Jungle wor stories — Wikipedia


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Following the separation from Western Publishing, Dell Comics is launching new journals including this Jungle War Stories whose concept was original but which will quickly prove to be a plea for the home For American action at Vietnam.

In his mass of publications, Dell fell little on war stories. While almost all of the comics press had abundantly staged the Korean War, this group had not spoken of it. At the end of 1961, early 1962, the hot spots of the globe were undoubtedly the Congo (ex-Belgian) and the Vietnam. At the end of 1961, 25 Americans died in Vietnam since 1956 [ first ] . 53 others will fall in 1962, but the war did not really start. The case, at least at the level of the Americans, is still confined to the constitution of fortified villages ( strategic hamlet program ) and to securing the basics.

Dell therefore has the idea of ​​constituting a review based on wars in the jungle. Wars in this hostile nature not missing throughout history, we therefore expect a variety of times and situations.

In fact, the first issue offers five contemporary stories located in three different geographic areas. Two are in Indochina, two others in the Congo and the last, surprise, evokes the taking of the Portuguese enclaves by the Indian troops in 1961. This originality disappears completely from the second issue. The action will now be confined to Vietnam and with the only Americans.

Captain Duke Larsen, Sergeant Cactus Kane and soldier Mike Williams will be in turn or together the heroes of 42 of the 45 stories. They are still present in the twelve stories and 92 plates of War guerrillas . Indeed the review Jungle War Stories change its name after the number 11 of April 1965 and became War guerrillas , which also continues the numbering of Jungle War Comics .


With the title Jungle War Stories [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

#1 – July 1962 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

first. Requiem for a Red… – 8 plates
Dessins: Bill Francio
History taking place at the Vietnam and featuring Sergeant Cactus Kane and the soldier Mike Williams.
2. Doomsday Flight – 6 plates
Drawings: George Evans
The action takes place in Congo within the peacekeepers. With Sean O’Brien and Joe Navarro.
3. Vietnam Vengeance – 6 plates
Dessins : Reed Crandall
Always with Cactus Kane and Mike Williams and therefore always at Vietnam
4. When Ghost Guns Fly… – 6 plates
Drawings: George Evans
Still in Congo and still with Sean O’Brien and Joe Navarro.
5. The Glory Road – 6 plates
Drawings 😕
The action took place in 1961 during the Vijay operation, which consisted for Indian troops in force the Portuguese territories to the Indies (Daman, Diu and especially Goa, the capital of Portuguese counters in the subcontinent). It was not a war of operetta since around sixty soldiers paid a fight of another age in their lives since, in the absence of Hinterland, the Lusitanian possessions were indefensible.

#2 – January 1963 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

All the scenarios are due to Carl Memling and the drawings in Maurice Whitman.

All stories take place at Vietnam and still with Cactus Kane and Mike Williams.
6. Day of Reckoning… – 8 plates
7. A Walk in the Sun – 8 plates
8. Silence at Station 7 – 8 plates
9. Viet Nam Death-Date – 8 plates

#3 – April 1963 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

All the scenarios are due to Carl Memling and the drawings in Maurice Whitman, unless otherwise indicated.
ten. Scorpion in the Haystack! – 8 plates (drawings: Joe Sinnott)
11. Operation Mongrel! – 8 plates
twelfth. The Dance of Death! – 6 plates
13. The Reluctant Hero! – 6 plates

#4 – April 1963 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

All the scenarios are due to Carl Memling and the drawings in Maurice Whitman, unless otherwise indicated.
14. Violence In The Air – 10 plates (drawings: Joe Sinnott)
15. Mission: Strangle – 7 plates
16. M-U-D Spells Disaster – 8 plates
17. The Year of the Cat – 6 plates

#5 – October 1963 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

All the scenarios are due to Carl Memling and the drawings in Maurice Whitman, unless otherwise indicated.
18. Ring of Fire! – 10 plates (drawings: Joe Sinnott)
19. Run, Yank – Run! – 8 plates
20. Switcheroo! – 8 plates (drawings: Joe Sinnott)
21. The Village Dunces – 4 plates

#6 – October 1963 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

All the drawings are due to Joe Sinnott, the remaining writers (s).
22. Target for Killers – 12 plates
23. Fear In The Delta – 8 plates
24. Behind The Bamboo Wall – 7 plates
25. More Deadly Than The Male – 4 plates

#7 – October 1963 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

All the drawings are due to Maurice Whitman, the writers (s) remain unknown.
26. Save or Be Saved – 9 plates
27. Deadly Masquerade – 9 plates
28. Roger’s Dodgers – 9 plates
29. The Scholar – 4 plates

#8 – July 1964 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

All the drawings are due to Charles Nicholas, the remaining writers (s).
30. Call from a Cripple – 10 plates
thirty first. Surprise Party – 8 plates
32. Star-Studded Blockbuster! – 9 plates
33. The Village Idiot! – 4 plates

#9 – July 1964 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Writers and unknown designers.
34. The Enemy Has Many Faces – 11 plates
35. The Day the Swamp Ran Red – 8 plates
36. Objective: One VIP – 8 plates
37. War Without Bullets – 4 plates

#10 – January 1965 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

All the drawings are due to Maurice Whitman, the writers (s) remain unknown.
38. Hit and Run – 11 plates
39. Curiosity Can Kill Cool Cats – 8 plates
40. Ambush and Destroy – 7 plates
41. One Is a Traitor – 4 plates

#11 – April 1965 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Writers and unknown designers.
42. The Big Blow-Up – 11 plates
43. Pinch The Devil – 8 plates
44. Dragon From The Sky – 8 plates
45. Face of the Enemy – 4 plates

With the title guella [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

#July 12, 1965 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Drawings by George Tuska except for the last story [ 2 ]

first. Die By Water Or By Fire – 9 plates
2. Frontal Assault – 8 plates
3. Peril In Saigon – 9 plates
4. Big Surprise – 5 plates

#December 13, 1965 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Scover: Carl Memling Dessins: Dick Giordano

  • 5. Strike Force One – 11 plates
  • 6. Head-On Assault – 8 plates
  • 7. Kill The Hawk! – 8 plates
  • 8. Surprise Attack – 4 plates

#14 mars 1966 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

9. Death From Below! – 9 plates
ten. Guerrilla Bait! – 8 plates
11. End of the Rope! – 10 plates
twelfth. The Brainless Ones! – 3 plates

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
