Royal-Normandie Regiment Cavalry — Wikipedia


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Royal-Normandy Regiment Cavalry
Image illustrative de l’article Régiment Royal-Normandie cavalerie

Creation 1674
Dissolution 1814
Pays France
Allegiance Drapeau du royaume de France Kingdom of France
Type regiment
Role cavalry

The Royal-Normandy Regiment Cavalry is a cavalry regiment of the Kingdom of France, the French Republic and the First Empire, created in 1674.

  • : Creation of Broglie Cavalry Regiment
  • 1676: renowned Charlus Cavalry Regiment
  • : renowned Lévis Cavalry Regiment
  • : renowned Vaupalière Cavalry Regiment
  • 1707: renowned Bessay Cavalry Regiment
  • 1713: renowned Novion Cavalry Regiment
  • 1717: renowned Charlus Cavalry Regiment
  • 1723: renowned Lévis Cavalry Regiment
  • : renowned Rohan Cavalry Regiment
  • : renowned Henrichemont Cavalry Regiment
  • 1759: renowned Escouloubre Regiment Cavalry
  • : reinforced by incorporation of the poly cavalry and renowned regiment Royal-Normandy Regiment Cavalry [ first ]
  • : renowned 19 It is cavalry regiment
  • 1792: renowned 18 It is cavalry regiment After the desertion of 15 It is (ex royal-German regiment cavalry)
  • September 24, 1803: transformed into dragons, the 27 It is dragons regiment
  • 1814: licensee

Standard [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

4 “yellow ſoye, sun in the middle embroidered in gold, & golden fringes” [ 2 ] .
Identical obverse and reverse

Clothing [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Field masters et colonels [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Victor Maurice de Broglie.
  • : Victor Maurice, count of Broglie, brigadier the , camp marshal , lieutenant general on , marshal of France , †
  • : Charles Antoine de Lévis, Marquis de Poligny, count of Charlus, † 1719
  • : Charles Eugène, Marquis then Duke of Levis, son of the previous one, brigadier the , camp marshal , lieutenant general on , †
  • : N. de Bernières de la Vaupalière
  • 1707: N. du Bessay
  • 1713: N. de Novion
  • 1717: N. de Lévis, count of Charlus
  • 1723: N., Marquis de Lévis
  • : François Charles de Lévis, count of Châteaumorand, brigadier the , camp marshal , lieutenant general on , †
  • : Louis Auguste de Chabot, viscount of Rohan then viscount of Chabot, brigadier the , declared camp marshal in by patent of , †
  • : N. de Béthune-Sully, prince of Henrichemont
  • 1759: Henri François de Monster de Sauton, Marquis d’Escouloubre
  • : Anne Emmanuel Ferdinand François, Prince de Croï-Solre, Maréchal de France en 1783, †
  • : Joseph Marie de Lorraine, Prince of Vaudémont
  • : Élie Charles de Talleyrand-Périgord, Prince of Chalais
  • : Jacques François de la Chaise
  • : Joseph François Régis Camille Gras Serre
  • : Archange Louis by Villaunay Riot D’Apannay
  •  : Jacques Renard Belfort, †
  •  : David Terreyre
  • : Charles François Antoine Lallemand
  • : Louis Charlemagne Prévost

Campaigns and battles [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

18 It is cavalry regiment

The 18 It is cavalry regiment participates with 3 squadrons in the repression of rebellious troops in the Nancy Operation case ” Decided by war ».
He campaigned from 1792 to 1794 in the Rhine army.
Years’ campaigns IV and V at the Rhine-et-Moselle army; An VI at the armies of Germany, Helvetia and Italy; year VII in the army of Italy; years VIII and IX at the reserve and Italy armies.

27 It is dragons regiment

Campaigns of the year XIV at the reserve of the Cavalry of the Grande Army; 1806 at first is Cavalry corps; 1807 at the cavalry reserve corps; 1808 in the Spanish army; 1809 to the armies of Spain and Germany; From 1810 to 1812 to the Spanish army; 1813 to the armies of Spain and Germany; 1814 at 6 It is Cavalry body.

Personalities having served within the regiment [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Gevigney et Mercey [ 3 ] . In 1695 and 1696, the parish registers reported the regiment called “of the Marquis de Levys” “in Cartier to Gevigney”. Appear:
    • Jacques Arsonnet, major surgeon, from Ile-de-France
    • Sieur Ducarnet, company captain in the regiment
    • Philippe du Parcq, marshal of the company of the company from Lille
    • Benoit Roullt Cavalier in the same company, from Montpellier
    • Jean Baptiste Talley, rider in the same company, from “Nery en Bourbonnois”
  • Jussey [ 2 ]
  • 1785 Maubeuge
  • 1787 Douai
  • 1789 Toul
  1. Order first is December 1761, Military State of France for the year 1762 , p. 380 .
  2. a et b Fifth abbreviated by the general map of the military of France, on land and on sea , LEMAU de la Jaisse, Paris, 1739
  3. Parish register, Haute Saone Departmental Archives. EC_267EDEDEPOT2 – Gevigney -et -Mercey 1686/1700 – View 213 and 222

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Fifth abbreviated by the general map of the military of France, on land and on sea – since up to , Pierre Lemau de la Jaisse, Paris 1739
  • Military State of France for the year 1762 , by MM. Montandre-Longchamps, knight of Montandre, and de Roussel, fifth edition, at Guyllin, Paris 1762
  • Historical-military chronicle , Pinard, volumes 3, 4, 5 and 7, Paris 1761, 1761, 1762 and 1764

Related article [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
