2009 in Morocco – Wikipedia


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Geographic chronologies

January 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Friday : A first group of seven Palestinian injured, all from Khan Younès, a locality of the Gaza Strip, arrived in Morocco to be treated at Mohammed V military hospital in Rabat. These are serious injuries suffering in particular from fractures. On the other hand, Moroccan planes left for Kenitra and Meknes arrived at El Arich Airport, responsible for food products and drugs intended for the Palestinian population.
  • Tuesday : The Ministry of the Interior announces the dismantling of an “important network” of drug trafficking, from Nador (northeast) to Belgium and the Netherlands via Spain.
  • Wednesday : Two organizations representing the Moroccan Jewish community – nearly 5,000 people – condemn the Israeli intervention in Gaza, calling on the international community to intervene to find “a just end” to a conflict that has already left nearly 1,100 dead. The secretary general of the “Judeo-Moroccan cultural heritage Foundation”, Simon Lévy, expressed his “horror in front of this killing without perspective or justification” qualifying the situation in Gaza as “more than deplorable”: ” It’s horrible and that’s not how I see Judaism ».
  • THURSDAY : following the recent dismantling ( ) Significant drug trafficking, from Nador (northeast) to Belgium and the Netherlands via Spain, some 81 people are indicted, including a number of officials involved in this case.
  • Friday : The release of the first Renault built in the future Renault Nissan factory near Tangier “could be repelled by a few months”.

February 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Tuesday :
    • A Franco-Moroccan researcher, Dr. Abdelghani Chehbouni, a hydrology specialist in arid zones, is elected corresponding member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. He was the representative in Mexico for the Institute for Development Institute for France for France.
    • Eight people are killed in different regions due to bad weather by the collapse of homes.
  • Wednesday :
    • According to the Ormvag (Regional Office for Agricultural Inquences) in Kenitra, some 56,000 hectares, planted with wheat, fodder and vegetables, are overwhelmed by the rains of the past few days on the Gharb plain, north of Rabat, A rich agricultural plain which extends to Larache (80 km north) and Meknes (120 km to the east), with an area of 380 000 cultivated hectares. At least eight people would have died in the north and south of the country following these heavy rains. The region has received an average of 600 mm of rains since last October against an average of 300 mm in the last thirty years for the same period. The three dams in the region (Al Kansera, Idriss first is and Al Ouahda) are fully filled.
    • Six children from the same family – four girls and two boys – are killed in the collapse of their house in the town Aït Abdi, who collapsed under the weight of snow in the Azilal region (center) where have taken place strong snowfall.
  • Tuesday : A French national, arrested in 2007 in Tangier in possession of 400 kg of cannabis resin, is sentenced to 5 years in prison and to 20.2 million dirhams (around 1.9 million euros) by the court of first instance of this city. The drug had been discovered by Moroccan customs officials while he was preparing to embark on a boat bound for France. The defendant, who appealed, had at his arrest asserted “to collaborate with the French police to infiltrate and dismantle a drug trafficking network operating internationally”. About 140 French nationals are currently detained in Tangier for drugs.
  • Wednesday : A royal navy ship arrested off Ksar Sghir, a boat carrying 413 kilos of hashish to the South Spanish. A Frenchman and a Spaniard were arrested.

Mars 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Sunday : An aerial disaster is narrowly avoided at Casablanca airport when a Boeing 737 of the company at low prices Jetairfly from Charleroi (Belgium) almost collided during its landing with planes on the ground. The plane committed “a serious pilot error” and “a disaster was avoided thanks to the airport equipment and the vigilance of the controllers” and to “a pilot on the ground, which had just alerted the control tower ». The pilot of the plane was about to make a mistake and “collide with four planes of the same type that were about to take off”. From Mohammed V airport in Casablanca, added the newspaper.
  • Wednesday : As part of the attacks of In Madrid who left 191 dead and 1,800 injured, the Salé court of appeal (Morocco), confirms the conviction of the Moroccan Abdelilah Ahriz (29) to 20 years in prison for his involvement in this attack. He was prosecuted in Morocco for “constitution of criminal gang in order to commit a terrorist act, complicity in the destruction of means of transport and public roads using explosives”. The young Moroccan had left in 1999 in Spain, where he worked as an electrician. He then settled in 2005 in Syria, where he was arrested and given to the Moroccan authorities. After being sentenced to Morocco to three years in prison for terrorism and then paid on appeal in , he was once again arrested at the end And placed in police custody for its presumed involvement in the Madrid attacks. In December, the public prosecutor’s office had requested life for life against him.
  • THURSDAY : The gendarmerie seized 2.3 tonnes of cannabis resin, various equipment and proceeds to two arrests as part of a “vast sweating operation” in a douar (village) perched on a mountain overlooking a beach serving as a point Departure for drug transport, around Ksar Sghir. Ballots drugs were “probably ready to take off” to Spain aboard 12 -meter pneumatic boats equipped with powerful engines that cross the Strait of Gibraltar in a few minutes. Two other people are wanted.
  • Friday :
    • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation announces that the Kingdom has decided to rupture diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran.
    • The Minister of Energy, Amina Benkhadra presents, during the 1st national energy assizes, in Rabat, the Moroccan energy plan spread until 2015 which will be the subject of investments of the order of 90 billion dirhams (around 8.2 billion euros). The new national strategy consists in developing electricity production and passing the rate of renewable energies (solar, wind) to 10% of the overall energy production against around 4% currently. The plan also provides for the use of “clean coal” for the most part of its energy production. The country currently imports almost 97% of its energy supplies, oil representing more than 87% of the energy bill, or around 71 billion dirhams (6.5 million euros) in 2008.
  • Friday : Operation of massive destruction of drugs made during 208 Tangier customs operations in the last 8 months: 25.7 tonnes of hashish, 119.4 kg of kif (cannabis plants), 324.5 grams of cocaine cocaine , 117.5 grams of heroin as well as 2,143 psychotropic tablets.
  • Wednesday : A big hat of French banditry, Patrick Laurent, converted into drug trafficking and under an international arrest warrant, is arrested in an eventful way in Marrakech. He would have a “fairly substantial” real estate heritage in Morocco and lived there under a false identity [ first ] .
  • Tuesday : Announcement of the upcoming sale of furniture, table services, sets and even carriages of the famous palace, La Mamounia, currently being renovated. The sale organized at the Marrakech Congress Palace will offer some 5,000 lots [ 2 ] .

April 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Tuesday : According to the president of the association “Adala” (justice), Abdelaziz Nouaydi, 10 Moroccan NGOs, whose main human rights organizations, asked in a memorandum to the government to be consulted on a next justice reform , and not to “be put before the fait accompli as in the past”.
  • Sunday : A Franco-Moroccan Akil Chraibi, alias “Sami”, found guilty of “belonging to an armed terrorist group active inside and outside the country”, is sentenced to 10 years in prison by the criminal court From Algiers, announced the APS news agency. He had been arrested by the Algerian security services , in possession of a copy of a plan, known as “Fatima Plan”, intended to establish a connection between the Salafist group for preaching and the fight (GSPC, Algerian) and Moroccan terrorists subservient to this terrorist group [ 3 ] .
    • King Mohammed VI of Morocco begins an official visit to Equatorial Guinea at the invitation of President Teodoro Obiang Nguema. Several bilateral cooperation agreements must be signed. According to the MAP agency, this visit “is in line in the new Strategy of Morocco […] aimed at developing an all-out partnership with African countries, according to a new approach and a philosophy of South-South cooperation”. The African policy of Morocco has distinguished itself in recent years by “the training of African executives in universities and institutes” of the kingdom, the granting of “scholarships, the realization of socio-economic projects and the contribution to financing infrastructure projects in the fields of health, breeding, agriculture and supply of drinking water ”.
    • The anti-terrorist court of Salé (near Rabat) sentenced 15 people suspected of terrorism to sentences of 2 to 20 years in prison, 14 others are sentenced to fines. The accused belonged to a cell dismantled in 2007 and linked to “the Al Qaeda organization in the Islamic Maghreb as well as the Salafist group for preaching and the Algerian combat (GSPC)”. The main accused Abdelkrim Makhloufi, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for “constitution of a criminal band with a view to preparing and committing terrorist acts […], incentive of others to commit a terrorist act and hold of public meetings without preliminary authorisation “. Two of his accomplices, Mohamed Lakhdar and Abdelilah Boumdine were sentenced to 12 and 6 years in prison respectively.
  • Sunday : The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Taieb Fassi Fihri, on the sidelines of a meeting of diplomacy leaders of the five countries of the Arab Maghreb Union (UMA), wishes a normalization “as soon as possible” of relations between Morocco and L ‘Algeria as well as the opening of the border between the two countries, closed since 1994, due to political disputes on the conflict of Western Sahara.
  • THURSDAY : The corpses of 2 men, of sub-Saharan origin, are found off Ceuta (north). Equipped with life jackets, they derived in the territorial waters of Ceuta.
  • Friday :
    • A small passenger plane crashes because of strong winds in the region of Tichka El Haouz (south) causing the death of 4 Belgian nationals – three men and a woman.
    • Customs and the police carried out a record seizure of 32.2 tonnes of cannabis resin in three containers of aluminum cannabis resin in the port of aluminum resin to the Spanish port of Valencia in the port of Casablanca.
  • Tuesday : A Moroccan imam, Mohammed El Idrissi (72), officiating in France in Toulon (Var), is expelled to Morocco. He is suspected of violent and fundamentalist preaching, pronounced in Arabic, between November 2007 and January 2009, against the West and other religions.

May 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Monday : Accident between a passenger train and a truck on an unable level crossing near Douar Smihat. 2 people are killed and another seriously injured.
  • Tuesday : The security services announce the recent dismantling “of a terrorist structure in gestation, called” Jamaat al Mourabitine al Jodod “(group of new fighters),” composed of eight Islamists “who” planned to prepare attacks “and” evolved in different cities of the kingdom ”. The people arrested will be presented to justice “to answer for their actions”.
    • 11 people died in Rabat in a jostling during a concert at the Mawazine World Music Festival and around forty others were injured. Some 70,000 spectators attended a concert by popular Moroccan singer Abdelaziz Stati at the Hay Nahda stadium in the south-east of the capital, where around 3,000 uniform and in civilian police were present.
    • An American businessman of Lebanese origin, married to a Moroccan, is killed with a stab on the thorax, in the city center of Casablanca after a brief altercation with a band of four young people, who were arrested by the police.

June 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Friday : Municipal elections in which 13.36 million Moroccans can participate over 18 to elect 27,795 municipal councilors presented by around thirty parties and movements.
  • SATURDAY : According to the Minister of the Interior, Chakib Benmoussa, 6.8 million Moroccans participated in the municipal elections, or a participation of 51% (54% in 2003 elections). For the first time, a quota of 12% of seats is reserved for women, who had only obtained … 0.54% of the seats in 2003: the Authenticity and Modernity Party (PAM), created by the former Minister Delegate to The interior Fouad Ali El Himma, a friend of the king, obtains 6,015 seats; Prime Minister Abbas El Fassi’s nationalist party obtains 5,292 seats; The national rally of the self -employed obtains 4,112 seats; The Socialist Union of Popular Forces (USFP) obtains 3,226 seats; The popular movement obtains 2,213 seats; The Justice and Development Party, Islamist (PJD) marked by a decline, obtains 1,513 seats.
  • SATURDAY : The Moroccan royal navy intercepts 2 trawlers, a Spaniard and a Cape Verdean, while they were illegally fishing “in an area prohibited, protected by a biological judgment” and led in the port of Dakhla (Moroccan Sahara) [ 4 ] . The Spanish trawler, with a crew of ten sailors (8 Europeans and 2 Moroccans), has a fishing license in accordance with the 2007 Moroccan-European agreement on fishing, and will be able to leave after having acquired a fine . The other intercepted trawler, registered in CAP Vert, constitutes a “case is more serious” because it has no license authorizing it to fish in Moroccan waters and used in addition to prohibited mesh nets, of a size less than that authorized. The owner of the trawler will have to pay a fine before being able to leave and his fishing equipment has been confiscated. Its crew consists of 17 men, all of Capeboxes.
  • Wednesday : The Ministry of Health confirms 4 new cases of H1N1 influenza which brings to 13 the number of people affected by this virus in the country. These infected people are all Moroccan nationals recently arrived from Canada and the United States.
    • The Special Agency Tangier Méditerranée (TMSA) attributes the contract for the design and production of a second deep waters in Tangier, for an amount of 825 million euros, to a group of which Bouygues Public Works is the agent, And composed in addition to ByMaro (a subsidiary of Bouygues Construction), Saipem, Besix, and Somagec, each of the five partners holding a share of 20%. “The group is responsible for making a main dike of 3,800 meters and a secondary dike of 1,200 meters, 2,800 meters of quay and a logistics platform of 150 hectares”. The work must start in the first quarter of 2010 and last almost four and a half years (51 months). At the height, they will mobilize 2,000 people. The port “will have two container terminals” and “the quays will be able to accommodate seven mega container ships simultaneously”. This achievement will allow the port of Tangier to offer a very large capacity of “8 million containers, 7 million vehicles, 700,000 trucks and 10 million tonnes of hydrocarbons, thus becoming one of the first Port platforms Mediterranean and Africa in 2014 ” [ 6 ] .
    • The Minister of Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Tawfiq, announces the launch of a large program of 200 million dirhams (around 19 million euros) for the “upgrade” of imams, which is part of a Reform of the religious field announced by King Mohammed VI in 2008: “ We have 45,000 imams and the 2006 statistics have shown that 82% of them have no basic training. They just learned the Koran by heart […] Imams are an essential element of the reform of the religious field. They are responsible for the supervision of believers and exercise in cities and distant countryside […] It is a large -scale operation, which has no equal in the world. This program aspires to give the Moroccan society a religious supervision in line with the air of time and concerned with the preservation of national identity ».
  • Friday : Five Moroccans residing in Ceuta and belonging to the radical movement Salafia Jihadia, suspected of belonging to a terrorist cell operating between Morocco and Spain have been arrested since the start of the week in Morocco. They also accused of drug trafficking and vehicles between Spain and Morocco.

July 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • THURSDAY : Eight people suspected of belonging to a terrorist cell which operated between Spain and Morocco are arrested and placed under a warrant of deposit at Salé prison. Among the 8 defendants are a police commissioner, an officer and a gendarme, all accused of “constitution of a criminal band for the preparation of terrorist acts, fundraising for their use in terrorist acts, drug trafficking, falsification of official document, corruption and disclosure of professional secrecy ”. According to the Ministry of the Interior, this cell – close to the radical movement Salafia Jihadia – was led by Abdellah Ahram, known as ” Abou Yassine ». Three of the members of this cell are Hispano-Moroccans [ 7 ] .
  • Friday : EDITORALS strike in around twenty Moroccan daily and weekly daily newspapers and left without editorial to protest against recent court decisions pronounced against three Arabic -speaking newspapers, heavily condemned for defamation against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and a French -speaking economic monthly, for defamation against a Furniture company, Primarios. The daily newspapers will repeat the operation on Saturday [ 8 ] .
  • THURSDAY : A number of the French weekly International mail Dated the second week of July (9 to 15) is prohibited for sale in Morocco. The authorities criticize him in particular an article deemed defamatory with regard to King Mohammed VI, as well as a caricature of the sovereign deemed defamatory. This is in fact the reproduction of an article by a Moroccan magazine, the Weekly newspaper , entitled “Mohammed VI, still as rich” [ 9 ] .
  • Monday : The fall of a passenger plane causes the death of its 4 passengers (2 Portuguese, a French and a Moroccan). The plane from Portugal crashed less than a kilometer from Tit Mellil aerodrome, near Casablanca.
  • Tuesday : The anti-terrorist court of Salé (near Rabat) condemns the Belgian-Moroccan Abdelkader Belliraj (50) in life prison. He is accused of having directed a radical terrorist network of 35 members in Morocco and abroad and of having committed six murders in Belgium in the late 1980s and in the early 1990s. The other members of this network, whose trial began the , are prosecuted for “attack on the interior security of the state”, “association of criminals with a view to preparing and committing terrorist acts”, “murder with premeditation”, “attempted homicide with premeditation”, “qualified flight And attempted qualified flight “and” illegal detention of weapons and explosives “. He had been arrested on in Morocco with several other people in possession of “an important arsenal of firearms” [ ten ] .
  • Wednesday : King Mohammed VI grants his royal grace to 24,865 detainees, including 517 women, 159 sick prisoners, disabled and elderly and 137 minor detainees, as well as 659 “detainees of different nationalities, condemned by the courts of the kingdom for crimes or crimes », In various penitentiary establishments in Morocco on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of his enthronement. In addition, 32 people sentenced to death saw their sentences commissioned in perpetuity sentences while 83 pronounced perpetuity penalties were commissioned in unitle -term prison terms [ 11 ] .
  • THURSDAY : ten It is Birthday of the reign of King Mohammed VI with the feast of the throne which is celebrated each year throughout the kingdom with fantasia and concerts.

August 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • SATURDAY : The Ministry of the Interior has seized the last 2 issues of the independent weekly ” TelQuel ” And ” Nichane For breaking the press code. The two seized numbers had published on Saturday “a survey – carried out in partnership with the French newspaper The world – On the assessment of the first 10 years of the reign of King Mohammed VI “of which” 91% of Moroccans questioned “consider it” positive or very positive “. The Minister of Communication, Khalid Naciri said that the “same treatment will be applied to anyone” will publish this survey because “the monarchy in Morocco is not in equation and cannot be the subject of a debate even by way survey ” [ twelfth ] .
  • Monday :
    • Following publication prohibitions taken on Saturday, the authorities prohibited the sale in Morocco to publish the French newspaper The world For having in turn published the survey on the record of the reign of King Mohammed VI.
    • Among the beneficiaries of the important royal grace, granted on the occasion of the ten It is Anniversary of the reign of Mohammed VI, is Serge Astorc, a Frenchman imprisoned for 20 months in Morocco for drug trafficking when he claimed to be on the mission of infiltration on behalf of the French police and customs. Arrested in 2007 in Tangier in possession of 400 kg of cannabis resin while he was preparing to embark on a ferry bound for France behind the wheel of a car, Serge Astorc had been sentenced to five years in prison and to a fine of 1.9 million euros [ 13 ] .
  • THURSDAY : One of the three criminals, escaped the From a prison in Belgium, was located in the Berkane (East) region, near the border of Algeria. Ashraf Sekkaki (25), considered by Interpol as “one of the most dangerous criminals in Belgium” by Interpol, had spectacularly escaped aboard a helicopter from the Bruges prison (northern Belgium) with two Other dangerous criminals, Abdelhaq Melloul Khayari, arrested in Brussels and Mohammed Johry arrested in the Berkane region [ 14 ] .
  • Wednesday : King Mohammed VI grants his grace to 346 people condemned for district disputes, on the occasion of 56 It is Anniversary of the “Revolution of the King and the People”. The majority of the persons concerned benefited from a delivery of their prison sentence, the others of total or partial cancellations of fines.
  • THURSDAY : King Mohammed VI, on the occasion of 56 It is Anniversary of the “Revolution of the King and the People” announces that he wanted to introduce a “global and deep reform of justice”, asks his government the development of an “integrated and precise, capable of reflecting the strategic depth of the reform “And announces that he wants to set up a” Consultative, pluralist and representative body allowing justice to open up to its environment ” [ 15 ] .
  • Sunday : A collision between a truck and a bus between having Ourir and Marrakech (south) causes the death of 4 people and hurts 19 others, including 8 seriously.
  • Wednesday : King Mohammed VI, the Royal Palace announces that the king was placed in recovery for five days due to an “infection” presenting “no concern about his health”.

September 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • SATURDAY : At least 6 people died in the sinking of a boat with 60 illegal immigrants off Ceuta on board, near the island of Perejil.

October 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • THURSDAY : Four international arrest warrants are launched by Interpol in connection with the investigation in France on the disappearance in 1965 of the Moroccan opponent Mehdi Ben Barka. These mandates concern General Hosni Benslimane, now the head of the Moroccan royal gendarmerie, General Abdelhak Kadiri, former head of the intelligence services, Miloud Tounzi, alleged member of the commando who removed the opponent, and Abdelhak Achaachi, former agent of CAB 1, an elite unit of secret services [ 16 ] .
  • Tuesday : King Mohammed VI says he wants to make his country the African Defense of the Environment and Sustainable Development leader, deciding to put pressure on his ministers and his administration to obtain concrete results as quickly as possible.
  • Friday : King Mohammed VI, in his speech on the occasion of the new legislative year, calls on Moroccan parliamentarians to continue to defend the “Moroccanity” of Western Sahara, by “resolved and efficient actions”.
  • Monday :
    • The journalist of France 3 , Joseph Tual, specialist in the Ben Barka affair, files for the second time complaint against X in Paris following the transcription in the newspaper Morocco Hebdo , a telephone conversation that took place the , with an alleged member of the commando who removed the Moroccan opponent in 1965. The article in question was entitled “Profession: Fouill-Merde”. According to the complainant, the conversation, recorded without his knowledge, was “truncated” and the “distorted words in order to manipulate opinion” [ 17 ] .
    • The writer Georges Fleury reveals to be “for 25 years” in possession of 95 pages of gendarmerie reports on the disappearance of the Moroccan opponent 1965 in Paris during an operation carried out by the Moroccan services of King Hassan II with the complicity of French police officers and ugly. The opponent’s body would have been cremated and its ashes dispersed in a Ballancourt pond (Essonne) [ 18 ] .
  • THURSDAY : The newspaper of the newspaper Al michaâl , Driss Chahtane, is sentenced to one year in prison for having published disputed articles on the king’s health. The court also inflicted a fine of 10,000 dirhams (around 885 euros) and ordered its immediate incarceration. Sentences of 3 months in prison and a fine of 5,000 dirhams (440 euros) were pronounced by the same court against Rachid Mhamid and Mustapha Hirane, two journalists from the same newspaper [ 19 ] .
  • Friday : According to the UN humanitarian affairs office, the invasion of crickets pilgrims, which has been raging in Mauritania since this summer and which has spread to Western Morocco and Sahara, could extend to the rest of the region in the event heavy rains, larvae and locusts starting to regroup in a disturbing way [ 20 ] .
  • Friday : The Director of the Daily Akhbar Al Youm , Taoufik Bouachrine, is sentenced by the court of first instance of Casablanca to a year in prison suspended for having published a caricature deemed disrespectful of the royal family and the national flag. The designer, author of this caricature, Khalid Gueddar, is sentenced to the same penalty. The Court has also decided the “final closure” of the premises of the newspaper, which does not mean the publication of the newspaper. A fine of 100,000 dirhams (9,090 to pay jointly was also imposed on both defendants [ 21 ] .

November 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Tuesday : The Ministry of Foreign Affairs requires “the immediate departure” of a Swedish diplomat, accused of having ” Transmitted to separatist elements, linked to Algeria and the Polisario Front, an official document which was given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation at the Sweden Embassy in Rabat, as part of a diplomatic approach […] This document was subsequently found itself in the hands of the enemies of the territorial integrity of the kingdom ». Sweden’s ambassador to Rabat, Michael Odevald, met Minister Taieb Fassi Fihri, who told him of “a serious breach of diplomatic practices and an unacceptable professional error committed by the councilor of the Embassy of Sweden [ 22 ] .

December 2009 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

See Western Sahara

  1. The figar.fr , Arrest of a size of banditry
  2. The figar.fr , Mamounia: auction furniture
  3. The figar.fr , A condemned Franco-Moroccan
  4. The figar.fr , 2 trawlers arranged in a prohibited area
  5. The figar.fr , A woman mayor of Marrakech
  6. The figar.fr , Allocation of the Port of Tangier enlargement contract
  7. The figar.fr , 8 Islamists arrested
  8. The figar.fr , The angry press
  9. The figar.fr , Censored international mail
  10. The figar.fr , Perpetuity prison for Abdelkader Belliraj
  11. The figar.fr , Mohammed VI Gracie 25,000 prisoners
  12. The figar.fr , 2 Moroccan weekly seized
  13. The figar.fr , A Frenchman pardoned by Mohammed VI
  14. The figar.fr , The 3 It is escaped from localized bruges
  15. The figar.fr , The king announces a “deep” reform of justice
  16. The figar.fr , Ben Barka: 4 distributed mandates broadcast
  17. The figar.fr , Ben Barka: complaint of a journalist from France 3
  18. Le Journal du Dimanche.fr , Ben Barka: the secret file of the French gendarmerie
  19. The Monde.fr , A newspaper suspended after the conviction of its manager
  20. The figaro.fr, Locust invasion: the UN is alarmed . »
  21. The figar.fr , A Director of a convicted newspaper
  22. The figar.fr , Rabat requires the departure of a diplomat
