only just spelling by the name of this race of horses calls on an initial in a capital letter in the word Boer, insofar as this race is named according to the human group of Boers [ first ] .

And Afrikaans, Boer horse means “farmers’ horse”, but can also be a reference to Afrikaners. This breed descends from the first horses introduced to South Africa in 1652 from Java, probably of Arab-Barbe type [ 2 ] . Later, Mongolian horses influence this livestock [ 2 ] .

The Boer shares common origins with the Basuto, since it is selected like the latter from the Cape horse, during the XIX It is . However, the Boer receives contributions from blood from Flemish horses, Hackneys and Cleveland Bay. Its living conditions are not as rough as those of Basuto, it is a larger breed, more powerful conformation. During the Second Boers War, the great mobility of this little horse helps the Boers to move and to face the British Empire for three years.

An association of breeders, the Cape Boer Horse Breeders Society of South Africa , is created in 1948 [ 3 ] . The race experienced its first declines in the 1950s. A new association, the Boerperd Society of South Africa , went up in 1973. It changed its name to become the Historical Boer Horse Breeders Society in 1977, then the South Africa Boerperd in 1998 [ 4 ] . The Historical Boer Horse is officially recognized by the South African Agriculture Department in 1996 [ 4 ] . This association is itself a member of SA Stud Book Association [ 5 ] .


It usually measures 1.30 m at 1.50 m . The most common dresses are black, Alezan, Bai, Gray, Rouan, Dun and Palomino.

The South African boer was the subject of a study aimed at determining the presence of the mutation of the DMRT3 gene due to the additional look: the study of 20 subjects made it possible to detect the presence of this mutation in 15 % of them, without confirmation of the existence of horses with additional gaits among the breed, without details, however, to know if it is the South Africa boer or the CAP boer [ 6 ] .

The boer is at the origin of the Calvinia horse [ 7 ] .

The Boer live in isolated herds in the south-east of Transvaal, northern native, east of the free state and northeast of the CAP province.

  1. (in) Giacomo Giammatteo, How to Capitalize Anything , Inferno Publishing Company, , 366 p. (ISBN  0985030291 And 9780985030292 ) , « 24 . Horse breeds » .
  2. a et b Porter et al. 2016, p. 445.
  3. Boerperd Breeders . Cape/Cape Boerperd Breeders Society. ACCESSED MARCH 2016. [Ref. to confirm] .
  4. a et b Boer horse . The South African Stud Book and Livestock Improvement Association. Archived 21 August 2003.
  5. Horse Breeders’ Societies . SA Stud Book Association. Archived 6 November 2016.
  6. (in) M. Procrastal , L. S. Andersson , R. Juras and M. C. t. Busty , Worldwide frequency distribution of the ‘Gait keeper’ mutation in the DMRT3 gene » , Animal Genetics , vol. 45, n O 2, , p. 274–282 (ISSN  1365-2052 , DOI  10.1111/age.12120 , read online , consulted the ) .
  7. (in) Valerie Porter, Mason’s World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties , Oxon, CABI Publishing Series, , 380 p. (ISBN  0-85199-430-X And 9780851994307 , Online presentation ) , p. 171 .

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Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • [Porter et al. 2016] (in) Valerie Porter, Lawrence Alderson, Stephen J. G. Hall et Dan Phillip Sponenberg, Mason’s World Encyclopedia of Livestock Breeds and Breeding , CAB International, , 6 It is ed. , 1 107 p. (ISBN  1-84593-466-0 , OCLC  948839453 ) , «Farmer» , p. 445 Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • [Rousseau 2014] Élise Rousseau ( ill. Yann le Bris), All horses in the world , Delachaux and Niestlé, , 544 p. (ISBN  2-603-01865-5 ) , « « BOORER SUD-Africain », p. 420-421 Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
  • [van the MEWE et MARTIN 2002] (in) F.J. Van der Merwe and J. Martin , Four Southern African Horse Breeds » , Animal Genetic Resources Information , vol. 32, , p. 57–72 (ISSN  1014-2339 And 2076-4022 , DOI  10.1017/S1014233900001565 , read online , consulted the )
