The pilgrim of Compostela – Wikipedia


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The pilgrim of Compostela ( The diary of a wizard ) is a novel by Paulo Coelho published in 1987 (1996 for French translation). This is the author’s first book.

The book recounts the stages and tests of the pilgrimage of Saint-Jacques-de-Compostela that Paulo Coelho undertook in 1986 with his guide Petrus.

In this story, the author tells how this pilgrimage transformed it psychically and convinced it that “the extraordinary is on the way of ordinary people”.

  • “The extraordinary is on the path of ordinary people”. p.8.
  • “No one likes to ask life a lot, because he is afraid of failure.” p.96.
  • “He who wishes to fight the right fight must look at the world as if it were an inexhaustible treasure, which awaits to be discovered and conquered”. p.96-97.
  • “The good fight is the one that is engaged in the name of our dreams”. p.63.
  • “We don’t need to climb a mountain to find out if it is high.” p.31.
  • “The boat is more safe when it is at the port; But that is not why the boats were built ”.p.31.
  • “The path of knowledge is a path open to all men, to ordinary people”. p.35
  • “When you travel, you experience the act of Renaissance”. p.42.
  • “When you travel to a goal, it is very important to pay attention to the path. It is always the path that teaches us the best way to come back to it ”. p.47.
  • “[…] When you have an objective in life [it] can become better or worse. It depends on the path we choose to reach it and the way we run. ” p.47.
  • “By making routine gestures in another way, you allow a new man to develop in you.” p.49.
  • “It is we who determine the rhythm of time”. p. 51.
  • “Man can never stop dreaming”. p.62.
  • “The dream is the food of the soul as food is the food of the body.” p.62.
  • “The first symptom of the fact that we are killing our dreams is the lack of time.” p.63.
  • “The second symptom of the death of our dreams is our certainties.” p.63.
  • “The third symptom of the death of our dreams is peace.” p.64.
  • “The only way to save our dreams is to be generous towards ourselves”. p.66.
  • “The only way to make the right decision is to recognize the bad decision.” p.175.
  • “Death is our campaign, because it is she who gives meaning to our lives”. p.138.
  • “On the way as in life, wisdom has only value if it can help man overcome an obstacle.” p.157.
  • “Teaching is to show what is possible. To learn is to make it possible to yourself ”. p.158.
  • “Fleeing the struggle is the worst that can happen to us. It is much worse than losing the struggle because, in defeat, we can always learn something, but in flight, all that we get is to declare the victory of our enemy. ” p.192-193;
  • “A man who does not know how to hear cannot listen to the advice that life gives us every moment.” p.195.
  • “You can only learn when you teach.” p.212.
  • “When someone is looking for one thing, he must give a very clear purpose to what he wants.” p.236.
  • “The quest for happiness is personal, and [there] is no model that we can transmit to others”. p.244.
  • “Men who believe they are wise at the time of ordering and rebels when we obey. They think it is shameful to give orders and dishonorable to receive them ”. p.209.
  • “He who plows must have hope”. p.229.
  • “The one who has a sword must constantly put it to the test so that it does not rust in the scabbard”. p. 157.
