Laurent Rachou — Wikipedia


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Laurent Rachou , born the in Talence (Gironde), died on (at 52) in Auch (Gers) [ first ] , [ 2 ] is a French playwright, actor and director.

Trained at the Copeau method, by Jean-Louis Lagoanère, traveling companion of Louis Jouvet and Charles Dullin, he plays many classic and contemporary authors.

Decided to express his ideas and his vision of the world, he writes and realizes his own pieces. Nicknamed The rebel at a hundred causes , he hires his speech and his creations both in the teaching, social, political and of course cultural fields. He is the creator of new forms of scenic concepts, such as “slideshow”, the “confedusses”, the “expo-vox” … from Bordeaux to Paris, via Montreal, it was in 1995 that He established himself in the Gers, where he decides to defend culture for all in rural areas. Since 2010, he has been a city councilor of the city of Lectoure.

  • 1988: in Vino Veritas * Son et Lumière
  • 1989: The album and Kantouvitouva * Comedy-Collage, ( According to Charles Trenet’s work )
  • 1990: she hates me * comedy-monologist
  • 1991: Ane & Man * Comedy-Musical
  • 1992: Blue pineapple * Comedy-Politics
  • 1995: Le Bocal * Comedy-Social
  • 1997: Do you have the spirit 16? * Comédie-Policière ( According to the life and work of Conan Doyle )
  • 1998: Don Quixote * Opera-Play-Back / L’Ecclesiaste * Théâtre-Théologique
  • 1999: All Molière or almost … * Comedy-Collage / The Ô * Comedy-Science-Fiction / Mystery Guy * One Man Show
  • 2000: Pierrot * Comedy in verse (according to “Les Secrets de la Nuit” by Michel Tournier) /… and the man measures the world * Street theater
  • 2001: Light lovers * Shadow Theater / Serfs to pecnocrats * Outdoor Theater / The Mystery of Terraube * Theater-Historical
  • 2002: The 4 elements * Son & Lumière
  • 2003: Pen horse * Theater-poetic / Marco Polo * Luminous fresco
  • 2004: Mona and me * Luminous fresco ( According to Leonardo da Vinci’s work )
  • 2005: The death of the Duke of Enghien * Theater-Historic
  • 2006: Grain d’or * Théâtre-Historique
  • 2007: La Noce * Theater-Social
  • 2008: Peter Peon * Theater-Social
  • 2009: this obscure clarity .. * Son and itinerant light / To war as in war * theater-historic

Theater (performer for external companies) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1988: Everything has been said 100 times on Boris Vian * Cabaret
  • 1989: Z’ à la carte scenes * cabaret / humor attacks 1 and 2 * cabaret
  • 1992: While waiting for Godasse 1 * Cabaret
  • 1993: Monsieur 2 de la Fontaine * Théâtre-Biographique
  • 1994: Women and Fou * Theater-Social
  • 1995: The film of the films * Son et Lumière
  • 1996: The miracle of Jacques * Théâtre-Médieval / Les Bucoliques * Théâtre-Antique (after Virgile)
  • 1997: K Barré * Cabaret / La Grande Gesture * Théâtre-Médieval / Les Gueux * Théâtre-Médieval / Égocide * Théâtre-Polier / Between Gers and Garonne * Son et Lumière / Scenes on the Théâtre-Classique Court
  • 1998: Rométte & Julio * Cabaret / Grandis-Fundus * Son et Lumière
  • 1999: Who lost Christmas? * Cabaret / My Gascogne * Théâtre-Conte
  • 2000: under the pavers? Prévert! * Cabaret / The Apocalypse was tomorrow … * Reading-choir-orchestra
  • 2001: one day of eternity * living shadows theater ( Commemoration of the 800th anniversary of the Flaran Abbey Foundation – 32 )
  • 2002: Small trades * Theater-contained
  • 2003: The path is life * theater-historic
  • 2003: The Marquis of the Golden Islands * Theater-Historic
  • 2004: I am a dog * tribute show ( According to Léo Ferré’s work ) / The night wheat * spectacle
  • 2005: The Forgotten Soldier * Theater-Historic / While waiting for Godasse 2 * Cabaret
  • 2007: Thus spoke our soldiers … * Théâtre-Historique / Nostradamouche * Théâtre-Historique
  • 2008: History (s) of women * Theater-historic / The trial of cagots * Theater-historic
  • 2009: The last night of Queen Margot * Théâtre-Historique / Le d’Artagnan des Mers * Théâtre-Historique
  • 2010: Once upon a time the Armagnac * Theater-contained
  • 2011: Peplum’s * Day of reconstitution of Roman life at IV It is century AD. J.-C.
  • 2005: The Labyrinth of the Templars * show-historic
  • 2006: Once upon a time life * spectacle
  • 2007: Gérard Magnac, the man who loved the flames * Show-biographical / viva Don Quixote! * Little spectacle / women … * Confédanse / The poet, the soldier and the philosopher * Confédanse
  • 2008: You play me! 1 * Social show – Contemporary dance
  • 2010: You play me! 2 * Social show – Contemporary dance
  • 1994: Les Olympiades * Sports and culture festival
  • 1997: Mr. Jasmin * Urban poetic festival
  • 1998: JODEL * Festival of Arts and Crafts
  • 1999: the vigiles * Themes of neighborhood / off-season * Doors-open for young artists
  • 2002: Lo Bon Henric * Correction and reception of Henry IV by the city of Cézan – 32
  • 2005: 7 days-7 villages * Thematic travel of arts and crafts
  • 2006: harvests * Cultural festival
  • 1993: animal revolt * comedy-musical
  • 1994: Arlequin and the color thief * Comedy-Musical
  • 1995: Mr. Montand 1 * Recital-biographical
  • 1996: Pouêt! Your papers ! * Recital-interactive
  • 1997: History of France in songs * recital-pedagogical
  • 1998: Croquenots and little feet * Comedy-Musical
  • 2001: in the time of Fernand * recital-historic
  • 2002: Sing love for me! * Recital-thematic
  • 2008: Brel, the torn man from the XX It is century * recital-historic
  • 2011: Mr. MONTAND 2 * Recital-biographical
  • 1993: one hundred and united the sailor / united to the universe / novel by Renart
  • 1994: The revolt of animals / bear and Ourzo / Wolf are you there?
  • 1995: Mother Mediterranean / Africa / Noëls / My bear to me
  • 1996: Pierre à Pierre / Barennes Tales / Europe / Cauchemars / Chez me, 6 It is Floor, door b …
  • 1997: The beings of my mill / mouse! / Insects / life / a beret in the stars / countries and peasants / hunting stories
  • 1998: Indians / Cosmogonies / Wonderful Gascon / The Moon / Love / Fêtard / Festivals of the World / At the bottom of the forests
  • 1999: Maupassant / Les Santons / South America / Berroï / Pistache has disappeared! / Conscripts
  • 2000: one hundred years of bladed / The wine / the book / Odysseus / Miam! / Pirlouette / Heaven! / A Compostela!
  • 2001: spells and witches! / The man who saw the man / adventures / the alchemist / star / canton of Condom
  • 2002: Pays de Bretagne / What the locality says / Madame La Nuit / In Vino Véritas
  • 2003: Tales at the Gardens / Noëls Gascons
  • 2011: When the animals spoke …
  • 1987: Exorcisms * Drawings Jacques Lusinier, ed. The polygraph
  • 1988: Sham * Photos Pierre Poras, ed. The polygraph
  • 1989: Moiz’eaux * Drawings Frédérique Nanjod, ed. The polygraph
  • 1996: History of a drop of water , ed. The polygraph
  • 2005: Blue , ed. The polygraph
  • 2006: Eroscopism * Poems, ed. The polygraph
  • 2007: Blue, white, red songs * Poems, ed. The polygraph
  • 2008: Q like … daily * Poems, ed. The polygraph
  • 1989 : L’adolescence
  • 1990: Bubbles and plates * History of comics / Nature * Slideshow
  • 1991: before and after Molière * History of theater / Life * Slideshow
  • 1992: space and time passing / the universe – the solar system – the earth / Spanish poets * slideshow
  • 1993: Atlantears to E.T. * History of alien / The tomorrows Radium * History of the Industrial Revolution / History of French poetry * 38 Modules / The epistolary novel
  • 1994: from the mute to the virtual * history of cinema / I duck * History of goose and duck
  • 1995: Never again! * History of the French Resistance / Les Templiers, grandeur and mysteries of an order / My history of song / The town in red and black * History of the town of 1871
  • 1996: If I was president? * History of presidents of the French Republic
  • 1997: Why school? * History of primary school / My language of oc * History of Occitan poetry
  • 1998: Peace and tolerance * of the Edict of Nantes at the O.N.U
  • 1999: The saber and the electron * The Egyptian campaign of Bonaparte / Who does the police? * History of the police from Vidocq to Prouteau / Surrealism in paintings * Slideshow
  • 2000: the peasant soul * History of the rural exodus 20 It is century / Surrealism and advertising
  • 2001: everyone knows … * for a community in the town
  • 2002: Victor Hugo Politics * The fights of his life
  • 2003: From Moses to Mozart * History of freedom / Romantic relationship
  • 2004: History of first names / La Vigne
  • 2005: Templars discovered America / Dance History
  • 2006: I salute my street to you! / The body in pieces-1 and 2 / body and records
  • 2007: The Laughter of Bergson / Theater History 2
  • 2008: Resistance and surrealism * Slideshow
  • 2009: free or die * slideshow
  • 2010: playful French
  • 2011: the disasters of the war by Francisco Goya * Slideshow
  • 1995: A history in 200 paintings * Expo-vox
  • 2000: If I was president … * Expox
  • 2008: Eroscopism * Expo-Vox
  • 1988/90: N.R.J and Europe 2 * pub, voice, imitations
  • 1999/00: R.D.M * “Lyrics of Gascons” cultural chronic + “speech is at the Gascons” meetings and interviews
  • 2001/02: Radio Val de Baïse * Tales and poems
  • 1988-1989: Bordeaux-Gironde * Cultural publication
  • 1991-1994: Alexandre * Poetic publication
  • 1995-1996: the link * cantonal newspaper
  • 1990: Oniris
  • 2000: The beauty and the Beast * Video-Awes
  • 2001/02: Billy the clip * Western-Video
  • 2002: The Pastonge Thief * Roman-photo
  • 2003: The love disorder / the last band * Video adaptation of Samuel Beckett’s work
  • 2004: The eaten heart * Video adaptation of the work of Jean-François Bladé

Movie theater [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Television [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 1990: unemployed who can! * Expression workshop with Guy Bertil job seekers
  • 1991: Recreation * Expression workshop with schoolchildren
  • 1992: Freedom! * Expression workshop with prisoners
  • 1992: generation 2000 * Expression workshop with cities children
  • 1993: today, today was tomorrow * expression workshop with elders
  • 1994: Remember … * Expression workshop with Alzheimer’s patients / If you are told … * Expression workshop with business leaders
  • 1995: Tales in ’ * 130 stories shows created with children
  • 2000: Seminars for nursing staff of Pierre Lafforgue, child psychiatrist
  • 2006: seminars for doctors
  • 2007: expression workshop for psychological medical center
  • 1995-2000: the poet’s pen; The evening nineteen; Unpredictable; The T.H.L ( Lectourois historical theater ) …
  • 1987-2011: Ha! Bush what do you want? ; Bush Closed; I walk ; repentant; The quatrain to sing; All these great idiots; sputum; all paths; raid raid red; Where are we going ?; the grasshopper and the ant ; CLOPTER; the walls ; The street dies; Red ending life; pro party; Paradise lost; the last time ; never forever ; They were three; so -called words; the cancer ; the little corner of wood; You Ghost Live; I love so much; The happiness of some….
  • 1993: Rosalinde * Scénario de B.D
  • 1996/1998: Reception and service union of initiative – Miradoux (32)
  • 1999: Game know! * Thinking
  • 2000: lotto quiz * Knowledge game / Pirlouette * B.D scenario
  • 2001: Elephant game * treasure hunt / j ’goose! * Track games with regional themed
  • 2002: Each their way * Discovery game of the paths of Compostela / Néma * B.D scenario
  • 2003: Armagnades * Off -to -air / animator (children – adolescents – adults), D.J and tourist guide for the Azureva group
  • 2004: Postcards * Various themes / Mini-Pépinières * Eco-citizen action for the reforestation of the Gers ( Pierre Boisseau concept ).
  • 2008: the forgotten soldier * B.D scenario
  • 2009: Autistic adolescent referents…
