Noyal station – acigne — Wikipedia


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The Noyal station – Acigné is a French train station of the Paris-Montparnasse line in Brest, located on the territory of the town of Noyal-sur-Vilaine, near Acigné, in the department of Ille-et-Vilaine in the Brittany region.

The station was put into service in 1857 by the West Railway Company. It is today a railway stop from the National Company of French Railways (SNCF) served by regional express trains of the Ter Brittany network, circulating between Rennes and Vitré. About ten kilometers east of Rennes, it allows you to reach Rennes station in ten minutes.

Established at 47 m At altitude, the Noyal-Acigné station is located at the kilometric point (PK) 362,166 of the Paris-Montparnasse line in Brest, between the stations of Servon and Cesson-Sévigné.

The station has two lanes and two side quays, track 1 to Rennes, track 2 to Vitré and Laval. Historically, track 2 was doubled by a dead end route (the butoir is located near the D92 road bridge). In the south, several track devices also made it possible to access the service route serving the upper quay (for the unloading of goods). The last referral was deposited around 2015, but this platform is still visible these days. Finally, again previously, another deadline in dead end by the quay from the south. Its butoir is now used as a base for a telecommunications antenna, at the corner of rue de la Gare and the D92.

Carte postale ancienne de l'avenue de la gare à Noyal-sur-Vilaine avec au deuxième plan le bâtiment voyageurs de la gare de Noyal-Acigné et plus loin le bourg d'Acigné.

Ancient postcard map of the avenue de la Gare in Noyal-sur-Vilaine with the passenger building at the Noyal-Acigné station in the second plan and further on the village of Acigné.

In 1856 [ first ] , it is one of the two stations, with Châteaubourg, planned between those of Vitré and Rennes. Called Noyal [ 2 ] , it is put into service by the Compagnie des Railways of the West when opening the section between Vitré and Rennes the first is May 1857 [ 3 ] . On demand [ 4 ] of the commune of Acigné which has more inhabitants using the station than its neighbor of Noyal-sur-Vilaine, the station located between the two boroughs is renowned Noyal-Acigné January 12, 1858 [ 2 ] . In order to improve the impractical access to the station, the town of Noyal requests the creation of a new track allowing direct access from the town, which is done by creating the boulevard de la Gare inaugurated in 1895, currently boulevard Barbot [ 2 ] .

July 10, 1943 [ 5 ] , the resistance causes the derailment of a train of German permissions and a merchandise train; There are many victims since there would have been around 200 dead and 300 injured [ 6 ] .

In the early 2000s, the old passenger building, closed for a few years and which lost [ 2 ] The pediment overcoming the door, is rehabilitated by the municipality to house the association The little TNB (Noyal-Brecé theater). In 2009 [ 7 ] , work to improve the stop concerning the change in quays and furniture shelters. As part of the strengthening of the line service, the stop has more than ten additional stops.

In 2015, according to SNCF estimates, the annual attendance of the station was 145,166 travelers [ 8 ] .

It is planned to increase the frequency of passage, at least the proportion of TER stopping at this station following the commissioning of the LGV Brittany-Pays de la Loire, in .

Welcome [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Automate pour les billets KorriGo

Hold [ 9 ] SNCF is an unmanaged stop point (PANG) with free entry with information panels and quay shelters. It is equipped with automata for the validation of transport titles on Korrigo virgin cards.

Desert [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

NOYAL – ACIGNÉ is served by TER Brittany trains that circulate between the Rennes and Vitré stations. There are around twenty trains daily in each direction. It is planned to increase the service – some trains are currently going without stopping – when the high speed line Rennes – Le Mans will be put into service.

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The station is served by line 14 of the Breizhgo network. A car park for vehicles is set up there against the old passenger building and its summer extension in 2011 on an old SNCF hold. There is also a shelter for bikes.

  1. Gallica site, department of Ille-et-Vilaine: report by the prefect and minutes of the deliberations of the General Council, Le Mans, 1857 read online (Accessed March 2, 2011).
  2. A B C and D Glad site, the Patrimoine Portal of Brittany: Noyal-Acigné station, editorial staff 2004 read online (Accessed June 14, 2011).
  3. Jean Falaize, Henri Girod-Eymery, Through the railways: from origin to the present day , Denoël, 1948, p. 388 read online (Accessed March 3, 2011).
  4. Acigné former site, History in Acigné: Le Progrès read online (Accessed April 7, 2011).
  5. Marcel Baudot, Liberation of Brittany , Hachette, 1973, p. 69 online extract (Accessed April 7, 2011).
  6. Charles Tillon, F.T.P.: Uniform soldiers , Éditions Ouest-France, 1991 (ISBN  9782737309410 ) , p. 139 online extract (Accessed April 7, 2011).
  7. City of Noyal-sur-Vilaine, bulletin n O 75, Noyal, September 2009
  8. Frequently at stations – NOYAL ACIGNE » , on SNCF Open Data , treatment of (Information tab) (consulted the ) .
  9. SNCF TER Brittany site, Practical information on stations and stops: Noyal railway stop – Acigné read online (accessed March 2, 2011)

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