Festival International Cinéma Cinéascience de Bordeaux – Wikipedia


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CinémasCience Festival
Creation date 2008
Creator CNRS
Prix principal Grand Prix you jury
Executive Officer Marie-Hélène Beauvais
Duration 6 days
Executive management Marie-Hélène Beauvais / CNRS Communication Directorate
Place Bordeaux, Drapeau de la France France
The head office CNRS-Délegation Paris Michel-Ange Directorate of Communication 3, rue Michel-Ange 75794 Paris Cedex 16 France
Site web www.cnrs.fr/cinemasciction/

The CinémasCience Festival was an event organized by the CNRS in Bordeaux in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. It was a festival of fiction feature films having as the thematic a research axis developed at the CNRS. From the conquest of space to politics through genetics, history or even mathematics, the different projections are pretext for the discussion between the public, the members of the film teams (directors, actors, producers, etc. .) And research players (researchers, research engineers, etc.).
The third edition of the CinémasCience festival took place from the At .

Each fictional film presented at the festival has a script whose theme is linked to a research axis of the CNRS. After each screening, members of the film teams, researchers and the audience of the room discuss/debate the film they have just seen and more particularly of its scientific theme.

For example, when projection of The very very very large company (Directed by Pierre Jolivet, France 2008), the film team, two CNRS researchers and the audience of the room discussed industrial pollution. Where is research on this subject, that the researcher can do in the face of this pollution, are there cases in France or what role has cinema in the awareness of the public on this subject, as were the questions addressed this evening.

The festival program is made up of three selections, previews and sessions dedicated to young audiences.

Official competition [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

An international competition, about a dozen films, all unpublished in theaters in France is subject to the expert eye of a jury made up of personalities from the world of science and cinema. At the end of the competition, the jury awarded the Grand Prix to the film which caught the most attention.
Two other awards are awarded: the public prize and the youth jury prize.

Retrospective selection [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Festival Week is an opportunity to see or review masterpieces of the cinema on the big screen. These more recent films show the links that have existed between science and cinema since always.

The Russia Focus [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the context of the year France-Russia 2010, the Cinémascience festival will put Russian cinema in the spotlight.

Preview [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Several preview films are presented as part of the festival. So, Purpose wings: the mystery of the Flemings , the first film of the new Disneynature production label, was presented in the world preview At the Fémina theater in Bordeaux during the closing ceremony of the first edition of the CinémasCience Festival.

Young audience sessions [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Cinema, through feature films and animated films, is an opportunity to arouse the curiosity of the youngest on the sciences. A number of projections are therefore more particularly dedicated to children.

Jean-Jacques Beineix, French director and producer, is the godfather of the festival.

Jury adulte :

Jury highscives:

  • Marion Pérès, student in Terminale ES at Lycée Montesquieu
  • Guillaume Garrigues, pupil in the first S at the Lycée Victor-Louis
  • Harmony Dumartin-Jung, pupil in first L at the Lycée Montesquieu
  • Maylis Lapeyre, student in Terminale S at Lycée Montesquieu
  • Clara, student in terminal ES at the Montesquieu high school

In 2008, the Jury Grand Prix, chaired by filmmaker Régis Wargnier, as well as the youth jury prize, were awarded to Poppy Shakespeare (United Kingdom, 2008) by Benjamin Ross.

The public prize was awarded to The very very very large company (France, 2008) by Pierre Jolivet.

Le Grand jury :

  • James Huth, president of the jury, French director and screenwriter
  • Bernard Blanchean, French actor
  • Nozha Khouadra, French actress
  • Jean-Luc Morel, researcher at CNRS
  • Béatrice Picon-Vallin, research director at CNRS
  • Reinhardt Wagner, French actor, screenwriter, film music composer
  • Dominique Wolton, director of the CNRS Communication Sciences Institute

The young jury:

  • Timothée Delbecque, student in Terminale L at Lycée Montesquieu
  • Oliver Henchley, student in Terminale L at Lycée Montesquieu
  • Marie Quillet, student in Terminale L at the Lycée Montesquieu
  • Mathilde Gaffet, pupil in Terminale L at the South Lycée Médoc La Boétie
  • Léa Herr, student in Terminale L at South Lycée Médoc La Boétie
  • Adrien Tesseyre, pupil in first STI at the Kastler high school in Talence
  • Sébastien Galonnier, pupil in the first S at the Lycée Victor Louis de Talence

The young researchers jury:

  • Alexander Heussner, a doctoral student in computer science
  • Jacques Leng, researcher in molecular physico-chemistry
  • Florian Berrouet, doctoral student in prehistory and geology of the quaternary
  • Julie Morales, doctor of Spanish

Le Grand jury The young jury The young researchers jury
