Jean-pierre bagot — Wikipedia


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Jean-Pierre Bagot is a French actor born on in Plénée-Jugon (Côtes-d’Armor) and died the in Paris 15 It is [ first ] , [ 2 ] .

Movie theater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Television [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1970: Comic illusion by Robert Maurice
  • 1972: Albert Einstein by Gérard Chouchan
  • 1974: Here, maybe by Gérard Chouchan
  • 1974: Tiger brigades by Victor Vicas, episode: The vultures
  • 1974 to 1975: Black bread of Serge Moati
  • 1975: Die for copernic by Bernard Sobel
  • 1975: Anne-Marie or something else de Maurice Failevic, René
  • 1976: The silence of Jean Prat’s arms
  • 1977: Stolen letters by Pierre Goutas
  • 1977: Madame Langlois’ truth de Claude Santelli
  • 1977: Others’ House de Jean-Pierre Marchand
  • 1977: Désiré Lafarge by Jean-Pierre Gallo
  • 1977: The rebels The Pierre Babel
  • 1978: 1788 de Maurice Failevic
  • 1978: Émile Zola or human conscience The Stellio Lorenzi
  • 1978: Peter Kassovitz miners brigade
  • 1978: Trials witnessing their time by Jean Cazenave
  • 1978: The last five minutes Episode Régis de Guy Lesserteur
  • 1978: The heirs of Jacques Trébouta
  • 1979: a son for the fall of Jean-Pierre Marchand
  • 1979: This man by Gérard Poitou-Weber
  • 1979: Why Patricia? of Guy Jorré
  • 1979: The last five minutes Episode Hunt the natural of Claude Loursais
  • 1980: The four hundred virginie blows from Bernard Queysanne
  • 1980: The fortune of the Rougon of Yves-André Hubert
  • 1980: Gentlemen of Alain Franck’s jurors
  • 1980: The persuit by Philippe Lefebvre
  • 1980: The child and the corridor by Jacques Tréfouël
  • 1981: Maurice Failevic’s horse-vapor
  • 1981: Master Daniel Rock by Paul Planchon
  • 1981: Julien Fontanes, Magistrat (television series, episode The tenth plague of Egypt by Patrick Jamain
  • 1981: Cinema 16 by Jean-Pierre Gallo
  • 1981: My best Christmas by Jacques Tréfouël
  • 1981: Without a family by Jacques Ertaud: Acquin
  • 1982: Paris Saint-Lazare of Marco Pico
  • 1983: Dorothée, Jacques Fansten rope dancer
  • 1984: The heritage of Maurice Failevic
  • 1984 the year Crow de Claude Santelli
  • 1985: Christmas Eve they daniel unloaded
  • 1986: Marie Love de Jean-Pierre Richard
  • 1987: Claude Goretta’s Simenon hour
  • 1987: Died in tenors of Serge Moati
  • 1987: Who is this boy of Nadine Trintignant
  • 1988: The Children’s Crusade by Serge Moati
  • 1989: Maria Vandamme by Jacques Ertaud
  • 1989: Robert Enrico’s hedgehog
  • 1988: The last five minutes (Well, sing now) d’Alain Franck
  • 1989: Joan of Arc, the power of the innocence of Pierre Badel
  • 1990: The Black Virgin of Jean-Jacques Lagrange
  • 1990: AMI GIONO de Claude Santelli
  • 1990: our Juliet of François Luciani
  • 1991: Serge Moati’s trap
  • 1992: Miss Moscow by Gilles Carle
  • 1992: The dancers of the Mozambique of Philippe Lefebvre
  • 1992: urgency to love by Philippe Le Guay
  • 1993: The Seznec affair Yves Boisset
  • 1993: Instit: the dogs and wolves of François Luciani: Fernand Rey
  • 1993: free fall by Yves Boisset
  • 1993: Philippe Monnier’s betrayed brother
  • 1993: Nestor Burma (television series) , season 3, episode 3: Bleach waters : Giraud, the counter-master
  • 1994: Julie Lescaut: blackboard of Josée Dayan
  • 1994: The Cordier Judge and Cop: Mortal combination: M. Patinella
  • 1995: the last five minutes: a dead on the pavement of Jean-Marc Seban
  • 1996: Daniel Vigne island sinners
  • 1996: The Fires of Saint-Jean by François Luciani
  • 1997: Rachel and his loves by Jacob Berger: Samuel Bertignat
  • 1997: calm sea … agitated death of Charles Nemes
  • 1997: Adventurer in spite of himself of Marc Rivière
  • 2000: Researchers of heirs: a postcard for Rome de Williams Crépin
  • 2001: CRIM ‘: the risen of Denis Amar
  • 2001: Louis Page: The benefactor of Heikki Arekallio
  • 2001: Algeria of the Chimera of François Luciani
  • 2002: Maigret and the Maison de Félicie de Christian de Chalonge
  • 2002: Jean Moulin de Yves Boisset
  • 2003: Justice for cough: Marine de Patrick Poubel
  • 2003: How do you become capitalist? The Christiane Spiero
  • 2009: Joséphine Ange Guardien: Jurors enemies of Christophe Barbier
  • 2009: The Salengro affair Yves Boisset
  • 2009: Claude Gueux by Olivier Shatzky
  • 2010: Nicolas Le Floch: The Grand Veneur of Christophe Barraud
  • 2010: the Venetian of Gilles Perrault
  • 2011: Heatstroke by Christophe Barraud
  • 2011: Julie Lescaut , episode 2 season 20, Exit from Seine by Christophe Barbier: Joseph
  • 1966: the affair of rue de Lourcine, of Eugène Labiche, staging of Patrice Chéreau
  • 1967: The soldiers of Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz, staging of Patrice Chéreau
  • 1967: Chinese pieces: snow in the middle of the summer and the thief of women of Guan Hanqing, staging of Patrice Chéreau
  • 1967: The Devil and the Good Lord of Jean-Paul Sartre, staging of Georges Wilson, TNP
  • 1967: Angora oak and rabbits of Martin Walser, staging of Georges Wilson, TNP
  • 1969: The resistable ascent of Arturo Ui by Bertolt Brecht, staging of Georges Wilson, TNP
  • 1972: Titus Andronicus by William Shakespeare, staging Michel Dubois, Caen Comedy
  • 1973: I have confidence in the justice of my country by Alain Scoff, staging of the author, Mouffetard Theater and Avignon Festival
  • 1974: the peace of Christian Liger, staged Michel Dubois, comedy of Caen
  • 1981: The Bourgeois Gentilhomme (Role of Jourdain) by Molière, directed by Jérôme Savary
  • In 1984: Get Herbert ector carbector, Making a Sciet Unicer, Nouleau Thieveâttous
  • 1984: While waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckettmise on stage by Claude Yersin, new Théâtre d’Angers
  • 1988: Marcus-Brutus by Paul Foster, staged Robert Fortune, Théâtre des Célestins
  • 1989: Hamlet by William Shakespeare, staged Patrice Chéreau, Nanterre-Amandiers Theater, European tour
  • 1990: The good soul of the Se-Tchouan by Bertolt Brecht Staged by Bernard Sobel, Théâtre de Gennevilliers
  • 1993: Threepenny Lear by William Shakespeare, directed by Bernard Sobel, Théâtre de Gennevilliers
  • 1993: Marie d’Isaac Babel, directed by Bernard Sobel, Théâtre de Gennevilliers
  • 1993: The resistable ascent of Arturo Ui by Bertolt Brecht, staging of Jérôme Savary
  • 1994: Nora or what happened when she had left her husband as Elféde Jelinek, directed by Claudia Stavisky, National Theater of the Hill
  • 1995: Mother Courage and her children of Bertolt Brecht, directed by Jérôme Savary
  • 1996: As you want me from Luigi Pirandello, directed by Claudia Stavisky, Théâtre de Gennevilliers
  • 1997: Dages Lood Lasifes well many of the Between Vienna Rights brighen streets the Belrienis Rights, Thostel7 Gol Club De Lid The La Collaine
  • 2001: The Locman’s Sanndoni, Misine Elded lavydie, The centurant, Theater
  • 2004: Lots of noise for nothing William Shakespeare, staging of Laurent Laffargue, theater of the city
  • 2004: You can only carnate “44 with an assoger Europe butERSN, Nouveau Thieveâtto
  • 2006: The child dreams of Hanoch Levin, staged Stéphane Braunschweig, Strasbourg National Theater
  • 2007: The three sisters of Anton Tchekhov, staging of Stéphane Braunschweig, National Theater of Strasbourg
  • 2008: Tartuffe de Molière, staging of Stéphane Braunschweig, Strasbourg National Theater
  • 2009: Uncle Vania by Anton Tchekhov, staging by Claudia Stavisky, Théâtre des Célestins
  • 2013: pussy on a burning roof of Tennessee Williams, staging by Claudia Stavisky, Théâtre des Célestins

Les experts : Miami – Frank Tripp (Rex Linn)

The fifth element-Brion James (General Munro)

  • Audiovisual resources Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata:
  • Resource relating to the show Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata:
