2012 legislative elections in Haute-Savoie-Wikipedia


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Results of legislative elections in Haute-Savoie in

THE 2012 French legislative elections took place on the 10 and . In the department of Haute-Savoie, six deputies were elected within the framework of six constituencies, one more than during the previous legislatures, due to electoral redistribution.

Constituency He up (e) Beat (e) (seconds place)
Party Name % suf. expr. Party Name % suf. expr.
first is tour 2 It is  tour first is  tour 2 It is  tour
first re UMP Bernard Accoyer , outgoing 56.07% PS Sylvie Gillet de Thorey 25.94%
2E UMP Lionel Tardy 34.16% 55.51% NC Bernard Bosson, Sortant 25.73% 44.49%
3e UMP Martial Saddier , outgoing 54.78% PS Sébastien Montessuit 13.30%
4e UMP Claude Birraux , outgoing 53.67% PS Ali HARABI 15.49%
5E UMP Marc Francina 49.28% 63.59% PS Clotilde Verguet 16.81% 36.41%

Analyse [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Department -scale results [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Departmental results of the 2012 legislative elections in Haute-Savoie
Party Premier tour Second tour Seats
Voice % Voice %
Union for a popular movement 95 916 34.50 140 964 56.02 6
Socialist Party 57 543 20.70 79 696 31.67
Front national 36 641 13.18
Various right dont DLR, PCD 20 608 7.41
Europe Ecology The Greens 19 960 7.18 15 324 6.09
Left front 10 483 3.77
Radical left party 9 373 3.37 15 649 6.22
Radical parts 7 917 2.85
Various environmentalists (Lt, ai, fea, wet it 5 905 2.12
MoDem 5 250 1.89
Other 2 903 1.04
New center 2 384 0.86
Leftmost dont lo, npa, then 2 115 0.76
Regionalists 579 0.21
Republican national movement 431 0.16
Registered 505 078 100.00 504 375 100.00
Abstentions 223 848 44.32 245 284 48.63
Voters 281 230 55.68 259 091 51.37
White and draw 3 222 1.15 7 458 2.88
Expressed 278 008 98.85 251 633 97,12

Results by constituency [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

First district of Haute-Savoie [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Outgoing deputy: Bernard Accoyer (UMP)

Re -elected deputy: Bernard Accoyer (UMP)

Results of the legislative elections of 10 and from first re Constituency of Haute-Savoie
Candidate Party Premier tour [ first ] Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Bernard Accoyer* UMP 23 511 43.45 27 473 56.06
Christian Jeantet PS 16 936 31.3 21 535 43.94
André Adobati FN 6 799 12.56
Claude Comet Eelv 2 763 5.11
Éliane Chazal FG 1 709 3.16
Raphaël Gallet DLR 783 1.45
Stéphane Gogibus The Clover 541 1.00
Sylvain Socquet-jugardard AEI 348 0.64
Hamdy BousSouiba Per 320 0.59
Bethsabée Lunel NPA 222 0.41
Jean-Paul Macé IT 179 0.33
Registered 93 164 100.00 93 143 100.00
Abstentions 38 393 41.21 42 777 45.93
Voters 54 771 58.79 50 366 54.07
White and draw 660 1.21 1 358 2.70
Expressed 54 111 98.79 49 008 97.30
* outgoing deputy

Second district of Haute-Savoie [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Outgoing deputy: Lionel Tardy (UMP)

Re -elected deputy: Lionel Tardy (UMP)

Results of the legislative elections of 10 and from 2 It is Constituency of Haute-Savoie
Candidate Party Premier tour [ 2 ] Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Lionel Tardy* UMP 21 668 41.72 26 360 56.50
Denis Duperthuy PS 15 237 29.34 20 297 43.50
Claude Biesse FN 6 561 12.63
Francois Astorg EELV 2 632 5.07
Nathalie Hiraux FG 1 904 3.67
Laurent Viotto MoDem 1 682 3.24
Nadia Chaumeton LFA 573 1.1
Quentin cheeset DLR 472 0.91
Claude Baudoin AEI 415 0.8
Philippe Métral-Boffod NPA 386 0.74
Jean-Pierre Dagand THEN [ 3 ] 229 0.44
Jacquesse with it IT 181 0.35
Registered 90 295 100.00 90 269 100.00
Abstentions 37 791 41.85 42 429 47.00
Voters 52 504 58.15 47 840 53.00
White and draw 564 1.07 1 183 2.47
Expressed 51 940 98.93 46 657 97.53
* outgoing deputy

Third district of Haute-Savoie [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Outgoing deputy: Martial Saddier (UMP)

Re -elected deputy: Martial Saddier (UMP)

Results of the legislative elections of 10 and from 3 It is Constituency of Haute-Savoie
Candidate Party Premier tour [ 4 ] Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Martial Saddier* UMP 14 952 35,61 22 006 58.95
Gilbert Saille EELV-PS 11 392 27.13 15 324 41.05
Katia Lands FN 6 012 14.32
Jean-Luc Arcade PRV 3 484 8.3
Jean-Marc Bouchet DVD 2 332 5.55
Roland can FG 1 782 4.24
Joseph grilled Per 572 1.36
Olivia Giorgio DLR 464 1.11
Nathalie Morel Aéi 542 1.29
Claude bathed NPA 226 0.54
François Chagniot THEN [ 3 ] 118 0.28
Raphaël Ponsard IT 109 0.26
Registered 75 157 100.00 75 236 100.00
Abstentions 32 566 43.33 36 601 48.65
Voters 42 591 56.67 38 635 51.35
White and draw 606 1.42 1 305 3.38
Expressed 41 985 98.58 37 330 96,62
* outgoing deputy

Fourth district of Haute-Savoie [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Outgoing deputy: Claude Birraux (UMP)

Elected deputy: Virginie Duby-Muller (UMP)

Results of the legislative elections of 10 and from 4 It is Constituency of Haute-Savoie
Candidate Party Premier tour [ 5 ] Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Virginie Duby-Muller UMP 12 718 31.39 20 816 55.50
Guillaume Mathelier PS 11 598 28.63 16 691 44.50
Anne Bardoux FN 5 710 14.09
Antoine Vielliard MoDem 3 568 8.81
Claude Deweng based DVD 2 555 6.31
Catherine Walthert-Selosse EELV 1 818 4.49
Daniel Richard FG 1 481 3.66
Jean-LUC PASSARO The Clover 344 0.85
Maurice Megevand With 314 0.78
Christian Curdy Per 255 0.63
Catherine Derrien IT 150 0.37
Registered 80 042 100.00 79 941 100.00
Abstentions 39 139 48.90 41 585 52.02
Voters 40 903 51.10 38 356 47.98
White and draw 392 0.96 849 2.21
Expressed 40 511 99.04 37 507 97.79

Fifth district of Haute-Savoie [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Outgoing deputy: Marc Francina (UMP)

Dépé Déupé: FRANC Francina (UMP)

Results of the legislative elections of 10 and from 5 It is Constituency of Haute-Savoie
Candidate Party Premier tour [ 6 ] Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Pascale Escoubès PS 13 772 28.66 21 173 48.03
Marc Francina* UMP 13 772 28.66 22 914 51.97
Astrid Baud-Roche UMP diss. 7 226 15.04
Patrick Chevallay FN 5 532 11.51
Jean-christophe bernaz With 2 688 5.59
Odile Rouffignac FG 1 673 3.48
Émilie Delbays-Atgé Eelv 1 355 2.82
Jean-Paul Frison-Roche MR 431 0.90
Laurent Negro The Clover 426 0.89
Franck Gossmann Aéi 287 0.60
Marie-Pierre Facchinetti Per 256 0.53
Loïc Le Floch DLR 237 0.49
Martine Morel-Sawalich PRC 215 0.45
Christine Passah IT 175 0.36
Registered 90 541 100.00 89 907 100.00
Abstentions 41 913 46.29 44 219 49.18
Voters 48 628 53.71 45 688 50.82
White and draw 583 1.20 1 601 3.50
Expressed 48 045 98.80 44 087 96.50
* outgoing deputy

Sixth district of Haute-Savoie [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

New district

Elected deputy: Sophie Dion (UMP)

Results of the legislative elections of 10 and from 6 It is Constituency of Haute-Savoie
Candidate Party Premier tour [ 7 ] Second tour
Voice % Voice %
Marie-France Marcos Prg-pps 9 373 22.63 15 649 42.24
Sophie Dion UMP 9 295 22.44 21 395 57.76
Dominique Martin FN 6 027 14.55
Georges Morand UMP diss. 4 636 11.19
Jean-Marc Peillex PRV 4 433 10.7
Loïc Hervé NC 2 384 5.76
Gilbert Perrin FG 1 934 4.67
Philippe Deparis App. Modem 1 450 3.5
Alain Burtin LS 579 1.4
Corinne Baro Per 514 1.24
Elsa Rinck The Clover 512 1.24
Denise gomez IT 140 0.34
Romain Fromaget DLR 139 0.34
Registered 75 888 100.00 75 879 100.00
Abstentions 34 056 44.88 37 673 49.65
Voters 41 832 55.12 38 206 50.35
White and draw 416 0.99 1 162 3.04
Expressed 41 416 99.01 37 044 96.96
