Charles of Viry — Wikipedia


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The count Charles de viry , born the in Douglas (island of Man) and died on In Chambéry, is a magistrate and politician, from an old Savoyard noble family.

Family [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Charles Joseph Hippolyte de Viry is born the , in Douglas (island of Man) [ first ] . He is the son of François-Joseph-Marie-Henri La Perrière de Viry (born in 1766 in London and died in 1820 in Tours), career soldier in the service of the King of Sardinia, who resigned to pass under that of the future king of United Kingdom, George IV, and which also becomes a member of the House of Commons. He is also the grandson of Justin de Viry, former ambassador of the King of Sardinia-Piémont in London.

The latter had emigrated to England during the occupation of Savoy by French troops. François married Augusta Montagu-Sandwich (1769-1849), daughter of John Montagu (4th count of Sandwich), with whom he will have four sons and four daughters. Charles is the latest born. His father did not return until 1818 in family lands [ 2 ] .

Charles de Viry married, in September 1839, Rose-Jeanne-Marie, known as Jenny , de Piochet de Salins (1807-1842). They will have a son, Edmond (…- 1881), artillery captain in the Sardinian army, without alliance or posterity and a girl, Albertine, dead child.


Career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Charles de Viry studied law. He is advisor to the Nice Court of Appeal [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] .

After a career as a magistrate, he was elected in 1853 as a deputy for Savoy in the Turin Parliament, representing the college of Saint-Julien during the IV It is legislature [ 4 ] . He actually succeeded Hippolyte Pissard (1849-1852), then Eugène de Roussy de Sales (1852-1853).

He declared in 1859 to the House “I know that you will come to tell me that we are the representatives of the whole nation and not of a province. But no matter how much you will do, you will not abuse the Alps that separate the Savoy from Italy and you will never make Savoy an Italian province! »» [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] , modifying an anterior quote [ Note 1 ] , [ 9 ] . He thus expresses the Savoyards’ feeling in the face of the Risorgimento policy of the Maison de Savoie, which engages them in a war against Austria which seems to them far from their concerns [ ten ] . His opposition earned him to be deprived of speech during the session of [ 3 ] . While threatening to resign, the president of the Council Cavour invites him to also give that of advisor [ 3 ] .

In the aftermath of the annexation of the Duchy of Savoy in 1860, he became an advisor to the Royal Court of Appeal in Chambéry, then ended his career as an honorary advisor at the Caen Court of Appeal [ 11 ] .

Charles de Viry dies the , in the ancient capital of the Duchy, Chambéry [ 3 ] .

Charles de Viry was made:

Notes [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. The original expression is “At each event, the Alps rise and the Jura lowers” , whose paternity, according to the historian Paul Guichonnet, is given either to the prosecutor François Renand, in Taninges in 1851 [ 6 ] , either at the Pantaleon Marquis Costa de Beauregard [ 7 ] , also in Charles de Viry [ 8 ] .

References [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  1. a et b Cote LH//2732/12 » , Base Léonore, French Ministry of Culture
  2. André Palluel-Guillard , Eagle and Cross: Geneva and Savoy, 1798-1815 , Cabedita editions, , 662 p. (ISBN  978-2-88295-260-8 ) , p. 235 and notice p.625 .
  3. A B C D and E François Miquet, « Savoy representatives in the Sardinian Parliament », SAVOISIENY REVUE , vol. XI – Series II, n O 36, , p. 171-178 and 269-270 ( read online ) .
  4. A B and C Paul Guichonnet, How Savoy rallied to France , Syllable, coll. “French Savoy”, , 141 p. , p. 55 .
  5. Acts of the Subalpine Parliament. Discussions of the Chamber of Deputies , Session of 1859 (VI Legislature), Volume III, Typography Eredi Botta Rome, 1875, p.343 ( read online ).
  6. Paul Guichonnet, “The sentimental baggage of Savoy” ( pp. 9-12 ), Savoy Revue , 1960.
  7. Paul Guichonnet, New Haute-Savoie encyclopedia: yesterday and today , Montmélian, La Fontaine de Siloé, , 399 p. (ISBN  978-2-84206-374-0 , read online ) , p. 14 .
  8. Paul Guichonnet ( pref.  Henri Baud), History of the annexation of Savoy to France and its secret files , Roanne, Horvath editions, , 354 p. (ISBN  978-2-7171-0235-2 ) , p. 71 .
  9. Charles Dufayard, History of Savoy , Boivin & cie, 1930, p.306
  10. Régine Boisier , Adrien: Son of a peasant, called the Aristo , The Siloé fountain, , 363 p. (ISBN  978-2-84206-213-2 ) , p. 83 .
  11. Historical Review of the West , Volume 3, p. 127 .

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