tangy Pastureau — Wikipedia


Tanguy Pastureau , born the In Pessac, in Gironde, is a French humorist and columnist. He also used the pseudonym of Tanguy Suntorii .


Youth and training [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Tanguy (spelled tangi in civil status [ first ] ) Pastureau is born in Pessac from Breton parents, officials at La Poste. He spends the first twenty years of his life in Brittany, living in particular in Rosporden, Carantec and Cancale [ 2 ] , as well as in Château-Gontier in Mayenne.

Former student of the Lycée de Cornouaille de Quimper [ 3 ] , after a BTS tourism, he performs a civil service in Rouen in a social reintegration organization of former prisoners [ 4 ] .

Volunteer activity on the radio [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1997, Tanguy Pastureau started on radio within Radio RC2 in Canteleu (Seine-Maritime) under the pseudonym of Tanguy Suntorii [ 5 ] . He hosts several programs there, including Happening , a humor and society program alongside Emmanuel Lautréamont, directed by Bernard Grancher.

In 2000, he became a volunteer at Radio HDR in Rouen. He contributes to programs like Panoramic lounge or A very beautiful picking in Mururoa Alongside Emmanuel Lautréamont and Willy Ducasse. The whole is once again produced by Bernard Grancher.

In the process, of To , he created his own program on HDR, the Suncarers show , an absurd talk show with improbable sections (notably the “press review for free newspapers”, essentially a chronicle of advertising prospectuses). Many stakeholders surround him in this exercise: Emmanuel Lautréamont, Willy Ducasse, the designer Éléonore Foret, the poet Jean-Dick Pinson and the music group Megazone.


Under this pseudonym, he also made the short film, Capital Christmas , selected in 2003 at the Film Film Film Amateur [ 6 ] .

Professional activity on radio [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

From 2003 to the end of 2007, Tanguy Pastureau worked, still under the pseudonym of Suntorii or Mr. Suntorii, on Radio Nova for which he wrote a number of mood tickets and shifted chronicles, still in the morning. In , he co -written for radio nova a radio soap opera entitled The mystery of the cave .

He also made short live interventions in the streets of Paris, often wacky. In , his mission is to intervene when he seemed to he seems on the antenna of the Cityradio de Paris, in red thread. In , on the occasion of the merger between the Cityradio de Paris and France Bleu Melun, leading to the creation of France Bleu Île-de-France, the humorist moved to the morning tranche of 6 a.m. of the host Bill Debruge. During the summer of 2007, he had a few weeks of animation in the afternoon in a program punctuated by delusional games and dialogues with broken sticks with the station listeners.

In , we find him again in the morning, in the program of Bill Debruge. He presents series of false news, a press review of magazines, a top 5 of news and other sequences.

In 2008, after an allusion to RTL radio during a day of strike at Radio France, he was spotted by Jacques Esnous, director of information on RTL, who hires him [ 7 ] . Of To , he provides a two -minute column there every morning in the show of Vincent Parizot (“The titles of the pipe info”), as well as a offbeat newspaper of the day, lasting 4 minutes 30, in the show Rtl soir Presented by Christophe Hondelatte. At the start of the 2011 school year, he stayed on RTL but spent weekends: he provides a shifted press review on Friday evening at 19 h 50 , as well as chronicles around the news in the morning of Saturday and Sunday presented by Bernard Poirette, until 2017.

D’ To , he is the author of a humorous weekly column (“Tanguy Pastureau pays the news”) in the free daily life Metro .

In , he arrives on France Inter to join the program The original band Presented by Nagui, with a daily chronicle entitled “Tanguy Pastureau mistreats the info” [ 8 ] .

Since September 2021, he hosted a program on Saturday evening with Alex Vizorek, Pastek : a offbeat and humorous press review.

TV activity [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2009, Tanguy Pastureau ensured until A chronicle on France 2 in the program You will have the last word Hosted by Franz-Olivier Giesbert. During the program , he made a corrosive chronicle towards Bernadette Chirac, Giesbert then expressing his disagreement [ 9 ] . Following this column, the humorist is not renewed in the program, replaced by Nicolas Bedos. The humorist explained on this incident during an interview [ ten ] .

In 2010, until June, he made a column on France 4 in the program Do not touch My TV ! De Cyril Hanouna.

In , he joined Le Lab.ô by Sébastien Folin on France Ô and makes a chronicle entitled “Minorities Report” where he humorously crunches the life of minorities in France and in the world. In , his chronicle is transformed into a caustic portrait of the show’s guest, through a revisited biography.

In , he joined the program Press review In Paris Première, hosted by Jérôme de Verdière, where he made a stripping portrait of the political guest of the show, posing as a guest fan. On the same channel, he holds from A chronicle entitled “Tanguy Pastureau’s political week” in the program Zemmour and Naulleau up to .

D’ To , he presents the chronicle “Les Infos Pasteureau” in the program L’Hebdo Show d’Arthur on TF1. He will resume until His column in the show Five to seven with Arthur , adaptation of the program L’Hebdo Show in daily format.

From , he is a columnist on C8 in the program Sunday earthlings by Thierry Ardisson [ 11 ] .

Publications [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Work that presents Urbanball, a discipline invented by Dean Ildefonse.
  • Tanguy Pastureau, 2012 The presidential guide. To read before elect , Paris, Éditions Michel Lafon, 2012, 160 p. (ISBN  978-2-7499-1585-2 )

Spectacle [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 2019-2020: Tanguy Pastureau – is not famous , Casino theater, tour

Filmography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Music [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Tanguy Pastureau, Tanuy suntorii et les erreurs 404 , written and sung by himself on mobile phones music [ 13 ] .
  1. We are not lying » , on youtube.com ,
  2. Tanguy Pastureau: I am a plouc » , on Youtube.com , .
  3. Tanguy Pastureau: racism, Will Smith, and me » , on Youtube.com , .
  4. Anne dream, 10 things to know about the humorist Tanguy Pastureau » , on The Obscance , .
  5. (in) Presentation in English of the beginnings of Tanguy Pastureau , Speedylook.com .
  6. Quotation archived on the site of the anti-star project .
  7. “Tanguy Pastureau in the big leagues” , Ouest-France.fr , September 27, 2013.
  8. Benjamin Meffre, France Inter: Tanguy Pastureau joins the Nagui program » , on www.ozap.com , (consulted the ) .
  9. Julien Lalande, Videubuzz: Giesbert annoyed by one of his columnists » ( Archive.org Wikiwix Archive.is Google • What to do ?) , on Ozap.com , .
  10. Julien Mielcarek, Tanguy Pastureau: “I cannot believe that Giesbert is really upset” » ( Archive.org Wikiwix Archive.is Google • What to do ?) , on Ozap.com , .
  11. Kevin Boucher, “” Sunday earthlings “: Thierry Ardisson declines” Hi Terriens! ” From September 10 on C8 ” on Puremedia , August 22, 2017.
  13. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x14dqm6
