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Lucien Adolphe Bechmann , born the In Paris and died on In this same city, is a French architect.

Lucien Bechmann [ 3 ] , of a former Jewish family, was the son of Alice Lebenheim and the chief engineer of the bridges and roads Georges Bechmann (1848-1927), himself the son of Jacob Bechmann (1818-1895) and Jeanne Hesse , who had come to settle in Paris, coming from Fürth, a city of Bavaria, which had housed an important Jewish community for many centuries.

Admitted to the School of Fine Arts in 1898, he brilliantly continued his studies in the Laloux workshop and graduated in 1905.
In 1903 he married Germaine Kapferer (1880 – ), from an Alsatian Jewish family, related to the deutsch industrialists of the Meurthe. They had five children:

  • Geneviève Bechmann ( ) [ 4 ] , which married the industrialist Albert Dreyfus-Sée, shot by the Germans in 1944. They had five children. Under the name of Amélie Dubouquet, she pointed out as an author of children’s books, pedagogue, architect and historian. Her educational writings, placed her in the great post-war movement of new education. His work was bequeathed at the National Museum of Education in Rouen (MNE) [ 5 ] . They are accessible to the public on request at the MNE Resource and Research Center [ 6 ] ;
  • Yvonne Bechmann, who married Etienne Jerome. They are the parents of Jean-Pierre Jerome and scientists Denis Jerome and Dominique Jerome.
  • Marcelle Bechmann, who married the architect and filmmaker Louis-Émile Galey. They are the parents of the writer Matthieu Galey and the journalist Geneviève Galey;
  • Tommy Bechmann;
  • Roland Bechmann (1919-2017), who pursued an architectural career, in the wake of that of his father.

During the years 1940-44, the Bechmann-Kapferer couple retired to a farm near Grenoble.

Its customers were essentially private, especially from the Israelite community. Must be mentioned:

  • The Rothschild Hospital, which he carried out between 1909 and 1914, was the subject of a major preliminary study, carried out in 1907-1908 with the hospital doctor of the hospital, which is inspired by modern foreign hospitals.
  • For the same sponsor, Edmond de Rothschild, Bechmann produces another remarkable work, the Synagogue Chasseloup-Laubat in Paris (1912).
  • His father, director general of the North-Sud company since 1905, confides, from 1910, the development of stations of the current line 12 (line A of the North-South), in particular the rotunda of the access of the Saint-Lazare station. The company, a competitor of the Paris Metropolitan Company, provides special care to the aesthetics of stations (ceramists: kind and Bourdet).
  • After the First World War, Émile Deutsch de la Meurthe entrusted him, on behalf of the foundation Deutsch de la Meurthe, as well as to Jean Claude Nicolas Forestier and Léon Azéma, the overall plan of the International University City of Paris. He produced the first group of pavilions, that of the Deutsch foundation of the Meurthe reserved for French students (1922-1925). To the reproach of having adopted an “Oxfordian” style, he replied that he is only an avatar of the Norman medieval style, a real source of his inspiration. Author subsequently of the entrance pavilions (1932-1933) and the Victor-Lyon pavilion (1950), he will be the city’s architect of the city for thirty years (1923-1953).
  • He built in Paris in 1930 one of his most beautiful works, celebrated by the criticism of the time, the office building of the company Shell, named Washington Plaza , rue Washington 38-44. He implemented the site management processes that a study trip to the United States has enabled him to deepen. He thus managed, by meticulous planning, to shorten the duration of the work, while respecting the costs.

Lucien Bechmann’s great integrity and discretion are undoubtedly the reason for a rather modest notoriety. However, its facades, of Norman inspiration later tinged with art deco influences, hide advanced constructive systems using the most efficient materials and implementation processes.

  • Barcelona Grand Prix (1929)
  • Medal of honor at the Academy of Architecture (1961)
  • Geneviève Dreyfus-Sée, La Carrier Lucien Bapmann , s.l., s.d.
  • Gilles Ragot and Mathilde Dion, «Lucien Bechmann» , In Catalog of architecture archives of XX It is century of the French Institute of Architecture , Paris, IFA, ( read online ) .
  • Bertrand Lemoine, The Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris , Paris, Hervas, , 120 p. (ISBN  2-903118-52-3 ) .
  • Gilles Ragot, «The XIV It is arrondissement, modern architecture laboratory ” , In From Montparnasse to Montsouris: historical route in the XIV It is arrondissement (catalog of the exhibition organized by the delegation to artistic action of the city of Paris, with the assistance of the Carnavalet museum, at the town hall of 15 It is Arrondissement, April 5-April 28, 1986, and at the Carnavalet museum, July 12-October 5, 1986), Paris, delegation for artistic action of the city of Paris, , 123 p. (ISBN  2-905118-01-6 ) .
  • Gilles Ragot, ” The International University City of Paris », Historical monuments , n O 148, , p. 76–81 .
  • Matthieu Galey, Journal , vol. first : 1953-1973 Paris, B. grasset, , 501 p. (ISBN  2-246-40091-0 ) .
  • Matthieu Galey, Journal , vol. 2 : 1974-1986 Paris, B.Grasset; , 430 p. (ISBN  2-246-40261-1 ) .
  • Gilles Ragot and Mathilde Dion, ” The shell building and the city of refuge. Innovation and competence in the 1930s », AMC/Le Moniteur , .
  • French Institute of Architecture, Vingtime century architecture archives , Liège, Pierre Mardaga editor, , 510 p. (ISBN  2-87009-446-9 , read online ) , p. 42–67 .

City of architecture and heritage, XX architectural archive center It is century : Funds Lucien Bechmann (47 IFA).
