Luc de Brabandere – Wikipedia


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Description de l'image Portrait Luc de Brabandere.jpg.
Birth (74 years old)
Nationality Document

Civil engineer in applied mathematics (1971), Catholic University of Louvain

License in philosophy (2002), Catholic University of Louvain

Core business

Corporate philosopher

Primary works

Philosophers in the metro, the apple tree.
Infoducs. A new word, a new world, Duculot.


Luc De Brabandere , born the [ first ] , in Ghent, is an essayist, author and speaker [ 2 ] . He’s fellow of the Boston Consulting Group [ 3 ] , co -founder of the Cartoonbase agency [ 4 ] and teaches philosophy in different universities [ 2 ] .

Luc de Brabandere lives in Belgium. He is married, father of a son and two daughters [ 5 ] , and grandfather of seven grandchildren [ 6 ] . He made, on the occasion of his 60th anniversary, the Brussels-Jerusalem journey in 60 days by bicycle [ 7 ] .

After “Latin-Greek” secondary studies at St Pierre d’Uccle college, he graduated in 1971 civil engineer in applied mathematics from the Catholic University of Louvain. In 2002, still at UCL, he obtained the license in philosophy. [ 8 ]

Committed as in 1973 as a computer scientist in the banking sector, he was appointed in 1989 Director General of the Brussels Stock Exchange. In disagreement with foreign exchange agents, he left his duties the following year and decides to transform his passion for creativity into a trade. He then embarked on business advice. From 2001 to 2013, he was associated with the Boston Consulting Group where he developed methods of creativity and prospective. Today he is fellow of the BCG [ 9 ] .

At the same time, in 2000 he created the Cartoonbase agency, with Olivier Saive, Cartoonbase [ ten ] is a communication agency where artists and consultants work together. In order to promote humorous drawing as a vector for corporate communication, Cartoonbase is today now directed by Martin Saive and Thomas Doutrepont and mainly produced videos. [ 11 ] .

Luc de Brabandere has published around twenty popularization books where he looks as a philosopher on subjects as varied as language, technology, humor, cognitive biases or creativity. He introduces himself Today [When ?] as a business philosopher [ twelfth ] .

From 2011 to 2018 he gave a course of “Philosophical approach to technologies and management” to the Louvain School of Management [desired secondary source] . He gives Today [When ?] The course of “Critical Thinking” in the Solvay Business School, and occurs punctually at the ETH in Zurich or at the School of Paris [ 3 ] .

He has long collected non-electric calculating machines before bequeathing his collection at the L Museum in Louvain-la-Neuve and at the Brussels Planetarium [ 13 ] .

Luke de Brabandere wrote on humanism and his values ​​in a world that has become digital [ 14 ] , [ 15 ] , since the publication in 1985 of his first book entitled Infallies (by reference to aqueduct or oil pipeline to evoke new telecommunications networks).

In his book Small philosophy of digital transformation (2019), he invites you to reinvent essential trades in a world that has become digital, rather than trying to scan them [ 16 ] .

  • Be logical Be creative Be critical, 2021. (Avec Lina Benmehrez)
  • Plato vs Aristotle. A joyful initiation to philosophical controversy, Social science , 2021. (With Anne Mikolajczak).
  • Small philosophy of fallacious arguments , Eyrolles, 2021
  • Philosophers in the metro, Le Pommier, 2nd ed., 2019 (with Anne Mikolajczak).
  • Small philosophy of digital transformation , Les Belles Lettres, 2019 (with Gabrielle Halpern).
  • Small philosophy of playful words , Eyrolles, 2017 (with Gabrielle Halpern).
  • Homo Informatix , Le Pommier, 2017.
  • The value of ideas, from creativity to business strategy , Dunod, 2nd ed., 2015 (with Anne Mikolajczak).
  • Little philosophy of the great finds , Eyrolles, 2nd ed., 2014.
  • The good idea exists! , Eyrolles, 2013 (with Alan Iny and Gabrielle Halpern).
  • Thinking in New Boxes , Random House, 2013 (with Alan Iny and Gabrielle Halpern).
  • The words and things of the company , Mols, 2012.
  • Magic thought, logical thought, little philosophy of creativity , The apple tree, 2nd ed., 2012.
  • Little philosophy of our daily mistakes , Eyrolles, 2nd ed., 2011 (with Anne Mikolajczak).
  • Little philosophy of wandering mathematics , Eyrolles, 2011 (with Christophe Ribesse).
  • The pleasure of ideas, Dunod, 4 It is ed., 2010 (with Anne Mikolajczak).
  • Stroll in the garden of great philosophers , Mols, 2009 (with Stanislas Deprez).
  • Small philosophy of funny stories , Eyrolles, 2nd ed., 2009.
  • The Forgotten Half of Change , Kaplan, 2005.
  • The meaning of ideas, Dunod, 2004 (with Stanislas Deprez).
  • Machiavelli, Erasme and More, three philosophers for today’s managers , in collaboration with Jean-Michel Besnier and Charles Handy, Pearson Education France (World Village), 2000.
  • Calculationus, non -electric calculation machines , Marda, 1994.
  • The lateroscope. Systems and creativity , prefaced by Joël de Rosnay, La Renaissance du livre, 1990 (with Anne Mikolajczak).
  • Infoducs. A new word, a new world , Duculot, 1985 (with Anne Mikolajczak).
  1. EXACT THE BELLOWEFROID, « The sore of imagination », Free , ( read online , consulted the ) .
  2. a et b Guy Duplat , With “The Philosophers in the Metro”, Luc de Brabandere and Anne Mikolajczak take us into a cheerful » , on The free (consulted the )
  3. a et b His lucas, Luke de Brabandere: “We must protect words as we protect species” » Accès payant
  4. Creative content agency specializing in the creation of videos, images and striking campaigns for your brand – About Cartoonbase » , on Cartoonbase (consulted the )
  5. LATEROSCOPE DU REGARD (INTERVIEW L.DE BRABANDERE) » , on The evening (consulted the )
  6. RTL Podcasts – Change IX – 17. Boost its creativity – think differently? » , on RTL Podcasts (consulted the )
  7. Luke de Brabandere, by bicycle in Jerusalem », The evening , , p. 16-17 .
  8. (in) Learn to think with Plato and Aristotle » , on Uclouvain (consulted the )
  9. Luc De Brabandere » , on The evening , (consulted the )
  10. Pierre-François Law , Cartoonbase, the “empty shell” which has become nugget, eye the United States » , on The free (consulted the )
  11. Luc de Brabandere on the Ecolo list for Europe » Accès payant, on Litter , (consulted the )
  12. Metro, philosophy, philosophy … » , on The echoes , (consulted the )
  13. Curta, an ancestor of the calculator at the future UCL museum » Accès payant, on (consulted the )
  14. Thinking digital transformation » , on The echoes , (consulted the )
  15. How (re) act in the face of the three internet challenges: understand, invent and decide », Free , ( read online , consulted the )
  16. “Transformation Digital” » , on Litter , (consulted the ) .
