Allotria Elonympha – Wikipedia


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Allotria elonympha ( Hübner, 1818 ) [first] It is a lepidopteur belonging to the Erebidae family, widespread in northern America. Is the only member of the genre Allotria Hübner , [1823]. [2]

Adult [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The upper page of the front wing is of very variable appearance, with a brownish background color, adorns with different transverse streaks and various darker geometries. There is often a clearer band that from the central third of the coast reaches the rear margin, with an irregular trend. In the disc area is sometimes observable a whitish reniform stain, not distinguishable in some darker specimens. The thermen is traveled, throughout the length, from lung white and alternating brown. The peak is convex. [3]
The lower page of the anterior wing appears more uniform, with an ocher color that turns towards the reddish near the Termen. A darker triangular area is observed which, from the center of the coast, pushes posteriorly to reach, with its peak, the central part of the cubit. The reniform stain in the disc area is just mentioned here. The thermen resumes the configuration of the upper page, but with more dull tones. [4]
The upper page of the rear wing is Campita of a bright yellow (in some specimens tending to orange) for two basal thirds of the surface, while in the third distal there is a brown band, tending to grayish in melanic individuals, which from the region Del Tornus runs, with irregular margin, up to the anal area. The thermen is assimilable to that of the front wing, with a very slight concavity near the anal corner. [5]
The verse of the posterior wing has a honest shade to that of the front, but with a stain of the retalers (absent in the recto), here well distinguishable; The thermen resumes the theme of that of the dorsal surface. [4]
The boss is from light gray to Brunastro; The antennas are filiform, not hooked, with a length of slightly less than half of the coast. [3]
The chest takes on colors between the gray ash and the gray smoke, with almost black teguulae; The ventral surface is whitish. [3] [5]
The abdomen is slightly clearer than the ridge chest, while on the belly the coloring is white-argent. [3] [5]
The wing opening is between 33 and 44 mm. [6]

Larva [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The caterpillar is cylindrical, white-gray, practically glabrus, with well-developed pseudozols on the abdominal segments III-VI and X. The general aspect allows a good mimicry on the branches of the host plants. [5] [7]

Red [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The chrysalis is Obtecta and somewhat toilet. [7]

Adults have night or twilight habits, comparable to those of the species of Catocala . [8]

German entomologist Jacob Hübner, who first described the species in 1818, [first] In a portrait of about 1790

Flight period [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The species is unique, with flight period between March and September. [6]


Diet [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The caterpillars increase against the leaves of: [6]

Geographical location of the state of Georgia, Local symbol species

The areal of the species, exclusively Neartic, includes South-Eastern Canada (Ontario and Québec) but above all the south-eastern United States (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland , Western Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Carolina del Nord, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia – Local symbol , Carolina del Sud and Florida). [4] [5]

The habitat is represented by deafjob forests and surrounding grassy spaces. [6]

The systematic structure proposed by Zahiri is adopted here et al. (2012), [9] Nonché da van Nieukerken et al. (2011), [ten] in which the old catocaline subfamille of the Noctuidae family is almost completely merged into the erebidae subfamille of the erebidae.

Subspecies [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Sub -specifics have not been identified. [11]

Synonyms [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Two specific synonyms have been reported: [8] [11]

Such a synonym should also be reported Allotria : [twelfth]

  • Blephara Hübner, 1808 First entries coll. Exot. Schmett. : 4 [13]
  1. ^ a b c d ( OF ) Jacob Hübner, Applications for the collection of exotic Schmettlings [sic]: consisting in the statement of individual flying patterns of new or rarer non -European genera , 1818, tav. 5, figg. 29-30 . URL consulted on 7 November 2012 .
  2. ^ ( OF ) Jacob Hübner, List of well -known butterflies , Augusta, 1823 [1816] , 280 . URL consulted on 7 November 2012 .
  3. ^ a b c d Moths and Butterflies of Georgia and the Southeastern United States, James K. Adams; Dept. of Natural Science, Dalton State College, Dalton, Georgia . are . URL consulted on 7 November 2012 .
  4. ^ a b c Butterflies and Moths of North America . are . URL consulted on 7 November 2012 .
  5. ^ a b c d It is Moth Photographers Group . are . URL consulted on 7 November 2012 .
  6. ^ a b c d Bug Guide . are . URL consulted on 7 November 2012 .
  7. ^ a b ( IN ) Scoble, M. J., Higher Ditrysia , in The Lepidoptera: Form, Function and Diversity , seconda edizione, London, Oxford University Press & Natural History Museum, 2011 [1992] , pp. 328-341, ISBN 978-0-19-854952-9, LCCN 92004297 , OCLC  25282932 .
  8. ^ a b ( IN ) Rev. G. D. Hulst, The genus Catocala ( PDF ), in Bulletin of Brooklyn Entomological Society , Vol. 7, n. 1, New York, Giugno 1884, p. 14. URL consulted on 7 November 2012 .
  9. ^ ( IN ) Reza Zahiri, Holloway, Jeremy D.; Kitching, Ian J.; Lafontaine, J. Donald, Mutanen, Marko and Wahlberg, Niklas, Molecular phylogenetics of Erebidae (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea) , in Systematic Entomology , vol. 37, n. 1, January 2012, pp. 102-124, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2011.00607.x . URL consulted on 7 November 2012 .
  10. ^ ( IN Let Sel hkettle, it. klo, Akaila, Jo, J. J., kra, k., k., ku, ,uk, kuad,, kan, kank, kuk, kank, kank, mme. , Repently, See.ah, ehi. , JES, the princes, empent. The ceraria, I……t Cekeer, Skle, Sklavin, em. , Wellzin, C. J. J, Settin Suck, , , , ch-, lame, malas, rames. , V. Nat., Order Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758. In : Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.) Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness ( PDF ), in Zootaha , vol. 3148, Auckland, New Zealand, Magnolia Press, 23 December 2011, pp. 212–221, ISSN 1175-5334 ( WC · Acnp ) , OCLC  971985940 . URL consulted on 11 December 2014 .
  11. ^ a b Funet . are . URL consulted on 7 November 2012 (archived by URL Original on October 19, 2012) .
  12. ^ NHM – Butterflies and Moths of the World . are . URL consulted on 7 November 2012 .
  13. ^ Jacob Hübner, First entries Collection of exotic butterflies, consisting of precise and correct statement of individually acquired picture patterns of newly found American and Columbian butterfly gaps , Augusta, 1808.
  • Agassiz, (1846) – The names of the systematic genera, both living and fossil; first -70.
  • Barnes & Benjamin, 1924 – Notes and new species. Contr. nat. Hist. Lepid. N. Am. 5 : 99-199.
  • Barnes & Benjamin, 1927 – Notes and new species (Lepid.). Can. Ent. 59 : 4-10.
  • Barnes & McDunnough, 1910 – New species and varietes of North American Lepidoptera. Can. Ent. 42 : 208-213, 246-252.
  • Bauer, 1965 – A new Catocala from Florida. Entomol. News 76 : 197-198.
  • Beccaloni, G., Scoble, M., Robinson, G. & Pitkin, B. (2005) – The global Lepidoptera names index. Natural History Museum Site
  • Beck, H. (1999) – The larvae of the European Noctuidae revision of the systematics of the Noctuidae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Herbipoliana , 5 (text), 1–859; 5 (Drawings), 1–447.
  • Behr, 1870 – Synopsis Noctuidarum hitherto in California repertarum. Trans. amer. ent. Soc. 3 : 23-28.
  • Beutenmüller, 1897 – Notes on some species of North American moths. Bull. Am. Mus. nat. Hist. 9 (14): 209-212
  • ( IN ) Dyar, H. G., Busck, A., Fernald, C. H., Hulst, G. D., A list of the North American Lepidoptera and key to the literature of this order of insects , in Bulletin of the United States National Museum , vol. 52, Washington, Government Printing Office, 1903 [1902] , pp. xix + 723, DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.1141 , Not existing isbn, LCCN 06027693 , OCLC  1704319 .
  • Edwards, H., 1864 – Descriptions of certain species of Catocala found within the United States. Proc. ent. Soc. Philad. 2 : 508-512.
  • Edwards, H., 1881 – Descriptions of some new species of Heterocera. Butterfly first : 115-121.
  • Edwards, H., 1882 – New species of Heterocera. Butterfly 2 : 9-15.
  • Edwards, H., 1884 – Apparently new species of N. America Heterocera. Butterfly 4 : 121-126.
  • Fager, 1882 – A new variety of Catocalae. Can. Ent. 14 : 120.
  • Fibiger, Ronkay, Yela & Zilli, 2010 – Rivulinae, Euteliinae and Micronoctuidae. Supplement to Volume 1-11 ; Volume twelfth .
  • Goater, Ronkay & Fibiger, 2003 – Catocalinae & Plusiinae – Slide; Volume 10, 252pp.
  • Grote, 1864 – Descriptions of North American Lepidoptera, No. 3-5. Proc. Ent. Soc. Philad. 3 : 73-92, 322-327, 521-535.
  • Grote, 1874 – Descriptions and notes on the Noctuidae. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 16 : 239-245.
  • Grote, 1874 – On the Noctuidae of North America. 6th Ann. Rep. Peabody Acad. Sci. 1873 : 21-38.
  • Grote, 1874 – Remarks on North American Noctuidae with descriptions of new species. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 5 : 89-98.
  • Grote, 1875 – on North American owl. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 27 : 418-427.
  • Guenée in Boisduval & Guenée, 1852 – Natural history of insects. General spectors of lepidopteres. Volume septiéme. Noctuelites. Volume 3: 1-443, Atlas (nightlite): pl. 1-24 (1858)
  • Harvey, 1875 – Observations on North American moths. Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 2 : 118-121 (1874); 270-284 (1875).
  • Hemming, F., 1937 – Hübner. A bibliographical and systematic account of the entomological works of Jacob Hübner and of the supplements thereto by Carl Geyer, Gottfried Franz von Frölich and Gottlieb August Wilhelm Herrich-Schäffer, Voll. first & 2 .
  • ( IN ) Hodges, R. W. et al. (Eds), Check list of the Lepidoptera of America north of Mexico: including Greenland , Londra / Washington, D.C., E.W. Classey / Wedge Entomological Research Foundation, giugno 1983, pp. xxiv + 284, ISBN 978-0-86096-016-4, OCLC  9748761 .
  • ( IN ) Kükenthal, W. (Ed.), Handbook of Zoology / Handbook of Zoology, Volume 4: Arthropoda – 2nd half: Insecta – Lepidoptera, Moths and Butterflies , in Kristiengen, N. P. (a care of), Handbook of zoology , Fischer, M. (Scientific Editor), partial volume/Part 35: Volume 1: Evolution, Systematics, and Biogephography, Berlino, New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1999 [1998] , pp. X + 491, ISBN 978-3-11-015704-8, OCLC 174380917 .
  • Lamas, G., 2007 – Bibliography of butterflies. An Annotated Bibliography of the Neotropical Butterflies and Skipper (Lepididoptera: Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea); Revised Electronic Edition (2007)
  • Mayfield, 1922 – Notes on the life histories of North American Catocalae, with description of two new forms. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 17 : 114-120, 138-142.
  • ( IN Let Sel hkettle, it. klo, Akaila, Jo, J. J., kra, k., k., ku, ,uk, kuad,, kan, kank, kuk, kank, kank, mme. , Repently, See.ah, ehi. , JES, the princes, empent. The ceraria, I……t Cekeer, Skle, Sklavin, em. , Wellzin, C. J. J, Settin Suck, , , , ch-, lame, malas, rames. , V. Nat., Order Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758. In : Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.) Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness ( PDF ), in Zootaha , vol. 3148, Auckland, New Zealand, Magnolia Press, 23 December 2011, pp. 212–221, ISSN 1175-5334 ( WC · Acnp ) , OCLC  971985940 .
  • Poole, R. W., 1989 – Noctuidae; Lepidopterorum catalog (New Series, Vol. 118 ).
  • Prout, 1924 – Three new Catocalinae, with a description of the female of Calliodes appoline . Gn. Bull. Hill Mus. first : 452-455, pl. 22.
  • ( IN ) Scoble, M. J., The Lepidoptera: Form, Function and Diversity , seconda edizione, London, Oxford University Press & Natural History Museum, 2011 [1992] , pp. XI, 404, isbN 978-0-19-854952-9, Lccn 92004297 , OCLC  25282932 .
  • Seppänen, E. J, 1970 – Dietary plants in Finland’s major butterfly. Animalia Fennica 14 .
  • ( IN ) Stehr, F. W. (ed.), Immature Insects , 2 volumes, second edition, Dubuque, Iowa, Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co., 1991 [1987] , pp. ix, 754, ISBN 978-0-8403-3702-3, LCCN 85081922 , OCLC  13784377 .
  • Walker, F., [1858] – List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum 9 : 1-252 (1856), ten : 253-492 ([1857]), 11 : 493-764 (1857), twelfth : 765-982 ([1858]), 13 : 983-1236 ([1858]), 14 : 1237-1520 (1858), 15 : 1521-1888 (1858)
