Polymer in solution – Wikipedia


Understand the behavior of polymers in solution is important for certain applications such as cosmetic gels and creams. There is the possibility of controlling the viscosity of the product obtained and avoiding possible demixtion (phase separation). We note for example that the styrene is miscible in all proportion in the cyclohexane at 20 °C , but that when the styrene is polymized, there is no more miscibility. Different theories can explain these phenomena.

We model a polymer chain by a set of n links (monomer units) of volume a. The average number of links is linked to the degree of polymerization and the molar mass of the polymer. It is in solution in a solvent with a volume fraction or a known concentration.

Solvant polymer mixture [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

It is hypothesized that the molar volume of monomers units is equal to that of solvent molecules.
The mixture can be represented as this:

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Flory-Huggins network representing the polymer in solution

At fixed temperature and pressure, the free mixture of mixture must be negative for the mixture to take place.
In the case of a regular solution, statistical thermodynamic calculations make it possible to estimate this free enthalpy:


k B {displaystyle k_{B}}

The Boltzmann constant, t la targeure in Kelvins,

ϕ {displaystyle phi }

the volume fraction and

x {displaystyle chi }

A dimensionless parameter.

For a polymer in a solvent, Flory posed [ first ] :


With n the average number of monomers per chain units.

This free enthalpy is actually the sum of two terms [ 2 ] :

Or :

When n or the molar mass (it is equivalent) increases, entropy decreases, so disorder as well. There are indeed fewer possibilities to distribute the monomers units and the solvent molecules on the above grid when the chains are longer. The result is a free enthalpy of mixing more difficultly negative when the polymer has a stronger molar mass. This is in accordance with the precipitation that can be observed when you synthesize a polymer in solution, therefore in a solvent.

FLORY parameter [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The parameter

x {displaystyle chi }

which intervenes in the expression of the enthalpy and therefore in that of the free enthalpy, makes it possible to take into account the interactions between the polymer and the solvent. In this model [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] ,

Or :

Z is the number of first neighbors of monomeric units or solvent molecules;

This is Flory’s parameter, which plays an important role in the evolution of the free enthalpy:

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When the florry parameter increases:

From a certain value of

x {displaystyle chi }

, the curve has two inflection points and it is possible to draw a double tangent [ 5 ] . It is a sign of a separation in two phases like this [ first ] :

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There is a demixion in 2 phases: one rich in polymer and the other poor, the volume fractions in polymer of the two phases are

We can calculate this critical value of Flory parameter [ first ] , noted

x c = first 2 + first N+ first 2N{displaystyle chi _{c}={frac {1}{2}}+{frac {1}{sqrt {N}}}+{frac {1}{2N}}}

and obtained for

ϕ c = first 1+N{Displaystyle Phi _ {c} = {frac {1} {1+ {sqrt {n}}}}}}


To summarize, the demixion appears when the Flory parameter exceeds a critical value which depends on the molar mass. This can also be understood by comparing the interactions that appear in the expression of this parameter. When

x {displaystyle chi }

is tall,

ϵ MS{displaystyle scriptstyle epsilon _{MS}}

dominated. This attractive energy is of course negative and when it is large, it decreases in absolute value: the attraction between polymer and solvent weakens. The links in polymer chains are attracted to each other and the polymer will be less and less solubilized.

We can access this flory parameter experimentally by osmotic pressure measurements for example.

State diagram

For a polymer/solvent system, if the Van der Waals of London type interactions dominate (typically in the apolar environment), we can show that

x {displaystyle chi }

varies as the reverse of the temperature. At low temperature, the Flory parameter will be large and we will have a demixion, and vice versa.

On the other hand when the hydrogen bonds dominate (polar environment),

x {displaystyle chi }

Increases with temperature and we therefore have the opposite situation. At high temperature the thermal agitation breaks the hydrogen bonds which linked polymer to the solvent and the phase separation takes place.

To obtain these phase diagrams, we can start from tubes containing different molary fractions in polymer and observe when each tube becomes troubled when cooled from a temperature for which we mix [ 6 ] . The disorder is due to the diffusion of light in all directions by the particles which appear when the phase separation occurs:

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Appearance of the disorder due to droplets which diffuse the light

Hildebrand approach, solubility parameter [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

We define the cohesion energy of the system and the cohesive energy density which is obtained by dividing the first by the molar volume [ 6 ] :

The solubility parameter is then equal to the square root of this C density [ 6 ] :

The solubility parameter values ​​are tabulated for many solvents and many polymers [ 7 ] . We can show that the Flory parameter seen previously can be written [ 8 ] :

With R the perfect gas constant.
If we are looking for a good solvent for a given polymer, we must therefore seek a solubility parameter that is close to that of the polymer, to minimize the Flory parameter. We can thus eliminate many solvents for a given polymer, but even if Hildebrand’s parameters are close, the solubility is not ensured [ 9 ] .

We can also calculate the solubility parameter as this [ 5 ] :

where G (i) is the molar attraction constant of group I [ 7 ] .

Let two compartments are separated by a semi permeable membrane:

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Osmotic pressure illustration

The right compartment contains the polymer in solution in a solvent, while the left compartment contains only the solvent. We observe a variation in the pressure between the 2 compartments. More specifically, polymer chains exercise a force on the wall. This strength per unit of surface is called osmotic pressure . It can be calculated for a few hypotheses from the mixture of mixture seen previously.

If the volume fraction in polymer is not too large, we get:

We realize that the value of the Flory parameter here still plays a role:

The Flory parameter

x {displaystyle chi }

varies with temperature. When it takes the limit value 1/2, the associated temperature bears the name of “Théta temperature”. This particular temperature can often be in tables for a polymer/solvent torque. For example, cyclohexane is a polystyrene tea solvent [ 5 ] to 307.2 K.

This theory introduces the concept of excluded volume: there is a repulsion between chains, of a geometric nature, which prohibits the presence of the center of mass of another polymer chain around a given chain.

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Modeling of the distribution of channels taking into account the excluded volume

The previously calculated florry parameter is changed [ 11 ] :

With a polymer – solvent torque, we can associate a temperature

th {displaystyle theta }

and a parameter

Φ {displaystyle psi }

it Entropic parameter , both independent of the temperature [ 11 ] :

Knowing the critical temperature

T c {displaystyle T_{c}}

(of the appearance of the disorder) for samples of a polymer of different molar masses, we can graphically determine the temperature

th {displaystyle theta }

and the entropic parameter.

The excluded volume (U), the Flory parameter and the second viriel coefficient of the Polymer/Solvant A2 couple are linked by the following relations:

Na is the number of avogadro, n the number of segments, m the molar mass and has the volume of a monomer unit.

When the flory parameter is less than 0.5, the excluded volume increases: there is extension of the chains and we are in a good solvent diet. In bad solvent it is the opposite, there is a contraction of the channels. We can experimentally obtain the volume excluded by osmometry [ twelfth ] .

There are different regimes, depending on the concentration and mass of the polymer in solution. For entropic reasons, polymer channels are not unfolded but they contract on themselves to form balls.

Of the diluted diet with a semi -diluted diet [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Be polymer balls in solution. When the concentration (or the volume fraction is increased which amounts to the same), the distance between balls decreases. From a moment, there is contact between the latter and we call Critical recovery concentration the associated concentration. It marks the transition between the diluted regime and the Semi diluted diet . It is still possible to increase the concentration in the semi -diluted diet, because the fraction of polymer contained in a ball is really low.

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Effect of an increase in concentration on polymer balls in solution

We can calculate the critical recovery concentration using the following relation [ 3 ] , [ 13 ] :

The volume fraction depends on the number of segments of the channels to power -4/5.

Giration radius in diluted regime [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

This distance has an influence on the physicochemical properties of the system.
In good solvent [ 6 ] :

With RG the gimal radius of the balls and n the number of segments of the chain which constitutes the ball and is the size of these segments.

th {displaystyle theta }


We can understand this difference of exponent by taking into account the fact that by good solvent

x < first / 2 {displaystyle chi <1/2}

, the repulsive interactions between segments of balls dominate. The balls swell and their radius of giration increases.


th {displaystyle theta }

, there are different models to calculate the giration radius:

  • Random walking model [ 2 ] :