ARLT (Groupe) — Wikipedia


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Group composition
Members Eloïse Decazes
Additional members Mocke
Thomas Bonvalet
Clément Verceletto

ARLT is a French pop rock and folk group, from Paris. The group releases four albums between 2010 and 2015, then pause, before returning with the album Sun fucked In 2019.

Duo made up of Eloïse Decazes on vocals and Sing Sing also on singing, but also on guitar, composition [ first ] , and the writing of all the group’s albums. They are frequently accompanied by Mocke, Thomas Bonvalet, Clément Vercelletto. In 2010, they released their album, Language , at the Almost Music and Socadisc labels [ 2 ] . Their first album also contains a traditional song, I would like to be married … . After two years without new album, the group announces a suite to Language . “Next almost written album. But only a written album is not yet an album. First you have to forget that it is written. There is no written album. We record an album which we forgot was written, “they explain [ 3 ] . Baptized Fire the figure , the second album, released in 2012, also at the Almost Music label [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] .


Later, in 2014, they released a third album, entitled Arlt and Thomas Bonvalet , always at the Almost Music label [ first ] . Regarding their label, which has supported them since their first album, the magazine Gonzaï Explains in his words: “Almost music is” almost music “, because Benjamin Caschera and Benjamin Fain-Robert, the two founders of the label, multiply the activities with underground activities exposed to the light by these two former to different [ first ] . The following year, 2015, attended the release of their fourth album, Deableries [ 5 ] .

In , after a four -year break [ 6 ] , the group releases their new album, Sun fucked , created by Sing Sing and Eloïse Decazes, at this time become a quartet [ 7 ] . They take out the single clip Flowers , made with the dancer Madeleine Fournier [ 7 ] . Regarding the album, Sing Sing explains that “this disc is haunted by the idea of ​​metamorphosis, especially musically. A song, even if it is repetitive, always starts on a mood and a color called to twist. When I speak of metamorphosis, I speak of metamorphosis in the virgilian sense of the term: I have the impression that love turns into fraternity and sorority, that the men and good women who sing become animals. Whenever I hear this disc, I have the impression of hearing the space of transformation of things [ 8 ] . The album is published with the Labels Object Disc and Music Walls, for the first time other than by the Almost Music label.

Albums studio [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • 2010: Language (Almost Music)
  • 2012: Fire the figure (Almost Music)
  • 2014: Arlt and Thomas Bonvalet (Almost Music)
  • 2015: Deableries (Almost Music)
  • 2019: Sun fucked (Disc object / music walls)
  • 2022: Turnetable (Disc object)
  1. A B and C Dorothée Caratini, Arlt | Almost music (and a little more) » , (consulted the ) .
  2. Vincent Arquillière, Arlt – Language | Critical » , on PopNews , (consulted the ) .
  3. a et b ChloroPhil, Arlt – fire the figure » , on PopNews , (consulted the ) .
  4. Mélanie Fazi, Disc chronic: arlt – fire the figure » , (consulted the ) .
  5. Mélanie Fazi, Disc column: Arlt – Arlt – Deableries » , (consulted the ) .
  6. Body, Music chronicles | With “Fucked Sun”, will you get back from the ugly rab of Arlt? | » , on , (consulted the ) .
  7. a et b Catherine Carette, Arlt reveals “Les Fleurs”, a sensitive and funny clip » , on , (consulted the ) .
  8. Arlt: “The titles seek and await their record.” » , on France Culture , (consulted the ) .
