Olivier Brousse – Wikipedia


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Olivier Brousse , born the , is a French business manager. He has been CEO of the landscape group Id Verde since December 2021.

Olivier Brousse is a former student of the Georges Cabanis high school in Brive-la-Gaillarde, then Louis-le-Grand in Paris, from the École Polytechnique (1985) [ first ] , and holder of an engineering diploma from the School of Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC) [ 2 ] . He is also a member of the Henry Crown Fellows promotion (1996) [ 3 ] From the Aspen Institute to the United States [ 4 ] .

Olivier Brousse began his career in 1990, as a commercial director of Unic Systèmes, a sales company for drawing tables and CAD/DAO systems.

In 1994, he joined the Compagnie Générale des Eaux as a project manager with Henri Proglio. He spent fourteen years in the Veolia Environment group. In 1998, he was appointed Managing Director of the group’s transport subsidiary in the United Kingdom (formerly Connex) [ 5 ] . It manages private rail network [ 6 ] with, for the mission, to improve its quality of service, largely decried by users [ 7 ] . Six years later, he took the head of Veolia Transportation Inc. to Washington DC (17,000 people) [ 8 ] . In 2006, he returned to Paris as deputy director general of Veolia Transport. [Ref. necessary]

Managing Director of the SAUR group from 2008 [ 9 ] , Olivier Brousse contributes to developing group activities in Europe and the Middle East [ ten ] .


He is appointed president of the group in , and initiates negotiations with The 63 banks [Which ones?] for the refinancing of the two billion euros in debts of the group [ 11 ] (resulting from the acquisition of the Saur in 2007). After a negotiation of almost a year, and a conflict between the shareholders of the Saur [ twelfth ] , he concludes with his team the refinancing of the group with a reduction in the holding of the holding company at 900 million euros [ 13 ] .

Vice-president of the FP2E since 2008, he is president of At the end of 2013 [ 14 ] .

In , Refinancing completed, Olivier Brousse announces his departure from the Saur [ 15 ] To take the lead of the English company John Laing PLC in London [ 16 ] [Insufficient source] , specializing in investment and management of major infrastructure projects (transport, renewable energies, health, cleanliness). At the head of John Laing, he wants to relaunch long-term investments in infrastructure, and accelerate the internationalization of the group, especially in the transport sector, threatened with saturation in the United Kingdom [ 17 ] .

In , he returns to Veolia as director of strategy and innovation [ 18 ] . As such, he is a member of the executive committee and the group’s management committee.

In , he is appointed CEO of ID Verde, landscape group from the maintenance activities of green spaces ceded by ISS [ 19 ] , [ 20 ] , European leader with almost 1 billion euros in turnover.

Olivier Brousse is a director of the 1001 Fontaines association [ 5 ] , and ex-administrator of the Brive rugby club, the athletic club Brive Corrèze Limousin (CABCL).

Olivier Brousse has been a knight of the National Order of Merit since the , and knight of the Legion of Honor since the [ 21 ] .

  1. Olivier Brousse – Polytechnique »
  2. Olivier Brousse – Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées » , on Alumni bridges
  3. Olivier Brousse – Henry Crown Fellows Program » , on AGLN
  4. (in) User Profile » , on AGLN – Aspen Global Leadership Network (consulted the )
  5. a et b Our Board of Directors » , on 1001fontaines (consulted the )
  6. (in) The Gallic optimist who views railways from the lighthouse » , (consulted the )
  7. (in) Double-decker bus smashes into tree » (consulted the )
  8. (in) Connex Becomes Largest Public Transportation Company in North America » , (consulted the )
  9. Olivier Brousse appointed Managing Director of Saur » , (consulted the )
  10. A beautiful brand of confidence of the Saudis » , (consulted the )
  11. Olivier Brousse (Saur): “We should obtain the unanimous agreement of the 63 banks” » , (consulted the )
  12. The battle of water will wait » , (consulted the )
  13. Olivier Brousse: “La Grande Saur will soon be back”! » , (consulted the )
  14. [Appointment] Olivier Brousse is elected president of the FP2E » , on News (consulted the )
  15. Olivier Brousse surprise » , (consulted the )
  16. (in) Olivier Brousse appointed Chief Executive of John Laing plc » , (consulted the )
  17. (in) Olivier Brousse: Using his ‘Coca-Cola secret recipe’ to solve infrastructure problems » , (consulted the )
  18. Veolia recruits Olivier Brousse as a strategy director » , on Agefi ,
  19. Olivier Brousse gets green at Idverde » , on The echoes , (consulted the )
  20. A former boss of the Saur arrives at the head of Id Verde » , on Capital Finance , (consulted the )
  21. Presidency of the Republic National Order of the Legion of Honor »
