Ignazio ribotti — Wikipedia


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Ignatius ribotti , Ignace ribotts at birth, count of Mollières, born on in Nice (Department of Alpes-Maritimes under the first is Empire) and dead In Brigue-Glis, Switzerland, is a soldier, a politician and an Italian Patriot of Risorgimento, who participated in all the fights for the unification of Italy, in the army of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Belonging to a noble family of the county of Nice and officer in the Sardinian army (it) , Ignace Ribotti participated in 1831 in the conspiracy of the Knights of Liberty (it) ( Knights of freedom ) During the last months of the reign of King Charles-Félix. The discovery of this conspiracy is not due to the effectiveness of the police of the Kingdom of Sardinia but to the ingenuity and the distraction of the second lieutenant ( second lieutenant In Italian) “Ignazio” Ribotti who, crossing the Tende pass while he went to Nice to greet his family, forgot in an inn a copy of the proclamation of Knights of Liberty as well as compromising letters; He was arrested in Genoa by the Carabiniers and forced confessions and to give the names of his companions [ first ]

Obliged to go into exile, he participated in fights for freedom, in Portugal (1832-1835) against the tyranny of Dom Miguel and took part in the siege of Porto, then in Spain (1836-1840) where he fights against claims Don Carlos.

Au Portugal «Inácio» Ribotti est d’Apord Volontaire au 3rd Porto Mobile Battalion, en septembre 1832 PUIS SOUS-Lieutenant ( ensign EN portugal) au 2 ° Light Infantry Regiment of Before being promoted to lieutenant ( holding in Portuguese) the of the same year; Put on availability with Demi-Solde in December, he enlisted in the Portuguese Legion ( Portuguese legion ) To serve in Spain [ 2 ] .

In 1843, returned to Italy, he guide the expedition led by Nicolas Fabrizi in Romagna and tried without success to occupy Imola and take Bologna. In 1848, after the Palermo revolt, he participated in an expedition in Sicily, in 1848, and tempted to take Messina. After the start of an insurrection in Calabria, he landed there with 700 men. Arrested, he is put to the dungeon in Fort Saint-Elme, in Naples, and is only released . He was then reinstated in the Sardinian army.


In 1859, Camillo Cavour sent him to help the lunegiane insurrection. After the battle of Magenta he took command in the released duchies. THE , he is appointed lieutenant-general of the Sardinian army, and commands the twelfth It is division. He refuses to order the expedition to Sicily and it is another Niçois, Joseph Garibaldi (1807-1882), who organized the expedition of the Thousand.

He was appointed deputy for Sant’Arcangelo, then Guastalla. It is called to command the Modenian army corps and receives the cross of the Grand Officer of the Order of the Saints-Maurice-et-Lazare

Ignatius Ribotti dies in Brigue-Glis when he was coming back to heal himself in Lesk de Maux from which he had suffered since his internment in Naples [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

For Marguerite and Roger Isnard it is because he was “hostile to France” that the Italian statesman Francesco Crispi (1819-1901), had his grave put: Ignazio Ribotti count of Molières very Italian among the Nizzardi … [ 6 ] , [ 7 ]

Grande ufficiale SSML Regno BAR.svg

Grand Officer of the Order of the Saints-Maurice-et-Lazare.

There exists a Via Ignazio Ribotti in Rome.

Rigotti rue Ribotti pays tribute to the Ribotti family so in Ignace Ribotti in particular [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] .

  1. (it) Italo Salvan (direction Éditoriale), The great history of Piedmont , Volume IV, Bonechi editions, 2001, 399 pages, page 199.
  2. (pt) Great Portuguese and Brazilian Encyclopedia , volume XXV (from related to Rodri), page 637, input ” Ribotti (Ignatius) ».
  3. Charles Fighiera, “La Famille des comtes Ribotti de Valdeblore,” p. 64-67, in Revue Nice-historic , Official organ of Acadèmia Nissarda, year 1953, n O 101, [ read online ] .
  4. “General Ignace Ribotti”, p. 165-168, in Revue Nice-historic , Official organ of Acadèmia Nissarda, year 1914, n O 357, [ read online ] .
  5. (it) Notice Consacree to Moliers Ribptions ignacio in Biographical Dictionary of Italians , [ read online ] .
  6. a et b Marguerite Isnard and Roger Isnard, Per Carriera: Historical and anecdotal dictionary of the streets of Nice , Nice, Serre, 2003 (ISBN  2-86410-388-5 ) , under the verb « Ribotti (rue) », page 290.
  7. a et b http://www.nicerendezvous.com/car/rue-ribotti.html : Rigotti Street on a site in Serre editions.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • “General Ignace Ribotti” (with the source indication: The little Nice , ), p. 165-168, in Revue Nice-historic , Official organ of Acadèmia Nissarda, year 1914, n O 357, [ read online ] .
  • (pt) Great Portuguese and Brazilian Encyclopedia , volume XXV (from related to Rodri), page 637, input ” Ribotti (Ignatius) ».
  • (it) Notice Consacree to Moliers Ribptions ignacio in Biographical Dictionary of Italians , [ read online ] .
  • (it) M. M. (Mario Menghini), “Browns Technology, Ipicles» in Italian Encyclopedia (Encyclopédie Treccani), 1949 edition, photolithic reprint of the volume XXIX published in 1936 (De Reh à Romani), XVII Pages et 950 Pages, Pages 206-207
  • (it) G. The Orestes ” Molieres ribbers Ignazio », in Dictionary of the National Risorgimento. From the origins in Roma Capitale. (Vol. IV, the characters) , 1931, Dr. Francesco Vallardi publishing house, Milan, Pages 53-54. EN Ligne: http://www.dizionariorosi.it/data/jpg/IV/P_53.JPG (page 53) and http://www.dizionariorosi.it/data/jpg/IV/P_54.JPG (page 54); consulted the .

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