British Legion – Wikipedia


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The British Legion , where the British legions , is a group of military units made up of foreign volunteers who fought under the orders of General Simón Bolívar during the independence wars of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. His units were part of the army of the Great Colombia who was fighting against the Spanish colonial empire.

From 1817, and during the following five years, the number of commitments in the ports of England exceeds six thousand men [ first ] , however the 53 ships that form the expedition rather suggests a figure around 5,300 soldiers [ 2 ] . The main delegate to recruit volunteers in London is Luis López Méndez [ 3 ] . Many of these volunteers are veterans of the United Kingdom, including Ireland, and there are also some German veterans in the service of England. Most of the soldiers participated in the Napoleonic wars and the Anglo-American war of 1812. They were motivated both by political reasons and by the advantages of the mercenariat. Bolívar hoped to raise morale from his troops and incorporate professional soldiers into his armies.

Union jack

L’ Union Jack is the flag used by the British Legion during the Bolívar campaigns [ 4 ] .

Flag of the Irish Legion used by General d’Evereux [ 5 ] .

British legions consisted of first re British legion, of the 2 It is British legion and the Irish legion. They formed the Albion, Carabo and Rifles battalions (is) and cavalry regiments such as Hussars , although its members also fought supervised by other American units. The units of foreign volunteers used their own brands, such as the Jack Union for the English [ 6 ] or for the Irish legion a green flag with a Celtic harp, symbol of Ireland [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] .


Forces of British expeditions which left London between the end of 1817 and 1819 and joined the Great Colombia [ 3 ] :

Commandant Soldats name
Colonel Hippisley 720
Colonel English  (is) 1 200
Colonel Elson 572
General Juan d’Evereux 1 729
General Mac Gregor 600
Colonel Meceroni 300
Others 387
Total 5 508

The British legions constituted an important part of the army of Bolívar, which credited them with the victory during the battle of Boyacá by proclaiming “these liberating soldiers are the men who deserve these laurels [ 9 ] “, And the battle of Carabobo where he describes them as” the Saviors of my Nation ” [ ten ] . However, some historians claim that they were then almost forgotten by the countries in which they fought. There are many evidence that this is an error, because there are even battalions in the South American armies which proudly bear their names.

New Year’s Evening campaign [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

When Simón Bolívar organizes the force which must accompany it during the liberating campaign of New Grenade, it includes the British Legion. Colonel James Rooke is at the head of 160 to 200 men who will fight for the independence of Greater Colombia [ 3 ] .

After the Battle of the Pantano of Vargas, Colonel Manrique, chief of staff, says: “All the army bodies were distinguished, but deserve a particular mention (…) the British companies. To those of his Excellency the President of the Republic presented the star of the liberators, as a reward for their perseverance and their courage. »» [ 11 ] , [ 3 ] .

Colonel Rooke is injured by a bullet in the left arm. He has it amputate and when it is done he lifts it from the right hand and shouts in Castilian ” Lives the homeland! ». The surgeon asks him in English: “What homeland?” Ireland or England? “And Rooke shakes the head negatively and replies:” The one that will give me a burial “. Colonel Rooke dies a few days after his amputation. His widow, Anna Rooke, enjoys a pension and receives a sum of money for compensation [ 3 ] .

  1. Simón Bolívar: To Life. John Lynch
  2. Alexander Walker (1822). Colombia, geographical, topographic, agricultural, commercial and political relationship of this country: adapted for every reader in general and for the merchant and colonist in particular . Volume II. London: Banco de la República, p. 284 .
  3. A B C D and E (is) Colonel Guillermo Plazas Olarte – Uk in Colombia, Legión Británica en la Independencia de Colombia» (consulted the )
  4. Brown, Matthew (2006)
  5. Brown, Matthew (2006)
  6. Adventuring through Spanish Colonies: Simon Bolivar, Foreign Mercenaries and the Birth of New Nations, Brown, Matthew 2006 [first]
  7. Adventuring through Spanish Colonies: Simon Bolivar, Foreign Mercenaries and the Birth of New Nations, Brown, Matthew 2006 [2]
  8. Ireland banners. Wikipedia : Fig by Leinter (in) , en:List of flags of the Republic of Ireland#Military flags .
  9. Those liberating soldiers are the men who deserve these laurels »
  10. The saviors of my nation »
  11. All army bodies have distinguished themselves, but deserve a particular mention, (…) British companies. To which his excellence the President of the Republic, has granted them the “star of the liberators”, in prize of their record and value »

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