Raymond of Bianya — Wikipedia


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Elna Ramon de Villalonga.jpg

Lying of an unidentified bishop in the Elne cloister, bearing an inscription identifying the sculptor’s workshop

Primary works

Portal of Saint-Jean-le-Vieux (Perpignan)

Raymond of Bianya (in Catalan, Ramon de Bianya ) is the name admitted by most historians to designate an active workshop of sculptors in Roussillon (department of Pyrénées-Orientales) during the first decades of XIII It is century. The main work attributed to it is the portal of Saint-Jean-le-Vieux de Perpignan.

The denomination Raymond of Bianya Based on two recumbent recumbers in the Elne cloister, where two inscriptions mention «R. de Bia» . The first recumbent, unidentified bishop, bed “R. This works d BIA» , which could be transcribed into “R [aimondus] F [Each] These works d [e] BIA” in Latin, either “R. de Bia did these works” in French [ first ] . The other statue, identified as the recumbent of F. du Soler, bed «Bianya’s Raymond Me Fit et Je Serai State» [ 2 ] .
Another interpretations of the name is Raymond (or Ramon) of Via, a village of Cerdagne included in the commune of Font-Romeu-Odeillo-Via.


The works attributed to the workshop are all carved in marble, and the treatment of figures is rather conventional: body entirely covered by fabrics, rigidity of the faces [ 3 ] . The originality of Raymond de Bianya lies in the treatment of folds of fabrics: they are always organized in oblique networks converging towards the center of the figures, breaking their rigidity and their verticality [ 4 ] .

Several works, mainly funeral, are allocated to Raymond de Bianya.

  • The portal of Saint-Jean-le-Vieux de Perpignan, in marble and central pendant key representing Christ [ 5 ] .
  • The two recumbers of the Elne cloister, bearing the inscriptions to identify the workshop [ 4 ] .
  • Another bas-relief of the Elne cloister, sealed in the wall of the southern gallery, representing the resurrection of Christ, is attributable, according to Marcel Durliat, to the sculptor [ 4 ] .
  • A bas-relief embedded above the door of the Saint-Jacques church of Canet-en-Roussillon, representing the soul of a deceased amount in heaven, carried by two angels in a shroud [ 6 ] and which would come either from the old Saint-Jacques church, destroyed on the orders of the king of Aragon [ 7 ] , either from the Saint-Martin church of the castle, today ruined [ 8 ] .
  • A funeral plate embedded in the western facade of the abbey of the abbey of Saint-Génis-des-Fontaines [ 4 ] .
  • The funerary monument of Guillaume Gaucelme, embedded above the Holy Tombe, in the courtyard preceding the eastern facade of the abbey of the old Abbey Sainte-Marie d’Arles-sur-Tech [ 9 ] , [ 4 ] .
  1. Geraldine Mallet , Romanesque churches forgotten in Roussillon , p. 68-69
  2. Marcel Hard , Roussillon Roman , p. 208
  3. Geraldine Mallet , Romanesque churches forgotten in Roussillon , p. 69
  4. A B C D and E Marcel Hard , Roussillon Roman , p. 209
  5. Marcel Hard , Roussillon Roman , p. 255-256
  6. Robert Leap , Canet-en-Roussillon: looks on 3000 years of history , p. 57
  7. Robert Leap , Canet-en-Roussillon: looks on 3000 years of history , p. 56
  8. Geraldine Mallet , Romanesque churches forgotten in Roussillon , p. 99
  9. Geraldine Mallet , Romanesque churches forgotten in Roussillon , p. 293

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Marcel Hard , Roussillon Roman , Saint-Léger-Vauban, zodiac, coll. “The Night of Time” ( n O 7), , 321 p. (ISBN  2-7369-0027-8 ) , p. 208-209 & 255-256
  • Geraldine Mallet , Romanesque churches forgotten in Roussillon , Montpellier, Languedoc presses, , 334 p. (ISBN  2-85998-244-2 ) , p. 68-69 & 293
  • Robert Leap , Canet-en-Roussillon: looks on 3000 years of history , The friends of the old Canet, , p. 56
  • (shift) Ramon de Bianya » , Great Catalan Encyclopedia , on Enciclopedia.cat , Barcelone, Editions 62 .

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