Pierre Louis Bentabole — Wikipedia


Pierre Louis Bentabolle is a French revolutionary, born in Landau the And died in Paris the .


Life before the Revolution [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bentabole is the son of a military food entrepreneur who enriched himself during the seven -year war. He followed law studies and became a lawyer in Colmar before the Revolution.

Revolutionary start of career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

With a nervous and carried away, Bentabole is in the early days of the Revolution an exalted patriot.

He held the functions of Attorney General Syndic of the Bas-Rhin department.

To the convention [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The “maratist” deputy [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The , he is elected to the National Convention for Bas-Rhin, by 293 votes out of 386 voters.

True to his ideals, Bentabole sits with the Montagnards, of which he is one of the most violent representatives. He thus becomes a faithful friend of Marat, of which he shares most of the ideas. His friendship with the Friend of the people The very fact nicknamed “Marat the cadet” by his colleagues.


At the trial of Louis XVI, he voted without hesitation for the death of the fallen sovereign: “I see Louis Souillé of the blood of his victims, for the tranquility of my homeland, for his happiness, I vote death. »»

It is also a fierce enemy of the Girondins, which he vehemently attacks. For example, he made accusation of General Wimpffen, commander of the federalist armies.

At the beginning of the year II he was elected member of the war committee.

A mission [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In , he is sent on a mission to the North Army. It was during this mission that he began a relationship with a rich aristocrat widow, young lady Charlotte Adélaïde de Chabot, who will become his wife at La Bazoche-Gouet in Eure-et-Loir on 21 Ventôse year II ( ) [ first ] , [ Note 1 ] . Thanks to this union, he bought land and became a squire of the Bazoche-Gouet.

At the end of 1793, he was sent to many departments: in November he was in the Pyrénées-Orientales then in Aude, in December in Orne and Eure-et-Loir.

Conversion to moderantism [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Back in Paris, the influence of his wife brings him back to more moderate political opinions. He binds to the Dantonists and supports the “indulgent” campaign. He also protests to the convention of patriotism of his friend Hérault de Délèlles, in vain for the latter who is executed. He also holds with his wife one of the most important games in the capital, very close to the Duplay house where Robespierre resides.

After Danton’s death, Bentabole becomes a target for Robespierre. He therefore participated in the plot which causes the incorruptible fall on 9 Thermidor.

Role under the thermidorian convention [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

After Thermidor, Bentabole participates in the dismemberment of the revolutionary government. From 13 Thermidor, he asked for the report of decrees which allow committees to have representatives arrested without it being heard by the Convention, as had been the case when the Dantonists were eliminated. Bentabole’s proposal is enthusiastically accepted by his colleagues.

On the 26th Thermidor, he attacks with Tallien and Merlin de Thionville the “continuators of Robespierre” and asked for the renewal of the general security committee. In fructidor, he attacks the Jacobins club which he accuses of wanting to supplant the Convention and of being dominated by intriguing.

On 15 Vendémiaire year III, he entered the general security committee in the company of other thermidorians reactors such as Reubell, Reverchon and Laporte. Shortly after he called for the final closure of the Jacobins.

The first is niveen and III ( ), while the thermidorian reaction accelerates, it is elected president of the Convention.

It was at this point that Bentabole begins to distance from the right, frightened by the rise in the reaction which could compromise it as a former maratist. He was thus reluctant in the face of the reinstatement of Gironde deputies and had the Girondin Bailleul’s proposal reject to condemn all the former terrorists to deportation. He therefore opposed as much to the royalists as to the mountaineers.
In Thermidor An III, he decides against the trial of terrorists imprisoned on the pretext that the courts are composed of royalists and emigrants.

In Vendémiaire year IV (October 1795), after the announcement of the results of the elections unfavorable to the thermidorians, he asked that the agreement is divided into two chambers and Élise on the field the Directory, without waiting for the arrival of the new deputies. Following in this the desires of Tallien, Bentabole and his friends wish to cancel the results but the maneuver fails under the pressure of the moderates led by Thibaudeau.

End of career at the Council of Five Hundred [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bentabolle still managed to be re-elected to the Council of Five Hundred. He sits there among the moderate republicans partisans of the Directory. It hardly appears in the gallery, if not to attack dilapidators and fight the abuses committed in public finances.

Cataloged by the government like Jacobin, it is not re -elected in year VI. He died soon after, spite it-on [Who ?] , at the age of 44.

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. In the Bazoche-Gouet civil status register held by the Departmental Archives of Eure-et-Loir (3rd 027/007 hill, view 183), a letter from Bentabole is published which indicates his age on the day of Her marriage, 38 years old. On the following view, it is indicated that the birth certificate has reached and that the date of birth is the .

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]
