Northeast region (North Macedonia)-Wikipedia


The Northeast region (in Macedonian: Northeast region ) is one of the eight statistical regions of North Macedonia. The northeast region is border of Kosovo, Serbia and Bulgaria.


The northeast region extends to the Kriva basin, a river which has its source near the Bulgarian border and then flows west to the Ptchinya. The latter arrives from Serbia from the north and then throws herself into the Vardar. The Kriva valley is supervised by massifs which give natural borders to the region. In the east and south, it is separated from Bulgaria and the Eastern region by the Osogovo mountains, while various summits materialize the Serbian border in the north. In its western part, the region however has a less marked relief, which approaches that of the Vardar valley, with the plains and the hills of žGligovo. The žgligovo also opens to Serbia and it is an important natural road axis. The Municipality of Lipkovo, which forms the western end of the region, occupies part of the skopska Crna Gora, a massive distributed between Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia.

The lowest flat stretches and hills are used for agriculture, while mountain ranges are mainly covered by the forest. The mountainous subsoil is relatively rich in minerals, including iron, lead and copper.

The climate is variable depending on the altitude. He is moderate continental in the plain, with some Aegean influences, and mountain in the heights. The winters are quite cold, with snow, moderately hot summers and falls are long and hot [ first ] .

A church of Koumanovo in the 1920s

The region is inhabited from the Neolithic and it still has the remains of villages of this period. It also has the two most important prehistoric sites in Northern Macedonia: the megalithic observatory of Kokino and the Tsotsev Kamen cave. In the Middle Ages, the cities of Kratovo and Koumanovo appear, and several monasteries are founded, notably in Psatcha and Staro Nagoritchané.

The territory is won over by the Turks at the end of XIV It is century. They reorganize and develop cities, notably Kriva Palanca, founded in 1633 by a vizier. The region was particularly struck by the Great Turkish War in 1689, because the local population joined forces with the Austrians and took control of the main strong places. Karpoch, the local commander, is also made “King of Koumanovo” by the Austrians. The latter quickly lose ground, and the Turks resume the region before the end of the year.


The northeast region brings together 6 municipalities:

Population [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

According to the 2002 census, the northeast region has 173,814 inhabitants. It is characterized by an important Albanian minority, which is concentrated in the western part of the region, in Lipkovo, where it is the majority, and in Koumanovo. The fertility index, 1.4, is one of the lowest in Macedonia, and the population is relatively old, with an average of 39 years [ 2 ] .

Year Population Evolution
1994 163,841 N/A
2002 173,814 +6.84%

Ethnic distribution [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The region is an important road crossroads because it is both on the road between Skopje and Belgrade and Skopje and Sofia. Nevertheless, the road to Bulgaria is narrow and there is not yet a railway in this direction. The region therefore remains relatively isolated, especially in its eastern part. Koumanovo is one of the largest cities in the country and it is a large industrial center.

However, the region remains the least developed in Macedonia [ first ] .

The northeast region has an important historical heritage, with the tsotsev kamen rock site, the Kokino megalithic observatory, comparable to Stonehenge, but also the old-city of Kratovo, renowned for its traditional architecture, its bridges and its Medieval towers. Kriva Planka and Koumanovo also have churches of XIX It is century, like Saint-Dimitri and Saint-Nicolas, as well as traces of the Ottoman occupation, such as the Tatar Sinan Bey mosque in Koumanovo.

The Osogovo monastery, founded in XII It is century, is one of the most important in all of Macedonia, and the Saint-Georges church of Staro Nagoritchané, founded by King Stefan II Milutin de Serbia, is a remarkable example of medieval Serbian architecture. The church of Psatcha is recognized for its frescoes of XIV It is who represent sovereigns of the time. The Karpino monastery, formerly important, was seriously damaged during the Second World War. Finally, the Mateytché monastery has a church in the XIV It is century.

The region finally has an important natural site, the Kouklitsa fairy chimneys.

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